apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization namespace: rook-ceph # Rook CephCluster Custom Resource along with recommended additions. resources: - ceph-conf.yaml - upstream/cluster.yaml - upstream/toolbox.yaml # Functions for select Rook Ceph Resources. These resources are # independent and can be commented out on an individual basis. - ../../function/rook-cluster/pools - ../../function/rook-cluster/cephfs - ../../function/rook-cluster/dashboard/http - ../../function/rook-cluster/storageclasses # Resource customizations patchesJSON6902: - target: kind: CephCluster name: rook-ceph patch: |- - op: replace path: /metadata/name value: ceph - op: replace path: /spec/dashboard/enabled value: true - op: replace path: /spec/dashboard/ssl value: true # If you enable ssl for the dashboard, don't forget # to enable the patch below - target: kind: Service name: rook-ceph-mgr-dashboard patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/ports value: - name: dashboard port: 8443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8443 patches: - |- apiVersion: ceph.rook.io/v1 kind: CephCluster metadata: name: rook-ceph namespace: rook-ceph spec: network: provider: host