Merge "Add support for http request plugin"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2016-05-16 14:14:57 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit dc5a217777
5 changed files with 187 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -692,6 +692,127 @@ def builders_from(parser, xml_parent, data):
XML.SubElement(pbs, 'projectName').text = data
def http_request(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: http-request
This plugin sends a http request to an url with some parameters.
Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`HTTP Request Plugin
:arg str url: Specify an URL to be requested (required)
:arg str mode: The http mode of the request (default GET)
:mode values:
* **GET**
* **POST**
* **PUT**
* **DELETE**
* **HEAD**
:arg str content-type: Add 'Content-type: foo' HTTP request headers
where foo is the http content-type the request is using.
(default: NOT_SET)
:arg str accept-type: Add 'Accept: foo' HTTP request headers
where foo is the http content-type to accept (default: NOT_SET)
:content-type and accept-type values:
* **NOT_SET**
:arg str output-file: Name of the file in which to write response data
(default: '')
:arg int time-out: Specify a timeout value in seconds (default: 0)
:arg bool console-log: This allows you to turn off writing the response
body to the log (default: False)
:arg bool pass-build: Should build parameters be passed to the URL
being called (default: False)
:arg str valid-response-codes: Configure response code to mark an
execution as success. You can configure simple code such as "200"
or multiple codes separeted by comma(',') e.g. "200,404,500"
Interval of codes should be in format From:To e.g. "100:399".
The default (as if empty) is to fail to 4xx and 5xx.
That means success from 100 to 399 "100:399"
To ignore any response code use "100:599". (default: '')
:arg str valid-response-content: If set response must contain this string
to mark an execution as success (default: '')
:arg str authentication-key: Authentication that will be used before this
request. Authentications are created in global configuration under a
key name that is selected here.
:arg list custom-headers: list of header parameters
* **name** (`str`) -- Name of the header
* **value** (`str`) -- Value of the header
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/http-request-minimal.yaml
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude::
:language: yaml
http_request = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
http_request.set('plugin', 'http_request')
valid_modes = ['GET',
valid_types = ['NOT_SET',
if data.get('mode', valid_modes[0]) not in valid_modes:
raise InvalidAttributeError('mode', data.get('mode'), valid_modes)
if data.get('content-type', valid_types[0]) not in valid_types:
raise InvalidAttributeError('content-type',
if data.get('accept-type', valid_types[0]) not in valid_types:
raise InvalidAttributeError('accept-type',
mappings = [
('url', 'url', None),
('mode', 'httpMode', 'GET'),
('content-type', 'contentType', 'NOT_SET'),
('accept-type', 'acceptType', 'NOT_SET'),
('output-file', 'outputFile', ''),
('console-log', 'consoleLogResponseBody', False),
('pass-build', 'passBuildParameters', False),
('time-out', 'timeout', 0),
('valid-response-codes', 'validResponseCodes', ''),
('valid-response-content', 'validResponseContent', '')]
convert_mapping_to_xml(http_request, data, mappings, fail_required=True)
if 'authentication-key' in data:
http_request, 'authentication').text = data['authentication-key']
if 'custom-headers' in data:
customHeader = XML.SubElement(http_request, 'customHeaders')
header_mappings = [
('name', 'name', None),
('value', 'value', None)
for customhead in data['custom-headers']:
pair = XML.SubElement(customHeader, 'pair')
def inject(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: inject
Inject an environment for the job.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jenkins.plugins.http__request.HttpRequest plugin="http_request">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
- http-request:
mode: POST
pass-build: true
content-type: TEXT_HTML
accept-type: TEXT_HTML
output-file: response_file.txt
authentication-key: authenticationkey
console-log: true
time-out: 10
valid-response-codes: 100:399
valid-response-content: foo
- name: header
value: value
- name: header2
value: value2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jenkins.plugins.http__request.HttpRequest plugin="http_request">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- http-request: