44 lines
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44 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Weisen Pan
# Load necessary modules and dependencies
source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
module load gcc/11.2.0
module load openmpi/4.1.3
module load cuda/11.5/11.5.2
module load cudnn/8.3/8.3.3
module load nccl/2.11/2.11.4-1
module load python/3.10/3.10.4
# Activate the Python environment
source ~/venv/pytorch1.11+horovod/bin/activate
# Configure log directory and clean up any existing records
rm -rf ${OUTPUT_LOG_DIR}
mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_LOG_DIR}
# Copy dataset to local directory for processing
cp -r ../summit2024/simpleFL/performance_test/cifar100/data ${LOCAL_DATA_PATH}
# Switch to the working directory containing the training scripts
cd EdgeFLite
# Run the training script with specified settings for federated learning
python run_gkt.py \
--is_fed=1 \ # Enable federated learning mode
--fixed_cluster=0 \ # Use dynamic clustering
--split_factor=1 \ # Split factor for distributed computation
--num_clusters=20 \ # Number of clusters to create
--num_selected=20 \ # Number of selected clients per round
--arch="wide_resnet16_8" \ # Architecture to use (Wide ResNet-16-8)
--dataset="cifar10" \ # Dataset to use (CIFAR-10)
--num_classes=10 \ # Number of classes in the dataset
--is_single_branch=0 \ # Disable single branch training mode
--is_amp=0 \ # Disable automatic mixed precision
--num_rounds=300 \ # Number of communication rounds
--fed_epochs=1 \ # Number of local epochs for each client per round
--spid="fedgkt_wrn168_split1_cifar10_20clients_20choose_300rounds" \ # Unique ID for the experiment
--data=${LOCAL_DATA_PATH} # Local path to the dataset