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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package ipam
import (
vinov1 "vino/pkg/api/v1"
// Ipam provides IPAM reservation, backed by IPPool CRs
type Ipam struct {
Log logr.Logger
Scheme *runtime.Scheme
Client client.Client
ippools map[string]*vinov1.IPPoolSpec
// NewIpam initializes an empty IPAM configuration.
// TODO: persist and refresh state from the API server
// TODO: add ability to remove IP addresses and ranges
func NewIpam() *Ipam {
ippools := make(map[string]*vinov1.IPPoolSpec)
return &Ipam{
ippools: ippools,
// Create a new Range, validating its input
func NewRange(start string, stop string) (vinov1.Range, error) {
r := vinov1.Range{Start: start, Stop: stop}
a, e := ipStringToInt(start)
if e != nil {
return vinov1.Range{}, e
b, e := ipStringToInt(stop)
if e != nil {
return vinov1.Range{}, e
if b < a {
return vinov1.Range{}, ErrSubnetRangeInvalid{r}
return r, nil
// AddSubnetRange adds a range within a subnet for IP allocation
// TODO error: range overlaps with existing range or subnet overlaps with existing subnet
// TODO error: invalid range for subnet
func (i *Ipam) AddSubnetRange(subnet string, subnetRange vinov1.Range) error {
// Does the subnet already exist? (this is fine)
ippool, exists := i.ippools[subnet]
if !exists {
ippool = &vinov1.IPPoolSpec{
Subnet: subnet,
Ranges: []vinov1.Range{subnetRange},
AllocatedIPs: []string{},
i.ippools[subnet] = ippool
} else {
// Does the subnet's requested range already exist? (this should fail)
exists = false
for _, r := range ippool.Ranges {
if r == subnetRange {
exists = true
if exists {
return ErrSubnetRangeOverlapsWithExistingRange{Subnet: subnet, SubnetRange: subnetRange}
ippool.Ranges = append(ippool.Ranges, subnetRange)
return nil
// AllocateIP allocates an IP from a range and return it
func (i *Ipam) AllocateIP(subnet string, subnetRange vinov1.Range) (string, error) {
// NOTE/TODO: this is not threadsafe, which is fine because
// the final impl will use the api server as the backend, not local.
ippool, exists := i.ippools[subnet]
if !exists {
return "", ErrSubnetNotAllocated{Subnet: subnet}
// Make sure the range has been allocated within the subnet
var match bool
for _, r := range ippool.Ranges {
if r == subnetRange {
match = true
if !match {
return "", ErrSubnetRangeNotAllocated{Subnet: subnet, SubnetRange: subnetRange}
ip, err := findFreeIPInRange(ippool, subnetRange)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ippool.AllocatedIPs = append(ippool.AllocatedIPs, ip)
return ip, nil
// This converts IP ranges/addresses into iterable ints,
// steps through them looking for one that that is not already
// in use, converts it back to a string and returns it.
// It does not itself add it to the list of assigned IPs.
func findFreeIPInRange(ippool *vinov1.IPPoolSpec, subnetRange vinov1.Range) (string, error) {
allocatedIPSet := sliceToMap(ippool.AllocatedIPs)
intToString := intToIPv4String
if strings.Contains(ippool.Subnet, ":") {
intToString = intToIPv6String
// Step through the range looking for free IPs
start, err := ipStringToInt(subnetRange.Start)
if err != nil {
return "", err
stop, err := ipStringToInt(subnetRange.Stop)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for ip := start; ip <= stop; ip++ {
_, in := allocatedIPSet[intToString(ip)]
if !in {
// Found an unallocated IP
return intToString(ip), nil
return "", ErrSubnetRangeExhausted{ippool.Subnet, subnetRange}
// Create a map[string]struct{} representation of a string slice,
// for efficient set lookups
func sliceToMap(slice []string) map[string]struct{} {
m := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, s := range slice {
m[s] = struct{}{}
return m
// Convert an IPV4 or IPV6 address string to an easily iterable uint64.
// For IPV4 addresses, this captures the full address (padding the MSB with 0's)
// For IPV6 addresses, this captures the most significant 8 bytes,
// and excludes the 8-byte interface identifier.
func ipStringToInt(ipString string) (uint64, error) {
ip := net.ParseIP(ipString)
if ip == nil {
return 0, ErrInvalidIPAddress{ipString}
var bytes []byte
if ip.To4() != nil {
// IPv4
bytes = append(make([]byte, 4), ip.To4()...)
} else {
// IPv6
bytes = ip.To16()[:8]
return byteArrayToInt(bytes), nil
func intToIPv4String(i uint64) string {
bytes := intToByteArray(i)
ip := net.IPv4(bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7])
return ip.String()
func intToIPv6String(i uint64) string {
// Pad with 8 more bytes of zeros on the right for the hosts's interface,
// which will not be determined by IPAM.
bytes := append(intToByteArray(i), make([]byte, 8)...)
var ip net.IP = bytes
return ip.String()
// Convert an uint64 into 8 bytes, with most significant byte first
// Based on
func intToByteArray(num uint64) []byte {
size := 8
arr := make([]byte, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
byt := *(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&num)) + uintptr(i)))
arr[size-i-1] = byt
return arr
// Convert an 8-byte array to an uint64
// Based on
func byteArrayToInt(arr []byte) uint64 {
val := uint64(0)
size := 8
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&val)) + uintptr(size-i-1))) = arr[i]
return val