Gerrit User 27046 5047baa8a9 Update patch set 9
Patch-set: 9
2019-06-10 15:28:54 +00:00

511 lines
16 KiB

"comments": [
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"uuid": "bfb3d3c7_ca1d1f74",
"filename": "specs/approved/airshipctl.rst",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "nit: here and many other lines, should be consistently wrapped to make it readable on gerrit with default settings.",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Are there any specific ideas on implementing this? Should it be a single binary which is being extended during the compilation, or should it be more like a pluggable mechanism in kubectl [1]?\n\n[1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubectl/kubectl-plugins/",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Should we prefix all plugin specific configs to reduce ambiguity? E.g. with set-document-repository, set-document-clone-path, etc.",
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"filename": "specs/approved/airshipctl.rst",
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"author": {
"id": 27046
"writtenOn": "2019-06-10T15:28:54Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "IS there enough ambiguity that we would need to do that. LErts see how this evolves, maybe ther eis a need for somethign liek that. At teh moment I am not sure I can see it",
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"patchSetId": 9
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "nit: pegleg documentation refers to this file as \"site-definition.yaml\"",
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"filename": "specs/approved/airshipctl.rst",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Is this one-time command? Or is it idempotent and would allow me to run it as many times as I want? Should we implement erase-bootstrap to be able to bootstrap the cluster from scratch?",
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"filename": "specs/approved/airshipctl.rst",
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"author": {
"id": 7769
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T23:39:16Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Clearly this definition will evolve, but:\n\n- optional [phase] to target just one phase in the bootstrap process\n- determine whether bootstrap should try and orchestrate something like k3s itself or expect the user to have done that prior to bootstrap. Cost of embedding k3s (50MB) is really the k8s images (200MB). The installation outside of airship is rather simple: \n-- sudo k3s server \u0026\n-- # Kubeconfig is written to /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml\n-- sudo k3s kubectl get node\n- if we expect a pre-existing cluster, ephemeral or not, they will need to provide kubeconfig context for the ephemeral cluster cluster which may be separate from what is defined for the site\n- if this is effectively driving what clusterctl would do, presumably the yaml it needs is within the overall document set and we can find them (e.g. provider components, machines)\n- how will we know we need to insert things like baremetalnodes, as that is provider dependant, e.g. required for metal3-io but not for azure.",
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"writtenOn": "2019-06-10T15:28:54Z",
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"message": "Done",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
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"message": "nit: here and below are many trailing spaces.",
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"author": {
"id": 7769
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T23:39:16Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "is this equivalent to pegleg collect?",
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"author": {
"id": 27046
"writtenOn": "2019-06-10T15:28:54Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "I am thinking this is how you drive some of peglegs site functions like collect and render. I guess they could be explicit as well instead of wrap into this subcommand",
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"author": {
"id": 7769
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T23:39:16Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "I think we should consider making Armada documents simply proper CRDs so that there are only CRDs - even if we dont leverage an armada operator. Need to factor in how we can securely store them though like secrets, as they may contain passwords after bundling.",
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"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
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"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
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"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
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"author": {
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"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T23:39:16Z",
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"message": "What is the difference create and apply?",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
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"message": "Should probably run all types of validation by default, if no options specified.",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Looking at site authoring guide in treasuremap, creating a deployable reference document would require a lot of manual work from the user, this makes creating a skeleton of the Airship documents a negligible problem (considering they can be easily copied from an existing repo). Is it worth implementing it as this stage?",
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"author": {
"id": 7769
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T23:39:16Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "We may want to pay careful attention to the directory layout especially for bootstrapping, because it may be one of the ways we can signal to the bootstrap process what documents should be fed in during a clusterctl like process. In other words, what are the add-ons, what are the provider components, and so on - normally these are fed directly in as yaml snippets to the application where we need to find them in the larger airship document payload",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "I have the same question as for \"bootstrap\" is this command re-runnable, does it participate life cycle management of the site?",
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"author": {
"id": 8749
"writtenOn": "2019-05-21T18:44:06Z",
"side": 1,
"message": "Is this a warpper on top of Argo? Or is it only for managing the YAMLs and not for interacting with Argo?",
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