3116 lines
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3116 lines
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# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright 2012 Varnish Software AS
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Publishers define actions that the Jenkins job should perform after
the build is complete.
**Component**: publishers
:Macro: publisher
:Entry Point: jenkins_jobs.publishers
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException
import logging
import sys
import random
def archive(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: archive
Archive build artifacts
:arg str artifacts: path specifier for artifacts to archive
:arg str excludes: path specifier for artifacts to exclude
:arg bool latest-only: only keep the artifacts from the latest
successful build
:arg bool allow-empty: pass the build if no artifacts are
found (default false)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/publishers/fixtures/archive001.yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("%s:archive" % __name__)
archiver = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver')
artifacts = XML.SubElement(archiver, 'artifacts')
artifacts.text = data['artifacts']
if 'excludes' in data:
excludes = XML.SubElement(archiver, 'excludes')
excludes.text = data['excludes']
latest = XML.SubElement(archiver, 'latestOnly')
# backward compatibility
latest_only = data.get('latest_only', False)
if 'latest_only' in data:
logger.warn('latest_only is deprecated please use latest-only')
if 'latest-only' in data:
latest_only = data['latest-only']
if latest_only:
latest.text = 'true'
latest.text = 'false'
if 'allow-empty' in data:
empty = XML.SubElement(archiver, 'allowEmptyArchive')
# Default behavior is to fail the build.
empty.text = str(data.get('allow-empty', False)).lower()
def blame_upstream(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: blame-upstream
Notify upstream commiters when build fails
Requires the Jenkins `Blame upstream commiters Plugin.
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/publishers/fixtures/blame001.yaml
def emotional_jenkins(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: emotional-jenkins
Emotional Jenkins.
Requires the Jenkins `Emotional Jenkins Plugin.
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/emotional-jenkins.yaml
def trigger_parameterized_builds(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: trigger-parameterized-builds
Trigger parameterized builds of other jobs.
Requires the Jenkins `Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
:arg str project: name of the job to trigger
:arg str predefined-parameters: parameters to pass to the other
job (optional)
:arg bool current-parameters: Whether to include the parameters passed
to the current build to the triggered job (optional)
:arg bool svn-revision: Pass svn revision to the triggered job (optional)
:arg bool git-revision: Pass git revision to the other job (optional)
:arg str condition: when to trigger the other job (default 'ALWAYS')
:arg str property-file: Use properties from file (optional)
:arg bool fail-on-missing: Blocks the triggering of the downstream jobs
if any of the files are not found in the workspace (default 'False')
:arg str restrict-matrix-project: Filter that restricts the subset
of the combinations that the downstream project will run (optional)
- trigger-parameterized-builds:
- project: other_job, foo, bar
predefined-parameters: foo=bar
- project: other_job1, other_job2
predefined-parameters: BUILD_NUM=${BUILD_NUMBER}
property-file: version.prop
fail-on-missing: true
- project: yet_another_job
predefined-parameters: foo=bar
git-revision: true
restrict-matrix-project: label=="x86"
tbuilder = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
configs = XML.SubElement(tbuilder, 'configs')
for project_def in data:
tconfig = XML.SubElement(configs,
tconfigs = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'configs')
if ('predefined-parameters' in project_def
or 'git-revision' in project_def
or 'property-file' in project_def
or 'current-parameters' in project_def
or 'svn-revision' in project_def
or 'restrict-matrix-project' in project_def):
if 'predefined-parameters' in project_def:
params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs,
properties = XML.SubElement(params, 'properties')
properties.text = project_def['predefined-parameters']
if 'git-revision' in project_def and project_def['git-revision']:
params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs,
properties = XML.SubElement(params, 'combineQueuedCommits')
properties.text = 'false'
if 'property-file' in project_def and project_def['property-file']:
params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs,
properties = XML.SubElement(params, 'propertiesFile')
properties.text = project_def['property-file']
failOnMissing = XML.SubElement(params, 'failTriggerOnMissing')
failOnMissing.text = str(project_def.get('fail-on-missing',
if ('current-parameters' in project_def
and project_def['current-parameters']):
if 'svn-revision' in project_def and project_def['svn-revision']:
if ('restrict-matrix-project' in project_def
and project_def['restrict-matrix-project']):
subset = XML.SubElement(tconfigs,
XML.SubElement(subset, 'filter').text = \
tconfigs.set('class', 'java.util.Collections$EmptyList')
projects = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'projects')
projects.text = project_def['project']
condition = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'condition')
condition.text = project_def.get('condition', 'ALWAYS')
trigger_with_no_params = XML.SubElement(tconfig,
trigger_with_no_params.text = 'false'
def trigger(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: trigger
Trigger non-parametrised builds of other jobs.
:arg str project: name of the job to trigger
:arg str threshold: when to trigger the other job (default 'SUCCESS'),
- trigger:
project: other_job
thresholds = {
'ordinal': '0',
'color': 'BLUE'
'ordinal': '1',
'color': 'YELLOW'
'ordinal': '2',
'color': 'RED'
tconfig = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger')
childProjects = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'childProjects')
childProjects.text = data['project']
tthreshold = XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'threshold')
threshold = data.get('threshold', 'SUCCESS')
if threshold not in thresholds.keys():
raise JenkinsJobsException("threshold must be one of %s" %
", ".join(threshold.keys()))
tname = XML.SubElement(tthreshold, 'name')
tname.text = threshold
tordinal = XML.SubElement(tthreshold, 'ordinal')
tordinal.text = thresholds[threshold]['ordinal']
tcolor = XML.SubElement(tthreshold, 'color')
tcolor.text = thresholds[threshold]['color']
def cloverphp(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: cloverphp
Capture code coverage reports from PHPUnit
Requires the Jenkins `Clover PHP Plugin.
Your job definition should pass to PHPUnit the --coverage-clover option
pointing to a file in the workspace (ex: clover-coverage.xml). The filename
has to be filled in the `xml-location` field.
:arg str xml-location: Path to the coverage XML file generated by PHPUnit
using --coverage-clover. Relative to workspace. (required)
:arg dict html: When existent, whether the plugin should generate a HTML
report. Note that PHPUnit already provide a HTML report via its
--cover-html option which can be set in your builder (optional):
* **dir** (str): Directory where HTML report will be generated relative
to workspace. (required in `html` dict).
* **archive** (bool): Whether to archive HTML reports (default True).
:arg list metric-targets: List of metric targets to reach, must be one of
**healthy**, **unhealthy** and **failing**. Each metric target can takes
two parameters:
* **method** Target for method coverage
* **statement** Target for statements coverage
Whenever a metric target is not filled in, the Jenkins plugin can fill in
defaults for you (as of v0.3.3 of the plugin the healthy target will have
method: 70 and statement: 80 if both are left empty). Jenkins Job Builder
will mimic that feature to ensure clean configuration diff.
Minimal example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/cloverphp001.yaml
Full example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/cloverphp002.yaml
cloverphp = XML.SubElement(
# The plugin requires clover XML file to parse
if 'xml-location' not in data:
raise JenkinsJobsException('xml-location must be set')
# Whether HTML publishing has been checked
html_publish = False
# By default, disableArchiving = false. Note that we use
# reversed logic.
html_archive = True
if 'html' in data:
html_publish = True
html_dir = data['html'].get('dir', None)
html_archive = data['html'].get('archive', html_archive)
if html_dir is None:
# No point in going further, the plugin would not work
raise JenkinsJobsException('htmldir is required in a html block')
XML.SubElement(cloverphp, 'publishHtmlReport').text = \
if html_publish:
XML.SubElement(cloverphp, 'reportDir').text = html_dir
XML.SubElement(cloverphp, 'xmlLocation').text = data.get('xml-location')
XML.SubElement(cloverphp, 'disableArchiving').text = \
str(not html_archive).lower()
# Handle targets
# Plugin v0.3.3 will fill defaults for us whenever healthy targets are both
# blanks.
default_metrics = {
'healthy': {'method': 70, 'statement': 80}
allowed_metrics = ['healthy', 'unhealthy', 'failing']
metrics = data.get('metric-targets', [])
# list of dicts to dict
metrics = dict(kv for m in metrics for kv in m.iteritems())
# Populate defaults whenever nothing has been filled by user.
for default in default_metrics.keys():
if metrics.get(default, None) is None:
metrics[default] = default_metrics[default]
# The plugin would at least define empty targets so make sure
# we output them all in the XML regardless of what the user
# has or has not entered.
for target in allowed_metrics:
cur_target = XML.SubElement(cloverphp, target + 'Target')
for t_type in ['method', 'statement']:
val = metrics.get(target, {}).get(t_type)
if val is None or type(val) != int:
if val < 0 or val > 100:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
"Publisher cloverphp metric target %s:%s = %s "
"is not in valid range 0-100." % (target, t_type, val))
XML.SubElement(cur_target, t_type + 'Coverage').text = str(val)
def coverage(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: coverage
WARNING: The coverage function is deprecated. Instead, use the
cobertura function to generate a cobertura coverage report.
Requires the Jenkins `Cobertura Coverage Plugin.
- coverage
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.warn("Coverage function is deprecated. Switch to cobertura.")
cobertura = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'coberturaReportFile').text = '**/coverage.xml'
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'onlyStable').text = 'false'
healthy = XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'healthyTarget')
targets = XML.SubElement(healthy, 'targets', {
'class': 'enum-map',
'enum-type': 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'})
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'CONDITIONAL'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '70'
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'LINE'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '80'
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'METHOD'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '80'
unhealthy = XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'unhealthyTarget')
targets = XML.SubElement(unhealthy, 'targets', {
'class': 'enum-map',
'enum-type': 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'})
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'CONDITIONAL'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '0'
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'LINE'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '0'
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'METHOD'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '0'
failing = XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'failingTarget')
targets = XML.SubElement(failing, 'targets', {
'class': 'enum-map',
'enum-type': 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'})
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'CONDITIONAL'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '0'
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'LINE'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '0'
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'
).text = 'METHOD'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = '0'
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'sourceEncoding').text = 'ASCII'
def cobertura(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: cobertura
Generate a cobertura coverage report.
Requires the Jenkins `Cobertura Coverage Plugin.
:arg str report-file: This is a file name pattern that can be used
to locate the cobertura xml report files (optional)
:arg bool only-stable: Include only stable builds (default false)
:arg bool fail-no-reports: fail builds if no coverage reports are found
(default false)
:arg bool fail-unhealthy: Unhealthy projects will be failed
(default false)
:arg bool fail-unstable: Unstable projects will be failed (default false)
:arg bool health-auto-update: Auto update threshold for health on
successful build (default false)
:arg bool stability-auto-update: Auto update threshold for stability on
successful build (default false)
:arg bool zoom-coverage-chart: Zoom the coverage chart and crop area below
the minimum and above the maximum coverage
of the past reports (default false)
:arg str source-encoding: Override the source encoding (default ASCII)
:arg dict targets:
:targets: (packages, files, classes, method, line, conditional)
* **healthy** (`int`): Healthy threshold (default 0)
* **unhealthy** (`int`): Unhealthy threshold (default 0)
* **failing** (`int`): Failing threshold (default 0)
- cobertura:
report-file: "/reports/cobertura/coverage.xml"
only-stable: "true"
fail-no-reports: "true"
fail-unhealthy: "true"
fail-unstable: "true"
health-auto-update: "true"
stability-auto-update: "true"
zoom-coverage-chart: "true"
source-encoding: "Big5"
- files:
healthy: 10
unhealthy: 20
failing: 30
- method:
healthy: 50
unhealthy: 40
failing: 30
cobertura = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'coberturaReportFile').text = data.get(
'report-file', '**/coverage.xml')
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'onlyStable').text = str(
data.get('only-stable', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'failUnhealthy').text = str(
data.get('fail-unhealthy', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'failUnstable').text = str(
data.get('fail-unstable', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'autoUpdateHealth').text = str(
data.get('health-auto-update', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'autoUpdateStability').text = str(
data.get('stability-auto-update', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'zoomCoverageChart').text = str(
data.get('zoom-coverage-chart', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'failNoReports').text = str(
data.get('fail-no-reports', False)).lower()
healthy = XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'healthyTarget')
targets = XML.SubElement(healthy, 'targets', {
'class': 'enum-map',
'enum-type': 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'})
for item in data['targets']:
item_name = item.keys()[0]
item_values = item.get(item_name, 0)
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
'CoverageMetric').text = str(item_name).upper()
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = str(item_values.get('healthy', 0))
unhealthy = XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'unhealthyTarget')
targets = XML.SubElement(unhealthy, 'targets', {
'class': 'enum-map',
'enum-type': 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'})
for item in data['targets']:
item_name = item.keys()[0]
item_values = item.get(item_name, 0)
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.'
'CoverageMetric').text = str(item_name).upper()
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = str(item_values.get('unhealthy',
failing = XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'failingTarget')
targets = XML.SubElement(failing, 'targets', {
'class': 'enum-map',
'enum-type': 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageMetric'})
for item in data['targets']:
item_name = item.keys()[0]
item_values = item.get(item_name, 0)
entry = XML.SubElement(targets, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.'
'CoverageMetric').text = str(item_name).upper()
XML.SubElement(entry, 'int').text = str(item_values.get('failing', 0))
XML.SubElement(cobertura, 'sourceEncoding').text = data.get(
'source-encoding', 'ASCII')
def jacoco(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: jacoco
Generate a JaCoCo coverage report.
Requires the Jenkins `JaCoCo Plugin.
:arg str exec-pattern: This is a file name pattern that can be used to
locate the jacoco report files (default
:arg str class-pattern: This is a file name pattern that can be used
to locate class files (default ``**/classes``)
:arg str source-pattern: This is a file name pattern that can be used
to locate source files (default ``**/src/main/java``)
:arg bool update-build-status: Update the build according to the results
(default False)
:arg str inclusion-pattern: This is a file name pattern that can be used
to include certain class files (optional)
:arg str exclusion-pattern: This is a file name pattern that can be used
to exclude certain class files (optional)
:arg dict targets:
:targets: (instruction, branch, complexity, line, method, class)
* **healthy** (`int`): Healthy threshold (default 0)
* **unhealthy** (`int`): Unhealthy threshold (default 0)
- jacoco:
exec-pattern: "**/**.exec"
class-pattern: "**/classes"
source-pattern: "**/src/main/java"
status-update: true
- branch:
healthy: 10
unhealthy: 20
- method:
healthy: 50
unhealthy: 40
jacoco = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(jacoco, 'execPattern').text = data.get(
'exec-pattern', '**/**.exec')
XML.SubElement(jacoco, 'classPattern').text = data.get(
'class-pattern', '**/classes')
XML.SubElement(jacoco, 'sourcePattern').text = data.get(
'source-pattern', '**/src/main/java')
XML.SubElement(jacoco, 'changeBuildStatus').text = data.get(
'update-build-status', False)
XML.SubElement(jacoco, 'inclusionPattern').text = data.get(
'inclusion-pattern', '')
XML.SubElement(jacoco, 'exclusionPattern').text = data.get(
'exclusion-pattern', '')
itemsList = ['instruction',
for item in data['targets']:
item_name = item.keys()[0]
if item_name not in itemsList:
raise JenkinsJobsException("item entered is not valid must be "
"one of: %s" % ",".join(itemsList))
item_values = item.get(item_name, 0)
'maximum' +
item_name.capitalize() +
'Coverage').text = str(item_values.get('healthy', 0))
'minimum' +
item_name.capitalize() +
'Coverage').text = str(item_values.get('unhealthy', 0))
def ftp(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: ftp
Upload files via FTP.
Requires the Jenkins `Publish over FTP Plugin.
:arg str site: name of the ftp site
:arg str target: destination directory
:arg bool target-is-date-format: whether target is a date format. If true,
raw text should be quoted (defaults to False)
:arg bool clean-remote: should the remote directory be deleted before
transfering files (defaults to False)
:arg str source: source path specifier
:arg str excludes: excluded file pattern (optional)
:arg str remove-prefix: prefix to remove from uploaded file paths
:arg bool fail-on-error: fail the build if an error occurs (defaults to
- ftp:
site: 'ftp.example.com'
target: 'dest/dir'
source: 'base/source/dir/**'
remove-prefix: 'base/source/dir'
excludes: '**/*.excludedfiletype'
console_prefix = 'FTP: '
plugin_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__ftp.BapFtpPublisherPlugin'
publisher_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__ftp.BapFtpPublisher'
transfer_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__ftp.BapFtpTransfer'
plugin_reference_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ftp.' \
(_, transfer_node) = base_publish_over(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(transfer_node, 'asciiMode').text = 'false'
def junit(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: junit
Publish JUnit test results.
:arg str results: results filename
:arg bool keep-long-stdio: Retain long standard output/error in test
results (default true).
- junit:
results: nosetests.xml
keep-long-stdio: false
junitresult = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(junitresult, 'testResults').text = data['results']
XML.SubElement(junitresult, 'keepLongStdio').text = str(
data.get('keep-long-stdio', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(junitresult, 'testDataPublishers')
def xunit(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: xunit
Publish tests results. Requires the Jenkins `xUnit Plugin.
:arg str thresholdmode: whether thresholds represents an absolute \
number of tests or a percentage. Either 'number' or 'percent', will \
default to 'number' if omitted.
:arg dict thresholds: list containing the thresholds for both \
'failed' and 'skipped' tests. Each entry should in turn have a \
list of "threshold name: values". The threshold names are \
'unstable', 'unstablenew', 'failure', 'failurenew'. Omitting a \
value will resort on xUnit default value (should be 0).
:arg dict types: per framework configuration. The key should be \
one of the internal types we support:\
'aunit', 'boosttest', 'checktype', 'cpptest', 'cppunit', 'fpcunit', \
'junit', 'mstest', 'nunit', 'phpunit', 'tusar', 'unittest', 'valgrind'. \
The 'custom' type is not supported.
Each framework type can be configured using the following parameters:
:arg str pattern: An Ant pattern to look for Junit result files, \
relative to the workspace root.
:arg bool requireupdate: fail the build whenever fresh tests \
results have not been found (default: true).
:arg bool deleteoutput: delete temporary JUnit files (default: true)
:arg bool stoponerror: Fail the build whenever an error occur during \
a result file processing (default: true).
- xunit:
thresholdmode: 'percent'
- failed:
unstable: 0
unstablenew: 0
failure: 0
failurenew: 0
- skipped:
unstable: 0
unstablenew: 0
failure: 0
failurenew: 0
- phpunit:
pattern: junit.log
- cppUnit:
pattern: cppunit.log
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
xunit = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'xunit')
# Map our internal types to the XML element names used by Jenkins plugin
types_to_plugin_types = {
'aunit': 'AUnitJunitHudsonTestType',
'boosttest': 'BoostTestJunitHudsonTestType',
'checktype': 'CheckType',
'cpptest': 'CppTestJunitHudsonTestType',
'cppunit': 'CppUnitJunitHudsonTestType',
'fpcunit': 'FPCUnitJunitHudsonTestType',
'junit': 'JUnitType',
'mstest': 'MSTestJunitHudsonTestType',
'nunit': 'NUnitJunitHudsonTestType',
'phpunit': 'PHPUnitJunitHudsonTestType',
'tusar': 'TUSARJunitHudsonTestType',
'unittest': 'UnitTestJunitHudsonTestType',
'valgrind': 'ValgrindJunitHudsonTestType',
# FIXME should implement the 'custom' type
implemented_types = types_to_plugin_types.keys() # shortcut
# Unit framework we are going to generate xml for
supported_types = []
for configured_type in data['types']:
type_name = configured_type.keys()[0]
if type_name not in implemented_types:
logger.warn("Requested xUnit type '%s' is not yet supported" %
# Append for generation
# Generate XML for each of the supported framework types
xmltypes = XML.SubElement(xunit, 'types')
for supported_type in supported_types:
framework_name = supported_type.keys()[0]
xmlframework = XML.SubElement(xmltypes,
XML.SubElement(xmlframework, 'pattern').text = \
supported_type[framework_name].get('pattern', '')
XML.SubElement(xmlframework, 'failIfNotNew').text = \
'requireupdate', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(xmlframework, 'deleteOutputFiles').text = \
'deleteoutput', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(xmlframework, 'stopProcessingIfError').text = \
'stoponerror', True)).lower()
xmlthresholds = XML.SubElement(xunit, 'thresholds')
if 'thresholds' in data:
for t in data['thresholds']:
if not ('failed' in t or 'skipped' in t):
"Unrecognized threshold, should be 'failed' or 'skipped'")
elname = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.%sThreshold" \
% t.keys()[0].title()
el = XML.SubElement(xmlthresholds, elname)
for threshold_name, threshold_value in t.values()[0].items():
# Normalize and craft the element name for this threshold
elname = "%sThreshold" % threshold_name.lower().replace(
'new', 'New')
XML.SubElement(el, elname).text = threshold_value
# Whether to use percent of exact number of tests.
# Thresholdmode is either:
# - 1 : absolute (number of tests), default.
# - 2 : relative (percentage of tests)
thresholdmode = '1'
if 'percent' == data.get('thresholdmode', 'number'):
thresholdmode = '2'
XML.SubElement(xunit, 'thresholdMode').text = \
def _violations_add_entry(xml_parent, name, data):
vmin = data.get('min', 10)
vmax = data.get('max', 999)
vunstable = data.get('unstable', 999)
pattern = data.get('pattern', None)
entry = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'entry')
XML.SubElement(entry, 'string').text = name
tconfig = XML.SubElement(entry, 'hudson.plugins.violations.TypeConfig')
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'type').text = name
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'min').text = str(vmin)
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'max').text = str(vmax)
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'unstable').text = str(vunstable)
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'usePattern').text = 'false'
if pattern:
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'pattern').text = pattern
XML.SubElement(tconfig, 'pattern')
def violations(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: violations
Publish code style violations.
Requires the Jenkins `Violations Plugin.
The violations component accepts any number of dictionaries keyed
by the name of the violations system. The dictionary has the
following values:
:arg int min: sunny threshold
:arg int max: stormy threshold
:arg int unstable: unstable threshold
:arg str pattern: report filename pattern
Any system without a dictionary provided will use default values.
Valid systems are:
checkstyle, codenarc, cpd, cpplint, csslint, findbugs, fxcop,
gendarme, jcreport, jslint, pep8, pmd, pylint, simian, stylecop
- violations:
min: 0
max: 1
unstable: 1
pattern: '**/pep8.txt'
violations = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
config = XML.SubElement(violations, 'config')
suppressions = XML.SubElement(config, 'suppressions',
{'class': 'tree-set'})
XML.SubElement(suppressions, 'no-comparator')
configs = XML.SubElement(config, 'typeConfigs')
XML.SubElement(configs, 'no-comparator')
for name in [
_violations_add_entry(configs, name, data.get(name, {}))
XML.SubElement(config, 'limit').text = '100'
XML.SubElement(config, 'sourcePathPattern')
XML.SubElement(config, 'fauxProjectPath')
XML.SubElement(config, 'encoding').text = 'default'
def checkstyle(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: checkstyle
Publish trend reports with Checkstyle.
Requires the Jenkins `Checkstyle Plugin.
The checkstyle component accepts a dictionary with the
following values:
:arg str pattern: report filename pattern
:arg bool canRunOnFailed: also runs for failed builds
(instead of just stable or unstable builds)
:arg bool shouldDetectModules:
:arg int healthy: sunny threshold
:arg int unHealthy: stormy threshold
:arg str healthThreshold: threshold priority for health status
(high: only high, normal: high and normal, low: all)
:arg dict thresholds:
* **unstable** (`dict`)
:unstable: * **totalAll** (`int`)
* **totalHigh** (`int`)
* **totalNormal** (`int`)
* **totalLow** (`int`)
* **failed** (`dict`)
:failed: * **totalAll** (`int`)
* **totalHigh** (`int`)
* **totalNormal** (`int`)
* **totalLow** (`int`)
:arg str defaultEncoding: encoding for parsing or showing files
(empty will use platform default)
- checkstyle:
pattern: '**/checkstyle-result.xml'
healthy: 0
unHealthy: 100
healthThreshold: 'high'
totalHigh: 10
totalHigh: 1
checkstyle = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
dval = data.get('healthy', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'healthy').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'healthy')
dval = data.get('unHealthy', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'unHealthy').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'unHealthy')
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'thresholdLimit').text = \
data.get('healthThreshold', 'low')
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'pluginName').text = '[CHECKSTYLE] '
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'defaultEncoding').text = \
data.get('defaultEncoding', '')
if data.get('canRunOnFailed', False):
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'canRunOnFailed').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'canRunOnFailed').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'useStableBuildAsReference').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'useDeltaValues').text = 'false'
dthresholds = data.get('thresholds', {})
dunstable = dthresholds.get('unstable', {})
dfailed = dthresholds.get('failed', {})
thresholds = XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'thresholds')
dval = dunstable.get('totalAll', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalAll').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalAll')
dval = dunstable.get('totalHigh', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalHigh').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalHigh')
dval = dunstable.get('totalNormal', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalNormal').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalNormal')
dval = dunstable.get('totalLow', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalLow').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'unstableTotalLow')
dval = dfailed.get('totalAll', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalAll').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalAll')
dval = dfailed.get('totalHigh', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalHigh').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalHigh')
dval = dfailed.get('totalNormal', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalNormal').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalNormal')
dval = dfailed.get('totalLow', None)
if dval:
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalLow').text = str(dval)
XML.SubElement(thresholds, 'failedTotalLow')
if data.get('shouldDetectModules', False):
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'shouldDetectModules').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'shouldDetectModules').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'dontComputeNew').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'doNotResolveRelativePaths').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(checkstyle, 'pattern').text = data.get('pattern', '')
def scp(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: scp
Upload files via SCP
Requires the Jenkins `SCP Plugin.
:arg str site: name of the scp site
:arg str target: destination directory
:arg str source: source path specifier
:arg bool keep-hierarchy: keep the file hierarchy when uploading
(default false)
:arg bool copy-after-failure: copy files even if the job fails
(default false)
:arg bool copy-console: copy the console log (default false); if
specified, omit 'target'
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/scp001.yaml
site = data['site']
scp = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(scp, 'siteName').text = site
entries = XML.SubElement(scp, 'entries')
for entry in data['files']:
entry_e = XML.SubElement(entries, 'be.certipost.hudson.plugin.Entry')
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'filePath').text = entry['target']
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'sourceFile').text = entry.get('source', '')
if entry.get('keep-hierarchy', False):
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'keepHierarchy').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'keepHierarchy').text = 'false'
if entry.get('copy-console', False):
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'copyConsoleLog').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'copyConsoleLog').text = 'false'
if entry.get('copy-after-failure', False):
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'copyAfterFailure').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(entry_e, 'copyAfterFailure').text = 'false'
def ssh(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: ssh
Upload files via SCP.
Requires the Jenkins `Publish over SSH Plugin.
:arg str site: name of the ssh site
:arg str target: destination directory
:arg bool target-is-date-format: whether target is a date format. If true,
raw text should be quoted (defaults to False)
:arg bool clean-remote: should the remote directory be deleted before
transfering files (defaults to False)
:arg str source: source path specifier
:arg str command: a command to execute on the remote server (optional)
:arg int timeout: timeout in milliseconds for the Exec command (optional)
:arg bool use-pty: run the exec command in pseudo TTY (defaults to False)
:arg str excludes: excluded file pattern (optional)
:arg str remove-prefix: prefix to remove from uploaded file paths
:arg bool fail-on-error: fail the build if an error occurs (defaults to
- ssh:
site: 'server.example.com'
target: 'dest/dir'
source: 'base/source/dir/**'
remove-prefix: 'base/source/dir'
excludes: '**/*.excludedfiletype'
use-pty: true
command: 'rm -r jenkins_$BUILD_NUMBER'
timeout: 1800000
console_prefix = 'SSH: '
plugin_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__ssh.BapSshPublisherPlugin'
publisher_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__ssh.BapSshPublisher'
transfer_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__ssh.BapSshTransfer'
plugin_reference_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.' \
def pipeline(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: pipeline
Specify a downstream project in a pipeline.
Requires the Jenkins `Build Pipeline Plugin.
:arg str project: the name of the downstream project
:arg str predefined-parameters: parameters to pass to the other
job (optional)
:arg bool current-parameters: Whether to include the parameters passed
to the current build to the triggered job (optional)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/pipeline002.yaml
You can build pipeline jobs that are re-usable in different pipelines by
using a :ref:`job-template` to define the pipeline jobs,
and variable substitution to specify the name of
the downstream job in the pipeline.
Job-specific substitutions are useful here (see :ref:`project`).
See 'samples/pipeline.yaml' for an example pipeline implementation.
if 'project' in data and data['project'] != '':
pippub = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
configs = XML.SubElement(pippub, 'configs')
if 'predefined-parameters' in data:
params = XML.SubElement(configs,
properties = XML.SubElement(params, 'properties')
properties.text = data['predefined-parameters']
if ('current-parameters' in data
and data['current-parameters']):
XML.SubElement(pippub, 'downstreamProjectNames').text = data['project']
def email(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: email
Email notifications on build failure.
:arg str recipients: Recipient email addresses
:arg bool notify-every-unstable-build: Send an email for every
unstable build (default true)
:arg bool send-to-individuals: Send an email to the individual
who broke the build (default false)
- email:
recipients: breakage@example.com
# TODO: raise exception if this is applied to a maven job
mailer = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(mailer, 'recipients').text = data['recipients']
# Note the logic reversal (included here to match the GUI
if data.get('notify-every-unstable-build', True):
XML.SubElement(mailer, 'dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(mailer, 'dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(mailer, 'sendToIndividuals').text = str(
data.get('send-to-individuals', False)).lower()
def claim_build(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: claim-build
Claim build failures
Requires the Jenkins `Claim Plugin.
- claim-build
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.claim.ClaimPublisher')
def base_email_ext(parser, xml_parent, data, ttype):
trigger = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
+ ttype)
email = XML.SubElement(trigger, 'email')
XML.SubElement(email, 'recipientList').text = ''
XML.SubElement(email, 'subject').text = '$PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT'
XML.SubElement(email, 'body').text = '$PROJECT_DEFAULT_CONTENT'
XML.SubElement(email, 'sendToDevelopers').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(email, 'sendToRequester').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(email, 'includeCulprits').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(email, 'sendToRecipientList').text = 'true'
def email_ext(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: email-ext
Extend Jenkin's built in email notification
Requires the Jenkins `Email-ext Plugin.
:arg str recipients: Comma separated list of emails
:arg str reply-to: Comma separated list of emails that should be in
the Reply-To header for this project (default is $DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS)
:arg str subject: Subject for the email, can include variables like
${BUILD_NUMBER} or even groovy or javascript code
:arg str body: Content for the body of the email, can include variables
like ${BUILD_NUMBER}, but the real magic is using groovy or
javascript to hook into the Jenkins API itself
:arg bool attach-build-log: Include build log in the email (default false)
:arg bool unstable: Send an email for an unstable result (default false)
:arg bool first-failure: Send an email for just the first failure
(default false)
:arg bool not-built: Send an email if not built (default false)
:arg bool aborted: Send an email if the build is aborted (default false)
:arg bool regression: Send an email if there is a regression
(default false)
:arg bool failure: Send an email if the build fails (default true)
:arg bool improvement: Send an email if the build improves (default false)
:arg bool still-failing: Send an email if the build is still failing
(default false)
:arg bool success: Send an email for a successful build (default false)
:arg bool fixed: Send an email if the build is fixed (default false)
:arg bool still-unstable: Send an email if the build is still unstable
(default false)
:arg bool pre-build: Send an email before the build (default false)
- email-ext:
recipients: foo@example.com, bar@example.com
reply-to: foo@example.com
subject: Subject for Build ${BUILD_NUMBER}
body: The build has finished
attach-build-log: false
unstable: true
first-failure: true
not-built: true
aborted: true
regression: true
failure: true
improvement: true
still-failing: true
success: true
fixed: true
still-unstable: true
pre-build: true
emailext = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
if 'recipients' in data:
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'recipientList').text = data['recipients']
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'recipientList').text = '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS'
ctrigger = XML.SubElement(emailext, 'configuredTriggers')
if data.get('unstable', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'UnstableTrigger')
if data.get('first-failure', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'FirstFailureTrigger')
if data.get('not-built', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'NotBuiltTrigger')
if data.get('aborted', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'AbortedTrigger')
if data.get('regression', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'RegressionTrigger')
if data.get('failure', True):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'FailureTrigger')
if data.get('improvement', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'ImprovementTrigger')
if data.get('still-failing', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'StillFailingTrigger')
if data.get('success', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'SuccessTrigger')
if data.get('fixed', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'FixedTrigger')
if data.get('still-unstable', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'StillUnstableTrigger')
if data.get('pre-build', False):
base_email_ext(parser, ctrigger, data, 'PreBuildTrigger')
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'contentType').text = 'default'
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'defaultSubject').text = data.get(
'subject', '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT')
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'defaultContent').text = data.get(
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'attachmentsPattern').text = ''
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'presendScript').text = ''
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'attachBuildLog').text = \
str(data.get('attach-build-log', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(emailext, 'replyTo').text = data.get('reply-to',
def fingerprint(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: fingerprint
Fingerprint files to track them across builds
:arg str files: files to fingerprint, follows the @includes of Ant fileset
(default is blank)
:arg bool record-artifacts: fingerprint all archived artifacts
(default false)
- fingerprint:
files: builddir/test*.xml
record-artifacts: false
finger = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.tasks.Fingerprinter')
XML.SubElement(finger, 'targets').text = data.get('files', '')
XML.SubElement(finger, 'recordBuildArtifacts').text = str(data.get(
'record-artifacts', False)).lower()
def aggregate_tests(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: aggregate-tests
Aggregate downstream test results
:arg bool include-failed-builds: whether to include failed builds
- aggregate-tests:
include-failed-builds: true
agg = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(agg, 'includeFailedBuilds').text = str(data.get(
'include-failed-builds', False)).lower()
def cppcheck(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: cppcheck
Cppcheck result publisher
Requires the Jenkins `Cppcheck Plugin.
:arg str pattern: file pattern for cppcheck xml report
for more optional parameters see the example
- cppcheck:
pattern: "**/cppcheck.xml"
# the rest is optional
# build status (new) error count thresholds
unstable: 5
new-unstable: 5
failure: 7
new-failure: 3
# severities which count towards the threshold, default all true
error: true
warning: true
information: false
xysize: [500, 200]
# which errors to display, default only sum
sum: false
error: true
cppextbase = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
cppext = XML.SubElement(cppextbase, 'cppcheckConfig')
XML.SubElement(cppext, 'pattern').text = data['pattern']
XML.SubElement(cppext, 'ignoreBlankFiles').text = \
str(data.get('ignoreblankfiles', False)).lower()
csev = XML.SubElement(cppext, 'configSeverityEvaluation')
thrsh = data.get('thresholds', {})
XML.SubElement(csev, 'threshold').text = str(thrsh.get('unstable', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'newThreshold').text = \
str(thrsh.get('new-unstable', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'failureThreshold').text = \
str(thrsh.get('failure', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'newFailureThreshold').text = \
str(thrsh.get('new-failure', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'healthy').text = str(thrsh.get('healthy', ''))
XML.SubElement(csev, 'unHealthy').text = str(thrsh.get('unhealthy', ''))
sev = thrsh.get('severity', {})
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityError').text = \
str(sev.get('error', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityWarning').text = \
str(sev.get('warning', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityStyle').text = \
str(sev.get('style', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityPerformance').text = \
str(sev.get('performance', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(csev, 'severityInformation').text = \
str(sev.get('information', True)).lower()
graph = data.get('graph', {})
cgraph = XML.SubElement(cppext, 'configGraph')
x, y = graph.get('xysize', [500, 200])
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'xSize').text = str(x)
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'ySize').text = str(y)
gdisplay = graph.get('display', {})
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayAllErrors').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('sum', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayErrorSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('error', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayWarningSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('warning', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayStyleSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('style', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayPerformanceSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('performance', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(cgraph, 'displayInformationSeverity').text = \
str(gdisplay.get('information', False)).lower()
def logparser(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: logparser
Requires the Jenkins `Log Parser Plugin.
:arg str parse-rules: full path to parse rules
:arg bool unstable-on-warning: mark build unstable on warning
:arg bool fail-on-error: mark build failed on error
- logparser:
parse-rules: "/path/to/parserules"
unstable-on-warning: true
fail-on-error: true
clog = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(clog, 'unstableOnWarning').text = \
str(data.get('unstable-on-warning', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(clog, 'failBuildOnError').text = \
str(data.get('fail-on-error', False)).lower()
# v1.08: this must be the full path, the name of the rules is not enough
XML.SubElement(clog, 'parsingRulesPath').text = data.get('parse-rules', '')
def copy_to_master(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: copy-to-master
Copy files to master from slave
Requires the Jenkins `Copy To Slave Plugin.
:arg list includes: list of file patterns to copy
:arg list excludes: list of file patterns to exclude
:arg string destination: absolute path into which the files will be copied.
If left blank they will be copied into the
workspace of the current job
- copy-to-master:
- file1
- file2*.txt
- file2bad.txt
p = 'com.michelin.cio.hudson.plugins.copytoslave.CopyToMasterNotifier'
cm = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, p)
XML.SubElement(cm, 'includes').text = ','.join(data.get('includes', ['']))
XML.SubElement(cm, 'excludes').text = ','.join(data.get('excludes', ['']))
XML.SubElement(cm, 'destinationFolder').text = \
data.get('destination', '')
if data.get('destination', ''):
XML.SubElement(cm, 'overrideDestinationFolder').text = 'true'
def jira(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: jira
Update relevant JIRA issues
Requires the Jenkins `JIRA Plugin
- jira
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.jira.JiraIssueUpdater')
def groovy_postbuild(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: groovy-postbuild
Execute a groovy script.
Requires the Jenkins `Groovy Postbuild Plugin
:Parameter: the groovy script to execute
- groovy-postbuild: "manager.buildFailure()"
root_tag = 'org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.'\
groovy = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, root_tag)
XML.SubElement(groovy, 'groovyScript').text = data
def base_publish_over(xml_parent, data, console_prefix,
plugin_tag, publisher_tag,
transferset_tag, reference_plugin_tag):
outer = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, plugin_tag)
XML.SubElement(outer, 'consolePrefix').text = console_prefix
delegate = XML.SubElement(outer, 'delegate')
publishers = XML.SubElement(delegate, 'publishers')
inner = XML.SubElement(publishers, publisher_tag)
XML.SubElement(inner, 'configName').text = data['site']
XML.SubElement(inner, 'verbose').text = 'true'
transfers = XML.SubElement(inner, 'transfers')
transfersset = XML.SubElement(transfers, transferset_tag)
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'remoteDirectory').text = data['target']
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'sourceFiles').text = data['source']
if 'command' in data:
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'execCommand').text = data['command']
if 'timeout' in data:
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'execTimeout').text = str(data['timeout'])
if 'use-pty' in data:
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'usePty').text = \
str(data.get('use-pty', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'excludes').text = data.get('excludes', '')
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'removePrefix').text = \
data.get('remove-prefix', '')
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'remoteDirectorySDF').text = \
str(data.get('target-is-date-format', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'flatten').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(transfersset, 'cleanRemote').text = \
str(data.get('clean-remote', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(inner, 'useWorkspaceInPromotion').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(inner, 'usePromotionTimestamp').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(delegate, 'continueOnError').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(delegate, 'failOnError').text = \
str(data.get('fail-on-error', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(delegate, 'alwaysPublishFromMaster').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(delegate, 'hostConfigurationAccess',
{'class': reference_plugin_tag,
'reference': '../..'})
return (outer, transfersset)
def cifs(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: cifs
Upload files via CIFS.
Requires the Jenkins `Publish over CIFS Plugin.
:arg str site: name of the cifs site/share
:arg str target: destination directory
:arg bool target-is-date-format: whether target is a date format. If true,
raw text should be quoted (defaults to False)
:arg bool clean-remote: should the remote directory be deleted before
transfering files (defaults to False)
:arg str source: source path specifier
:arg str excludes: excluded file pattern (optional)
:arg str remove-prefix: prefix to remove from uploaded file paths
:arg bool fail-on-error: fail the build if an error occurs (defaults to
- cifs:
site: 'cifs.share'
target: 'dest/dir'
source: 'base/source/dir/**'
remove-prefix: 'base/source/dir'
excludes: '**/*.excludedfiletype'
console_prefix = 'CIFS: '
plugin_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__cifs.CifsPublisherPlugin'
publisher_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__cifs.CifsPublisher'
transfer_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish__over__cifs.CifsTransfer'
plugin_reference_tag = 'jenkins.plugins.publish_over_cifs.' \
def sonar(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: sonar
Sonar plugin support.
Requires the Jenkins `Sonar Plugin.
:arg str jdk: JDK to use (inherited from the job if omitted). (optional)
:arg str branch: branch onto which the analysis will be posted (optional)
:arg str language: source code language (optional)
:arg str maven-opts: options given to maven (optional)
:arg str additional-properties: sonar analysis parameters (optional)
:arg dict skip-global-triggers:
:Triggers: * **skip-when-scm-change** (`bool`): skip analysis when
build triggered by scm
* **skip-when-upstream-build** (`bool`): skip analysis when
build triggered by an upstream build
* **skip-when-envvar-defined** (`str`): skip analysis when
the specified environment variable is set to true
This publisher supports the post-build action exposed by the Jenkins
Sonar Plugin, which is triggering a Sonar Analysis with Maven.
- sonar:
jdk: MyJdk
branch: myBranch
language: java
maven-opts: -DskipTests
additional-properties: -DsonarHostURL=http://example.com/
skip-when-scm-change: true
skip-when-upstream-build: true
skip-when-envvar-defined: SKIP_SONAR
sonar = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarPublisher')
if 'jdk' in data:
XML.SubElement(sonar, 'jdk').text = data['jdk']
XML.SubElement(sonar, 'branch').text = data.get('branch', '')
XML.SubElement(sonar, 'language').text = data.get('language', '')
XML.SubElement(sonar, 'mavenOpts').text = data.get('maven-opts', '')
XML.SubElement(sonar, 'jobAdditionalProperties').text = \
data.get('additional-properties', '')
if 'skip-global-triggers' in data:
data_triggers = data['skip-global-triggers']
triggers = XML.SubElement(sonar, 'triggers')
XML.SubElement(triggers, 'skipScmCause').text = \
str(data_triggers.get('skip-when-scm-change', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(triggers, 'skipUpstreamCause').text = \
str(data_triggers.get('skip-when-upstream-build', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(triggers, 'envVar').text = \
data_triggers.get('skip-when-envvar-defined', '')
def performance(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: performance
Publish performance test results from jmeter and junit.
Requires the Jenkins `Performance Plugin.
:arg int failed-threshold: Specify the error percentage threshold that
set the build failed. A negative value means
don't use this threshold (default 0)
:arg int unstable-threshold: Specify the error percentage threshold that
set the build unstable. A negative value means
don't use this threshold (default 0)
:arg dict report:
:(jmeter or junit): (`dict` or `str`): Specify a custom report file
(optional; jmeter default \**/*.jtl, junit default **/TEST-\*.xml)
- performance:
failed-threshold: 85
unstable-threshold: -1
- jmeter: "/special/file.jtl"
- junit: "/special/file.xml"
- performance:
failed-threshold: 85
unstable-threshold: -1
- jmeter
- junit
- performance:
failed-threshold: 85
unstable-threshold: -1
- jmeter: "/special/file.jtl"
- junit: "/special/file.xml"
- jmeter
- junit
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
perf = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.performance.'
XML.SubElement(perf, 'errorFailedThreshold').text = str(data.get(
'failed-threshold', 0))
XML.SubElement(perf, 'errorUnstableThreshold').text = str(data.get(
'unstable-threshold', 0))
parsers = XML.SubElement(perf, 'parsers')
for item in data['report']:
if isinstance(item, dict):
item_name = item.keys()[0]
item_values = item.get(item_name, None)
if item_name == 'jmeter':
jmhold = XML.SubElement(parsers, 'hudson.plugins.performance.'
XML.SubElement(jmhold, 'glob').text = str(item_values)
elif item_name == 'junit':
juhold = XML.SubElement(parsers, 'hudson.plugins.performance.'
XML.SubElement(juhold, 'glob').text = str(item_values)
logger.fatal("You have not specified jmeter or junit, or "
"you have incorrectly assigned the key value.")
elif isinstance(item, str):
if item == 'jmeter':
jmhold = XML.SubElement(parsers, 'hudson.plugins.performance.'
XML.SubElement(jmhold, 'glob').text = '**/*.jtl'
elif item == 'junit':
juhold = XML.SubElement(parsers, 'hudson.plugins.performance.'
XML.SubElement(juhold, 'glob').text = '**/TEST-*.xml'
logger.fatal("You have not specified jmeter or junit, or "
"you have incorrectly assigned the key value.")
def join_trigger(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: join-trigger
Trigger a job after all the immediate downstream jobs have completed
:arg list projects: list of projects to trigger
- join-trigger:
- project-one
- project-two
jointrigger = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'join.JoinTrigger')
# Simple Project List
joinProjectsText = ','.join(data.get('projects', ['']))
XML.SubElement(jointrigger, 'joinProjects').text = joinProjectsText
def jabber(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: jabber
Integrates Jenkins with the Jabber/XMPP instant messaging protocol
Requires the Jenkins `Jabber Plugin.
:arg bool notify-on-build-start: Whether to send notifications
to channels when a build starts (default false)
:arg bool notify-scm-committers: Whether to send notifications
to the users that are suspected of having broken this build
(default false)
:arg bool notify-scm-culprits: Also send notifications to 'culprits'
from previous unstable/failed builds (default false)
:arg bool notify-upstream-committers: Whether to send notifications to
upstream committers if no committers were found for a broken build
(default false)
:arg bool notify-scm-fixers: Whether to send notifications to the users
that have fixed a broken build (default false)
:arg list group-targets: List of group targets to notify
:arg list individual-targets: List of individual targets to notify
:arg dict strategy: When to send notifications (default all)
:strategy values:
* **all** -- Always
* **failure** -- On any failure
* **failure-fixed** -- On failure and fixes
* **change** -- Only on state change
:arg dict message: Channel notification message (default summary-scm)
:message values:
* **summary-scm** -- Summary + SCM changes
* **summary** -- Just summary
* **summary-build** -- Summary and build parameters
* **summary-scm-fail** -- Summary, SCM changes, and failed tests
- jabber:
notify-on-build-start: true
- "foo-room@conference-2-fooserver.foo.com"
- "foo-user@conference-2-fooserver.foo.com"
strategy: all
message: summary-scm
j = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.jabber.im.transport.'
t = XML.SubElement(j, 'targets')
if 'group-targets' in data:
for group in data['group-targets']:
gcimt = XML.SubElement(t, 'hudson.plugins.im.'
XML.SubElement(gcimt, 'name').text = group
XML.SubElement(gcimt, 'notificationOnly').text = 'false'
if 'individual-targets' in data:
for individual in data['individual-targets']:
dimt = XML.SubElement(t, 'hudson.plugins.im.'
XML.SubElement(dimt, 'value').text = individual
strategy = data.get('strategy', 'all')
strategydict = {'all': 'ALL',
'failure': 'ANY_FAILURE',
'failure-fixed': 'FAILURE_AND_FIXED',
if strategy not in strategydict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("Strategy entered is not valid, must be " +
"one of: all, failure, failure-fixed, or "
XML.SubElement(j, 'strategy').text = strategydict[strategy]
XML.SubElement(j, 'notifyOnBuildStart').text = str(
data.get('notify-on-build-start', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(j, 'notifySuspects').text = str(
data.get('notify-scm-committers', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(j, 'notifyCulprits').text = str(
data.get('notify-scm-culprits', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(j, 'notifyFixers').text = str(
data.get('notify-scm-fixers', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(j, 'notifyUpstreamCommitters').text = str(
data.get('notify-upstream-committers', False)).lower()
message = data.get('message', 'summary-scm')
messagedict = {'summary-scm': 'DefaultBuildToChatNotifier',
'summary': 'SummaryOnlyBuildToChatNotifier',
'summary-build': 'BuildParametersBuildToChatNotifier',
'summary-scm-fail': 'PrintFailingTestsBuildToChatNotifier'}
if message not in messagedict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("Message entered is not valid, must be one "
"of: summary-scm, summary, summary-build "
"or summary-scm-fail")
XML.SubElement(j, 'buildToChatNotifier', {
'class': 'hudson.plugins.im.build_notify.' + messagedict[message]})
XML.SubElement(j, 'matrixMultiplier').text = 'ONLY_CONFIGURATIONS'
def workspace_cleanup(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: workspace-cleanup (post-build)
Requires the Jenkins `Workspace Cleanup Plugin.
The pre-build workspace-cleanup is available as a wrapper.
:arg list include: list of files to be included
:arg list exclude: list of files to be excluded
:arg bool dirmatch: Apply pattern to directories too (default: false)
:arg list clean-if: clean depending on build status
:clean-if values:
* **success** (`bool`) (default: true)
* **unstable** (`bool`) (default: true)
* **failure** (`bool`) (default: true)
* **aborted** (`bool`) (default: true)
* **not-built** (`bool`) (default: true)
:arg bool fail-build: Fail the build if the cleanup fails (default: true)
:arg bool clean-parent: Cleanup matrix parent workspace (default: false)
- workspace-cleanup:
- "*.zip"
- success: true
- not-built: false
p = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
p.set("plugin", "ws-cleanup@0.14")
if "include" in data or "exclude" in data:
patterns = XML.SubElement(p, 'patterns')
for inc in data.get("include", []):
ptrn = XML.SubElement(patterns, 'hudson.plugins.ws__cleanup.Pattern')
XML.SubElement(ptrn, 'pattern').text = inc
XML.SubElement(ptrn, 'type').text = "INCLUDE"
for exc in data.get("exclude", []):
ptrn = XML.SubElement(patterns, 'hudson.plugins.ws__cleanup.Pattern')
XML.SubElement(ptrn, 'pattern').text = exc
XML.SubElement(ptrn, 'type').text = "EXCLUDE"
XML.SubElement(p, 'deleteDirs').text = \
str(data.get("dirmatch", False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(p, 'cleanupMatrixParent').text = \
str(data.get("clean-parent", False)).lower()
mask = {'success': 'cleanWhenSuccess', 'unstable': 'cleanWhenUnstable',
'failure': 'cleanWhenFailure', 'not-built': 'cleanWhenNotBuilt',
'aborted': 'cleanWhenAborted'}
clean = data.get('clean-if', [])
cdict = dict()
for d in clean:
for k, v in mask.iteritems():
XML.SubElement(p, v).text = str(cdict.pop(k, True)).lower()
if len(cdict) > 0:
raise ValueError('clean-if must be one of: %r' % list(mask.keys()))
if str(data.get("fail-build", False)).lower() == 'false':
XML.SubElement(p, 'notFailBuild').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(p, 'notFailBuild').text = 'false'
def maven_deploy(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: maven-deploy
Deploy artifacts to Maven repository.
:arg str id: Repository ID
:arg str url: Repository URL
:arg bool unique-version: Assign unique versions to snapshots
(default true)
:arg bool deploy-unstable: Deploy even if the build is unstable
(default false)
- maven-deploy:
id: example
url: http://repo.example.com/maven2/
unique-version: true
deploy-unstable: false
p = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.maven.RedeployPublisher')
if 'id' in data:
XML.SubElement(p, 'id').text = data['id']
XML.SubElement(p, 'url').text = data['url']
XML.SubElement(p, 'uniqueVersion').text = str(
data.get('unique-version', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(p, 'evenIfUnstable').text = str(
data.get('deploy-unstable', False)).lower()
def text_finder(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: text-finder
This plugin lets you search keywords in the files you specified and
additionally check build status
Requires the Jenkins `Text-finder Plugin.
:arg str regexp: Specify a regular expression
:arg str fileset: Specify the path to search
:arg bool also-check-console-output:
Search the console output (default False)
:arg bool succeed-if-found:
Force a build to succeed if a string was found (default False)
:arg bool unstable-if-found:
Set build unstable instead of failing the build (default False)
- text-finder:
regexp: "some string"
fileset: "file.txt"
also-check-console-output: true
succeed-if-found: false
unstable-if-found: false
finder = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
if ('fileset' in data):
XML.SubElement(finder, 'fileSet').text = data['fileset']
XML.SubElement(finder, 'regexp').text = data['regexp']
check_output = str(data.get('also-check-console-output', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(finder, 'alsoCheckConsoleOutput').text = check_output
succeed_if_found = str(data.get('succeed-if-found', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(finder, 'succeedIfFound').text = succeed_if_found
unstable_if_found = str(data.get('unstable-if-found', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(finder, 'unstableIfFound').text = unstable_if_found
def html_publisher(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: html-publisher
This plugin publishes HTML reports.
Requires the Jenkins `HTML Publisher Plugin.
:arg str name: Report name
:arg str dir: HTML directory to archive
:arg str files: Specify the pages to display
:arg bool keep-all: keep HTML reports for each past build (Default False)
- html-publisher:
name: "some name"
dir: "path/"
files: "index.html"
keep-all: true
reporter = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher')
targets = XML.SubElement(reporter, 'reportTargets')
ptarget = XML.SubElement(targets, 'htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget')
XML.SubElement(ptarget, 'reportName').text = data['name']
XML.SubElement(ptarget, 'reportDir').text = data['dir']
XML.SubElement(ptarget, 'reportFiles').text = data['files']
keep_all = str(data.get('keep-all', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(ptarget, 'keepAll').text = keep_all
XML.SubElement(ptarget, 'wrapperName').text = "htmlpublisher-wrapper.html"
def tap(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: tap
Adds support to TAP test result files
Requires the Jenkins `TAP Plugin.
:arg str results: TAP test result files
:arg bool fail-if-no-results: Fail if no result (default False)
:arg bool failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure:
Mark build as failure if test fails (default False)
:arg bool output-tap-to-console: Output tap to console (default True)
:arg bool enable-subtests: Enable subtests (Default True)
:arg bool discard-old-reports: Discard old reports (Default False)
:arg bool todo-is-failure: Handle TODO's as failures (Default True)
- tap:
results: puiparts.tap
todo-is-failure: false
tap = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'org.tap4j.plugin.TapPublisher')
XML.SubElement(tap, 'testResults').text = data['results']
XML.SubElement(tap, 'failIfNoResults').text = str(
data.get('fail-if-no-results', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(tap, 'failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure').text = str(
data.get('failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(tap, 'outputTapToConsole').text = str(
data.get('output-tap-to-console', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(tap, 'enableSubtests').text = str(
data.get('enable-subtests', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(tap, 'discardOldReports').text = str(
data.get('discard-old-reports', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(tap, 'todoIsFailure').text = str(
data.get('todo-is-failure', True)).lower()
def post_tasks(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: post-tasks
Adds support to post build task plugin
Requires the Jenkins `Post Build Task plugin.
:arg dict task: Post build task definition
:arg list task[matches]: list of matches when to run the task
:arg dict task[matches][*]: match definition
:arg str task[matches][*][log-text]: text to match against the log
:arg str task[matches][*][operator]: operator to apply with the next match
:task[matches][*][operator] values (default 'AND'):
* **AND**
* **OR**
:arg bool task[escalate-status]: Escalate the task status to the job
(default 'false')
:arg bool task[run-if-job-successful]: Run only if the job was successful
(default 'false')
:arg str task[script]: Shell script to run (default '')
- post-tasks:
- matches:
- log-text: line to match
operator: AND
- log-text: line to match
operator: OR
- log-text: line to match
operator: AND
escalate-status: false
script: |
echo "Here goes the task script"
pb_xml = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
tasks_xml = XML.SubElement(pb_xml, 'tasks')
for task in data:
task_xml = XML.SubElement(
matches_xml = XML.SubElement(task_xml, 'logTexts')
for match in task.get('matches', []):
lt_xml = XML.SubElement(
XML.SubElement(lt_xml, 'logText').text = str(
match.get('log-text', ''))
XML.SubElement(lt_xml, 'operator').text = str(
match.get('operator', 'AND')).upper()
XML.SubElement(task_xml, 'EscalateStatus').text = str(
task.get('escalate-status', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(task_xml, 'RunIfJobSuccessful').text = str(
task.get('run-if-job-successful', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(task_xml, 'script').text = str(
task.get('script', ''))
def xml_summary(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: xml-summary
Adds support for the Summary Display Plugin
Requires the Jenkins `Summary Display Plugin.
:arg str files: Files to parse (default '')
- xml-summary:
files: '*_summary_report.xml'
summary = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(summary, 'name').text = data['files']
def robot(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: robot
Adds support for the Robot Framework Plugin
Requires the Jenkins `Robot Framework Plugin.
:arg str output-path: Path to directory containing robot xml and html files
relative to build workspace. (default '')
:arg str log-file-link: Name of log or report file to be linked on jobs
front page (default '')
:arg str report-html: Name of the html file containing robot test report
(default 'report.html')
:arg str log-html: Name of the html file containing detailed robot test log
(default 'log.html')
:arg str output-xml: Name of the xml file containing robot output
(default 'output.xml')
:arg str pass-threshold: Minimum percentage of passed tests to consider
the build succesful (default 0.0)
:arg str unstable-threshold: Minimum percentage of passed test to
consider the build as not failed (default 0.0)
:arg bool only-critical: Take only critical tests into account when
checking the thresholds (default true)
:arg list other-files: list other files to archive (default '')
- publishers:
- robot:
output-path: reports/robot
log-file-link: report.html
report-html: report.html
log-html: log.html
output-xml: output.xml
pass-threshold: 80.0
unstable-threshold: 60.0
only-critical: false
- extra-file1.html
- extra-file2.txt
parent = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.robot.RobotPublisher')
XML.SubElement(parent, 'outputPath').text = data['output-path']
XML.SubElement(parent, 'logFileLink').text = str(
data.get('log-file-link', ''))
XML.SubElement(parent, 'reportFileName').text = str(
data.get('report-html', 'report.html'))
XML.SubElement(parent, 'logFileName').text = str(
data.get('log-html', 'log.html'))
XML.SubElement(parent, 'outputFileName').text = str(
data.get('output-xml', 'output.xml'))
XML.SubElement(parent, 'passThreshold').text = str(
data.get('pass-threshold', 0.0))
XML.SubElement(parent, 'unstableThreshold').text = str(
data.get('unstable-threshold', 0.0))
XML.SubElement(parent, 'onlyCritical').text = str(
data.get('only-critical', True)).lower()
other_files = XML.SubElement(parent, 'otherFiles')
for other_file in data['other-files']:
XML.SubElement(other_files, 'string').text = str(other_file)
def warnings(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: warnings
Generate trend report for compiler warnings in the console log or
in log files. Requires the Jenkins `Warnings Plugin.
:arg list console-log-parsers: The parser to use to scan the console
log (default '')
:arg dict workspace-file-scanners:
* **file-pattern** (`str`) -- Fileset 'includes' setting that
specifies the files to scan for warnings
* **scanner** (`str`) -- The parser to use to scan the files
provided in workspace-file-pattern (default '')
:arg str files-to-include: Comma separated list of regular
expressions that specifies the files to include in the report
(based on their absolute filename). By default all files are
:arg str files-to-ignore: Comma separated list of regular expressions
that specifies the files to exclude from the report (based on their
absolute filename). (default '')
:arg bool run-always: By default, this plug-in runs only for stable or
unstable builds, but not for failed builds. Set to true if the
plug-in should run even for failed builds. (default false)
:arg bool detect-modules: Determines if Ant or Maven modules should be
detected for all files that contain warnings. Activating this
option may increase your build time since the detector scans
the whole workspace for 'build.xml' or 'pom.xml' files in order
to assign the correct module names. (default false)
:arg bool resolve-relative-paths: Determines if relative paths in
warnings should be resolved using a time expensive operation that
scans the whole workspace for matching files. Deactivate this
option if you encounter performance problems. (default false)
:arg int health-threshold-high: The upper threshold for the build
health. If left empty then no health report is created. If
the actual number of warnings is between the provided
thresholds then the build health is interpolated (default '')
:arg int health-threshold-low: The lower threshold for the build
health. See health-threshold-high. (default '')
:arg dict health-priorities: Determines which warning priorities
should be considered when evaluating the build health (default
:health-priorities values:
* **priority-high** -- Only priority high
* **high-and-normal** -- Priorities high and normal
* **all-priorities** -- All priorities
:arg dict total-thresholds: If the number of total warnings is greater
than one of these thresholds then a build is considered as unstable
or failed, respectively. (default '')
* **unstable** (`dict`)
:unstable: * **total-all** (`int`)
* **total-high** (`int`)
* **total-normal** (`int`)
* **total-low** (`int`)
* **failed** (`dict`)
:failed: * **total-all** (`int`)
* **total-high** (`int`)
* **total-normal** (`int`)
* **total-low** (`int`)
:arg dict new-thresholds: If the specified number of new warnings exceeds
one of these thresholds then a build is considered as unstable or
failed, respectively. (default '')
* **unstable** (`dict`)
:unstable: * **new-all** (`int`)
* **new-high** (`int`)
* **new-normal** (`int`)
* **new-low** (`int`)
* **failed** (`dict`)
:failed: * **new-all** (`int`)
* **new-high** (`int`)
* **new-normal** (`int`)
* **new-high** (`int`)
:arg bool use-delta-for-new-warnings: If set then the number of new
warnings is calculated by subtracting the total number of warnings
of the current build from the reference build. This may lead to wrong
results if you have both fixed and new warnings in a build. If not set,
then the number of new warnings is calculated by an asymmetric set
difference of the warnings in the current and reference build. This
will find all new warnings even if the number of total warnings is
decreasing. However, sometimes false positives will be reported due
to minor changes in a warning (refactoring of variable of method
names, etc.) (default false)
:arg bool only-use-stable-builds-as-reference: The number of new warnings
will be calculated based on the last stable build, allowing reverts
of unstable builds where the number of warnings was decreased.
(default false)
:arg str default-encoding: Default encoding when parsing or showing files
Leave empty to use default encoding of platform (default '')
- warnings:
- FxCop
- CodeAnalysis
- file-pattern: '**/*.out'
scanner: 'AcuCobol Compiler
- file-pattern: '**/*.warnings'
scanner: FxCop
files-to-include: '[a-zA-Z]\.java,[a-zA-Z]\.cpp'
files-to-ignore: '[a-zA-Z]\.html,[a-zA-Z]\.js'
run-always: true
detect-modules: true
resolve-relative-paths: true
health-threshold-high: 50
health-threshold-low: 25
health-priorities: high-and-normal
total-all: 90
total-high: 90
total-normal: 40
total-low: 30
total-all: 100
total-high: 100
total-normal: 50
total-low: 40
new-all: 100
new-high: 50
new-normal: 30
new-low: 10
new-all: 100
new-high: 60
new-normal: 50
new-low: 40
use-delta-for-new-warnings: true
only-use-stable-builds-as-reference: true
default-encoding: ISO-8859-9
warnings = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
console = XML.SubElement(warnings, 'consoleParsers')
for parser in data.get('console-log-parsers', []):
console_parser = XML.SubElement(console,
XML.SubElement(console_parser, 'parserName').text = parser
workspace = XML.SubElement(warnings, 'parserConfigurations')
for wfs in data.get('workspace-file-scanners', []):
workspace_pattern = XML.SubElement(workspace,
XML.SubElement(workspace_pattern, 'pattern').text = \
XML.SubElement(workspace_pattern, 'parserName').text = \
warnings_to_include = data.get('files-to-include', '')
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'includePattern').text = warnings_to_include
warnings_to_ignore = data.get('files-to-ignore', '')
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'excludePattern').text = warnings_to_ignore
run_always = str(data.get('run-always', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'canRunOnFailed').text = run_always
detect_modules = str(data.get('detect-modules', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'shouldDetectModules').text = detect_modules
#Note the logic reversal (included here to match the GUI)
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'doNotResolveRelativePaths').text = \
str(not data.get('resolve-relative-paths', False)).lower()
health_threshold_high = str(data.get('health-threshold-high', ''))
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'healthy').text = health_threshold_high
health_threshold_low = str(data.get('health-threshold-low', ''))
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'unHealthy').text = health_threshold_low
prioritiesDict = {'priority-high': 'high',
'high-and-normal': 'normal',
'all-priorities': 'low'}
priority = data.get('health-priorities', 'all-priorities')
if priority not in prioritiesDict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("Health-Priority entered is not valid must "
"be one of: %s" %
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'thresholdLimit').text = prioritiesDict[priority]
td = XML.SubElement(warnings, 'thresholds')
for base in ["total", "new"]:
thresholds = data.get("%s-thresholds" % base, {})
for status in ["unstable", "failed"]:
bystatus = thresholds.get(status, {})
for level in ["all", "high", "normal", "low"]:
val = str(bystatus.get("%s-%s" % (base, level), ''))
XML.SubElement(td, "%s%s%s" % (status,
base.capitalize(), level.capitalize())
).text = val
if data.get('new-thresholds'):
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'dontComputeNew').text = 'false'
delta = data.get('use-delta-for-new-warnings', False)
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'useDeltaValues').text = str(delta).lower()
use_stable_builds = data.get('only-use-stable-builds-as-reference',
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'useStableBuildAsReference').text = str(
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'dontComputeNew').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'useStableBuildAsReference').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'useDeltaValues').text = 'false'
encoding = data.get('default-encoding', '')
XML.SubElement(warnings, 'defaultEncoding').text = encoding
def sloccount(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: sloccount
Generates the trend report for SLOCCount
Requires the Jenkins `SLOCCount Plugin.
:arg str report-files: Setting that specifies the generated raw
SLOCCount report files.
Be sure not to include any non-report files into
this pattern. The report files must have been
generated by sloccount using the
"--wide --details" options.
(default: '\*\*/sloccount.sc')
:arg str charset: The character encoding to be used to read the SLOCCount
result files. (default: 'UTF-8')
- sloccount:
report-files: sloccount.sc
charset: UTF-8
top = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(top, 'pattern').text = data.get('report-files',
XML.SubElement(top, 'encoding').text = data.get('charset', 'UTF-8')
def ircbot(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: ircbot
ircbot enables Jenkins to send build notifications via IRC and lets you
interact with Jenkins via an IRC bot.
Requires the Jenkins `IRC Plugin.
:arg string strategy: When to send notifications
:strategy values:
* **all** always (default)
* **any-failure** on any failure_and_fixed
* **failure-and-fixed** on failure and fixes
* **new-failure-and-fixed** on new failure and fixes
* **statechange-only** only on state change
:arg bool notify-start: Whether to send notifications to channels when a
build starts
(default: false)
:arg bool notify-committers: Whether to send notifications to the users
that are suspected of having broken this build
(default: false)
:arg bool notify-culprits: Also send notifications to 'culprits' from
previous unstable/failed builds
(default: false)
:arg bool notify-upstream: Whether to send notifications to upstream
committers if no committers were found for a
broken build
(default: false)
:arg bool notify-fixers: Whether to send notifications to the users that
have fixed a broken build
(default: false)
:arg string message-type: Channel Notification Message.
:message-type values:
* **summary-scm** for summary and SCM changes (default)
* **summary** for summary only
* **summary-params** for summary and build parameters
* **summary-scm-fail** for summary, SCM changes, failures)
:arg list channels: list channels definitions
If empty, it takes channel from Jenkins configuration.
(default: empty)
WARNING: the IRC plugin requires the channel to be
configured in the system wide configuration or the jobs
will fail to emit notifications to the channel
:Channel: * **name** (`str`) Channel name
* **password** (`str`) Channel password (optional)
* **notify-only** (`bool`) Set to true if you want to
disallow bot commands (default: false)
:arg string matrix-notifier: notify for matrix projects
instant-messaging-plugin injects an additional
field in the configuration form whenever the
project is a multi-configuration project
:matrix-notifier values:
* **all**
* **only-configurations** (default)
* **only-parent**
- ircbot:
strategy: all
notify-start: false
notify-committers: false
notify-culprits: false
notify-upstream: false
notify-fixers: false
message-type: summary-scm
- name: '#jenkins-channel1'
password: secrete
notify-only: false
- name: '#jenkins-channel2'
notify-only: true
matrix-notifier: only-configurations
top = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.ircbot.IrcPublisher')
message_dict = {'summary-scm': 'DefaultBuildToChatNotifier',
'summary': 'SummaryOnlyBuildToChatNotifier',
'summary-params': 'BuildParametersBuildToChatNotifier',
'summary-scm-fail': 'PrintFailingTestsBuildToChatNotifier'}
message = data.get('message-type', 'summary-scm')
if message not in message_dict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("message-type entered is not valid, must "
"be one of: %s" %
", ".join(message_dict.keys()))
message = "hudson.plugins.im.build_notify." + message_dict.get(message)
XML.SubElement(top, 'buildToChatNotifier', attrib={'class': message})
strategy_dict = {'all': 'ALL',
'any-failure': 'ANY_FAILURE',
'failure-and-fixed': 'FAILURE_AND_FIXED',
'new-failure-and-fixed': 'NEW_FAILURE_AND_FIXED',
'statechange-only': 'STATECHANGE_ONLY'}
strategy = data.get('strategy', 'all')
if strategy not in strategy_dict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("strategy entered is not valid, must be "
"one of: %s" %
", ".join(strategy_dict.keys()))
XML.SubElement(top, 'strategy').text = strategy_dict.get(strategy)
targets = XML.SubElement(top, 'targets')
channels = data.get('channels', [])
for channel in channels:
sub = XML.SubElement(targets,
XML.SubElement(sub, 'name').text = channel.get('name')
XML.SubElement(sub, 'password').text = channel.get('password')
XML.SubElement(sub, 'notificationOnly').text = str(
channel.get('notify-only', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(top, 'notifyOnBuildStart').text = str(
data.get('notify-start', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(top, 'notifySuspects').text = str(
data.get('notify-committers', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(top, 'notifyCulprits').text = str(
data.get('notify-culprits', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(top, 'notifyFixers').text = str(
data.get('notify-fixers', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(top, 'notifyUpstreamCommitters').text = str(
data.get('notify-upstream', False)).lower()
matrix_dict = {'all': 'ALL',
'only-configurations': 'ONLY_CONFIGURATIONS',
'only-parent': 'ONLY_PARENT'}
matrix = data.get('matrix-notifier', 'only_configurations')
if matrix not in matrix_dict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("matrix-notifier entered is not valid, "
"must be one of: %s" %
", ".join(matrix_dict.keys()))
XML.SubElement(top, 'matrixMultiplier').text = matrix_dict.get(matrix)
def plot(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: plot
Plot provides generic plotting (or graphing).
Requires the Jenkins `Plot Plugin.
:arg str title: title for the graph
(default: '')
:arg str yaxis: title of Y axis
:arg str group: name of the group to which the plot belongs
:arg int num-builds: number of builds to plot across
(default: plot all builds)
:arg str style: Specifies the graph style of the plot
Can be: area, bar, bar3d, line, line3d, stackedArea,
stackedbar, stackedbar3d, waterfall
(default: 'line')
:arg bool use-description: When false, the X-axis labels are formed
using build numbers and dates, and the
corresponding tooltips contain the build
descriptions. When enabled, the contents of
the labels and tooltips are swapped, with the
descriptions used as X-axis labels and the
build number and date used for tooltips.
(default: False)
:arg str csv-file-name: Use for choosing the file name in which the data
will be persisted. If none specified and random
name is generated as done in the Jenkins Plot
(default: random generated .csv filename, same
behaviour as the Jenkins Plot plugin)
:arg list series: list data series definitions
:Serie: * **file** (`str`) : files to include
* **inclusion-flag** filtering mode for CSV files. Possible
values are:
* **off** (default)
* **include-by-string**
* **exclude-by-string**
* **include-by-column**
* **exclude-by-column**
* **exclude** (`str`) : exclude pattern for CSV file.
* **url** (`str`) : for 'csv' and 'xml' file types
used when you click on a point (default: empty)
* **display-table** (`bool`) : for 'csv' file type
if true, original CSV will be shown above plot (default: False)
* **label** (`str`) : used by 'properties' file type
Specifies the legend label for this data series.
(default: empty)
* **format** (`str`) : Type of file where we get datas.
Can be: properties, csv, xml
* **xpath-type** (`str`) : The result type of the expression must
be supplied due to limitations in the java.xml.xpath parsing.
The result can be: node, nodeset, boolean, string, or number.
Strings and numbers will be converted to double. Boolean will
be converted to 1 for true, and 0 for false. (default: 'node')
* **xpath** (`str`) : used by 'xml' file type
Xpath which selects the values that should be plotted.
- plot:
- title: MyPlot
yaxis: Y
group: PlotGroup
num-builds: ''
style: line
use-description: false
- file: graph-me-second.properties
label: MyLabel
format: properties
- file: graph-me-first.csv
url: 'http://srv1'
inclusion-flag: 'off'
display-table: true
format: csv
- title: MyPlot2
yaxis: Y
group: PlotGroup
style: line
use-description: false
- file: graph-me-third.xml
url: 'http://srv2'
format: xml
xpath-type: 'node'
xpath: '/*'
top = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.plot.PlotPublisher')
plots = XML.SubElement(top, 'plots')
format_dict = {'properties': 'hudson.plugins.plot.PropertiesSeries',
'csv': 'hudson.plugins.plot.CSVSeries',
'xml': 'hudson.plugins.plot.XMLSeries'}
xpath_dict = {'nodeset': 'NODESET', 'node': 'NODE', 'string': 'STRING',
'boolean': 'BOOLEAN', 'number': 'NUMBER'}
inclusion_dict = {'off': 'OFF',
'include-by-string': 'INCLUDE_BY_STRING',
'exclude-by-string': 'EXCLUDE_BY_STRING',
'include-by-column': 'INCLUDE_BY_COLUMN',
'exclude-by-column': 'EXCLUDE_BY_COLUMN'}
for plot in data:
plugin = XML.SubElement(plots, 'hudson.plugins.plot.Plot')
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'title').text = plot.get('title', '')
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'yaxis').text = plot['yaxis']
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'csvFileName').text = \
plot.get('csv-file-name', '%s.csv' % random.randrange(2 << 32))
topseries = XML.SubElement(plugin, 'series')
series = plot['series']
for serie in series:
format_data = serie.get('format')
if format_data not in format_dict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("format entered is not valid, must "
"be one of: %s" %
" , ".join(format_dict.keys()))
subserie = XML.SubElement(topseries, format_dict.get(format_data))
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'file').text = serie.get('file')
if format_data == 'properties':
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'label').text = serie.get('label', '')
if format_data == 'csv':
inclusion_flag = serie.get('inclusion-flag', 'off')
if inclusion_flag not in inclusion_dict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("Inclusion flag result entered "
"is not valid, must be one of: "
% ", ".join(inclusion_dict))
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'inclusionFlag').text = \
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'exclusionValues').text = \
serie.get('exclude', '')
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'url').text = serie.get('url', '')
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'displayTableFlag').text = \
str(plot.get('display-table', False)).lower()
if format_data == 'xml':
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'url').text = serie.get('url', '')
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'xpathString').text = \
xpathtype = serie.get('xpath-type', 'node')
if xpathtype not in xpath_dict:
raise JenkinsJobsException("XPath result entered is not "
"valid, must be one of: %s" %
", ".join(xpath_dict))
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'nodeTypeString').text = \
XML.SubElement(subserie, 'fileType').text = serie.get('format')
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'group').text = plot['group']
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'useDescr').text = \
str(plot.get('use-description', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'numBuilds').text = plot.get('num-builds', '')
style_list = ['area', 'bar', 'bar3d', 'line', 'line3d', 'stackedArea',
'stackedbar', 'stackedbar3d', 'waterfall']
style = plot.get('style', 'line')
if style not in style_list:
raise JenkinsJobsException("style entered is not valid, must be "
"one of: %s" % ", ".join(style_list))
XML.SubElement(plugin, 'style').text = style
def git(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: git
This plugin will configure the Jenkins Git plugin to
push merge results, tags, and/or branches to
remote repositories after the job completes.
Requires the Jenkins `Git Plugin.
:arg bool push-merge: push merges back to the origin specified in the
pre-build merge options (Default: False)
:arg bool push-only-if-success: Only push to remotes if the build succeeds
- otherwise, nothing will be pushed.
(Default: True)
:arg list tags: tags to push at the completion of the build
:tag: * **remote** (`str`) remote repo name to push to
(Default: 'origin')
* **name** (`str`) name of tag to push
* **message** (`str`) message content of the tag
* **create-tag** (`bool`) whether or not to create the tag
after the build, if this is False then the tag needs to
exist locally (Default: False)
* **update-tag** (`bool`) whether to overwrite a remote tag
or not (Default: False)
:arg list branches: branches to push at the completion of the build
:branch: * **remote** (`str`) remote repo name to push to
(Default: 'origin')
* **name** (`str`) name of remote branch to push to
:arg list notes: notes to push at the completion of the build
:note: * **remote** (`str`) remote repo name to push to
(Default: 'origin')
* **message** (`str`) content of the note
* **namespace** (`str`) namespace of the note
(Default: master)
* **replace-note** (`bool`) whether to overwrite a note or not
(Default: False)
- git:
push-merge: true
push-only-if-success: false
- tag:
remote: tagremotename
name: tagname
message: "some tag message"
create-tag: true
update-tag: true
- branch:
remote: branchremotename
name: "some/branch"
- note:
remote: remotename
message: "some note to push"
namespace: commits
replace-note: true
mappings = [('push-merge', 'pushMerge', False),
('push-only-if-success', 'pushOnlyIfSuccess', True)]
tag_mappings = [('remote', 'targetRepoName', 'origin'),
('name', 'tagName', None),
('message', 'tagMessage', ''),
('create-tag', 'createTag', False),
('update-tag', 'updateTag', False)]
branch_mappings = [('remote', 'targetRepoName', 'origin'),
('name', 'branchName', None)]
note_mappings = [('remote', 'targetRepoName', 'origin'),
('message', 'noteMsg', None),
('namespace', 'noteNamespace', 'master'),
('replace-note', 'noteReplace', False)]
def handle_entity_children(entity, entity_xml, child_mapping):
for prop in child_mapping:
opt, xmlopt, default_val = prop[:3]
val = entity.get(opt, default_val)
if val is None:
raise JenkinsJobsException('Required option missing: %s' % opt)
if type(val) == bool:
val = str(val).lower()
XML.SubElement(entity_xml, xmlopt).text = val
top = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher')
XML.SubElement(top, 'configVersion').text = '2'
handle_entity_children(data, top, mappings)
tags = data.get('tags', [])
if tags:
xml_tags = XML.SubElement(top, 'tagsToPush')
for tag in tags:
xml_tag = XML.SubElement(
handle_entity_children(tag['tag'], xml_tag, tag_mappings)
branches = data.get('branches', [])
if branches:
xml_branches = XML.SubElement(top, 'branchesToPush')
for branch in branches:
xml_branch = XML.SubElement(
handle_entity_children(branch['branch'], xml_branch,
notes = data.get('notes', [])
if notes:
xml_notes = XML.SubElement(top, 'notesToPush')
for note in notes:
xml_note = XML.SubElement(
handle_entity_children(note['note'], xml_note, note_mappings)
def github_notifier(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: github-notifier
Set build status on Github commit.
Requires the Jenkins `Github Plugin.
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/github-notifier.yaml
def build_publisher(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: build-publisher
This plugin allows records from one Jenkins to be published
on another Jenkins.
Requires the Jenkins `Build Publisher Plugin.
:arg str servers: Specify the servers where to publish
- build-publisher:
name: servername
publish-unstable-builds: true
publish-failed-builds: true
days-to-keep: -1
num-to-keep: -1
artifact-days-to-keep: -1
artifact-num-to-keep: -1
reporter = XML.SubElement(
XML.SubElement(reporter, 'serverName').text = data['name']
XML.SubElement(reporter, 'publishUnstableBuilds').text = \
str(data.get('publish-unstable-builds', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(reporter, 'publishFailedBuilds').text = \
str(data.get('publish-failed-builds', True)).lower()
logrotator = XML.SubElement(reporter, 'logRotator')
XML.SubElement(logrotator, 'daysToKeep').text = \
str(data.get('days-to-keep', -1))
XML.SubElement(logrotator, 'numToKeep').text = \
str(data.get('num-to-keep', -1))
XML.SubElement(logrotator, 'artifactDaysToKeep').text = \
str(data.get('artifact-days-to-keep', -1))
XML.SubElement(logrotator, 'artifactNumToKeep').text = \
str(data.get('artifact-num-to-keep', -1))
def stash(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: stash
This plugin will configure the Jenkins Stash Notifier plugin to
notify Atlassian Stash after job completes.
Requires the Jenkins `StashNotifier Plugin.
:arg string url: Base url of Stash Server (Default: "")
:arg string username: Username of Stash Server (Default: "")
:arg string password: Password of Stash Server (Default: "")
:arg bool ignore-ssl: Ignore unverified SSL certificate (Default: False)
:arg string commit-sha1: Commit SHA1 to notify (Default: "")
:arg bool include-build-number: Include build number in key
(Default: False)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/stash001.yaml
top = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(top, 'stashServerBaseUrl').text = data.get('url', '')
XML.SubElement(top, 'stashUserName').text = data.get('username', '')
XML.SubElement(top, 'stashUserPassword').text = data.get('password', '')
XML.SubElement(top, 'ignoreUnverifiedSSLPeer').text = str(
data.get('ignore-ssl', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(top, 'commitSha1').text = data.get('commit-sha1', '')
XML.SubElement(top, 'includeBuildNumberInKey').text = str(
data.get('include-build-number', False)).lower()
def description_setter(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: description-setter
This plugin sets the description for each build,
based upon a RegEx test of the build log file.
Requires the Jenkins `Description Setter Plugin.
:arg str regexp: A RegEx which is used to scan the build log file
:arg str regexp-for-failed: A RegEx which is used for failed builds
:arg str description: The description to set on the build (optional)
:arg str description-for-failed: The description to set on
the failed builds (optional)
:arg bool set-for-matrix: Also set the description on
a multi-configuration build (Default False)
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/description-setter.yaml
descriptionsetter = XML.SubElement(
XML.SubElement(descriptionsetter, 'regexp').text = data.get('regexp', '')
XML.SubElement(descriptionsetter, 'regexpForFailed').text = \
data.get('regexp-for-failed', '')
if 'description' in data:
XML.SubElement(descriptionsetter, 'description').text = \
if 'description-for-failed' in data:
XML.SubElement(descriptionsetter, 'descriptionForFailed').text = \
for_matrix = str(data.get('set-for-matrix', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(descriptionsetter, 'setForMatrix').text = for_matrix
class Publishers(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 70
component_type = 'publisher'
component_list_type = 'publishers'
def gen_xml(self, parser, xml_parent, data):
publishers = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'publishers')
for action in data.get('publishers', []):
self.registry.dispatch('publisher', parser, publishers, action)