
1859 lines
74 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 Joost van der Griendt <>
# Copyright (C) 2018 Sorin Sbarnea <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The Multibranch Pipeline project module handles creating Jenkins workflow
You may specify ``multibranch`` in the ``project-type`` attribute of
the :ref:`Job` definition.
Multibranch Pipeline implementantion in JJB is marked as **experimental**
which means that there is no guarantee that its behavior (or configuration)
will not change, even between minor releases.
Plugins required:
* :jenkins-plugins:`Workflow Plugin <workflow-aggregator>`.
* :jenkins-plugins:`Pipeline Multibranch Defaults Plugin
<pipeline-multibranch-defaults>` (optional)
* :jenkins-plugins:`Basic Branch Build Strategies Plugin
<basic-branch-build-strategies>` (optional)
:Job Parameters:
* **scm** (`list`): The SCM definition.
* **bitbucket** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~bitbucket_scm <bitbucket_scm>` for documentation.
* **gerrit** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~gerrit_scm <gerrit_scm>` for documentation.
* **git** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~git_scm <git_scm>` for documentation.
* **github** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~github_scm <github_scm>` for documentation.
* **periodic-folder-trigger** (`str`): How often to scan for new branches
or pull/change requests. Valid values: 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m,
30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 1w, 2w, 4w. (default none)
* **prune-dead-branches** (`bool`): If dead branches upon check should
result in their job being dropped. (default true)
* **number-to-keep** (`int`): How many builds should be kept.
(default '-1, all')
* **days-to-keep** (`int`): For how many days should a build be kept.
(default '-1, forever')
* **script-path** (`str`): Path to Jenkinsfile, relative to workspace.
(default 'Jenkinsfile')
* **script-id** (`str`): Script id from the global Jenkins script store
provided by the config-file provider plugin. Mutually exclusive with
**script-path** option.
* **sandbox** (`bool`): This option is strongly recommended if the
Jenkinsfile is using load to evaluate a groovy source file from an
SCM repository. Usable only with **script-id** option. (default 'false')
Job examples:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/multibranch_defaults_id_mode.yaml
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/multibranch_defaults_path_mode.yaml
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/multi_scm_full.yaml
import collections
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
import jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers as helpers
import six
from jenkins_jobs.modules.scm import git_extensions
from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError
from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException
from jenkins_jobs.xml_config import remove_ignorable_whitespace
logger = logging.getLogger(str(__name__))
class WorkflowMultiBranch(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 0
multibranch_path = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch"
multibranch_defaults_path = "org.jenkinsci.pipeline.workflow.multibranch"
jenkins_class = "".join([multibranch_path, ".WorkflowMultiBranchProject"])
jenkins_factory = {
"script_path": {
"class": "".join([multibranch_path, ".WorkflowBranchProjectFactory"])
"script_id": {
"class": "".join(
"plugin": "pipeline-multibranch-defaults",
def _factory_opts_check(data):
sandbox = data.get("sandbox", None)
script_id = data.get("script-id", None)
script_path = data.get("script-path", None)
if script_id and script_path:
error_msg = "script-id and script-path are mutually exclusive options"
raise JenkinsJobsException(error_msg)
elif not script_id and sandbox:
error_msg = (
"Sandbox mode is applicable only for multibranch with defaults"
"project type used with script-id option"
raise JenkinsJobsException(error_msg)
def root_xml(self, data):
xml_parent = XML.Element(self.jenkins_class)
xml_parent.attrib["plugin"] = "workflow-multibranch"
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "properties")
# Views #
views = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "views")
all_view = XML.SubElement(views, "hudson.model.AllView")
all_view_mapping = [
("", "name", "All"),
("", "filterExecutors", False),
("", "filterQueue", False),
all_view, {}, all_view_mapping, fail_required=True
all_view, "properties", {"class": "hudson.model.View$PropertyList"}
all_view, "owner", {"class": self.jenkins_class, "reference": "../../.."}
xml_parent, "viewsTabBar", {"class": "hudson.views.DefaultViewsTabBar"}
# Folder Views #
folderViews = XML.SubElement(
"class": "jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProjectViewHolder",
"plugin": "branch-api",
folderViews, "owner", {"class": self.jenkins_class, "reference": "../.."}
# Health Metrics #
hm = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "healthMetrics")
hm_path = "" ".WorstChildHealthMetric"
hm_plugin = XML.SubElement(hm, hm_path, {"plugin": "cloudbees-folder"})
XML.SubElement(hm_plugin, "nonRecursive").text = "false"
# Icon #
icon = XML.SubElement(
"class": "jenkins.branch.MetadataActionFolderIcon",
"plugin": "branch-api",
icon, "owner", {"class": self.jenkins_class, "reference": "../.."}
# Orphan Item Strategy #
ois_default_strategy = (
ois = XML.SubElement(
{"class": ois_default_strategy, "plugin": "cloudbees-folder"},
ois_mapping = [
("prune-dead-branches", "pruneDeadBranches", True, [True, False]),
("days-to-keep", "daysToKeep", -1),
("number-to-keep", "numToKeep", -1),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(ois, data, ois_mapping)
# Periodic Folder Trigger #
triggers = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "triggers")
# Valid options for the periodic trigger interval.
pft_map = collections.OrderedDict(
("1m", ("* * * * *", "60000")),
("2m", ("*/2 * * * *", "120000")),
("5m", ("*/5 * * * *", "300000")),
("10m", ("H/6 * * * *", "600000")),
("15m", ("H/6 * * * *", "900000")),
("20m", ("H/3 * * * *", "1200000")),
("25m", ("H/3 * * * *", "1500000")),
("30m", ("H/2 * * * *", "1800000")),
("1h", ("H * * * *", "3600000")),
("2h", ("H * * * *", "7200000")),
("4h", ("H * * * *", "14400000")),
("8h", ("H * * * *", "28800000")),
("12h", ("H H * * *", "43200000")),
("1d", ("H H * * *", "86400000")),
("2d", ("H H * * *", "172800000")),
("1w", ("H H * * *", "604800000")),
("2w", ("H H * * *", "1209600000")),
("4w", ("H H * * *", "2419200000")),
pft_val = data.get("periodic-folder-trigger")
if pft_val:
if not pft_map.get(pft_val):
raise InvalidAttributeError(
"periodic-folder-trigger", pft_val, pft_map.keys()
pft_path = (
"com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.computed." "PeriodicFolderTrigger"
pft = XML.SubElement(triggers, pft_path, {"plugin": "cloudbees-folder"})
XML.SubElement(pft, "spec").text = pft_map[pft_val][0]
XML.SubElement(pft, "interval").text = pft_map[pft_val][1]
# Sources #
sources = XML.SubElement(
"class": "jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject$BranchSourceList",
"plugin": "branch-api",
sources_data = XML.SubElement(sources, "data")
sources, "owner", {"class": self.jenkins_class, "reference": "../.."}
valid_scm = ["bitbucket", "gerrit", "git", "github"]
for scm_data in data.get("scm", None):
for scm in scm_data:
bs = XML.SubElement(sources_data, "jenkins.branch.BranchSource")
if scm == "bitbucket":
bitbucket_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
elif scm == "gerrit":
gerrit_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
elif scm == "git":
git_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
elif scm == "github":
github_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
raise InvalidAttributeError("scm", scm_data, valid_scm)
# Factory #
if data.get("script-id"):
mode = "script_id"
fopts_map = (
("script-id", "scriptId", None),
("sandbox", "useSandbox", None),
mode = "script_path"
fopts_map = (("script-path", "scriptPath", "Jenkinsfile"),)
factory = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "factory", self.jenkins_factory[mode])
factory, "owner", {"class": self.jenkins_class, "reference": "../.."}
# multibranch default
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(factory, data, fopts_map, fail_required=False)
return xml_parent
class WorkflowMultiBranchDefaults(WorkflowMultiBranch):
multibranch_path = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch"
multibranch_defaults_path = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.multibranch"
jenkins_class = "".join(
[multibranch_defaults_path, ".defaults.PipelineMultiBranchDefaultsProject"]
jenkins_factory = {
"script_path": {
"class": "".join([multibranch_path, ".WorkflowBranchProjectFactory"]),
"plugin": "workflow-multibranch",
"script_id": {
"class": "".join(
def bitbucket_scm(xml_parent, data):
r"""Configure BitBucket scm
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin
:arg str credentials-id: The credential to use to scan BitBucket.
:arg str repo-owner: Specify the name of the Bitbucket Team or Bitbucket
User Account. (required)
:arg str repo: The BitBucket repo. (required)
:arg bool discover-tags: Discovers tags on the repository.
(default false)
:arg bool lfs: Git LFS pull after checkout.
(default false)
:arg str server-url: The address of the bitbucket server. (optional)
:arg str head-filter-regex: A regular expression for filtering
discovered source branches. Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM API
Plugin <scm-api>`.
:arg list head-pr-filter-behaviors: Definition of Filter Branch PR behaviors.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM Filter Branch PR Plugin
Refer to :func:`~add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors <add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors>`.
:arg str discover-branch: Discovers branches on the repository.
Valid options: ex-pr, only-pr, all.
Value is not specified by default.
:arg str discover-pr-origin: Discovers pull requests where the origin
repository is the same as the target repository.
Valid options: mergeOnly, headOnly, mergeAndHead.
Value is not specified by default.
:arg str discover-pr-forks-strategy: Fork strategy. Valid options:
merge-current, current, both, false. (default 'merge-current')
:arg str discover-pr-forks-trust: Discovers pull requests where the origin
repository is a fork of the target repository.
Valid options: contributors, everyone, permission or nobody.
(default 'contributors')
:arg list build-strategies: Provides control over whether to build a branch
(or branch like things such as change requests and tags) whenever it is
discovered initially or a change from the previous revision has been
detected. (optional)
Refer to :func:`~build_strategies <build_strategies>`.
:arg dict property-strategies: Provides control over how to build a branch
(like to disable SCM triggering or to override the pipeline durability)
Refer to :func:`~property_strategies <property_strategies>`.
:arg bool local-branch: Check out to matching local branch
If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.
If selected, then the branch name is computed from the remote branch
without the origin. In that case, a remote branch origin/master will
be checked out to a local branch named master, and a remote branch
origin/develop/new-feature will be checked out to a local branch
named develop/newfeature.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Git Plugin <git>`.
:arg list(str) refspecs: Which refspecs to look for.
:arg dict checkout-over-ssh: Checkout repo over ssh.
* **credentials** ('str'): Credentials to use for
checkout of the repo over ssh.
:arg dict filter-by-name-wildcard: Enable filter by name with wildcards.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM API Plugin <scm-api>`.
* **includes** ('str'): Space-separated list
of name patterns to consider. You may use * as a wildcard;
for example: `master release*`
* **excludes** ('str'): Name patterns to
ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: `release*`
* **clean** (`dict`)
* **after** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace after checkout
* **before** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace before checkout
* **prune** (`bool`) - Prune remote branches (default false)
* **shallow-clone** (`bool`) - Perform shallow clone (default false)
* **sparse-checkout** (dict)
* **paths** (list) - List of paths to sparse checkout. (optional)
* **depth** (`int`) - Set shallow clone depth (default 1)
* **do-not-fetch-tags** (`bool`) - Perform a clone without tags
(default false)
* **submodule** (`dict`)
* **disable** (`bool`) - By disabling support for submodules you
can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have
Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist.
* **recursive** (`bool`) - Retrieve all submodules recursively
(uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5)
* **tracking** (`bool`) - Retrieve the tip of the configured
branch in .gitmodules (Uses '\-\-remote' option which requires
* **parent-credentials** (`bool`) - Use credentials from default
remote of parent repository (default false).
* **reference-repo** (`str`) - Path of the reference repo to use
during clone (optional)
* **timeout** (`int`) - Specify a timeout (in minutes) for
submodules operations (default 10).
* **timeout** (`str`) - Timeout for git commands in minutes (optional)
* **use-author** (`bool`): Use author rather than committer in Jenkin's
build changeset (default false)
* **wipe-workspace** (`bool`) - Wipe out workspace before build
(default true)
* **lfs-pull** (`bool`) - Call git lfs pull after checkout
(default false)
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
source = XML.SubElement(
"class": "com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSource",
"plugin": "cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source",
source_mapping = [
("", "id", "-".join(["bb", data.get("repo-owner", ""), data.get("repo", "")])),
("repo-owner", "repoOwner", None),
("repo", "repository", None),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(source, data, source_mapping, fail_required=True)
mapping_optional = [
("credentials-id", "credentialsId", None),
("server-url", "serverUrl", None),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(source, data, mapping_optional, fail_required=False)
traits = XML.SubElement(source, "traits")
if data.get("refspecs"):
refspec_trait = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "git"},
templates = XML.SubElement(refspec_trait, "templates")
refspecs = data.get("refspecs")
for refspec in refspecs:
e = XML.SubElement(
XML.SubElement(e, "value").text = refspec
if data.get("discover-tags", False):
traits, "com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.TagDiscoveryTrait"
if data.get("lfs", False):
gitlfspull = XML.SubElement(
traits, "jenkins.plugins.git.traits.GitLFSPullTrait", {"plugin": "git"}
{"class": "hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.GitLFSPull"},
if data.get("head-filter-regex", None):
rshf = XML.SubElement(traits, "jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait")
XML.SubElement(rshf, "regex").text = data.get("head-filter-regex")
if data.get("head-pr-filter-behaviors", None):
add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors(traits, data.get("head-pr-filter-behaviors"))
if data.get("discover-pr-origin", None):
dpro = XML.SubElement(
dpro_strategies = {"mergeOnly": "1", "headOnly": "2", "mergeAndHead": "3"}
dpro_mapping = [("discover-pr-origin", "strategyId", None, dpro_strategies)]
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(dpro, data, dpro_mapping, fail_required=True)
if data.get("discover-pr-forks-strategy"):
dprf = XML.SubElement(
"com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket" ".ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait",
dprf_strategy = {"merge-current": "1", "current": "2", "both": "3"}
dprf_mapping = [
("discover-pr-forks-strategy", "strategyId", "merge-current", dprf_strategy)
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(dprf, data, dprf_mapping, fail_required=True)
trust = data.get("discover-pr-forks-trust", "contributors")
trust_map = {
"contributors": "".join(
"everyone": "".join(
"permission": "".join(
"nobody": "".join(
if trust not in trust_map:
raise InvalidAttributeError(
"discover-pr-forks-trust", trust, trust_map.keys()
XML.SubElement(dprf, "trust").attrib["class"] = trust_map[trust]
if data.get("discover-branch", None):
dbr = XML.SubElement(
traits, "com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BranchDiscoveryTrait"
dbr_strategies = {"ex-pr": "1", "only-pr": "2", "all": "3"}
dbr_mapping = [("discover-branch", "strategyId", None, dbr_strategies)]
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(dbr, data, dbr_mapping, fail_required=True)
if data.get("property-strategies", None):
property_strategies(xml_parent, data)
if data.get("build-strategies", None):
build_strategies(xml_parent, data)
if data.get("local-branch", False):
lbr = XML.SubElement(
traits, "jenkins.plugins.git.traits.LocalBranchTrait", {"plugin": "git"}
lbr_extension = XML.SubElement(
{"class": "hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch"},
XML.SubElement(lbr_extension, "localBranch").text = "**"
if data.get("checkout-over-ssh", None):
cossh = XML.SubElement(
traits, "com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.SSHCheckoutTrait"
cossh_credentials = [("credentials", "credentialsId", "")]
cossh, data.get("checkout-over-ssh"), cossh_credentials, fail_required=True
add_filter_by_name_wildcard_behaviors(traits, data)
# handle the default git extensions like:
# - clean
# - shallow-clone
# - timeout
# - do-not-fetch-tags
# - submodule
# - prune
# - wipe-workspace
# - use-author
# - lfs-pull
git_extensions(traits, data)
def gerrit_scm(xml_parent, data):
r"""Configure Gerrit SCM
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Gerrit Code Review Plugin
:arg str url: The git url. (required)
:arg str credentials-id: The credential to use to connect to the GIT URL.
:arg bool ignore-on-push-notifications: If a job should not trigger upon
push notifications. (default false)
:arg list(str) refspecs: Which refspecs to look for.
(default ``['+refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/@{remote}/*',
:arg str includes: Comma-separated list of branches to be included.
(default '*')
:arg str excludes: Comma-separated list of branches to be excluded.
(default '')
:arg list build-strategies: Provides control over whether to build a branch
(or branch like things such as change requests and tags) whenever it is
discovered initially or a change from the previous revision has been
detected. (optional)
Refer to :func:`~build_strategies <build_strategies>`.
:arg dict property-strategies: Provides control over how to build a branch
(like to disable SCM triggering or to override the pipeline durability)
Refer to :func:`~property_strategies <property_strategies>`.
:arg dict filter-checks: Enable the filtering by pending checks, allowing to
discover the changes that need validation only. This feature is using
the gerrit checks plugin.
query-operator: Name of the query operator, supported values are:
'SCHEME' or 'ID'.
query-string: Value of the query operator.
:arg dict change-discovery: Configure the query string in 'Discover open changes'.
The default 'p:<project> status:open -age:24w' will be added prior to the
query-string specified here.
query-string: Value of the query operator.
* **clean** (`dict`)
* **after** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace after checkout
* **before** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace before checkout
* **prune** (`bool`) - Prune remote branches (default false)
* **shallow-clone** (`bool`) - Perform shallow clone (default false)
* **sparse-checkout** (dict)
* **paths** (list) - List of paths to sparse checkout. (optional)
* **depth** (`int`) - Set shallow clone depth (default 1)
* **do-not-fetch-tags** (`bool`) - Perform a clone without tags
(default false)
* **submodule** (`dict`)
* **disable** (`bool`) - By disabling support for submodules you
can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have
Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist.
* **recursive** (`bool`) - Retrieve all submodules recursively
(uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5)
* **tracking** (`bool`) - Retrieve the tip of the configured
branch in .gitmodules (Uses '\-\-remote' option which requires
* **parent-credentials** (`bool`) - Use credentials from default
remote of parent repository (default false).
* **reference-repo** (`str`) - Path of the reference repo to use
during clone (optional)
* **timeout** (`int`) - Specify a timeout (in minutes) for
submodules operations (default 10).
* **timeout** (`str`) - Timeout for git commands in minutes (optional)
* **use-author** (`bool`): Use author rather than committer in Jenkin's
build changeset (default false)
* **wipe-workspace** (`bool`) - Wipe out workspace before build
(default true)
* **lfs-pull** (`bool`) - Call git lfs pull after checkout
(default false)
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
source = XML.SubElement(
"class": "jenkins.plugins.gerrit.GerritSCMSource",
"plugin": "gerrit-code-review",
source_mapping = [
("", "id", "-".join(["gr", data.get("url", "")])),
("url", "remote", None),
("credentials-id", "credentialsId", ""),
("includes", "includes", "*"),
("excludes", "excludes", ""),
("ignore-on-push-notifications", "ignoreOnPushNotifications", True),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(source, data, source_mapping, fail_required=True)
source_mapping_optional = [("api-uri", "apiUri", None)]
source, data, source_mapping_optional, fail_required=False
# Traits
traits = XML.SubElement(source, "traits")
change_discovery_trait = XML.SubElement(
traits, "jenkins.plugins.gerrit.traits.ChangeDiscoveryTrait"
change_discovery = data.get("change-discovery", None)
if change_discovery:
change_discovery_mapping = [("query-string", "queryString", None)]
# Refspec Trait
refspec_trait = XML.SubElement(
traits, "jenkins.plugins.git.traits.RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait", {"plugin": "git"}
templates = XML.SubElement(refspec_trait, "templates")
refspecs = data.get(
# convert single string to list
if isinstance(refspecs, six.string_types):
refspecs = [refspecs]
for x in refspecs:
e = XML.SubElement(
("jenkins.plugins.git.traits" ".RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait_-RefSpecTemplate"),
XML.SubElement(e, "value").text = x
if data.get("property-strategies", None):
property_strategies(xml_parent, data)
if data.get("build-strategies", None):
build_strategies(xml_parent, data)
# FilterChecks Trait
checks = data.get("filter-checks", None)
if checks:
checks_trait = XML.SubElement(
traits, "jenkins.plugins.gerrit.traits.FilterChecksTrait"
checks_source_mapping = [
("query-operator", "queryOperator", None),
("query-string", "queryString", None),
checks_trait, checks, checks_source_mapping, fail_required=True
# handle the default git extensions like:
# - clean
# - shallow-clone
# - timeout
# - do-not-fetch-tags
# - submodule
# - prune
# - wipe-workspace
# - use-author
# - lfs-pull
git_extensions(traits, data)
def git_scm(xml_parent, data):
r"""Configure Git SCM
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Git Plugin <git>`.
:arg str url: The git repo url. (required)
:arg str credentials-id: The credential to use to connect to the GIT repo.
(default '')
:arg bool discover-branches: Discovers branches on the repository.
(default true)
:arg bool discover-tags: Discovers tags on the repository.
(default false)
:arg bool ignore-on-push-notifications: If a job should not trigger upon
push notifications. (default false)
:arg str head-filter-regex: A regular expression for filtering
discovered source branches. Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM API
Plugin <scm-api>`.
:arg list head-pr-filter-behaviors: Definition of Filter Branch PR behaviors.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM Filter Branch PR Plugin
Refer to :func:`~add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors <add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors>`.
:arg list build-strategies: Provides control over whether to build a branch
(or branch like things such as change requests and tags) whenever it is
discovered initially or a change from the previous revision has been
detected. (optional)
Refer to :func:`~build_strategies <build_strategies>`.
:arg dict property-strategies: Provides control over how to build a branch
(like to disable SCM triggering or to override the pipeline durability)
Refer to :func:`~property_strategies <property_strategies>`.
* **clean** (`dict`)
* **after** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace after checkout
* **before** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace before checkout
* **prune** (`bool`) - Prune remote branches (default false)
* **shallow-clone** (`bool`) - Perform shallow clone (default false)
* **sparse-checkout** (dict)
* **paths** (list) - List of paths to sparse checkout. (optional)
* **depth** (`int`) - Set shallow clone depth (default 1)
* **do-not-fetch-tags** (`bool`) - Perform a clone without tags
(default false)
* **submodule** (`dict`)
* **disable** (`bool`) - By disabling support for submodules you
can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have
Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist.
* **recursive** (`bool`) - Retrieve all submodules recursively
(uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5)
* **tracking** (`bool`) - Retrieve the tip of the configured
branch in .gitmodules (Uses '\-\-remote' option which requires
* **parent-credentials** (`bool`) - Use credentials from default
remote of parent repository (default false).
* **reference-repo** (`str`) - Path of the reference repo to use
during clone (optional)
* **timeout** (`int`) - Specify a timeout (in minutes) for
submodules operations (default 10).
* **timeout** (`str`) - Timeout for git commands in minutes (optional)
* **use-author** (`bool`): Use author rather than committer in Jenkin's
build changeset (default false)
* **wipe-workspace** (`bool`) - Wipe out workspace before build
(default true)
* **lfs-pull** (`bool`) - Call git lfs pull after checkout
(default false)
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_git_minimal.yaml
Full Example:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_git_full.yaml
source = XML.SubElement(
{"class": "jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMSource", "plugin": "git"},
source_mapping = [
("", "id", "-".join(["gt", data.get("url", "")])),
("url", "remote", None),
("credentials-id", "credentialsId", ""),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(source, data, source_mapping, fail_required=True)
# Traits #
traits_path = "jenkins.plugins.git.traits"
traits = XML.SubElement(source, "traits")
if data.get("discover-branches", True):
XML.SubElement(traits, "".join([traits_path, ".BranchDiscoveryTrait"]))
if data.get("discover-tags", False):
XML.SubElement(traits, "".join([traits_path, ".TagDiscoveryTrait"]))
if data.get("ignore-on-push-notifications", False):
XML.SubElement(traits, "".join([traits_path, ".IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait"]))
if data.get("head-filter-regex", None):
rshf = XML.SubElement(traits, "jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait")
XML.SubElement(rshf, "regex").text = data.get("head-filter-regex")
if data.get("head-pr-filter-behaviors", None):
add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors(traits, data.get("head-pr-filter-behaviors"))
if data.get("property-strategies", None):
property_strategies(xml_parent, data)
if data.get("build-strategies", None):
build_strategies(xml_parent, data)
# handle the default git extensions like:
# - clean
# - shallow-clone
# - timeout
# - do-not-fetch-tags
# - submodule
# - prune
# - wipe-workspace
# - use-author
# - lfs-pull
git_extensions(traits, data)
def github_scm(xml_parent, data):
r"""Configure GitHub SCM
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub Branch Source Plugin
:arg str api-uri: The GitHub API uri for hosted / on-site GitHub. Must
first be configured in Global Configuration. (default GitHub)
:arg bool ssh-checkout: Checkout over SSH.
* **credentials** ('str'): Credentials to use for
checkout of the repo over ssh.
:arg str credentials-id: Credentials used to scan branches and pull
requests, check out sources and mark commit statuses. (optional)
:arg str repo-owner: Specify the name of the GitHub Organization or
GitHub User Account. (required)
:arg str repo: The GitHub repo. (required)
:arg str branch-discovery: Discovers branches on the repository.
Valid options: no-pr, only-pr, all, false. (default 'no-pr')
:arg str discover-pr-forks-strategy: Fork strategy. Valid options:
merge-current, current, both, false. (default 'merge-current')
:arg str discover-pr-forks-trust: Discovers pull requests where the origin
repository is a fork of the target repository.
Valid options: contributors, everyone, permission or nobody.
(default 'contributors')
:arg str discover-pr-origin: Discovers pull requests where the origin
repository is the same as the target repository.
Valid options: merge-current, current, both, false. (default 'merge-current')
:arg bool discover-tags: Discovers tags on the repository.
(default false)
:arg list head-pr-filter-behaviors: Definition of Filter Branch PR behaviors.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM Filter Branch PR Plugin
Refer to :func:`~add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors <add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors>`.
:arg list build-strategies: Provides control over whether to build a branch
(or branch like things such as change requests and tags) whenever it is
discovered initially or a change from the previous revision has been
detected. (optional)
Refer to :func:`~build_strategies <build_strategies>`.
:arg str notification-context: Change the default GitHub check notification
context from "continuous-integration/jenkins/SUFFIX" to a custom text,
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Github Custom Notification Context SCM
Behaviour <github-scm-trait-notification-context>`.
:arg dict property-strategies: Provides control over how to build a branch
(like to disable SCM triggering or to override the pipeline durability)
Refer to :func:`~property_strategies <property_strategies>`.
:arg dict filter-by-name-wildcard: Enable filter by name with wildcards.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM API Plugin <scm-api>`.
* **includes** ('str'): Space-separated list
of name patterns to consider. You may use * as a wildcard;
for example: `master release*`
* **excludes** ('str'): Name patterns to
ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: `release*`
* **clean** (`dict`)
* **after** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace after checkout
* **before** (`bool`) - Clean the workspace before checkout
* **prune** (`bool`) - Prune remote branches (default false)
* **shallow-clone** (`bool`) - Perform shallow clone (default false)
* **sparse-checkout** (dict)
* **paths** (list) - List of paths to sparse checkout. (optional)
* **depth** (`int`) - Set shallow clone depth (default 1)
* **do-not-fetch-tags** (`bool`) - Perform a clone without tags
(default false)
* **disable-pr-notifications** (`bool`) - Disable default github status
notifications on pull requests (default false) (Requires the
:jenkins-plugins:`GitHub Branch Source Plugin
* **refspecs** (`list(str)`): Which refspecs to fetch.
* **submodule** (`dict`)
* **disable** (`bool`) - By disabling support for submodules you
can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have
Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist.
* **recursive** (`bool`) - Retrieve all submodules recursively
(uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5)
* **tracking** (`bool`) - Retrieve the tip of the configured
branch in .gitmodules (Uses '\-\-remote' option which requires
* **parent-credentials** (`bool`) - Use credentials from default
remote of parent repository (default false).
* **reference-repo** (`str`) - Path of the reference repo to use
during clone (optional)
* **timeout** (`int`) - Specify a timeout (in minutes) for
submodules operations (default 10).
* **timeout** (`str`) - Timeout for git commands in minutes (optional)
* **use-author** (`bool`): Use author rather than committer in Jenkin's
build changeset (default false)
* **wipe-workspace** (`bool`) - Wipe out workspace before build
(default true)
* **lfs-pull** (`bool`) - Call git lfs pull after checkout
(default false)
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
github_path = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source"
github_path_dscore = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.github__branch__source"
source = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join([github_path, ".GitHubSCMSource"]),
"plugin": "github-branch-source",
mapping = [
("", "id", "-".join(["gh", data.get("repo-owner", ""), data.get("repo", "")])),
("repo-owner", "repoOwner", None),
("repo", "repository", None),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(source, data, mapping, fail_required=True)
mapping_optional = [
("api-uri", "apiUri", None),
("credentials-id", "credentialsId", None),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(source, data, mapping_optional, fail_required=False)
traits = XML.SubElement(source, "traits")
# no-pr value is assumed if branch-discovery not mentioned.
if data.get("branch-discovery", "no-pr"):
bd = XML.SubElement(
traits, "".join([github_path_dscore, ".BranchDiscoveryTrait"])
bd_strategy = {"no-pr": "1", "only-pr": "2", "all": "3"}
bd_mapping = [("branch-discovery", "strategyId", "no-pr", bd_strategy)]
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(bd, data, bd_mapping, fail_required=True)
if data.get("ssh-checkout", None):
cossh = XML.SubElement(
traits, "".join([github_path_dscore, ".SSHCheckoutTrait"])
if not isinstance(data.get("ssh-checkout"), bool):
cossh_credentials = [("credentials", "credentialsId", "")]
cossh, data.get("ssh-checkout"), cossh_credentials, fail_required=True
if data.get("discover-tags", False):
XML.SubElement(traits, "".join([github_path_dscore, ".TagDiscoveryTrait"]))
if data.get("discover-pr-forks-strategy", "merged-current"):
dprf = XML.SubElement(
traits, "".join([github_path_dscore, ".ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait"])
dprf_strategy = {"merge-current": "1", "current": "2", "both": "3"}
dprf_mapping = [
("discover-pr-forks-strategy", "strategyId", "merge-current", dprf_strategy)
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(dprf, data, dprf_mapping, fail_required=True)
trust = data.get("discover-pr-forks-trust", "contributors")
trust_map = {
"contributors": "".join(
[github_path, ".ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustContributors"]
"everyone": "".join(
[github_path, ".ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustEveryone"]
"permission": "".join(
[github_path, ".ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustPermission"]
"nobody": "".join(
[github_path, ".ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustNobody"]
if trust not in trust_map:
raise InvalidAttributeError(
"discover-pr-forks-trust", trust, trust_map.keys()
XML.SubElement(dprf, "trust").attrib["class"] = trust_map[trust]
dpro_strategy = data.get("discover-pr-origin", "merge-current")
if dpro_strategy:
dpro = XML.SubElement(
traits, "".join([github_path_dscore, ".OriginPullRequestDiscoveryTrait"])
dpro_strategy_map = {"merge-current": "1", "current": "2", "both": "3"}
if dpro_strategy not in dpro_strategy_map:
raise InvalidAttributeError(
"discover-pr-origin", dpro_strategy, dpro_strategy_map.keys()
dpro_mapping = [
("discover-pr-origin", "strategyId", "merge-current", dpro_strategy_map)
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(dpro, data, dpro_mapping, fail_required=True)
if data.get("head-filter-regex", None):
rshf = XML.SubElement(traits, "jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait")
XML.SubElement(rshf, "regex").text = data.get("head-filter-regex")
if data.get("head-pr-filter-behaviors", None):
add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors(traits, data.get("head-pr-filter-behaviors"))
if data.get("property-strategies", None):
property_strategies(xml_parent, data)
if data.get("build-strategies", None):
build_strategies(xml_parent, data)
if data.get("notification-context", None):
rshf = XML.SubElement(
XML.SubElement(rshf, "contextLabel").text = data.get("notification-context")
XML.SubElement(rshf, "typeSuffix").text = "true"
add_filter_by_name_wildcard_behaviors(traits, data)
# handle the default git extensions like:
# - clean
# - shallow-clone
# - timeout
# - do-not-fetch-tags
# - submodule
# - prune
# - wipe-workspace
# - use-author
# - lfs-pull
git_extensions(traits, data)
if data.get("refspecs"):
refspec_trait = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "git"},
templates = XML.SubElement(refspec_trait, "templates")
refspecs = data.get("refspecs")
for refspec in refspecs:
e = XML.SubElement(
XML.SubElement(e, "value").text = refspec
# github-only extensions
disable_github_status_path_dscore = (
if data.get("disable-pr-notifications", False):
"".join([disable_github_status_path_dscore, ".DisableStatusUpdateTrait"]),
{"plugin": "disable-github-multibranch-status"},
def build_strategies(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure Basic Branch Build Strategies.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Basic Branch Build Strategies Plugin
Other build strategies can be configured via raw XML injection.
:arg list build-strategies: Definition of build strategies.
* **all-strategies-match** (dict): All sub strategies must match for
this strategy to match.
* **strategies** (list): Sub strategies
* **any-strategies-match** (dict): Builds whenever any of the sub
strategies match.
* **strategies** (list): Sub strategies
* **tags** (dict): Builds tags
* **ignore-tags-newer-than** (int) The number of days since the tag
was created before it is eligible for automatic building.
(optional, default -1)
* **ignore-tags-older-than** (int) The number of days since the tag
was created after which it is no longer eligible for automatic
building. (optional, default -1)
* **change-request** (dict): Builds change requests / pull requests
* **ignore-target-only-changes** (bool) Ignore rebuilding merge
branches when only the target branch changed.
(optional, default false)
* **regular-branches** (bool): Builds regular branches whenever a
change is detected. (optional, default None)
* **skip-initial-build** (bool): Skip initial build on first branch
indexing. (optional, default None)
* **named-branches** (list): Builds named branches whenever a change
is detected.
* **exact-name** (dict) Matches the name verbatim.
* **name** (str) The name to match. (optional)
* **case-sensitive** (bool) Check this box if the name should
be matched case sensitively. (default false)
* **regex-name** (dict) Matches the name against a regular
* **regex** (str) A Java regular expression to restrict the
names. Names that do not match the supplied regular
expression will be ignored. (default `^.*$`)
* **case-sensitive** (bool) Check this box if the name should
be matched case sensitively. (default false)
* **wildcards-name** (dict) Matches the name against an
include/exclude set of wildcards.
* **includes** (str) Space-separated list of name patterns to
consider. You may use `*` as a wildcard;
for example: `master release*` (default `*`)
* **excludes** (str) Name patterns to ignore even if matched
by the includes list. For example: release (optional)
* **raw** (dict): Injects raw BuildStrategy XML to use other build
strategy plugins.
basic_build_strategies = "jenkins.branch.buildstrategies.basic"
if data.get("build-strategies", None):
bbs_data = data.get("build-strategies", None)
bbs = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "buildStrategies")
bbs_data = data.get("strategies", None)
bbs = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "strategies")
for bbs_list in bbs_data:
if "all-strategies-match" in bbs_list:
all_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([basic_build_strategies, ".AllBranchBuildStrategyImpl"]),
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
build_strategies(all_elem, bbs_list["all-strategies-match"])
if "any-strategies-match" in bbs_list:
any_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([basic_build_strategies, ".AnyBranchBuildStrategyImpl"]),
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
build_strategies(any_elem, bbs_list["any-strategies-match"])
if "tags" in bbs_list:
tags = bbs_list["tags"]
tags_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([basic_build_strategies, ".TagBuildStrategyImpl"]),
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
newer_than = -1
if "ignore-tags-newer-than" in tags and tags["ignore-tags-newer-than"] >= 0:
newer_than = str(tags["ignore-tags-newer-than"] * 86400000)
XML.SubElement(tags_elem, "atMostMillis").text = str(newer_than)
older_than = -1
if "ignore-tags-older-than" in tags and tags["ignore-tags-older-than"] >= 0:
older_than = str(tags["ignore-tags-older-than"] * 86400000)
XML.SubElement(tags_elem, "atLeastMillis").text = str(older_than)
if bbs_list.get("regular-branches", False):
"".join([basic_build_strategies, ".BranchBuildStrategyImpl"]),
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
if bbs_list.get("skip-initial-build", False):
[basic_build_strategies, ".SkipInitialBuildOnFirstBranchIndexing"]
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
if "change-request" in bbs_list:
cr = bbs_list["change-request"]
cr_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([basic_build_strategies, ".ChangeRequestBuildStrategyImpl"]),
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
itoc = cr.get("ignore-target-only-changes", False)
XML.SubElement(cr_elem, "ignoreTargetOnlyChanges").text = str(itoc).lower()
if "named-branches" in bbs_list:
named_branch_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([basic_build_strategies, ".NamedBranchBuildStrategyImpl"]),
{"plugin": "basic-branch-build-strategies"},
filters = XML.SubElement(named_branch_elem, "filters")
for nb in bbs_list["named-branches"]:
if "exact-name" in nb:
exact_name_elem = XML.SubElement(
exact_name_mapping = [
("name", "name", ""),
("case-sensitive", "caseSensitive", False),
if "regex-name" in nb:
regex_name_elem = XML.SubElement(
regex_name_mapping = [
("regex", "regex", "^.*$"),
("case-sensitive", "caseSensitive", False),
if "wildcards-name" in nb:
wildcards_name_elem = XML.SubElement(
wildcards_name_mapping = [
("includes", "includes", "*"),
("excludes", "excludes", ""),
if "raw" in bbs_list:
raw_xml = XML.fromstring(bbs_list["raw"].get("xml"))
XML.SubElement(bbs, None).append(raw_xml)
def property_strategies(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure Basic Branch Property Strategies.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Branch API Plugin <branch-api>`.
:arg dict property-strategies: Definition of property strategies. Either
`named-branches` or `all-branches` may be specified, but not both.
* **all-branches** (list): A list of property strategy definitions
for use with all branches.
* **suppress-scm-triggering** (bool): Suppresses automatic SCM
triggering (optional)
* **pipeline-branch-durability-override** (str): Set a custom
branch speed/durability level. Valid values:
performance-optimized, survivable-nonatomic, or
max-survivability (optional)
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Pipeline Multibranch Plugin
* **trigger-build-on-pr-comment** (str): The comment body to
trigger a new build for a PR job when it is received. This
is compiled as a case insensitive regular expression, so
use ``".*"`` to trigger a build on any comment whatsoever.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin
* **trigger-build-on-pr-review** (bool): This property will
cause a job for a pull request ``(PR-*)`` to be triggered
immediately when a review is made on the PR in GitHub.
This has no effect on jobs that are not for pull requests.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin
* **trigger-build-on-pr-update** (bool): This property will
cause a job for a pull request ``(PR-*)`` to be triggered
immediately when the PR title or description is edited in
GitHub. This has no effect on jobs that are not for pull
requests. (optional)
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin
* **named-branches** (dict): Named branches get different properties.
Comprised of a list of defaults and a list of property strategy
exceptions for use with specific branches.
* **defaults** (list): A list of property strategy definitions
to be applied by default to all branches, unless overridden
by an entry in `exceptions`
* **suppress-scm-triggering** (bool): Suppresses automatic SCM
triggering (optional)
* **pipeline-branch-durability-override** (str): Set a custom
branch speed/durability level. Valid values:
performance-optimized, survivable-nonatomic, or
max-survivability (optional)
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Pipeline Multibranch Plugin
* **trigger-build-on-pr-comment** (str): The comment body to
trigger a new build for a PR job when it is received. This
is compiled as a case insensitive regular expression, so
use ``".*"`` to trigger a build on any comment whatsoever.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin
* **trigger-build-on-pr-review** (bool): This property will
cause a job for a pull request ``(PR-*)`` to be triggered
immediately when a review is made on the PR in GitHub.
This has no effect on jobs that are not for pull requests.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin
* **trigger-build-on-pr-update** (bool): This property will
cause a job for a pull request ``(PR-*)`` to be triggered
immediately when the PR title or description is edited in
GitHub. This has no effect on jobs that are not for pull
requests. (optional)
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin
* **exceptions** (list): A list of branch names and the property
strategies to be used on that branch, instead of any listed
in `defaults`.
* **exception** (dict): Defines exception
* **branch-name** (str): Name of the branch to which these
properties will be applied.
* **properties** (list): A list of properties to apply to
this branch.
* **suppress-scm-triggering** (bool): Suppresses
automatic SCM triggering (optional)
* **pipeline-branch-durability-override** (str): Set a
custom branch speed/durability level. Valid values:
performance-optimized, survivable-nonatomic, or
max-survivability (optional)
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`Pipeline
Multibranch Plugin <workflow-multibranch>`
valid_prop_strats = ["all-branches", "named-branches"]
basic_property_strategies = "jenkins.branch"
prop_strats = data.get("property-strategies", None)
if prop_strats:
for prop_strat in prop_strats:
if prop_strat not in valid_prop_strats:
raise InvalidAttributeError(
"property-strategies", prop_strat, valid_prop_strats
if len(prop_strats) > 1:
raise JenkinsJobsException("Only one property strategy may be specified")
all_branches = prop_strats.get("all-branches", None)
named_branches = prop_strats.get("named-branches", None)
if all_branches:
strat_elem = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join(
[basic_property_strategies, ".DefaultBranchPropertyStrategy"]
props_elem = XML.SubElement(
strat_elem, "properties", {"class": "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"}
props_elem = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join(
[basic_property_strategies, ".BranchProperty-array"]
apply_property_strategies(props_elem, all_branches)
elif named_branches:
strat_elem = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join(
nbs_defaults = named_branches.get("defaults", None)
if nbs_defaults:
props_elem = XML.SubElement(
{"class": "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"},
props_elem = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join(
[basic_property_strategies, ".BranchProperty-array"]
apply_property_strategies(props_elem, nbs_defaults)
nbs_exceptions = named_branches.get("exceptions", None)
if nbs_exceptions:
props_elem = XML.SubElement(
{"class": "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"},
props_elem = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join(
for named_exception in nbs_exceptions:
named_exception = named_exception.get("exception", None)
if not named_exception:
exc_elem = XML.SubElement(
ne_branch_name = named_exception.get("branch-name", None)
if ne_branch_name is not None:
XML.SubElement(exc_elem, "name").text = ne_branch_name
ne_properties = named_exception.get("properties", None)
if ne_properties:
exc_elem = XML.SubElement(
exc_elem, "props", {"class": "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"}
exc_elem = XML.SubElement(
"class": "".join(
[basic_property_strategies, ".BranchProperty-array"]
apply_property_strategies(exc_elem, ne_properties)
def apply_property_strategies(props_elem, props_list):
# there are 3 locations at which property strategies can be defined:
# globally (all-branches), defaults (named-branches), exceptions
# (also named-branches)
basic_property_strategies = "jenkins.branch"
workflow_multibranch = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch"
pr_comment_build = "com.adobe.jenkins.github__pr__comment__build"
# Valid options for the pipeline branch durability override.
pbdo_map = collections.OrderedDict(
("max-survivability", "MAX_SURVIVABILITY"),
("performance-optimized", "PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED"),
("survivable-nonatomic", "SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC"),
pcb_bool_opts = collections.OrderedDict(
("trigger-build-on-pr-review", ".TriggerPRReviewBranchProperty"),
("trigger-build-on-pr-update", ".TriggerPRUpdateBranchProperty"),
for dbs_list in props_list:
if dbs_list.get("suppress-scm-triggering", False):
"".join([basic_property_strategies, ".NoTriggerBranchProperty"]),
pbdo_val = dbs_list.get("pipeline-branch-durability-override", None)
if pbdo_val:
if not pbdo_map.get(pbdo_val):
raise InvalidAttributeError(
"pipeline-branch-durability-override", pbdo_val, pbdo_map.keys()
pbdo_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([workflow_multibranch, ".DurabilityHintBranchProperty"]),
{"plugin": "workflow-multibranch"},
XML.SubElement(pbdo_elem, "hint").text = pbdo_map.get(pbdo_val)
tbopc_val = dbs_list.get("trigger-build-on-pr-comment", None)
if tbopc_val:
tbopc_elem = XML.SubElement(
"".join([pr_comment_build, ".TriggerPRCommentBranchProperty"]),
{"plugin": "github-pr-comment-build"},
XML.SubElement(tbopc_elem, "commentBody").text = tbopc_val
for opt in pcb_bool_opts:
if dbs_list.get(opt, False):
"".join([pr_comment_build, pcb_bool_opts.get(opt)]),
{"plugin": "github-pr-comment-build"},
def add_filter_branch_pr_behaviors(traits, data):
"""Configure Filter Branch PR behaviors
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM Filter Branch PR Plugin
:arg list head-pr-filter-behaviors: Definition of filters.
* **head-pr-destined-regex** (dict): Filter by name incl. PR destined to
this branch with regexp
* **branch-regexp** (str) Regular expression to filter branches and
PRs (optional, default ".*")
* **tag-regexp** (str) Regular expression to filter tags
(optional, default "(?!.*)")
* **head-pr-destined-wildcard** (dict): Filter by name incl. PR
destined to this branch with wildcard
* **branch-includes** (str) Wildcard expression to include branches
and PRs (optional, default "*")
* **tag-includes** (str) Wildcard expression to include tags
(optional, default "")
* **branch-excludes** (str) Wildcard expression to exclude branches
and PRs (optional, default "")
* **tag-excludes** (str) Wildcard expression to exclude tags
(optional, default "*")
* **head-pr-originated-regex** (dict): Filter by name incl. PR destined
to this branch with regexp
* **branch-regexp** (str) Regular expression to filter branches
and PRs (optional, default ".*")
* **tag-regexp** (str) Regular expression to filter tags
(optional, default "(?!.*)")
* **head-pr-originated-wildcard** (dict): Filter by name incl. PR
destined to this branch with wildcard
* **branch-includes** (str) Wildcard expression to include branches
and PRs (optional, default "*")
* **tag-includes** (str) Wildcard expression to include tags
(optional, default "")
* **branch-excludes** (str) Wildcard expression to exclude branches
and PRs (optional, default "")
* **tag-excludes** (str) Wildcard expression to exclude tags
(optional, default "*")
regexp_mapping = [
("branch-regexp", "regex", ".*"),
("tag-regexp", "tagRegex", "(?!.*)"),
wildcard_mapping = [
("branch-includes", "includes", "*"),
("branch-excludes", "excludes", ""),
("tag-includes", "tagIncludes", ""),
("tag-excludes", "tagExcludes", "*"),
if data.get("head-pr-destined-regex"):
rshf = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "scm-filter-branch-pr"},
rshf, data.get("head-pr-destined-regex"), regexp_mapping, fail_required=True
if data.get("head-pr-destined-wildcard"):
wshf = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "scm-filter-branch-pr"},
if data.get("head-pr-originated-regex"):
rsof = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "scm-filter-branch-pr"},
if data.get("head-pr-originated-wildcard"):
wsof = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "scm-filter-branch-pr"},
def add_filter_by_name_wildcard_behaviors(traits, data):
"""Configure branch filtering behaviors.
:arg dict filter-by-name-wildcard: Enable filter by name with wildcards.
Requires the :jenkins-plugins:`SCM API Plugin <scm-api>`.
* **includes** ('str'): Space-separated list
of name patterns to consider. You may use * as a wildcard;
for example: `master release*`
* **excludes** ('str'): Name patterns to
ignore even if matched by the includes list.
For example: `release*`
if data.get("filter-by-name-wildcard", None):
wscmf_name = XML.SubElement(
{"plugin": "scm-api"},
wscmf_name_mapping = [
("includes", "includes", ""),
("excludes", "excludes", ""),
data.get("filter-by-name-wildcard", ""),