# https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2006254 # Bug introduced when added support for rendering Jinja template - job: name: gluster-csi-containers node: fedora disabled: true description: Build gluster-sci containers and push it to dockerhub project-type: freestyle concurrent: true scm: - git: basedir: go/src/github.com/gluster/gluster-csi-driver url: https://github.com/gluster/gluster-csi-driver.git branches: - master # properties: # - discard-after-x: # x: 10 # - one-build-per-node triggers: - timed: "H 14 * * *" builders: - shell: !include-raw-escape: regression-2006254.inc parameters: - bool: default: true description: Push to Docker Hub name: PUSH_TO_HUB wrappers: - timestamps - credentials-binding: - file: credential-id: xxx variable: AUTH_JSON - timeout: timeout: 30 abort: true type: absolute