- op: add path: "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/files/-" value: path: /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf content: | ! Configuration File for keepalived global_defs { } vrrp_instance KUBERNETES { state BACKUP interface REPLACEMENT_INTERFACE_1 virtual_router_id 101 priority 101 advert_int 1 virtual_ipaddress { REPLACEMENT_VIP_1 } } vrrp_instance INGRESS { state BACKUP interface REPLACEMENT_INTERFACE_2 virtual_router_id 102 priority 102 advert_int 1 virtual_ipaddress { REPLACEMENT_VIP_2 } } - op: add path: "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/preKubeadmCommands/-" value: # Please note the a list of string get appended.It is better to # add one item at a time using op: add systemctl enable --now keepalived - op: add path: "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/preKubeadmCommands/-" value: systemctl restart keepalived