109 lines
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109 lines
3.8 KiB
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linprog
from scipy.stats import rankdata
def perform_evaluation(data_table, wr_data,fog_nodes_titles):
criteria_list = list(data_table.keys())
criterion_index = {criterion: idx for idx, criterion in enumerate(criteria_list)}
# Initialize A and b for inequality constraints, and A_eq and b_eq for equality constraints
A = []
b = []
A_eq = []
b_eq = []
# Add data_table rows to A and b
for row_values in zip(*data_table.values()):
b.extend([1] * len(A))
# Add weight restriction constraints to A or A_eq based on the operator
for constraint in wr_data:
lhs_index = criterion_index[constraint['LHSCriterion']]
rhs_index = criterion_index[constraint['RHSCriterion']]
intensity = constraint['Intense']
constraint_row = [0] * len(criteria_list)
if constraint['Operator'] == 1: # >=
constraint_row[lhs_index] = -1
constraint_row[rhs_index] = intensity
elif constraint['Operator'] == -1: # <=
constraint_row[lhs_index] = 1
constraint_row[rhs_index] = -intensity
elif constraint['Operator'] == 0: # equality
constraint_row[lhs_index] = -1
constraint_row[rhs_index] = intensity
# Convert lists to numpy arrays
A = np.array(A, dtype=float)
b = np.array(b, dtype=float)
A_eq = np.array(A_eq, dtype=float) if A_eq else None
b_eq = np.array(b_eq, dtype=float) if b_eq else None
# print(A)
# print(b)
# print(A_eq)
# print(b_eq)
num_of_dmus = len(next(iter(data_table.values())))
Cols_No = len(criteria_list)
DEA_Scores = []
epsilon = 0.0001 # Lower bound of the variables
# Iterating over each DMU to Perform DEA
for dmu_index in range(num_of_dmus):
# Gathering values for the current DMU
dmu_values = [values[dmu_index] for values in data_table.values()]
# Forming the objective function coefficients
c = -np.array(dmu_values)
# Bounds for each variable
bounds = [(epsilon, None) for _ in range(Cols_No)]
# Solve the problem
res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, bounds=bounds, method='highs')
DEA_Scores.append(-res.fun if res.success else None)
# Rank the DEA scores using 'max' method for ties
DEA_Scores_Ranked = len(DEA_Scores) - rankdata(DEA_Scores, method='max') + 1
# Create a JSON object with titles, DEA scores, and ranks
results_json = [
"Title": fog_nodes_titles[i],
"DEA Score": DEA_Scores[i],
"Rank": int(DEA_Scores_Ranked[i])
for i in range(len(fog_nodes_titles))
return results_json
# return DEA_Scores, DEA_Scores_Ranked
# # Provided data
# data_table = {
# 'Provider Track record': [44.3, 37.53, 51.91, 86.56, 28.43],
# 'Agility': [41.8, 53.69, 91.3, 84.72, 58.37],
# 'Reputation': [2, 1, 3, 1, 3],
# 'Brand Name': [71.39, 83.11, 20.72, 91.07, 89.49]
# }
# wr_data = [
# {'LHSCriterion': 'Reputation', 'Operator': 1, 'Intense': 2.5, 'RHSCriterion': 'Brand Name'},
# {'LHSCriterion': 'Brand Name', 'Operator': -1, 'Intense': 3, 'RHSCriterion': 'Agility'},
# {'LHSCriterion': 'Brand Name', 'Operator': 0, 'Intense': 2, 'RHSCriterion': 'Provider Track record'}
# ]
# fog_nodes_titles = ['Fog Node 1', 'Fog Node 2', 'Fog Node 3', 'Fog Node 4', 'Fog Node 5']
# Evaluation_JSON = perform_evaluation(data_table, wr_data,fog_nodes_titles)
# print(Evaluation_JSON)
# # print("DEA Scores:", DEA_Scores)
# # print("Ranked DEA Scores:", DEA_Scores_Ranked)