This reverts commit 649ee05f9516d7eb458c6f2b626d87e909084e74. Additionally pinning the horizon to a prior tested version Change-Id: I8bc0b226110c06be2529f65ffad79d45bed7f16b
Treasuremap contains scripts to aid developers and automation of Airship. These tools are found in ./treasuremap/tools/deployment
Setup and Use
First time, and only needed once per node, ./setup_gate.sh will prepare the node for use by setting up the necessary users, virsh and some dependencies.
gate.sh is the starting point to run each of the named gates, found in ./airship_gate/manifests, e.g.:
$ ./gate.sh multinode_deploy
where the argument for the gate.sh script is the filename of the json file in ./airship_gate/manifests without the json extension. if you run the script without any arguments:
$ ./gate.sh
then it will by default stand up a four-node Airship cluster.
If you'd like to bring your own manifest to drive the framework, you can set and export the GATE_MANIFEST env var prior to running gate.sh
Each of the defined manifests used for the gate defines a virtual machine configuration, and the steps to run as part of that gate. Additional information found in each file is a configuration that targets a particular set of Airship site configurations, which in some of the provided manifests are found in the deployment_files/site directory.
Other Utilities
Several useful utilities are found in ./airship_gate/bin to facilitate interactions with the VMs created. These commands are effectively wrapped scripts providing the functionality of the utility they wrap, but also incorporating the necessary identifying information needed for a particular run of a gate. E.g.:
$ ./airship_gate/bin/ssh.sh n0
Writing Manifests
Custom manifests can be used to drive this framework with testing outside the default virtual site deployment scenario. Here is some information on how to create a manifest to define custom network or VM configuration or run a custom stage pipeline. Manifest files are written in JSON and the documentation below will use dotted JSON paths when describing structure. Unless the root is otherwise defined, assume it is from the document root.
Network Configuration
The .networking
key defines the network topology of the
site. Each subkey is the name of a network. Under each network name is a
semi-recursive stanza defining the layer 2 and layer 3 attributes of the
- {
"roles": ['string'], "layer2": { "mtu": integer, "address": 'mac_address' }, "layer3": { "cidr": "CIDR", "address": "ip_address", "gateway": "ip_address", "routing": { "mode": "nat" } }
- {
- "layer2": {
"mtu": integer, "vlans": { "integer": { "layer2":..., "layer3":... }, "integer": { "layer2":..., "layer3":... } }
- roles - These strings are used to select the correct network for internal gate functions - supported: "ssh", "dns", "bgp"
- layer2 - Define Layer 2 attributes
- layer3 - Valid if the
attribute is NOT defining VLANs, then define Layer 3 attributes.
Disk Layouts
The .disk_layouts
key defines the various disk layouts
that can be assigned to VMs being built. Each named layout key then
defines one or more block devices that will be created as file-backed
- {
- "simple": {
- "vda": {
"size": 30, "io_profile": "fast", "bootstrap": true
}, "multi": { "vda": { "size": 15, "io_profile": "fast", "bootstrap": true }, "vdb": { "size": 15, "io_profile": "fast", "format": {"type": "ext4", "mountpoint": "/var"} } }
- size - Size of the volume in gigabytes
- io_profile - One of the below I/O configurations
- fast - In the case of a VM disruption, synchronous I/O may be lost. Better throughput.
- safe - Synchronous I/O fully written to disk, slower throughput.
- unsafe - Host are caching all disk IO, and sync requests from VM are ignored. Max performance.
- bootstrap - For VMs that are bootstrapped by the framework, not Airship, use this disk
- format - For VMs that are bootstrapped by the framework, describe how the disk should be formatted and mounted when desired.
- type - Filesystem type (e.g. 'xfs' or 'ext4')
- mountpoint - Path to mountpoint
VM Configuration
Under the .vm
key is a mapping of all the VMs that will
be created via virt-install. This can be a mix of VMs that are
bootstrapped via virsh/cloud-init and those deployed via Airship. Each
key is the name of a VM and value is a JSON object:
- {
"memory": integer, "vcpus": integer, "sockets": integer, "threads": integer, "disk_layout": "simple", "cpu_mode": "host-passthrough", "networking": { "ens3": { "mac": "52:54:00:00:be:31", "model": "e1000", "pci": { "slot": 3, "port": 0 }, "attachment": { "network": "pxe" } }, "addresses": { "pxe": { "ip": "" } } }, "bootstrap": true, "cpu_cells": { "cell0": { "cpus": "0-11", "memory": "25165824" }, "cell1": { "cpus": "12-23", "memory": "25165824" } }, "userdata": "packages: [docker.io]"
- memory - VM RAM in megabytes
- vcpus - Number of VM CPUs
- sockets - Number of sockets. (Optional)
- threads - Number of threads. (Optional)
* disk_layout - A disk profile for the VM matching one defined under
* bootstrap - True/False for whether the framework should bootstrap the VM's OS * cpu_cells - Parameter to setup NUMA nodes and allocate RAM memory. (Optional) * cpu_mode - CPU mode for the VM. (if not specified, default: host) * userdata - Cloud-init userdata to feed the VM when bootstrapped for further customization * networking - Network attachment and addressing configuration. Every key butaddresses
is assumed to be a desired NIC on the VM. For each NIC stanza, the following fields are respected:
- mac - A MAC address for the NIC
- model - A model for the NIC (if not specified, default: virtio)
- pci - A JSON object specifying
specifying the PCI address for the NIC- attachment - What network from
is attached to this NICThe
key specifies the IP address for each layer 3 network that the VM is attached to.
Stage Pipeline
External Access