Change-Id: Id093976032f079c62efd9fcaaf0617e05ceef3b0
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# ActiveMQ communication logic via EXN library
import sys
import threading
import json
import time
import logging
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from proton import Message
from exn import core
from exn.connector import EXN
from exn.core.consumer import Consumer
from exn.core.synced_publisher import SyncedPublisher
from exn.core.publisher import Publisher
from exn.core.context import Context
from exn.core.handler import Handler
from exn.handler.connector_handler import ConnectorHandler
from User_Functions import *
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
class SyncedHandler(Handler):
def on_message(self, key, address, body, message: Message, context=None):
logging.info(f"[SyncedHandler] Received {key} => {address}: {body}")
logging.info("on_message in SyncedHandler is executed")
logging.info(f"[body] {body}")
# Triggered by OPTIMIZER, Get app id, correlation id and filters
# if address == "topic://eu.nebulouscloud.cfsb.get_node_candidates":
if key == "OPT-triggering":
logging.info("Entered in OPT-triggering Key")
# Save the correlation_id (We do not have it from the app_side)
# Optimizer_correlation_id = '88334290cad34ad9b21eb468a9f8ff11' # dummy correlation_id
Optimizer_correlation_id = message.correlation_id
logging.info(f"Optimizer_correlation_id {message.correlation_id}")
application_id = message.subject # can be taken also from message.annotations.application
opt_message_data = body
print("Message from Optimizer:", opt_message_data)
# Extract 'body' from opt_message_data
# opt_body_data = opt_message_data.get('body', {})
opt_body_data =[
"type": "NodeTypeRequirement",
"nodeTypes": ["EDGE"],
"jobIdForEDGE": "FCRnewLight0"
print("Extracted body from Optim Message:", opt_body_data)
## Prepare message to be send to SAL
RequestToSal = {
"metaData": {"user": "admin"},
"body": opt_body_data
print("RequestToSal:", RequestToSal)
# Convert the Python structure to a JSON string
# RequestToSal = json.dumps(RequestToSal)
# Request the node candidates from SAL
sal_reply = context.publishers['SAL-GET'].send_sync(RequestToSal, application_id,
properties={'correlation_id': Optimizer_correlation_id}, raw=False)
# sal_reply = context.publishers['SAL-GET'].send_sync(RequestToSal, application_id)
if sal_reply:
logging.info(f"Received reply from SAL: {sal_reply}")
print("SAL reply:", sal_reply)
print("No reply from SAL!")
## Prepare message to be sent to OPTIMIZER
CFSBResponse = read_dummy_response_data_toOpt('CFSB_Body_Response.json')
# SAL_and_Scores_Body = Give me a short example
# Encapsulate the data within the "body" structure
# CFSBResponse = {
# "metaData": {"user": "admin"},
# "body": SAL_and_Scores_Body
# }
# print("CFSBResponse:", CFSBResponse)
# Send message to Optimizer
context.get_publisher('SendToOPT').send(CFSBResponse, application_id)
# context.publishers['SendToOPT'].send(CFSBResponse, application_id, properties={
# 'correlation_id': Optimizer_correlation_id}, raw=True)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to parse message body from Optimizer as JSON: {e}")
class Bootstrap(ConnectorHandler):
context = None
def ready(self, context: Context):
self.context = context
def start_exn_connector_in_background():
def run_connector():
# eu.nebulouscloud.exn.sal.nodecandidate.*
addressSAL_GET = 'eu.nebulouscloud.exn.sal.nodecandidate.get'
addressSAL_GET_REPLY = 'eu.nebulouscloud.exn.sal.nodecandidate.get.reply'
addressOPTtriggering = 'eu.nebulouscloud.cfsb.get_node_candidates'
addressSendToOPT = 'eu.nebulouscloud.cfsb.get_node_candidates.reply'
connector = EXN('ui', url="localhost", port=5672, username="admin", password="admin",
SyncedPublisher('SAL-GET', addressSAL_GET, True, True),
core.publisher.Publisher('SendToOPT', addressSendToOPT, True, True)
# Consumer('SAL-GET-REPLY', addressSAL_GET, handler=SyncedHandler(), topic=True, fqdn=True),
Consumer('OPT-triggering', addressOPTtriggering, handler=SyncedHandler(), topic=True, fqdn=True)
# Start the EXN connector in a separate thread
thread = threading.Thread(target=run_connector)
thread.daemon = True # Daemon threads will shut down immediately when the program exits
# Used to read dummy JSON and send to Optimizer
def read_dummy_response_data_toOpt(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
# Encapsulating the data within the "body" structure
encapsulated_data = {
"metaData": {"user": "admin"},
"body": data
return encapsulated_data