#!/usr/bin/env python # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2010, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: # Ken Conley # James Page # Tully Foote # Matthew Gertner ''' .. module:: jenkins :platform: Unix, Windows :synopsis: Python API to interact with Jenkins See examples at :doc:`example` ''' import base64 import json import re import socket import six from six.moves.http_client import BadStatusLine from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, urlencode from six.moves.urllib.request import Request, urlopen LAUNCHER_SSH = 'hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher' LAUNCHER_COMMAND = 'hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher' LAUNCHER_JNLP = 'hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher' LAUNCHER_WINDOWS_SERVICE = 'hudson.os.windows.ManagedWindowsServiceLauncher' DEFAULT_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} # REST Endpoints INFO = 'api/json' PLUGIN_INFO = 'pluginManager/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' CRUMB_URL = 'crumbIssuer/api/json' JOB_INFO = 'job/%(name)s/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' JOB_NAME = 'job/%(name)s/api/json?tree=name' Q_INFO = 'queue/api/json?depth=0' CANCEL_QUEUE = 'queue/cancelItem?id=%(id)s' CREATE_JOB = 'createItem?name=%(name)s' # also post config.xml CONFIG_JOB = 'job/%(name)s/config.xml' DELETE_JOB = 'job/%(name)s/doDelete' ENABLE_JOB = 'job/%(name)s/enable' DISABLE_JOB = 'job/%(name)s/disable' COPY_JOB = 'createItem?name=%(to_name)s&mode=copy&from=%(from_name)s' RENAME_JOB = 'job/%(from_name)s/doRename?newName=%(to_name)s' BUILD_JOB = 'job/%(name)s/build' STOP_BUILD = 'job/%(name)s/%(number)s/stop' BUILD_WITH_PARAMS_JOB = 'job/%(name)s/buildWithParameters' BUILD_INFO = 'job/%(name)s/%(number)d/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' BUILD_CONSOLE_OUTPUT = 'job/%(name)s/%(number)d/consoleText' NODE_LIST = 'computer/api/json' CREATE_NODE = 'computer/doCreateItem?%s' DELETE_NODE = 'computer/%(name)s/doDelete' NODE_INFO = 'computer/%(name)s/api/json?depth=%(depth)s' NODE_TYPE = 'hudson.slaves.DumbSlave$DescriptorImpl' TOGGLE_OFFLINE = 'computer/%(name)s/toggleOffline?offlineMessage=%(msg)s' CONFIG_NODE = 'computer/%(name)s/config.xml' VIEW_NAME = 'view/%(name)s/api/json?tree=name' CREATE_VIEW = 'createView?name=%(name)s' CONFIG_VIEW = 'view/%(name)s/config.xml' DELETE_VIEW = 'view/%(name)s/doDelete' SCRIPT_TEXT = 'scriptText' # for testing only EMPTY_CONFIG_XML = ''' false true false false false ''' # for testing only RECONFIG_XML = ''' false true false false false export FOO=bar ''' # for testing only EMPTY_VIEW_CONFIG_XML = ''' EMPTY false false ''' class JenkinsException(Exception): '''General exception type for jenkins-API-related failures.''' pass class NotFoundException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out the case of receiving a 404.''' pass class EmptyResponseException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out the case receiving an empty response.''' pass class BadHTTPException(JenkinsException): '''A special exception to call out the case of a broken HTTP response.''' pass def auth_headers(username, password): '''Simple implementation of HTTP Basic Authentication. Returns the 'Authentication' header value. ''' auth = '%s:%s' % (username, password) if isinstance(auth, six.text_type): auth = auth.encode('utf-8') return b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(auth) class Jenkins(object): def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): '''Create handle to Jenkins instance. All methods will raise :class:`JenkinsException` on failure. :param username: Server username, ``str`` :param password: Server password, ``str`` :param url: URL of Jenkins server, ``str`` :param timeout: Server connection timeout in secs (default: not set), ``int`` ''' if url[-1] == '/': self.server = url else: self.server = url + '/' if username is not None and password is not None: self.auth = auth_headers(username, password) else: self.auth = None self.crumb = None self.timeout = timeout def _get_encoded_params(self, params): for k, v in params.items(): if k in ["name", "to_name", "from_name", "msg"]: params[k] = quote(v) return params def maybe_add_crumb(self, req): # We don't know yet whether we need a crumb if self.crumb is None: try: response = self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + CRUMB_URL), add_crumb=False) except (NotFoundException, EmptyResponseException): self.crumb = False else: self.crumb = json.loads(response) if self.crumb: req.add_header(self.crumb['crumbRequestField'], self.crumb['crumb']) def get_job_info(self, name, depth=0): '''Get job information dictionary. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: dictionary of job information ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + JOB_INFO % self._get_encoded_params(locals()))) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] does not exist' % name) except HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] does not exist' % name) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( "Could not parse JSON info for job[%s]" % name) def get_job_info_regex(self, pattern, depth=0): '''Get a list of jobs information that contain names which match the regex pattern. :param pattern: regex pattern, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: List of jobs info, ``list`` ''' result = [] jobs = self.get_jobs() for job in jobs: if re.search(pattern, job['name']): result.append(self.get_job_info(job['name'], depth=depth)) return result def get_job_name(self, name): '''Return the name of a job using the API. That is roughly an identity method which can be used to quickly verify a job exist or is accessible without causing too much stress on the server side. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :returns: Name of job or None ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + JOB_NAME % self._get_encoded_params(locals()))) except NotFoundException: return None else: actual = json.loads(response)['name'] if actual != name: raise JenkinsException( 'Jenkins returned an unexpected job name %s ' '(expected: %s)' % (actual, name)) return actual def debug_job_info(self, job_name): '''Print out job info in more readable format.''' for k, v in self.get_job_info(job_name).items(): print(k, v) def jenkins_open(self, req, add_crumb=True): '''Utility routine for opening an HTTP request to a Jenkins server. This should only be used to extends the :class:`Jenkins` API. ''' try: if self.auth: req.add_header('Authorization', self.auth) if add_crumb: self.maybe_add_crumb(req) response = urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout).read() if response is None: raise EmptyResponseException( "Error communicating with server[%s]: " "empty response" % self.server) return response.decode('utf-8') except HTTPError as e: # Jenkins's funky authentication means its nigh impossible to # distinguish errors. if e.code in [401, 403, 500]: # six.moves.urllib.error.HTTPError provides a 'reason' # attribute for all python version except for ver 2.6 # Falling back to HTTPError.msg since it contains the # same info as reason raise JenkinsException( 'Error in request. ' + 'Possibly authentication failed [%s]: %s' % ( e.code, e.msg) ) elif e.code == 404: raise NotFoundException('Requested item could not be found') else: raise except URLError as e: raise JenkinsException('Error in request: %s' % (e.reason)) def get_build_info(self, name, number, depth=0): '''Get build information dictionary. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param name: Build number, ``int`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: dictionary of build information, ``dict`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> next_build_number = j.get_job_info('build_name')['nextBuildNumber'] >>> output = j.build_job('build_name') >>> from time import sleep; sleep(10) >>> build_info = j.get_build_info('build_name', next_build_number) >>> print(build_info) {u'building': False, u'changeSet': {u'items': [{u'date': u'2011-12-19T18:01:52.540557Z', u'msg': u'test', u'revision': 66, u'user': u'unknown', u'paths': [{u'editType': u'edit', u'file': u'/branches/demo/index.html'}]}], u'kind': u'svn', u'revisions': [{u'module': u'http://eaas-svn01.i3.level3.com/eaas', u'revision': 66}]}, u'builtOn': u'', u'description': None, u'artifacts': [{u'relativePath': u'dist/eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war', u'displayPath': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war', u'fileName': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war'}, {u'relativePath': u'dist/eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war.zip', u'displayPath': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war.zip', u'fileName': u'eaas-87-2011-12-19_18-01-57.war.zip'}], u'timestamp': 1324317717000, u'number': 87, u'actions': [{u'parameters': [{u'name': u'SERVICE_NAME', u'value': u'eaas'}, {u'name': u'PROJECT_NAME', u'value': u'demo'}]}, {u'causes': [{u'userName': u'anonymous', u'shortDescription': u'Started by user anonymous'}]}, {}, {}, {}], u'id': u'2011-12-19_18-01-57', u'keepLog': False, u'url': u'http://eaas-jenkins01.i3.level3.com:9080/job/build_war/87/', u'culprits': [{u'absoluteUrl': u'http://eaas-jenkins01.i3.level3.com:9080/user/unknown', u'fullName': u'unknown'}], u'result': u'SUCCESS', u'duration': 8826, u'fullDisplayName': u'build_war #87'} ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + BUILD_INFO % self._get_encoded_params(locals()))) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException( 'Could not parse JSON info for job[%s] number[%d]' % (name, number) ) def get_queue_info(self): ''':returns: list of job dictionaries, ``[dict]`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> queue_info = j.get_queue_info() >>> print(queue_info[0]) {u'task': {u'url': u'http://your_url/job/my_job/', u'color': u'aborted_anime', u'name': u'my_job'}, u'stuck': False, u'actions': [{u'causes': [{u'shortDescription': u'Started by timer'}]}], u'buildable': False, u'params': u'', u'buildableStartMilliseconds': 1315087293316, u'why': u'Build #2,532 is already in progress (ETA:10 min)', u'blocked': True} ''' return json.loads(self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + Q_INFO) ))['items'] def cancel_queue(self, id): '''Cancel a queued build. :param id: Jenkins job id number for the build, ``int`` ''' # Jenkins seems to always return a 404 when using this REST endpoint # https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-21311 try: self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + CANCEL_QUEUE % locals(), b'', headers={'Referer': self.server})) except NotFoundException: # Exception is expected; cancel_queue() is a best-effort # mechanism, so ignore it pass def get_info(self): """Get information on this Master. This information includes job list and view information. :returns: dictionary of information about Master, ``dict`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> info = j.get_info() >>> jobs = info['jobs'] >>> print(jobs[0]) {u'url': u'http://your_url_here/job/my_job/', u'color': u'blue', u'name': u'my_job'} """ try: return json.loads(self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + INFO))) except (HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) def get_version(self): """Get the version of this Master. :returns: This master's version number ``str`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> info = j.get_version() >>> print info >>> 1.541 """ try: request = Request(self.server) request.add_header('X-Jenkins', '0.0') response = urlopen(request, timeout=self.timeout) if response is None: raise EmptyResponseException( "Error communicating with server[%s]: " "empty response" % self.server) if six.PY2: return response.info().getheader('X-Jenkins') if six.PY3: return response.getheader('X-Jenkins') except (HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) def get_plugins_info(self, depth=2): """Get all installed plugins information on this Master. This method retrieves information about each plugin that is installed on master. :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: info on all plugins ``[dict]`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> info = j.get_plugins_info() >>> print(info) [{u'backupVersion': None, u'version': u'0.0.4', u'deleted': False, u'supportsDynamicLoad': u'MAYBE', u'hasUpdate': True, u'enabled': True, u'pinned': False, u'downgradable': False, u'dependencies': [], u'url': u'http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin', u'longName': u'Gearman Plugin', u'active': True, u'shortName': u'gearman-plugin', u'bundled': False}, ..] """ try: plugins_info = json.loads(self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + PLUGIN_INFO % locals()))) return plugins_info['plugins'] except (HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) def get_plugin_info(self, name, depth=2): """Get an installed plugin information on this Master. This method retrieves information about a speicifc plugin. The passed in plugin name (short or long) must be an exact match. :param name: Name (short or long) of plugin, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: a specific plugin ``dict`` Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> info = j.get_plugin_info("Gearman Plugin") >>> print(info) {u'backupVersion': None, u'version': u'0.0.4', u'deleted': False, u'supportsDynamicLoad': u'MAYBE', u'hasUpdate': True, u'enabled': True, u'pinned': False, u'downgradable': False, u'dependencies': [], u'url': u'http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin', u'longName': u'Gearman Plugin', u'active': True, u'shortName': u'gearman-plugin', u'bundled': False} """ try: plugins_info = json.loads(self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + PLUGIN_INFO % self._get_encoded_params(locals())))) for plugin in plugins_info['plugins']: if plugin['longName'] == name or plugin['shortName'] == name: return plugin except (HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) def get_jobs(self): """Get list of jobs running. Each job is a dictionary with 'name', 'url', and 'color' keys. :returns: list of jobs, ``[ { str: str} ]`` """ return self.get_info()['jobs'] def copy_job(self, from_name, to_name): '''Copy a Jenkins job :param from_name: Name of Jenkins job to copy from, ``str`` :param to_name: Name of Jenkins job to copy to, ``str`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + COPY_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) self.assert_job_exists(to_name, 'create[%s] failed') def rename_job(self, from_name, to_name): '''Rename an existing Jenkins job :param from_name: Name of Jenkins job to rename, ``str`` :param to_name: New Jenkins job name, ``str`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + RENAME_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) self.assert_job_exists(to_name, 'rename[%s] failed') def delete_job(self, name): '''Delete Jenkins job permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + DELETE_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) if self.job_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) def enable_job(self, name): '''Enable Jenkins job. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + ENABLE_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) def disable_job(self, name): '''Disable Jenkins job. To re-enable, call :meth:`Jenkins.enable_job`. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + DISABLE_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) def job_exists(self, name): '''Check whether a job exists :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins job exists ''' if self.get_job_name(name) == name: return True def jobs_count(self): '''Get the number of jobs on the Jenkins server :returns: Total number of jobs, ``int`` ''' return len(self.get_jobs()) def assert_job_exists(self, name, exception_message='job[%s] does not exist'): '''Raise an exception if a job does not exist :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the job does not exist ''' if not self.job_exists(name): raise JenkinsException(exception_message % name) def create_job(self, name, config_xml): '''Create a new Jenkins job :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param config_xml: config file text, ``str`` ''' if self.job_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('job[%s] already exists' % (name)) self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + CREATE_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), config_xml.encode('utf-8'), DEFAULT_HEADERS)) self.assert_job_exists(name, 'create[%s] failed') def get_job_config(self, name): '''Get configuration of existing Jenkins job. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :returns: job configuration (XML format) ''' request = Request(self.server + CONFIG_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals())) return self.jenkins_open(request) def reconfig_job(self, name, config_xml): '''Change configuration of existing Jenkins job. To create a new job, see :meth:`Jenkins.create_job`. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' reconfig_url = self.server + CONFIG_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) self.jenkins_open(Request(reconfig_url, config_xml.encode('utf-8'), DEFAULT_HEADERS)) def build_job_url(self, name, parameters=None, token=None): '''Get URL to trigger build job. Authenticated setups may require configuring a token on the server side. :param parameters: parameters for job, or None., ``dict`` :param token: (optional) token for building job, ``str`` :returns: URL for building job ''' if parameters: if token: parameters['token'] = token return (self.server + BUILD_WITH_PARAMS_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) + '?' + urlencode(parameters)) elif token: return (self.server + BUILD_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) + '?' + urlencode({'token': token})) else: return self.server + BUILD_JOB % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) def build_job(self, name, parameters=None, token=None): '''Trigger build job. :param name: name of job :param parameters: parameters for job, or ``None``, ``dict`` :param token: Jenkins API token ''' return self.jenkins_open(Request( self.build_job_url(name, parameters, token), b'')) def run_script(self, script): '''Execute a groovy script on the jenkins master. :param script: The groovy script, ``string`` :returns: The result of the script run. Example:: >>> j = Jenkins() >>> info = j.run_script("println(Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.plugins)") >>> print(info) u'[Plugin:windows-slaves, Plugin:ssh-slaves, Plugin:translation, Plugin:cvs, Plugin:nodelabelparameter, Plugin:external-monitor-job, Plugin:mailer, Plugin:jquery, Plugin:antisamy-markup-formatter, Plugin:maven-plugin, Plugin:pam-auth]' ''' return self.jenkins_open(Request(self.server + SCRIPT_TEXT, "script=".encode('utf-8') + script.encode('utf-8'))) def stop_build(self, name, number): '''Stop a running Jenkins build. :param name: Name of Jenkins job, ``str`` :param number: Jenkins build number for the job, ``int`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + STOP_BUILD % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) def get_nodes(self): '''Get a list of nodes connected to the Master Each node is a dict with keys 'name' and 'offline' :returns: List of nodes, ``[ { str: str, str: bool} ]`` ''' try: nodes_data = json.loads(self.jenkins_open(Request(self.server + NODE_LIST))) return [{'name': c["displayName"], 'offline': c["offline"]} for c in nodes_data["computer"]] except (HTTPError, BadStatusLine): raise BadHTTPException("Error communicating with server[%s]" % self.server) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for server[%s]" % self.server) def get_node_info(self, name, depth=0): '''Get node information dictionary :param name: Node name, ``str`` :param depth: JSON depth, ``int`` :returns: Dictionary of node info, ``dict`` ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + NODE_INFO % self._get_encoded_params(locals()))) if response: return json.loads(response) else: raise JenkinsException('node[%s] does not exist' % name) except HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('node[%s] does not exist' % name) except ValueError: raise JenkinsException("Could not parse JSON info for node[%s]" % name) def node_exists(self, name): '''Check whether a node exists :param name: Name of Jenkins node, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins node exists ''' try: self.get_node_info(name) return True except JenkinsException: return False def assert_node_exists(self, name, exception_message='node[%s] does not exist'): '''Raise an exception if a node does not exist :param name: Name of Jenkins node, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the node does not exist ''' if not self.node_exists(name): raise JenkinsException(exception_message % name) def delete_node(self, name): '''Delete Jenkins node permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins node, ``str`` ''' self.get_node_info(name) self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + DELETE_NODE % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) if self.node_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) def disable_node(self, name, msg=''): '''Disable a node :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` :param msg: Offline message, ``str`` ''' info = self.get_node_info(name) if info['offline']: return self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + TOGGLE_OFFLINE % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) def enable_node(self, name): '''Enable a node :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` ''' info = self.get_node_info(name) if not info['offline']: return msg = '' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + TOGGLE_OFFLINE % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) def create_node(self, name, numExecutors=2, nodeDescription=None, remoteFS='/var/lib/jenkins', labels=None, exclusive=False, launcher=LAUNCHER_COMMAND, launcher_params={}): '''Create a node :param name: name of node to create, ``str`` :param numExecutors: number of executors for node, ``int`` :param nodeDescription: Description of node, ``str`` :param remoteFS: Remote filesystem location to use, ``str`` :param labels: Labels to associate with node, ``str`` :param exclusive: Use this node for tied jobs only, ``bool`` :param launcher: The launch method for the slave, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_COMMAND``, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_SSH``, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_JNLP``, ``jenkins.LAUNCHER_WINDOWS_SERVICE`` :param launcher_params: Additional parameters for the launcher, ``dict`` ''' if self.node_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('node[%s] already exists' % (name)) mode = 'NORMAL' if exclusive: mode = 'EXCLUSIVE' launcher_params['stapler-class'] = launcher inner_params = { 'name': name, 'nodeDescription': nodeDescription, 'numExecutors': numExecutors, 'remoteFS': remoteFS, 'labelString': labels, 'mode': mode, 'type': NODE_TYPE, 'retentionStrategy': { 'stapler-class': 'hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always' }, 'nodeProperties': {'stapler-class-bag': 'true'}, 'launcher': launcher_params } params = { 'name': name, 'type': NODE_TYPE, 'json': json.dumps(inner_params) } self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + CREATE_NODE % urlencode(params), b'')) self.assert_node_exists(name, 'create[%s] failed') def get_node_config(self, name): '''Get the configuration for a node. :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` ''' get_config_url = self.server + CONFIG_NODE % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) return self.jenkins_open(Request(get_config_url)) def reconfig_node(self, name, config_xml): '''Change the configuration for an existing node. :param name: Jenkins node name, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' reconfig_url = self.server + CONFIG_NODE % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) self.jenkins_open(Request(reconfig_url, config_xml.encode('utf-8'), DEFAULT_HEADERS)) def get_build_console_output(self, name, number): '''Get build console text. :param name: Job name, ``str`` :param name: Build number, ``int`` :returns: Build console output, ``str`` ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + BUILD_CONSOLE_OUTPUT % self._get_encoded_params(locals()))) if response: return response else: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) except HTTPError: raise JenkinsException('job[%s] number[%d] does not exist' % (name, number)) def get_view_name(self, name): '''Return the name of a view using the API. That is roughly an identity method which can be used to quickly verify a view exists or is accessible without causing too much stress on the server side. :param name: View name, ``str`` :returns: Name of view or None ''' try: response = self.jenkins_open( Request(self.server + VIEW_NAME % self._get_encoded_params(locals()))) except NotFoundException: return None else: actual = json.loads(response)['name'] if actual != name: raise JenkinsException( 'Jenkins returned an unexpected view name %s ' '(expected: %s)' % (actual, name)) return actual def assert_view_exists(self, name, exception_message='view[%s] does not exist'): '''Raise an exception if a view does not exist :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :param exception_message: Message to use for the exception. Formatted with ``name`` :throws: :class:`JenkinsException` whenever the view does not exist ''' if not self.view_exists(name): raise JenkinsException(exception_message % name) def view_exists(self, name): '''Check whether a view exists :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if Jenkins view exists ''' if self.get_view_name(name) == name: return True def get_views(self): """Get list of views running. Each view is a dictionary with 'name' and 'url' keys. :returns: list of views, ``[ { str: str} ]`` """ return self.get_info()['views'] def delete_view(self, name): '''Delete Jenkins view permanently. :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` ''' self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + DELETE_VIEW % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), b'')) if self.view_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) def create_view(self, name, config_xml): '''Create a new Jenkins view :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :param config_xml: config file text, ``str`` ''' if self.view_exists(name): raise JenkinsException('view[%s] already exists' % (name)) self.jenkins_open(Request( self.server + CREATE_VIEW % self._get_encoded_params(locals()), config_xml.encode('utf-8'), DEFAULT_HEADERS)) self.assert_view_exists(name, 'create[%s] failed') def reconfig_view(self, name, config_xml): '''Change configuration of existing Jenkins view. To create a new view, see :meth:`Jenkins.create_view`. :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :param config_xml: New XML configuration, ``str`` ''' reconfig_url = self.server + CONFIG_VIEW % self._get_encoded_params(locals()) self.jenkins_open(Request(reconfig_url, config_xml.encode('utf-8'), DEFAULT_HEADERS)) def get_view_config(self, name): '''Get configuration of existing Jenkins view. :param name: Name of Jenkins view, ``str`` :returns: view configuration (XML format) ''' request = Request(self.server + CONFIG_VIEW % self._get_encoded_params(locals())) return self.jenkins_open(request)