
1500 lines
63 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright 2012 Varnish Software AS
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Builders define actions that the Jenkins job should execute. Examples
include shell scripts or maven targets. The ``builders`` attribute in
the :ref:`Job` definition accepts a list of builders to invoke. They
may be components defined below, locally defined macros (using the top
level definition of ``builder:``, or locally defined components found
via the ```` entry point.
**Component**: builders
:Macro: builder
:Entry Point:
name: test_job
- shell: "make test"
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
from jenkins_jobs.modules import hudson_model
from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def shell(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: shell
Execute a shell command.
:arg str parameter: the shell command to execute
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/shell.yaml
:language: yaml
shell = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.Shell')
XML.SubElement(shell, 'command').text = data
def python(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: python
Execute a python command. Requires the Jenkins `Python plugin.
:arg str parameter: the python command to execute
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/python.yaml
:language: yaml
python = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.python.Python')
XML.SubElement(python, 'command').text = data
def copyartifact(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: copyartifact
Copy artifact from another project. Requires the Jenkins `Copy Artifact
:arg str project: Project to copy from
:arg str filter: what files to copy
:arg str target: Target base directory for copy, blank means use workspace
:arg bool flatten: Flatten directories (default: false)
:arg bool optional: If the artifact is missing (for any reason) and
optional is true, the build won't fail because of this builder
(default: false)
:arg str which-build: which build to get artifacts from
(optional, default last-successful)
:arg str build-number: specifies the build number to get when
when specific-build is specified as which-build
:arg str permalink: specifies the permalink to get when
permalink is specified as which-build
:arg bool stable: specifies to get only last stable build when
last-successful is specified as which-build
:arg bool fallback-to-last-successful: specifies to fallback to
last successful build when upstream-build is specified as which-build
:arg string param: specifies to use a build parameter to get the build when
build-param is specified as which-build
:arg string parameter-filters: Filter matching jobs based on these
parameters (optional)
:which-build values:
* **last-successful**
* **specific-build**
* **last-saved**
* **upstream-build**
* **permalink**
* **workspace-latest**
* **build-param**
:permalink values:
* **last**
* **last-stable**
* **last-successful**
* **last-failed**
* **last-unstable**
* **last-unsuccessful**
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/copy-artifact001.yaml
:language: yaml
t = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact')
# Warning: this only works with copy artifact version 1.26+,
# for copy artifact version 1.25- the 'projectName' element needs
# to be used instead of 'project'
XML.SubElement(t, 'project').text = data["project"]
XML.SubElement(t, 'filter').text = data.get("filter", "")
XML.SubElement(t, 'target').text = data.get("target", "")
flatten = data.get("flatten", False)
XML.SubElement(t, 'flatten').text = str(flatten).lower()
optional = data.get('optional', False)
XML.SubElement(t, 'optional').text = str(optional).lower()
XML.SubElement(t, 'parameters').text = data.get("parameter-filters", "")
select = data.get('which-build', 'last-successful')
selectdict = {'last-successful': 'StatusBuildSelector',
'specific-build': 'SpecificBuildSelector',
'last-saved': 'SavedBuildSelector',
'upstream-build': 'TriggeredBuildSelector',
'permalink': 'PermalinkBuildSelector',
'workspace-latest': 'WorkspaceSelector',
'build-param': 'ParameterizedBuildSelector'}
if select not in selectdict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("which-build entered is not valid must be "
"one of: last-successful, specific-build, "
"last-saved, upstream-build, permalink, "
"workspace-latest, or build-param")
permalink = data.get('permalink', 'last')
permalinkdict = {'last': 'lastBuild',
'last-stable': 'lastStableBuild',
'last-successful': 'lastSuccessfulBuild',
'last-failed': 'lastFailedBuild',
'last-unstable': 'lastUnstableBuild',
'last-unsuccessful': 'lastUnsuccessfulBuild'}
if permalink not in permalinkdict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("permalink entered is not valid must be "
"one of: last, last-stable, "
"last-successful, last-failed, "
"last-unstable, or last-unsuccessful")
selector = XML.SubElement(t, 'selector',
{'class': 'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.' +
if select == 'specific-build':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'buildNumber').text = data['build-number']
if select == 'last-successful':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'stable').text = str(
data.get('stable', False)).lower()
if select == 'upstream-build':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'fallbackToLastSuccessful').text = str(
data.get('fallback-to-last-successful', False)).lower()
if select == 'permalink':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'id').text = permalinkdict[permalink]
if select == 'build-param':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'parameterName').text = data['param']
def change_assembly_version(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: change-assembly-version
Change the assembly version.
Requires the Jenkins `Change Assembly Version.
:arg str version: Set the new version number for replace (default 1.0.0)
:arg str assemblyFile: The file name to search (default AssemblyInfo.cs)
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
cav_builder_tag = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.changeassemblyversion.' \
cav = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, cav_builder_tag)
XML.SubElement(cav, 'task').text = data.get('version', '1.0.0')
XML.SubElement(cav, 'assemblyFile').text = str(
data.get('assembly-file', 'AssemblyInfo.cs'))
def ant(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: ant
Execute an ant target. Requires the Jenkins `Ant Plugin.
To setup this builder you can either reference the list of targets
or use named parameters. Below is a description of both forms:
*1) Listing targets:*
After the ant directive, simply pass as argument a space separated list
of targets to build.
:Parameter: space separated list of Ant targets
Example to call two Ant targets:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/ant001.yaml
:language: yaml
The build file would be whatever the Jenkins Ant Plugin is set to use
per default (i.e build.xml in the workspace root).
*2) Using named parameters:*
:arg str targets: the space separated list of ANT targets.
:arg str buildfile: the path to the ANT build file.
:arg list properties: Passed to ant script using -Dkey=value (optional)
:arg str ant-name: the name of the ant installation,
(default 'default') (optional)
:arg str java-opts: java options for ant, can have multiples,
must be in quotes (optional)
Example specifying the build file too and several targets:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/ant002.yaml
:language: yaml
ant = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.Ant')
if type(data) is str:
# Support for short form: -ant: "target"
data = {'targets': data}
for setting, value in sorted(data.items()):
if setting == 'targets':
targets = XML.SubElement(ant, 'targets')
targets.text = value
if setting == 'buildfile':
buildfile = XML.SubElement(ant, 'buildFile')
buildfile.text = value
if setting == 'properties':
properties = data['properties']
prop_string = ''
for prop, val in properties.items():
prop_string += "%s=%s\n" % (prop, val)
prop_element = XML.SubElement(ant, 'properties')
prop_element.text = prop_string
if setting == 'java-opts':
javaopts = data['java-opts']
jopt_string = ' '.join(javaopts)
jopt_element = XML.SubElement(ant, 'antOpts')
jopt_element.text = jopt_string
XML.SubElement(ant, 'antName').text = data.get('ant-name', 'default')
def trigger_builds(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: trigger-builds
Trigger builds of other jobs.
Requires the Jenkins `Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
:arg str project: the Jenkins project to trigger
:arg str predefined-parameters:
key/value pairs to be passed to the job (optional)
:arg str property-file:
Pass properties from file to the other job (optional)
:arg bool property-file-fail-on-missing:
Don't trigger if any files are missing (optional)
(default true)
:arg bool current-parameters: Whether to include the
parameters passed to the current build to the
triggered job.
:arg bool svn-revision: Whether to pass the svn revision
to the triggered job
:arg bool block: whether to wait for the triggered jobs
to finish or not (default false)
:arg bool same-node: Use the same node for the triggered builds that was
used for this build (optional)
:arg list parameter-factories: list of parameter factories
:Factory: * **factory** (`str`) **filebuild** -- For every property file,
invoke one build
* **file-pattern** (`str`) -- File wildcard pattern
* **no-files-found-action** (`str`) -- Action to perform when
no files found (optional) ['FAIL', 'SKIP', 'NOPARMS']
(default 'SKIP')
:Factory: * **factory** (`str`) **binaryfile** -- For every matching
file, invoke one build
* **file-pattern** (`str`) -- Artifact ID of the artifact
* **no-files-found-action** (`str`) -- Action to perform when
no files found (optional) ['FAIL', 'SKIP', 'NOPARMS']
(default 'SKIP')
:Factory: * **factory** (`str`) **counterbuild** -- Invoke i=0...N builds
* **from** (`int`) -- Artifact ID of the artifact
* **to** (`int`) -- Version of the artifact
* **step** (`int`) -- Classifier of the artifact
* **parameters** (`str`) -- KEY=value pairs, one per line
(default '')
* **validation-fail** (`str`) -- Action to perform when
stepping validation fails (optional)
(default 'FAIL')
Basic usage.
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/trigger-builds001.yaml
:language: yaml
Example with all supported parameter factories.
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
tbuilder = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
configs = XML.SubElement(tbuilder, 'configs')
for project_def in data:
if 'project' not in project_def or project_def['project'] == '':
logger.debug("No project specified - skipping trigger-build")
tconfig = XML.SubElement(configs,
tconfigs = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'configs')
if 'property-file' in project_def:
params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs,
propertiesFile = XML.SubElement(params, 'propertiesFile')
propertiesFile.text = project_def['property-file']
failTriggerOnMissing = XML.SubElement(params,
failTriggerOnMissing.text = str(project_def.get(
'property-file-fail-on-missing', True)).lower()
if 'predefined-parameters' in project_def:
params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs,
properties = XML.SubElement(params, 'properties')
properties.text = project_def['predefined-parameters']
if(len(list(tconfigs)) == 0):
tconfigs.set('class', 'java.util.Collections$EmptyList')
if 'parameter-factories' in project_def:
fconfigs = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'configFactories')
supported_factories = ['filebuild', 'binaryfile', 'counterbuild']
supported_actions = ['SKIP', 'NOPARMS', 'FAIL']
for factory in project_def['parameter-factories']:
if factory['factory'] not in supported_factories:
raise JenkinsJobsException("factory must be one of %s" %
", ".join(supported_factories))
if factory['factory'] == 'filebuild':
params = XML.SubElement(
if factory['factory'] == 'binaryfile':
params = XML.SubElement(
parameterName = XML.SubElement(params, 'parameterName')
parameterName.text = factory['parameter-name']
if (factory['factory'] == 'filebuild' or
factory['factory'] == 'binaryfile'):
filePattern = XML.SubElement(params, 'filePattern')
filePattern.text = factory['file-pattern']
noFilesFoundAction = XML.SubElement(
noFilesFoundActionValue = str(factory.get(
'no-files-found-action', 'SKIP'))
if noFilesFoundActionValue not in supported_actions:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
"no-files-found-action must be one of %s" %
", ".join(supported_actions))
noFilesFoundAction.text = noFilesFoundActionValue
if factory['factory'] == 'counterbuild':
params = XML.SubElement(
fromProperty = XML.SubElement(params, 'from')
fromProperty.text = str(factory['from'])
toProperty = XML.SubElement(params, 'to')
toProperty.text = str(factory['to'])
stepProperty = XML.SubElement(params, 'step')
stepProperty.text = str(factory['step'])
paramExpr = XML.SubElement(params, 'paramExpr')
paramExpr.text = str(factory.get(
'parameters', ''))
validationFail = XML.SubElement(params, 'validationFail')
validationFailValue = str(factory.get(
'validation-fail', 'FAIL'))
if validationFailValue not in supported_actions:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
"validation-fail action must be one of %s" %
", ".join(supported_actions))
validationFail.text = validationFailValue
projects = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'projects')
projects.text = project_def['project']
condition = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'condition')
condition.text = 'ALWAYS'
trigger_with_no_params = XML.SubElement(tconfig,
trigger_with_no_params.text = 'false'
build_all_nodes_with_label = XML.SubElement(tconfig,
build_all_nodes_with_label.text = 'false'
block = project_def.get('block', False)
block = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'block')
bsft = XML.SubElement(block, 'buildStepFailureThreshold')
XML.SubElement(bsft, 'name').text = \
XML.SubElement(bsft, 'ordinal').text = \
XML.SubElement(bsft, 'color').text = \
ut = XML.SubElement(block, 'unstableThreshold')
XML.SubElement(ut, 'name').text = \
XML.SubElement(ut, 'ordinal').text = \
XML.SubElement(ut, 'color').text = \
ft = XML.SubElement(block, 'failureThreshold')
XML.SubElement(ft, 'name').text = \
XML.SubElement(ft, 'ordinal').text = \
XML.SubElement(ft, 'color').text = \
# If configs is empty, remove the entire tbuilder tree.
if(len(configs) == 0):
logger.debug("Pruning empty TriggerBuilder tree.")
def builders_from(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: builders-from
Use builders from another project.
Requires the Jenkins `Template Project Plugin.
:arg str projectName: the name of the other project
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/builders-from.yaml
:language: yaml
pbs = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(pbs, 'projectName').text = data
def inject(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: inject
Inject an environment for the job.
Requires the Jenkins `EnvInject Plugin.
:arg str properties-file: the name of the property file (optional)
:arg str properties-content: the properties content (optional)
:arg str script-file: the name of a script file to run (optional)
:arg str script-content: the script content (optional)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/inject.yaml
:language: yaml
eib = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'EnvInjectBuilder')
info = XML.SubElement(eib, 'info')
info, 'propertiesFilePath', data.get('properties-file'))
info, 'propertiesContent', data.get('properties-content'))
info, 'scriptFilePath', data.get('script-file'))
info, 'scriptContent', data.get('script-content'))
def artifact_resolver(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: artifact-resolver
Allows one to resolve artifacts from a maven repository like nexus
(without having maven installed)
Requires the Jenkins `Repository Connector Plugin
:arg bool fail-on-error: Whether to fail the build on error (default false)
:arg bool repository-logging: Enable repository logging (default false)
:arg str target-directory: Where to resolve artifacts to
:arg list artifacts: list of artifacts to resolve
:Artifact: * **group-id** (`str`) -- Group ID of the artifact
* **artifact-id** (`str`) -- Artifact ID of the artifact
* **version** (`str`) -- Version of the artifact
* **classifier** (`str`) -- Classifier of the artifact
(default '')
* **extension** (`str`) -- Extension of the artifact
(default 'jar')
* **target-file-name** (`str`) -- What to name the artifact
(default '')
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/artifact-resolver.yaml
:language: yaml
ar = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(ar, 'targetDirectory').text = data['target-directory']
artifacttop = XML.SubElement(ar, 'artifacts')
artifacts = data['artifacts']
for artifact in artifacts:
rcartifact = XML.SubElement(artifacttop,
XML.SubElement(rcartifact, 'groupId').text = artifact['group-id']
XML.SubElement(rcartifact, 'artifactId').text = artifact['artifact-id']
XML.SubElement(rcartifact, 'classifier').text = artifact.get(
'classifier', '')
XML.SubElement(rcartifact, 'version').text = artifact['version']
XML.SubElement(rcartifact, 'extension').text = artifact.get(
'extension', 'jar')
XML.SubElement(rcartifact, 'targetFileName').text = artifact.get(
'target-file-name', '')
XML.SubElement(ar, 'failOnError').text = str(data.get(
'fail-on-error', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(ar, 'enableRepoLogging').text = str(data.get(
'repository-logging', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(ar, 'snapshotUpdatePolicy').text = 'never'
XML.SubElement(ar, 'releaseUpdatePolicy').text = 'never'
XML.SubElement(ar, 'snapshotChecksumPolicy').text = 'warn'
XML.SubElement(ar, 'releaseChecksumPolicy').text = 'warn'
def gradle(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: gradle
Execute gradle tasks. Requires the Jenkins `Gradle Plugin.
:arg str tasks: List of tasks to execute
:arg str gradle-name: Use a custom gradle name (optional)
:arg bool wrapper: use gradle wrapper (default false)
:arg bool executable: make gradlew executable (default false)
:arg list switches: Switches for gradle, can have multiples
:arg bool use-root-dir: Whether to run the gradle script from the
top level directory or from a different location (default false)
:arg str root-build-script-dir: If your workspace has the
top-level build.gradle in somewhere other than the module
root directory, specify the path (relative to the module
root) here, such as ${workspace}/parent/ instead of just
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/gradle.yaml
:language: yaml
gradle = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.gradle.Gradle')
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'description').text = ''
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'tasks').text = data['tasks']
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'buildFile').text = ''
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'rootBuildScriptDir').text = data.get(
'root-build-script-dir', '')
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'gradleName').text = data.get(
'gradle-name', '')
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'useWrapper').text = str(data.get(
'wrapper', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'makeExecutable').text = str(data.get(
'executable', False)).lower()
switch_string = '\n'.join(data.get('switches', []))
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'switches').text = switch_string
XML.SubElement(gradle, 'fromRootBuildScriptDir').text = str(data.get(
'use-root-dir', False)).lower()
def _groovy_common_scriptSource(data):
"""Helper function to generate the XML element common to groovy builders
scriptSource = XML.Element("scriptSource")
if 'command' in data and 'file' in data:
raise JenkinsJobsException("Use just one of 'command' or 'file'")
if 'command' in data:
command = XML.SubElement(scriptSource, 'command')
command.text = str(data['command'])
scriptSource.set('class', 'hudson.plugins.groovy.StringScriptSource')
elif 'file' in data:
scriptFile = XML.SubElement(scriptSource, 'scriptFile')
scriptFile.text = str(data['file'])
scriptSource.set('class', 'hudson.plugins.groovy.FileScriptSource')
raise JenkinsJobsException("A groovy command or file is required")
return scriptSource
def groovy(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: groovy
Execute a groovy script or command.
Requires the Jenkins `Groovy Plugin
:arg str file: Groovy file to run.
(Alternative: you can chose a command instead)
:arg str command: Groovy command to run.
(Alternative: you can chose a script file instead)
:arg str version: Groovy version to use. (default '(Default)')
:arg str parameters: Parameters for the Groovy executable. (optional)
:arg str script-parameters: These parameters will be passed to the script.
:arg str properties: Instead of passing properties using the -D parameter
you can define them here. (optional)
:arg str java-opts: Direct access to JAVA_OPTS. Properties allows only
-D properties, while sometimes also other properties like -XX need to
be setup. It can be done here. This line is appended at the end of
JAVA_OPTS string. (optional)
:arg str class-path: Specify script classpath here. Each line is one
class path item. (optional)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/groovy001.yaml
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/groovy002.yaml
:language: yaml
root_tag = 'hudson.plugins.groovy.Groovy'
groovy = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, root_tag)
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'groovyName').text = \
str(data.get('version', "(Default)"))
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'parameters').text = str(data.get('parameters', ""))
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'scriptParameters').text = \
str(data.get('script-parameters', ""))
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'properties').text = str(data.get('properties', ""))
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'javaOpts').text = str(data.get('java-opts', ""))
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'classPath').text = str(data.get('class-path', ""))
def system_groovy(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: system-groovy
Execute a system groovy script or command.
Requires the Jenkins `Groovy Plugin
:arg str file: Groovy file to run.
(Alternative: you can chose a command instead)
:arg str command: Groovy command to run.
(Alternative: you can chose a script file instead)
:arg str bindings: Define variable bindings (in the properties file
format). Specified variables can be addressed from the script. (optional)
:arg str class-path: Specify script classpath here. Each line is one class
path item. (optional)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/system-groovy001.yaml
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/system-groovy002.yaml
:language: yaml
root_tag = 'hudson.plugins.groovy.SystemGroovy'
sysgroovy = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, root_tag)
XML.SubElement(sysgroovy, 'bindings').text = str(data.get('bindings', ""))
XML.SubElement(sysgroovy, 'classpath').text = \
str(data.get('class-path', ""))
def batch(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: batch
Execute a batch command.
:Parameter: the batch command to execute
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/batch.yaml
:language: yaml
batch = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.BatchFile')
XML.SubElement(batch, 'command').text = data
def powershell(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: powershell
Execute a powershell command. Requires the `Powershell Plugin
:Parameter: the powershell command to execute
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/powershell.yaml
:language: yaml
ps = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.powershell.PowerShell')
XML.SubElement(ps, 'command').text = data
def msbuild(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: msbuild
Build .NET project using msbuild. Requires the `Jenkins MSBuild Plugin
:arg str msbuild-version: which msbuild configured in Jenkins to use
:arg str solution-file: location of the solution file to build
:arg str extra-parameters: extra parameters to pass to msbuild (optional)
:arg bool pass-build-variables: should build variables be passed
to msbuild (default true)
:arg bool continue-on-build-failure: should the build continue if
msbuild returns an error (default false)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/msbuild.yaml
:language: yaml
msbuilder = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(msbuilder, 'msBuildName').text = data.get('msbuild-version',
XML.SubElement(msbuilder, 'msBuildFile').text = data['solution-file']
XML.SubElement(msbuilder, 'cmdLineArgs').text = \
data.get('extra-parameters', '')
XML.SubElement(msbuilder, 'buildVariablesAsProperties').text = \
str(data.get('pass-build-variables', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(msbuilder, 'continueOnBuildFailure').text = \
str(data.get('continue-on-build-failure', False)).lower()
def create_builders(parser, step):
dummy_parent = XML.Element("dummy")
parser.registry.dispatch('builder', parser, dummy_parent, step)
return list(dummy_parent)
def conditional_step(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: conditional-step
Conditionally execute some build steps. Requires the Jenkins `Conditional
BuildStep Plugin < \
Depending on the number of declared steps, a `Conditional step (single)`
or a `Conditional steps (multiple)` is created in Jenkins.
:arg str condition-kind: Condition kind that must be verified before the
steps are executed. Valid values and their additional attributes are
described in the conditions_ table.
:arg str on-evaluation-failure: What should be the outcome of the build
if the evaluation of the condition fails. Possible values are `fail`,
`mark-unstable`, `run-and-mark-unstable`, `run` and `dont-run`.
Default is `fail`.
:arg list steps: List of steps to run if the condition is verified. Items
in the list can be any builder known by Jenkins Job Builder.
.. _conditions:
================== ====================================================
Condition kind Description
================== ====================================================
always Condition is always verified
never Condition is never verified
boolean-expression Run the step if the expression expends to a
representation of true
:condition-expression: Expression to expand
strings-match Run the step if two strings match
:condition-string1: First string
:condition-string2: Second string
:condition-case-insensitive: Case insensitive
defaults to false
current-status Run the build step if the current build status is
within the configured range
:condition-worst: Accepted values are SUCCESS,
:condition-best: Accepted values are SUCCESS,
shell Run the step if the shell command succeed
:condition-command: Shell command to execute
windows-shell Similar to shell, except that commands will be
executed by cmd, under Windows
:condition-command: Command to execute
file-exists Run the step if a file exists
:condition-filename: Check existence of this file
:condition-basedir: If condition-filename is
relative, it will be considered relative to
either `workspace`, `artifact-directory`,
or `jenkins-home`. Default is `workspace`.
================== ====================================================
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
def build_condition(cdata):
kind = cdata['condition-kind']
ctag = XML.SubElement(root_tag, condition_tag)
if kind == "always":
elif kind == "never":
elif kind == "boolean-expression":
XML.SubElement(ctag, "token").text = cdata['condition-expression']
elif kind == "strings-match":
XML.SubElement(ctag, "arg1").text = cdata['condition-string1']
XML.SubElement(ctag, "arg2").text = cdata['condition-string2']
XML.SubElement(ctag, "ignoreCase").text = str(cdata.get(
'condition-case-insensitive', False)).lower()
elif kind == "current-status":
wr = XML.SubElement(ctag, 'worstResult')
wr_name = cdata['condition-worst']
if wr_name not in hudson_model.THRESHOLDS:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
"threshold must be one of %s" %
", ".join(hudson_model.THRESHOLDS.keys()))
wr_threshold = hudson_model.THRESHOLDS[wr_name]
XML.SubElement(wr, "name").text = wr_threshold['name']
XML.SubElement(wr, "ordinal").text = wr_threshold['ordinal']
XML.SubElement(wr, "color").text = wr_threshold['color']
XML.SubElement(wr, "completeBuild").text = \
br = XML.SubElement(ctag, 'bestResult')
br_name = cdata['condition-best']
if not br_name in hudson_model.THRESHOLDS:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
"threshold must be one of %s" %
", ".join(hudson_model.THRESHOLDS.keys()))
br_threshold = hudson_model.THRESHOLDS[br_name]
XML.SubElement(br, "name").text = br_threshold['name']
XML.SubElement(br, "ordinal").text = br_threshold['ordinal']
XML.SubElement(br, "color").text = br_threshold['color']
XML.SubElement(br, "completeBuild").text = \
elif kind == "shell":
XML.SubElement(ctag, "command").text = cdata['condition-command']
elif kind == "windows-shell":
XML.SubElement(ctag, "command").text = cdata['condition-command']
elif kind == "file-exists":
XML.SubElement(ctag, "file").text = cdata['condition-filename']
basedir = cdata.get('condition-basedir', 'workspace')
basedir_tag = XML.SubElement(ctag, "baseDir")
if "workspace" == basedir:
elif "artifact-directory" == basedir:
elif "jenkins-home" == basedir:
def build_step(parent, step):
for edited_node in create_builders(parser, step):
if not has_multiple_steps:
edited_node.set('class', edited_node.tag)
edited_node.tag = 'buildStep'
cond_builder_tag = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.conditionalbuildstep.' \
cond_builders_tag = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.conditionalbuildstep.' \
steps = data['steps']
has_multiple_steps = len(steps) > 1
if has_multiple_steps:
root_tag = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, cond_builders_tag)
steps_parent = XML.SubElement(root_tag, "conditionalbuilders")
condition_tag = "runCondition"
root_tag = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, cond_builder_tag)
steps_parent = root_tag
condition_tag = "condition"
evaluation_classes_pkg = 'org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition'
evaluation_classes = {
'fail': evaluation_classes_pkg + '.BuildStepRunner$Fail',
'mark-unstable': evaluation_classes_pkg + '.BuildStepRunner$Unstable',
'run-and-mark-unstable': evaluation_classes_pkg +
'run': evaluation_classes_pkg + '.BuildStepRunner$Run',
'dont-run': evaluation_classes_pkg + '.BuildStepRunner$DontRun',
evaluation_class = evaluation_classes[data.get('on-evaluation-failure',
XML.SubElement(root_tag, "runner").set('class',
for step in steps:
build_step(steps_parent, step)
def maven_target(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: maven-target
Execute top-level Maven targets
:arg str goals: Goals to execute
:arg str properties: Properties for maven, can have multiples
:arg str pom: Location of pom.xml (default 'pom.xml')
:arg bool private-repository: Use private maven repository for this
job (default false)
:arg str maven-version: Installation of maven which should be used
:arg str java-opts: java options for maven, can have multiples,
must be in quotes (optional)
:arg str settings: Path to use as user settings.xml (optional)
:arg str global-settings: Path to use as global settings.xml (optional)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/maven-target-doc.yaml
:language: yaml
maven = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.Maven')
XML.SubElement(maven, 'targets').text = data['goals']
prop_string = '\n'.join(data.get('properties', []))
XML.SubElement(maven, 'properties').text = prop_string
if 'maven-version' in data:
XML.SubElement(maven, 'mavenName').text = str(data['maven-version'])
if 'pom' in data:
XML.SubElement(maven, 'pom').text = str(data['pom'])
use_private = str(data.get('private-repository', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(maven, 'usePrivateRepository').text = use_private
if 'java-opts' in data:
javaoptions = ' '.join(data.get('java-opts', []))
XML.SubElement(maven, 'jvmOptions').text = javaoptions
if 'settings' in data:
settings = XML.SubElement(maven, 'settings',
XML.SubElement(settings, 'path').text = data.get('settings')
XML.SubElement(maven, 'settings',
if 'global-settings' in data:
provider = 'jenkins.mvn.FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider'
global_settings = XML.SubElement(maven, 'globalSettings',
{'class': provider})
XML.SubElement(global_settings, 'path').text = data.get(
XML.SubElement(maven, 'globalSettings',
def multijob(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: multijob
Define a multijob phase. Requires the Jenkins `Multijob Plugin.
This builder may only be used in \
:py:class:`jenkins_jobs.modules.project_multijob.MultiJob` projects.
:arg str name: MultiJob phase name
:arg str condition: when to trigger the other job (default 'SUCCESSFUL')
:arg list projects: list of projects to include in the MultiJob phase
:Project: * **name** (`str`) -- Project name
* **current-parameters** (`bool`) -- Pass current build
parameters to the other job (default false)
* **node-label-name** (`str`) -- Define a list of nodes
on which the job should be allowed to be executed on.
Requires NodeLabel Parameter Plugin (optional)
* **node-label** (`str`) -- Define a label
of 'Restrict where this project can be run' on the fly.
Requires NodeLabel Parameter Plugin (optional)
* **git-revision** (`bool`) -- Pass current git-revision
to the other job (default false)
* **property-file** (`str`) -- Pass properties from file
to the other job (optional)
* **predefined-parameters** (`str`) -- Pass predefined
parameters to the other job (optional)
* **kill-phase-on** (`str`) -- Stop the phase execution
on specific job status. Can be 'FAILURE', 'UNSTABLE',
'NEVER'. (optional)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/multibuild.yaml
:language: yaml
builder = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.'
XML.SubElement(builder, 'phaseName').text = data['name']
condition = data.get('condition', 'SUCCESSFUL')
XML.SubElement(builder, 'continuationCondition').text = condition
phaseJobs = XML.SubElement(builder, 'phaseJobs')
kill_status_list = ('FAILURE', 'UNSTABLE', 'NEVER')
for project in data.get('projects', []):
phaseJob = XML.SubElement(phaseJobs, 'com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.'
XML.SubElement(phaseJob, 'jobName').text = project['name']
# Pass through the current build params
currParams = str(project.get('current-parameters', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(phaseJob, 'currParams').text = currParams
# Pass through other params
configs = XML.SubElement(phaseJob, 'configs')
nodeLabelName = project.get('node-label-name')
nodeLabel = project.get('node-label')
if (nodeLabelName and nodeLabel):
node = XML.SubElement(
configs, 'org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.'
XML.SubElement(node, 'name').text = nodeLabelName
XML.SubElement(node, 'nodeLabel').text = nodeLabel
# Git Revision
if project.get('git-revision', False):
param = XML.SubElement(configs,
combine = XML.SubElement(param, 'combineQueuedCommits')
combine.text = 'false'
# Properties File
properties_file = project.get('property-file', False)
if properties_file:
param = XML.SubElement(configs,
propertiesFile = XML.SubElement(param, 'propertiesFile')
propertiesFile.text = properties_file
failOnMissing = XML.SubElement(param, 'failTriggerOnMissing')
failOnMissing.text = 'true'
# Predefined Parameters
predefined_parameters = project.get('predefined-parameters', False)
if predefined_parameters:
param = XML.SubElement(configs,
properties = XML.SubElement(param, 'properties')
properties.text = predefined_parameters
# Kill phase on job status
kill_status = project.get('kill-phase-on')
if kill_status is not None:
kill_status = kill_status.upper()
if kill_status not in kill_status_list:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
'multijob kill-phase-on must be one of: %s'
+ ','.join(kill_status_list))
).text = kill_status
def grails(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: grails
Execute a grails build step. Requires the `Jenkins Grails Plugin.
:arg bool use-wrapper: Use a grails wrapper (default false)
:arg str name: Select a grails installation to use (optional)
:arg bool force-upgrade: Run 'grails upgrade --non-interactive'
first (default false)
:arg bool non-interactive: append --non-interactive to all build targets
(default false)
:arg str targets: Specify target(s) to run separated by spaces
:arg str server-port: Specify a value for the server.port system
property (optional)
:arg str work-dir: Specify a value for the system
property (optional)
:arg str project-dir: Specify a value for the
system property (optional)
:arg str base-dir: Specify a path to the root of the Grails
project (optional)
:arg str properties: Additional system properties to set (optional)
:arg bool plain-output: append --plain-output to all build targets
(default false)
:arg bool stack-trace: append --stack-trace to all build targets
(default false)
:arg bool verbose: append --verbose to all build targets
(default false)
:arg bool refresh-dependencies: append --refresh-dependencies to all
build targets (default false)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/grails.yaml
:language: yaml
grails = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'com.g2one.hudson.grails.'
XML.SubElement(grails, 'targets').text = data['targets']
XML.SubElement(grails, 'name').text = data.get(
'name', '(Default)')
XML.SubElement(grails, 'grailsWorkDir').text = data.get(
'work-dir', '')
XML.SubElement(grails, 'projectWorkDir').text = data.get(
'project-dir', '')
XML.SubElement(grails, 'projectBaseDir').text = data.get(
'base-dir', '')
XML.SubElement(grails, 'serverPort').text = data.get(
'server-port', '')
XML.SubElement(grails, 'properties').text = data.get(
'properties', '')
XML.SubElement(grails, 'forceUpgrade').text = str(
data.get('force-upgrade', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(grails, 'nonInteractive').text = str(
data.get('non-interactive', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(grails, 'useWrapper').text = str(
data.get('use-wrapper', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(grails, 'plainOutput').text = str(
data.get('plain-output', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(grails, 'stackTrace').text = str(
data.get('stack-trace', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(grails, 'verbose').text = str(
data.get('verbose', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(grails, 'refreshDependencies').text = str(
data.get('refresh-dependencies', False)).lower()
def sbt(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: sbt
Execute a sbt build step. Requires the Jenkins `Sbt Plugin.
:arg str name: Select a sbt installation to use. If no name is
provided, the first in the list of defined SBT
builders will be used. (default to first in list)
:arg str jvm-flags: Parameters to pass to the JVM (default '')
:arg str actions: Select the sbt tasks to execute (default '')
:arg str sbt-flags: Add flags to SBT launcher
(default '-Dsbt.log.noformat=true')
:arg str subdir-path: Path relative to workspace to run sbt in (default '')
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/sbt.yaml
:language: yaml
sbt = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.'
XML.SubElement(sbt, 'name').text = data.get(
'name', '')
XML.SubElement(sbt, 'jvmFlags').text = data.get(
'jvm-flags', '')
XML.SubElement(sbt, 'sbtFlags').text = data.get(
'sbt-flags', '-Dsbt.log.noformat=true')
XML.SubElement(sbt, 'actions').text = data.get(
'actions', '')
XML.SubElement(sbt, 'subdirPath').text = data.get(
'subdir-path', '')
def critical_block_start(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: critical-block-start
Designate the start of a critical block. Must be used in conjuction with
Must also add a build wrapper (exclusion), specifying the resources that
control the critical block. Otherwise, this will have no effect.
Requires Jenkins `Exclusion Plugin.
- exclusion:
- critical-block-start
- ... other builders
- critical-block-end
cbs = \
cbs.set('plugin', 'Exclusion')
def critical_block_end(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: critical-block-end
Designate the end of a critical block. Must be used in conjuction with
Must also add a build wrapper (exclusion), specifying the resources that
control the critical block. Otherwise, this will have no effect.
Requires Jenkins `Exclusion Plugin.
- exclusion:
- critical-block-start
- ... other builders
- critical-block-end
cbs = \
cbs.set('plugin', 'Exclusion')
class Builders(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 60
component_type = 'builder'
component_list_type = 'builders'
def gen_xml(self, parser, xml_parent, data):
for alias in ['prebuilders', 'builders', 'postbuilders']:
if alias in data:
builders = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, alias)
for builder in data[alias]:
self.registry.dispatch('builder', parser, builders,
# Make sure freestyle projects always have a <builders> entry
# or Jenkins v1.472 (at least) will NPE.
project_type = data.get('project-type', 'freestyle')
if project_type in ('freestyle', 'matrix') and 'builders' not in data:
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'builders')
def shining_panda(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: shining-panda
Execute a command inside various python environments. Requires the Jenkins
`ShiningPanda plugin
:arg str build-environment: Building environment to set up (Required).
:build-environment values:
* **python**: Use a python installation configured in Jenkins.
* **custom**: Use a manually installed python.
* **virtualenv**: Create a virtualenv
For the **python** environment
:arg str python-version: Name of the python installation to use.
Must match one of the configured installations on server \
(default: System-CPython-2.7)
For the **custom** environment:
:arg str home: path to the home folder of the custom installation \
For the **virtualenv** environment:
:arg str python-version: Name of the python installation to use.
Must match one of the configured installations on server \
(default: System-CPython-2.7)
:arg str name: Name of this virtualenv. Two virtualenv builders with \
the same name will use the same virtualenv installation (optional)
:arg bool clear: If true, delete and recreate virtualenv on each build.
(default: false)
:arg bool use-distribute: if true use distribute, if false use \
setuptools. (default: true)
:arg bool system-site-packages: if true, give access to the global
site-packages directory to the virtualenv. (default: false)
Common to all environments:
:arg str nature: Nature of the command field. (default: shell)
:nature values:
* **shell**: execute the Command contents with default shell
* **xshell**: like **shell** but performs platform conversion \
* **python**: execute the Command contents with the Python \
:arg str command: The command to execute
:arg bool ignore-exit-code: mark the build as failure if any of the
commands exits with a non-zero exit code. (default: false)
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: \
:language: yaml
pluginelementpart = ''
buildenvdict = {'custom': 'CustomPythonBuilder',
'virtualenv': 'VirtualenvBuilder',
'python': 'PythonBuilder'}
envs = (buildenvdict.keys())
buildenv = data['build-environment']
except KeyError:
raise JenkinsJobsException("A build-environment is required")
if buildenv not in envs:
errorstring = ("build-environment '%s' is invalid. Must be one of %s."
% (buildenv, ', '.join("'{0}'".format(env)
for env in envs)))
raise JenkinsJobsException(errorstring)
t = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, '%s%s' %
(pluginelementpart, buildenvdict[buildenv]))
if buildenv in ('python', 'virtualenv'):
XML.SubElement(t, 'pythonName').text = data.get("python-version",
if buildenv in ('custom'):
homevalue = data["home"]
except KeyError:
raise JenkinsJobsException("'home' argument is required for the"
" 'custom' environment")
XML.SubElement(t, 'home').text = homevalue
if buildenv in ('virtualenv'):
XML.SubElement(t, 'home').text = data.get("name", "")
clear = data.get("clear", False)
XML.SubElement(t, 'clear').text = str(clear).lower()
use_distribute = data.get('use-distribute', False)
XML.SubElement(t, 'useDistribute').text = str(use_distribute).lower()
system_site_packages = data.get('system-site-packages', False)
XML.SubElement(t, 'systemSitePackages').text = str(
# Common arguments
nature = data.get('nature', 'shell')
naturetuple = ('shell', 'xshell', 'python')
if nature not in naturetuple:
errorstring = ("nature '%s' is not valid: must be one of %s."
% (nature, ', '.join("'{0}'".format(naturevalue)
for naturevalue in naturetuple)))
raise JenkinsJobsException(errorstring)
XML.SubElement(t, 'nature').text = nature
XML.SubElement(t, 'command').text = data.get("command", "")
ignore_exit_code = data.get('ignore-exit-code', False)
XML.SubElement(t, 'ignoreExitCode').text = str(ignore_exit_code).lower()
def managed_script(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: managed-script
This step allows to reference and execute a centrally managed
script within your build. Requires the Jenkins `Managed Script Plugin.
:arg str script-id: Id of script to execute (Required)
:arg str type: Type of managed file (default: script)
:type values:
* **batch**: Execute managed windows batch
* **script**: Execute managed script
:arg list args: Arguments to be passed to referenced script
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/managed-script.yaml
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/builders/fixtures/managed-winbatch.yaml
:language: yaml
step_type = data.get('type', 'script').lower()
if step_type == 'script':
step = 'ScriptBuildStep'
script_tag = 'buildStepId'
elif step_type == 'batch':
step = 'WinBatchBuildStep'
script_tag = 'command'
raise JenkinsJobsException("type entered is not valid must be "
"one of: script or batch")
ms = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
'org.jenkinsci.plugins.managedscripts.' + step)
script_id = data['script-id']
except KeyError:
raise JenkinsJobsException("A script-id is required for "
XML.SubElement(ms, script_tag).text = script_id
args = XML.SubElement(ms, 'buildStepArgs')
for arg in data.get('args', []):
XML.SubElement(args, 'string').text = arg