// Pipeline expects genesis to be setup according to the documentation // including networks, disks, ntp, ip rules, etc.. manually. // https://airship-treasuremap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/authoring_and_deployment.html#genesis-node // shared libaries used within the pipeline // https://github.com/att-comdev/cicd/blob/master/vars import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions; import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic import groovy.json.JsonOutput COLLECT_DIR = 'seaworthy' BUNDLE_DIR = 'bundle' KEYSTONE_URL = 'https://iam-sw.atlantafoundry.com' SHIPYARD_URL = 'https://shipyard-sw.atlantafoundry.com/api/v1.0' SHIPYARD_CREDS = 'seaworthy-shipyard-iam-pw' SITE_NAME='seaworthy' IPMI_CREDS = 'seaworthy-ipmi' GENESIS_IP = '' GENESIS_CREDS = 'seaworthy-key' GENESIS_IPMI_IP = '' GENESIS_CEPH_DISKS = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k'] IPMI_IPS = ['', '', '', '', ''] AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REPO = 'https://review.opendev.org/airship/treasuremap' if (env.GERRIT_REFSPEC) { AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REF = GERRIT_REFSPEC DISPLAY_NAME = GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE } else if (AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REF == 'uplift') { DISPLAY_NAME = 'uplift' } else { DISPLAY_NAME = "manual ${AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REF}" } currentBuild.displayName = "#${BUILD_NUMBER} ${DISPLAY_NAME}" //// git utils def clone(String ref){ def refspec = '' // override refspec if patchset provided if (ref.contains('refs')) { refspec = "${ref}:${ref}" } // base uplift on latest master if (ref == 'uplift') { ref = 'master' } checkout poll: false, scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: ref]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout']], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[refspec: refspec, url: AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REPO ]]] } //// bare-metal utils def reset_bare_metal = { stage ('Bare-Metal Reset') { withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: IPMI_CREDS, usernameVariable: 'IUSER', passwordVariable: 'IPASS')]) { def auth = redfish.getBasicAuth(IUSER, IPASS) // power cycle genesis redfish.powerOff(GENESIS_IPMI_IP, auth) redfish.powerOn(GENESIS_IPMI_IP, auth) // shutdown all other nodes IPMI_IPS.each() { redfish.powerOff(it, auth) } } } } //// manifest utils def pegleg_site_collect = { stage('Pegleg Site Collect') { configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'seaworthy-site-definition', targetLocation: 'site/seaworthy/site-definition.yaml')]) { } withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: 'jenkins-attcomdev-key', keyFileVariable: 'SSH_KEY', usernameVariable: 'SSH_USER')]) { sh "cp ${SSH_KEY} ssh-key" sh "sudo -E tools/airship pegleg site" + " -u ${SSH_USER}" + " -k /target/ssh-key" + " -r /target collect ${SITE_NAME}" + " -s /target/${COLLECT_DIR}" sh "sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu ${COLLECT_DIR}" } sh "tar czf ${COLLECT_DIR}.tar.gz ${COLLECT_DIR}" archiveArtifacts "${COLLECT_DIR}.tar.gz" } } def prom_config_gen = { stage ("Promenade Config Gen") { withEnv(['TERM_OPTS=-t']) { sh "mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_DIR}" sh "sudo -E tools/airship promenade build-all --validators" + " -o ${BUNDLE_DIR} /target/${COLLECT_DIR}/*.yaml" } sh "tar czf ${BUNDLE_DIR}.tar.gz ${BUNDLE_DIR}" archiveArtifacts "${BUNDLE_DIR}.tar.gz" } } //// genesis utils def genesis_cleanup = { stage('Genesis Cleanup') { dfiles = ['promenade', BUNDLE_DIR, "${BUNDLE_DIR}.tar.gz", SITE_NAME, 'seaworthy.tar.gz', 'debug-cab23-r720-11.tgz', '/var/lib/docker', '/var/lib/kubelet'] dfiles.each() { ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, "sudo rm -rf ${it}") } ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'git clone https://opendev.org/airship/promenade') ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'sudo -S promenade/tools/cleanup.sh -f') GENESIS_CEPH_DISKS.each() { ssh.cmd(GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, "sudo parted -s /dev/sd${it} mklabel gpt") } } } def debug_report = { ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'sudo debug-report.sh') ssh.get (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'debug-cab23-r720-11.tgz', '.') archiveArtifacts 'debug-cab23-r720-11.tgz' } def genesis_deploy = { stage('Genesis Deploy') { try { ssh.put(GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, "${BUNDLE_DIR}.tar.gz", '.') ssh.cmd(GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, "tar xvzf ${BUNDLE_DIR}.tar.gz") timeout (90) { ssh.cmd(GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, "sudo ${BUNDLE_DIR}/genesis.sh") // fixme: there is notable initial slowness likely due to coredns // going out of service and taking time to recover // this is a long time issue and needs to be taken look at retry(2) { ssh.cmd(GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, "sudo -S ${BUNDLE_DIR}/validate-genesis.sh") } } sleep 120 // wait for k8s to calm down } catch (err) { debug_report() error(err) } } } def shipyard_deploy = { action -> try { uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString() def req = keystone.retrieveToken(SHIPYARD_CREDS, KEYSTONE_URL) def token = req.getHeaders()["X-Subject-Token"][0] shipyard2.uploadConfig(uuid, token, SHIPYARD_URL, SITE_NAME) shipyard2.waitAction(action: action, uuid: uuid, shipyardUrl: SHIPYARD_URL, keystoneCreds: SHIPYARD_CREDS, keystoneUrl: KEYSTONE_URL) } catch (err) { print err debug_report() throw err } } //// uplift utils def uplift_versions = { stage('Uplift Versions') { sh 'sudo apt-get install python3-yaml python3-git -y' def cmd = 'tools/updater.py --in-file global/software/config/versions.yaml --tag-filter ubuntu_xenial' if (!UPLIFT_BLACKLIST.isEmpty()) { cmd += " --skip ${UPLIFT_BLACKLIST}" } sh cmd sh 'git diff' } } def uplift_review = { withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: 'jenkins-uplifter-key', keyFileVariable: 'SSH_KEY', usernameVariable: 'SSH_USER')]) { sh 'sudo apt-get install git-review -y' sh "cp ${SSH_KEY} ~/.ssh/id_rsa" sh "ssh-keyscan -p 29418 review.opendev.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts" sh "git clone ssh://${SSH_USER}@review.opendev.org:29418/airship/treasuremap" sh "scp -p -P 29418 ${SSH_USER}@review.opendev.org:hooks/commit-msg treasuremap/.git/hooks/" sh "cp global/software/config/versions.yaml treasuremap/global/software/config/versions.yaml" dir ('treasuremap') { sh "git config --global user.name 'Jenkins Uplifter'" sh "git config --global user.email ${SSH_USER}@gmail.com" sh "git config --global gitreview.username ${SSH_USER}" sh 'git checkout -b versions/uplift' sh 'git add global/software/config/versions.yaml' sh 'git status' sh 'git commit -m "Auto chart/image uplift to latest"' sh 'git review -s' sh 'git review' } } } //// test utils def sanity_tests = { stage('Sanity Tests') { sh 'sudo apt-get install nmap -y' withEnv(['TERM_OPTS=-i', 'OSH_EXT_SUBNET=', 'OSH_BR_EX_ADDR=', 'OSH_KEYSTONE_URL=https://identity-sw.atlantafoundry.com/v3', 'OSH_REGION_NAME=seaworthy', 'OSH_ADMIN_PASSWD=password123']) { sh 'tools/tests.sh' } } } //// main flow vm(image: 'ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64', timeout: 360, publicNet: 'foundry', buildType: 'flat', initScript: 'cloud-config', artifactoryLogs: ARTIFACTORY_LOGS.toBoolean()) { // wait and make sure genesis is up ssh.wait (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'hostname') // disable docker/kubelet services // this is done to be able to properly cleanup genesis after reboot ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'sudo systemctl disable kubelet') ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'sudo systemctl disable docker') ssh.cmd (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'sudo touch /forcefsck') reset_bare_metal() sh 'sudo apt-get update' sh 'sudo apt-get install docker.io -y' clone(AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REF) // use updater tool to pull latest charts/images if (AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REF == 'uplift') { uplift_versions() } pegleg_site_collect() prom_config_gen() stage ('Genesis Wait') { ssh.wait (GENESIS_CREDS, GENESIS_IP, 'hostname') } genesis_cleanup() genesis_deploy() timeout(240) { shipyard_deploy('deploy_site') } sanity_tests() if (AIRSHIP_MANIFESTS_REF == 'uplift') { uplift_review() } }