# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ The Parameters module allows you to specify build parameters for a job. **Component**: parameters :Macro: parameter :Entry Point: jenkins_jobs.parameters Example:: job: name: test_job parameters: - string: name: FOO default: bar description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'." """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException from jenkins_jobs.errors import MissingAttributeError from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError import jenkins_jobs.modules.base from jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers import copyartifact_build_selector def base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, do_default, ptype): pdef = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, ptype) XML.SubElement(pdef, 'name').text = data['name'] XML.SubElement(pdef, 'description').text = data.get('description', '') if do_default: default = data.get('default', None) if default: XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue').text = default else: XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue') return pdef def string_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: string A string parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - string: name: FOO default: bar description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'." """ base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition') def password_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: password A password parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - password: name: FOO default: 1HSC0Ts6E161FysGf+e1xasgsHkgleLh09JUTYnipPvw= description: "A parameter named FOO." """ base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'hudson.model.PasswordParameterDefinition') def bool_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: bool A boolean parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - bool: name: FOO default: false description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'false'." """ data['default'] = str(data.get('default', False)).lower() base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'hudson.model.BooleanParameterDefinition') def file_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: file A file parameter. :arg str name: the target location for the file upload :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - file: name: test.txt description: "Upload test.txt." """ base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'hudson.model.FileParameterDefinition') def text_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: text A text parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - text: name: FOO default: bar description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'." """ base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'hudson.model.TextParameterDefinition') def label_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: label A node label parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - label: name: node default: precise description: "The node on which to run the job" """ base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.' 'LabelParameterDefinition') def node_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: node Defines a list of nodes where this job could potentially be executed on. Restrict where this project can be run, If your using a node or label parameter to run your job on a particular node, you should not use the option "Restrict where this project can be run" in the job configuration - it will not have any effect to the selection of your node anymore! :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg list default-slaves: The nodes used when job gets triggered by anything else other than manually :arg list allowed-slaves: The nodes available for selection when job gets triggered manually. Empty means 'All'. :arg bool ignore-offline-nodes: Ignore nodes not online or not having executors (default false) :arg bool allowed-multiselect: Allow multi node selection for concurrent builds - this option only makes sense (and must be selected!) in case the job is configured with: "Execute concurrent builds if necessary". With this configuration the build will be executed on all the selected nodes in parallel. (default false) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/node-param001.yaml :language: yaml """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.' 'NodeParameterDefinition') default = XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultSlaves') if 'default-slaves' in data: for slave in data['default-slaves']: XML.SubElement(default, 'string').text = slave allowed = XML.SubElement(pdef, 'allowedSlaves') if 'allowed-slaves' in data: for slave in data['allowed-slaves']: XML.SubElement(allowed, 'string').text = slave XML.SubElement(pdef, 'ignoreOfflineNodes').text = str( data.get('ignore-offline-nodes', False)).lower() if data.get('allowed-multiselect', False): XML.SubElement(pdef, 'triggerIfResult').text = \ 'allowMultiSelectionForConcurrentBuilds' else: XML.SubElement(pdef, 'triggerIfResult').text = \ 'multiSelectionDisallowed' XML.SubElement(pdef, 'allowMultiNodeSelection').text = str( data.get('allowed-multiselect', False)).lower() XML.SubElement(pdef, 'triggerConcurrentBuilds').text = str( data.get('allowed-multiselect', False)).lower() def choice_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: choice A single selection parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg list choices: the available choices :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example:: parameters: - choice: name: project choices: - nova - glance description: "On which project to run?" """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition') choices = XML.SubElement(pdef, 'choices', {'class': 'java.util.Arrays$ArrayList'}) a = XML.SubElement(choices, 'a', {'class': 'string-array'}) for choice in data['choices']: XML.SubElement(a, 'string').text = choice def run_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: run A run parameter. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str project-name: the name of job from which the user can pick runs :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/run-param001.yaml :language: yaml """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'hudson.model.RunParameterDefinition') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'projectName').text = data['project-name'] def extended_choice_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: extended-choice Creates an extended choice parameter where values can be read from a file Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Extended Choice Parameter Plugin `. :arg str name: name of the parameter :arg str description: description of the parameter (optional, default '') :arg str property-file: location of property file to read from (optional, default '') :arg str property-key: key for the property-file (optional, default '') :arg bool quote-value: whether to put quotes around the property when passing to Jenkins (optional, default false) :arg str visible-items: number of items to show in the list (optional, default 5) :arg str type: type of select, can be single-select, multi-select, radio, checkbox or textbox (optional, default single-select) :arg str value: comma separated list of values for the single select or multi-select box (optional, default '') :arg str default-value: used to set the initial selection of the single-select or multi-select box (optional, default '') :arg str default-property-file: location of property file when default value needs to come from a property file (optional, default '') :arg str default-property-key: key for the default property file (optional, default '') :arg str multi-select-delimiter: value between selections when the parameter is a multi-select (optiona, default ',') Example: .. literalinclude:: \ /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/extended-choice-param001.yaml :language: yaml """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'com.cwctravel.hudson.plugins.' 'extended__choice__parameter.' 'ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'value').text = data.get('value', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'visibleItemCount').text = str(data.get( 'visible-items', data.get('visible-item-count', 5))) XML.SubElement(pdef, 'multiSelectDelimiter').text = data.get( 'multi-select-delimiter', ',') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'quoteValue').text = str(data.get('quote-value', False)).lower() XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue').text = data.get( 'default-value', '') choice = data.get('type', 'single-select') choicedict = {'single-select': 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT', 'multi-select': 'PT_MULTI_SELECT', 'radio': 'PT_RADIO', 'checkbox': 'PT_CHECKBOX', 'textbox': 'PT_TEXTBOX', 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT': 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT', 'PT_MULTI_SELECT': 'PT_MULTI_SELECT', 'PT_RADIO': 'PT_RADIO', 'PT_CHECKBOX': 'PT_CHECKBOX', 'PT_TEXTBOX': 'PT_TEXTBOX'} if choice in choicedict: XML.SubElement(pdef, 'type').text = choicedict[choice] else: raise JenkinsJobsException("Type entered is not valid, must be one " "of: single-select, multi-select, radio, " "textbox or checkbox") XML.SubElement(pdef, 'propertyFile').text = data.get('property-file', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'propertyKey').text = data.get('property-key', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultPropertyFile').text = data.get( 'default-property-file', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultPropertyKey').text = data.get( 'default-property-key', '') def validating_string_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: validating-string A validating string parameter Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Validating String Plugin `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str regex: a regular expression to validate the string :arg str msg: a message to display upon failed validation Example:: parameters: - validating-string: name: FOO default: bar description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'." regex: [A-Za-z]* msg: Your entered value failed validation """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'hudson.plugins.validating__string__parameter.' 'ValidatingStringParameterDefinition') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'regex').text = data['regex'] XML.SubElement(pdef, 'failedValidationMessage').text = data['msg'] def svn_tags_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: svn-tags A svn tag parameter Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Parameterized Trigger Plugin `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str url: the url to list tags from :arg str filter: the regular expression to filter tags Example:: parameters: - svn-tags: name: BRANCH_NAME default: release description: A parameter named BRANCH_NAME default is release url: http://svn.example.com/repo filter: [A-za-z0-9]* """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, True, 'hudson.scm.listtagsparameter.' 'ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'tagsDir').text = data['url'] XML.SubElement(pdef, 'tagsFilter').text = data.get('filter', None) XML.SubElement(pdef, 'reverseByDate').text = "true" XML.SubElement(pdef, 'reverseByName').text = "false" XML.SubElement(pdef, 'maxTags').text = "100" XML.SubElement(pdef, 'uuid').text = "1-1-1-1-1" def dynamic_choice_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: dynamic-choice Dynamic Choice Parameter Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str script: Groovy expression which generates the potential choices. :arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build is started (default false) :arg str classpath: class path for script (optional) :arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated (default false) Example:: parameters: - dynamic-choice: name: OPTIONS description: "Available options" script: "['optionA', 'optionB']" remote: false read-only: false """ dynamic_param_common(parser, xml_parent, data, 'ChoiceParameterDefinition') def dynamic_string_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: dynamic-string Dynamic Parameter Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str script: Groovy expression which generates the potential choices :arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build is started (default false) :arg str classpath: class path for script (optional) :arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated (default false) Example:: parameters: - dynamic-string: name: FOO description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'." script: "bar" remote: false read-only: false """ dynamic_param_common(parser, xml_parent, data, 'StringParameterDefinition') def dynamic_choice_scriptler_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: dynamic-choice-scriptler Dynamic Choice Parameter (Scriptler) Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str script-id: Groovy script which generates the default value :arg list parameters: parameters to corresponding script :Parameter: * **name** (`str`) Parameter name * **value** (`str`) Parameter value :arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build is started (default false) :arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated (default false) Example:: parameters: - dynamic-choice-scriptler: name: OPTIONS description: "Available options" script-id: "scriptid.groovy" parameters: - name: param1 value: value1 - name: param2 value: value2 remote: false read-only: false """ dynamic_scriptler_param_common(parser, xml_parent, data, 'ScriptlerChoiceParameterDefinition') def dynamic_string_scriptler_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: dynamic-string-scriptler Dynamic Parameter (Scriptler) Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str script-id: Groovy script which generates the default value :arg list parameters: parameters to corresponding script :Parameter: * **name** (`str`) Parameter name * **value** (`str`) Parameter value :arg bool remote: the script will be executed on the slave where the build is started (default false) :arg bool read-only: user can't modify parameter once populated (default false) Example:: parameters: - dynamic-string-scriptler: name: FOO description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to 'bar'." script-id: "scriptid.groovy" parameters: - name: param1 value: value1 - name: param2 value: value2 remote: false read-only: false """ dynamic_scriptler_param_common(parser, xml_parent, data, 'ScriptlerStringParameterDefinition') def dynamic_param_common(parser, xml_parent, data, ptype): pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'com.seitenbau.jenkins.plugins.dynamicparameter.' + ptype) XML.SubElement(pdef, '__remote').text = str( data.get('remote', False)).lower() XML.SubElement(pdef, '__script').text = data.get('script', None) localBaseDir = XML.SubElement(pdef, '__localBaseDirectory', {'serialization': 'custom'}) filePath = XML.SubElement(localBaseDir, 'hudson.FilePath') default = XML.SubElement(filePath, 'default') XML.SubElement(filePath, 'boolean').text = "true" XML.SubElement(default, 'remote').text = \ "/var/lib/jenkins/dynamic_parameter/classpath" XML.SubElement(pdef, '__remoteBaseDirectory').text = \ "dynamic_parameter_classpath" XML.SubElement(pdef, '__classPath').text = data.get('classpath', None) XML.SubElement(pdef, 'readonlyInputField').text = str( data.get('read-only', False)).lower() def dynamic_scriptler_param_common(parser, xml_parent, data, ptype): pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'com.seitenbau.jenkins.plugins.dynamicparameter.' 'scriptler.' + ptype) XML.SubElement(pdef, '__remote').text = str( data.get('remote', False)).lower() XML.SubElement(pdef, '__scriptlerScriptId').text = data.get( 'script-id', None) parametersXML = XML.SubElement(pdef, '__parameters') parameters = data.get('parameters', []) if parameters: for parameter in parameters: parameterXML = XML.SubElement(parametersXML, 'com.seitenbau.jenkins.plugins.' 'dynamicparameter.scriptler.' 'ScriptlerParameterDefinition_' '-ScriptParameter') XML.SubElement(parameterXML, 'name').text = parameter['name'] XML.SubElement(parameterXML, 'value').text = parameter['value'] XML.SubElement(pdef, 'readonlyInputField').text = str(data.get( 'read-only', False)).lower() def matrix_combinations_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: matrix-combinations Matrix combinations parameter Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Matrix Combinations Plugin `. :arg str name: the name of the parameter :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str filter: Groovy expression to use filter the combination by default (optional) Example: .. literalinclude:: \ /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/matrix-combinations-param001.yaml :language: yaml """ element_name = 'hudson.plugins.matrix__configuration__parameter.' \ 'MatrixCombinationsParameterDefinition' pdef = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, element_name) if 'name' not in data: raise JenkinsJobsException('matrix-combinations must have a name ' 'parameter.') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'name').text = data['name'] XML.SubElement(pdef, 'description').text = data.get('description', '') combination_filter = data.get('filter') if combination_filter: XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultCombinationFilter').text = \ combination_filter return pdef def copyartifact_build_selector_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: copyartifact-build-selector Control via a build parameter, which build the copyartifact plugin should copy when it is configured to use 'build-param'. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Copy Artifact plugin `. :arg str name: name of the build parameter to store the selection in :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) :arg str which-build: which to provide as the default value in the UI. See ``which-build`` param of :py:mod:`~builders.copyartifact` from the builders module for the available values as well as options available that control additional behaviour for the selected value. Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/copyartifact-build-selector001.yaml :language: yaml """ t = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.' 'BuildSelectorParameter') try: name = data['name'] except KeyError: raise MissingAttributeError('name') XML.SubElement(t, 'name').text = name XML.SubElement(t, 'description').text = data.get('description', '') copyartifact_build_selector(t, data, 'defaultSelector') def maven_metadata_param(parser, xml_parent, data): """yaml: maven-metadata This parameter allows the resolution of maven artifact versions by contacting the repository and reading the maven-metadata.xml. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Maven Metadata Plugin `. :arg str name: Name of the parameter :arg str description: Description of the parameter (optional) :arg str repository-base-url: URL from where you retrieve your artifacts (default '') :arg str repository-username: Repository's username if authentication is required. (default '') :arg str repository-password: Repository's password if authentication is required. (default '') :arg str artifact-group-id: Unique project identifier (default '') :arg str artifact-id: Name of the artifact without version (default '') :arg str packaging: Artifact packaging option. Could be something such as jar, zip, pom.... (default '') :arg str versions-filter: Specify a regular expression which will be used to filter the versions which are actually displayed when triggering a new build. (default '') :arg str default-value: For features such as SVN polling a default value is required. If job will only be started manually, this field is not necessary. (default '') :arg str maximum-versions-to-display: The maximum number of versions to display in the drop-down. Any non-number value as well as 0 or negative values will default to all. (default 10) :arg str sorting-order: ascending or descending (default descending) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/parameters/fixtures/maven-metadata-param001.yaml :language: yaml """ pdef = base_param(parser, xml_parent, data, False, 'eu.markov.jenkins.plugin.mvnmeta.' 'MavenMetadataParameterDefinition') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'repoBaseUrl').text = data.get('repository-base-url', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'groupId').text = data.get('artifact-group-id', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'artifactId').text = data.get('artifact-id', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'packaging').text = data.get('packaging', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'defaultValue').text = data.get('default-value', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'versionFilter').text = data.get('versions-filter', '') sort_order = data.get('sorting-order', 'descending').lower() sort_dict = {'descending': 'DESC', 'ascending': 'ASC'} if sort_order not in sort_dict: raise InvalidAttributeError(sort_order, sort_order, sort_dict.keys()) XML.SubElement(pdef, 'sortOrder').text = sort_dict[sort_order] XML.SubElement(pdef, 'maxVersions').text = str(data.get( 'maximum-versions-to-display', 10)) XML.SubElement(pdef, 'username').text = data.get('repository-username', '') XML.SubElement(pdef, 'password').text = data.get('repository-password', '') class Parameters(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base): sequence = 21 component_type = 'parameter' component_list_type = 'parameters' def gen_xml(self, parser, xml_parent, data): properties = xml_parent.find('properties') if properties is None: properties = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'properties') parameters = data.get('parameters', []) hmodel = 'hudson.model.' if parameters: # The conditionals here are to work around the extended_choice # parameter also being definable in the properties module. This # usage has been deprecated but not removed. Because it may have # added these elements before us, we need to check if they already # exist, and only add them if they're missing. pdefp = properties.find(hmodel + 'ParametersDefinitionProperty') if pdefp is None: pdefp = XML.SubElement(properties, hmodel + 'ParametersDefinitionProperty') pdefs = pdefp.find('parameterDefinitions') if pdefs is None: pdefs = XML.SubElement(pdefp, 'parameterDefinitions') for param in parameters: self.registry.dispatch('parameter', parser, pdefs, param)