# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from airflow.models import DAG from airflow.operators import ArmadaOperator from airflow.operators.subdag_operator import SubDagOperator # Location of shiyard.conf config_path = '/usr/local/airflow/plugins/shipyard.conf' # Names used for sub-subdags in the armada site deployment subdag CREATE_ARMADA_CLIENT_DAG_NAME = 'create_armada_client' GET_ARMADA_STATUS_DAG_NAME = 'armada_status' ARMADA_VALIDATE_DAG_NAME = 'armada_validate' ARMADA_APPLY_DAG_NAME = 'armada_apply' ARMADA_GET_RELEASES_DAG_NAME = 'armada_get_releases' def get_armada_subdag_step(parent_dag_name, child_dag_name, args): ''' Execute Armada Subdag ''' dag = DAG( '{}.{}'.format(parent_dag_name, child_dag_name), default_args=args) # Note that in the event where the 'deploy_site' Action is # triggered from Shipyard, the 'parent_dag_name' variable # gets assigned with 'deploy_site.create_armada_client'. # This is the name that we want to assign to the subdag so # that we can reference it for xcom. The name of the main # dag will be the front part of that value, i.e. 'deploy_site'. # Hence we will extract the front part and assign it to main_dag. # We will reuse this pattern for other Actions, e.g. update_site, # redeploy_site as well. operator = ArmadaOperator( task_id=child_dag_name, shipyard_conf=config_path, action=child_dag_name, main_dag_name=parent_dag_name[0:parent_dag_name.find('.')], sub_dag_name=parent_dag_name, dag=dag) return dag def deploy_site_armada(parent_dag_name, child_dag_name, args): ''' Puts into atomic unit ''' dag = DAG( '{}.{}'.format(parent_dag_name, child_dag_name), default_args=args) armada_client = SubDagOperator( subdag=get_armada_subdag_step(dag.dag_id, CREATE_ARMADA_CLIENT_DAG_NAME, args), task_id=CREATE_ARMADA_CLIENT_DAG_NAME, dag=dag) armada_status = SubDagOperator( subdag=get_armada_subdag_step(dag.dag_id, GET_ARMADA_STATUS_DAG_NAME, args), task_id=GET_ARMADA_STATUS_DAG_NAME, dag=dag) armada_validate = SubDagOperator( subdag=get_armada_subdag_step(dag.dag_id, ARMADA_VALIDATE_DAG_NAME, args), task_id=ARMADA_VALIDATE_DAG_NAME, dag=dag) armada_apply = SubDagOperator( subdag=get_armada_subdag_step(dag.dag_id, ARMADA_APPLY_DAG_NAME, args), task_id=ARMADA_APPLY_DAG_NAME, dag=dag) armada_get_releases = SubDagOperator( subdag=get_armada_subdag_step(dag.dag_id, ARMADA_GET_RELEASES_DAG_NAME, args), task_id=ARMADA_GET_RELEASES_DAG_NAME, dag=dag) # DAG Wiring armada_status.set_upstream(armada_client) armada_validate.set_upstream(armada_status) armada_apply.set_upstream(armada_validate) armada_get_releases.set_upstream(armada_apply) return dag