Update cppcheck plugin

- update cppcheck plugin to use convert xml
- update cppcheck plugin docstring
- add plugin="cppcheck" attribute
- add new parameters for cppcheck plugin
- update test cases

Change-Id: Id17f4fb082eff1ed9266f98454f1e1df2bcaca7f
This commit is contained in:
Dong Ma 2016-09-27 11:06:13 -07:00
parent b56481cf8c
commit 3a226228b5
5 changed files with 170 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -2081,65 +2081,122 @@ def cppcheck(registry, xml_parent, data):
Cppcheck result publisher
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Cppcheck Plugin <Cppcheck+Plugin>`.
:arg str pattern: file pattern for cppcheck xml report
:arg str pattern: File pattern for cppcheck xml report (required)
:arg bool ignoreblankfiles: Ignore blank files (default false)
:arg bool allow-no-report: Do not fail the build if the Cppcheck report
is not found (default false)
:arg dict thresholds:
:thresholds: Configure the build status and health. A build is
considered as unstable or failure if the new or total number
of issues exceeds the specified thresholds. The build health
is also determined by thresholds. If the actual number of issues
is between the provided thresholds, then the build health is
* **unstable** (`str`): Total number unstable threshold (default '')
* **new-unstable** (`str`): New number unstable threshold (default '')
* **failure** (`str`): Total number failure threshold (default '')
* **new-failure** (`str`): New number failure threshold (default '')
* **healthy** (`str`): Healthy threshold (default '')
* **unhealthy** (`str`): Unhealthy threshold (default '')
:arg dict severity:
:severity: Determines which severity of issues should be considered
when evaluating the build status and health, default all true
* **error** (`bool`): Severity error (default true)
* **warning** (`bool`): Severity warning (default true)
* **style** (`bool`): Severity style (default true)
* **performance** (`bool`): Severity performance (default true)
* **information** (`bool`): Severity information (default true)
* **nocategory** (`bool`): Severity nocategory (default true)
* **portability** (`bool`): Severity portability (default true)
:arg dict graph:
:graph: Graph configuration
* **xysize** (`array`): Chart width and height (default [500, 200])
* **num-builds-in-graph** (`int`): Builds number in graph (default 0)
:arg dict display
:display: which errors to display, default only sum
* **sum** (`bool`): Display sum of all issues (default true)
* **error** (`bool`): Display errors (default false)
* **warning** (`bool`): Display warnings (default false)
* **style** (`bool`): Display style (default false)
* **performance** (`bool`): Display performance (default false)
* **information** (`bool`): Display information (default false)
* **nocategory** (`bool`): Display no category (default false)
* **portability** (`bool`): Display portability (default false)
for more optional parameters see the example
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/publishers/fixtures/cppcheck001.yaml
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
cppextbase = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
cppextbase.set('plugin', 'cppcheck')
cppext = XML.SubElement(cppextbase, 'cppcheckConfig')
XML.SubElement(cppext, 'pattern').text = data['pattern']
XML.SubElement(cppext, 'ignoreBlankFiles').text = \
str(data.get('ignoreblankfiles', False)).lower()
mappings = [
('pattern', 'pattern', None),
('ignoreblankfiles', 'ignoreBlankFiles', False),
('allow-no-report', 'allowNoReport', False)
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(cppext, data, mappings, fail_required=True)
csev = XML.SubElement(cppext, 'configSeverityEvaluation')
thrsh = data.get('thresholds', {})
XML.SubElement(csev, 'threshold').text = str(thrsh.get('unstable', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'newThreshold').text = \
str(thrsh.get('new-unstable', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'failureThreshold').text = \
str(thrsh.get('failure', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'newFailureThreshold').text = \
str(thrsh.get('new-failure', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'healthy').text = str(thrsh.get('healthy', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'unHealthy').text = str(thrsh.get('unhealthy', ''))
thrsh_mappings = [
('unstable', 'threshold', ''),
('new-unstable', 'newThreshold', ''),
('failure', 'failureThreshold', ''),
('new-failure', 'newFailureThreshold', ''),
('healthy', 'healthy', ''),
('unhealthy', 'unHealthy', '')
csev, thrsh, thrsh_mappings, fail_required=True)
sev = thrsh.get('severity', {})
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityError').text = \
str(sev.get('error', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityWarning').text = \
str(sev.get('warning', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityStyle').text = \
str(sev.get('style', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityPerformance').text = \
str(sev.get('performance', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityInformation').text = \
str(sev.get('information', True)).lower()
sev_mappings = [
('error', 'severityError', True),
('warning', 'severityWarning', True),
('style', 'severityStyle', True),
('performance', 'severityPerformance', True),
('information', 'severityInformation', True),
('nocategory', 'severityNoCategory', True),
('portability', 'severityPortability', True)
csev, sev, sev_mappings, fail_required=True)
graph = data.get('graph', {})
cgraph = XML.SubElement(cppext, 'configGraph')
x, y = graph.get('xysize', [500, 200])
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'xSize').text = str(x)
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'ySize').text = str(y)
graph_mapping = [
('num-builds-in-graph', 'numBuildsInGraph', 0)
cgraph, graph, graph_mapping, fail_required=True)
gdisplay = graph.get('display', {})
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayAllErrors').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('sum', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayErrorSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('error', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayWarningSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('warning', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayStyleSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('style', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayPerformanceSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('performance', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayInformationSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('information', False)).lower()
gdisplay_mappings = [
('sum', 'displayAllErrors', True),
('error', 'displayErrorSeverity', False),
('warning', 'displayWarningSeverity', False),
('style', 'displayStyleSeverity', False),
('performance', 'displayPerformanceSeverity', False),
('information', 'displayInformationSeverity', False),
('nocategory', 'displayNoCategorySeverity', False),
('portability', 'displayPortabilitySeverity', False)
cgraph, gdisplay, gdisplay_mappings, fail_required=True)
def logparser(registry, xml_parent, data):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckPublisher plugin="cppcheck">

View File

@ -2,20 +2,35 @@ publishers:
- cppcheck:
pattern: "**/cppcheck.xml"
# the rest is optional
ignoreblankfiles: true
allow-no-report: true
# build status (new) error count thresholds
unstable: 5
new-unstable: 5
failure: 7
new-failure: 3
healthy: 5
unhealthy: 10
# severities which count towards the threshold, default all true
error: true
warning: true
error: false
warning: false
style: false
performance: false
information: false
nocategory: false
portability: false
xysize: [500, 200]
xysize: [600, 300]
num-builds-in-graph: 10
# which errors to display, default only sum
sum: false
error: true
warning: true
style: true
performance: true
information: true
nocategory: true
portability: true

View File

@ -1,32 +1,38 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckPublisher plugin="cppcheck">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- cppcheck:
pattern: "**/cppcheck.xml"