184 lines
6.5 KiB
184 lines
6.5 KiB
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
# from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, DC, DCTERMS, SKOS
# Create a new RDF graph
g = Graph()
# Load TTL data into the graph
file_path = 'assets/Preferences_Model.ttl'
g.parse(file_path, format='turtle')
SMI_prefix = "https://www.nebulouscloud.eu/smi/SMI-OBJECT#"
a = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"
type = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type"
terms_URI = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/URI"
terms_created = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/created"
terms_description = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description"
terms_identifier = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier"
terms_modified = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified"
terms_title = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title"
skos_broader = "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broader"
subjects = g.subjects()
predicates = g.predicates()
objects = g.objects()
# for subject in subjects:
# print(subject)
# print(g.objects(subject=subject))
# for predicate in predicates:
# print(predicate)
# for object in objects:
# print("object start")
# print(object)
# print(g.subject_predicates(object))
# print(g.serialize(format='turtle'))
# file_data = g.serialize(format='turtle')
level_1_items = []
level_1_subjects_dict = {}
level_2_items = []
level_2_subjects_dict = {}
level_3_items = []
level_3_subjects_dict = {}
def scan_level_1_items():
for subject, predicate, object in g:
print("\nloop data for level 1")
# print(f"Subject: {subject}, Predicate: {predicate}, Object: {object}")
if "broader" in predicate and "attr-root" in object:
attribute = str(subject)
attribute = attribute.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
print("\nRoot from predicate type: " + attribute)
level_1_subjects_dict[attribute] = subject
return level_1_subjects_dict
def scan_level_2_items():
for subject, predicate, object in g:
print("\nloop data for level 2")
# print(f"Subject: {subject}, Predicate: {predicate}, Object: {object}")
if "broader" in predicate:
object_str = str(object)
object_str = object_str.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
if object_str in level_1_items:
# parent found in level 1
level_2_attribute = str(subject)
level_2_attribute = level_2_attribute.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
print("\nLevel 2 attr: " + level_2_attribute)
level_2_subjects_dict[level_2_attribute] = subject
print("for dict 2 key = " + level_2_attribute + " - Value = " + subject)
return level_2_subjects_dict
def scan_level_3_items():
for subject, predicate, object in g:
print("\nloop data for level 3")
print(f"Subject: {subject}, Predicate: {predicate}, Object: {object}")
if "broader" in predicate:
object_str = str(object)
object_str = object_str.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
if object_str in level_2_items:
level_3_attribute = str(subject)
level_3_attribute = level_3_attribute.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
print("\nLevel 3 attr: " + level_3_attribute)
level_3_subjects_dict[level_3_attribute] = subject
return level_3_subjects_dict
print("count level 1: " + str(len(level_1_items)))
print("count level 2: " + str(len(level_2_items)))
print("count level 3: " + str(len(level_3_items)))
attr_dict = {}
def create_level_1_attr_dict(item, item_subject):
print("item: " + item)
attr_data = {}
for subject, predicate, object in g:
if subject == item_subject:
attr_data["level"] = 1
attr_data["subject"] = subject
if str(predicate) == terms_description:
# print("\nDescription found for " + item + " - description: " + str(object))
attr_data["description"] = str(object)
if str(predicate) == terms_title:
# print("\nTitle found for " + item + " - title: " + str(object))
attr_data["title"] = str(object)
if str(predicate) == skos_broader:
# print("\nskos found for " + item + " - Parent: " + str(object))
attr_data["parent"] = str(object)
attr_dict[item] = attr_data
def create_attr_dict(item, item_subject):
attr_data_dict = {}
for subject, predicate, object in g:
if subject == item_subject:
attr_data_dict["subject"] = subject
if str(predicate) == terms_description:
print("\nDescription found for " + item + " - description: " + str(object))
attr_data_dict["description"] = str(object)
if str(predicate) == terms_title:
print("\nTitle found for " + item + " - title: " + str(object))
attr_data_dict["title"] = str(object)
if str(predicate) == skos_broader:
print("\nskos found for " + item + " - Parent: " + str(object))
attr_data_dict["parent"] = str(object)
if object in level_1_subjects_dict.values():
print("found level 2 item")
attr_data_dict["level"] = 2
elif object in level_2_subjects_dict.values():
print("found level 3 item")
attr_data_dict["level"] = 3
attr_dict[item] = attr_data_dict
for item, item_subject in level_1_subjects_dict.items():
create_level_1_attr_dict(item, item_subject)
for item, item_subject in level_2_subjects_dict.items():
create_attr_dict(item, item_subject)
for item, item_subject in level_3_subjects_dict.items():
create_attr_dict(item, item_subject)
def get_data():
print("in get data")
for item, item_subject in level_1_subjects_dict.items():
create_level_1_attr_dict(item, item_subject)
for item, item_subject in level_2_subjects_dict.items():
create_attr_dict(item, item_subject)
for item, item_subject in level_3_subjects_dict.items():
create_attr_dict(item, item_subject)
return attr_dict