Change-Id: I260f8105cdd675d9475a9179149a445c4f56fa17
164 lines
7.6 KiB
164 lines
7.6 KiB
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef
from data_types import get_attr_data_type
# Create a new RDF graph
g = Graph()
# Load TTL data into the graph
file_path = 'assets/Preferences_Model.ttl'
g.parse(file_path, format='turtle')
# Create variables for predicate names
SMI_prefix = "https://www.nebulouscloud.eu/smi/SMI-OBJECT#"
a = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"
type = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type"
terms_URI = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/URI"
terms_created = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/created"
terms_description = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description"
terms_identifier = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier"
terms_modified = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified"
terms_title = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title"
skos_broader = "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broader"
def get_level_1_items():
items_list = []
level_1_items_list = []
for subject, predicate, object in g:
if "broader" in predicate and "attr-root" in object:
item_dict = {}
# keep only the attribute part - attr-performance
attribute = str(subject)
attribute = attribute.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
# add it in level_1_items_list for easy search in level 2 items loop
item_data_dict = get_subject_data(str(subject))
item_dict["title"] = item_data_dict["title"]
item_dict["description"] = item_data_dict["description"]
item_dict["name"] = attribute
item_dict["children"] = []
criterion_type_values = get_attr_data_type(item_dict["name"])
item_dict["type"] = criterion_type_values['type']
# item_dict["values"] = criterion_type_values['values'] # they do not have all criteria
items_2_list = get_level_2_items(level_1_items_list, items_list)
return items_2_list
def get_level_2_items(level_1_items_list, level_1_items_dict_list):
items_list = []
level_2_items_list = []
for subject, predicate, object in g:
if "broader" in predicate:
object_str = str(object)
object_str = object_str.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
if object_str in level_1_items_list:
item_dict = {}
level_2_attribute = str(subject)
level_2_attribute = level_2_attribute.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
item_data_dict = get_subject_data(str(subject))
item_dict["title"] = item_data_dict["title"]
item_dict["description"] = item_data_dict["description"]
item_dict["parent"] = object_str
item_dict["name"] = level_2_attribute
item_dict["children"] = []
criterion_type_values = get_attr_data_type(item_dict["name"])
item_dict["type"] = criterion_type_values['type']
items_3_list = get_level_3_items(level_2_items_list, items_list, level_1_items_dict_list)
return items_3_list
def get_level_3_items(level_2_items_list, level_2_items_dict_list, level_1_items_dict_list):
items_list = []
level_3_items_list = []
for subject, predicate, object in g:
if "broader" in predicate:
object_str = str(object)
object_str = object_str.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
if object_str in level_2_items_list:
item_dict = {}
level_3_attribute = str(subject)
level_3_attribute = level_3_attribute.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
item_data_dict = get_subject_data(str(subject))
item_dict["title"] = item_data_dict["title"]
item_dict["description"] = item_data_dict["description"]
item_dict["parent"] = object_str
item_dict["name"] = level_3_attribute
item_dict["children"] = []
criterion_type_values = get_attr_data_type(item_dict["name"])
item_dict["type"] = criterion_type_values['type']
level_2_children_list = insert_level_2_children(level_1_items_dict_list, level_2_items_dict_list, items_list)
return level_2_children_list
def insert_level_2_children(level_1_items_dict_list, level_2_items_dict_list, level_3_items_dict_list):
for level_2_item in level_2_items_dict_list:
level_2_children_list = []
# print("level_2_item = " + level_2_item["name"])
for level_3_item in level_3_items_dict_list:
# print("level_3_item = " + level_3_item["name"])
if level_3_item["parent"] == level_2_item["name"]:
# print("Children of " + level_2_item["name"] + " is " + level_3_item["name"])
item_dict = {"name": level_3_item["name"]}
# level_2_children_list.append(item_dict)
# here to append the list at the correct position of level_2_items_dict_list
# Sort the children by their title
level_2_item["children"] = sorted(level_2_children_list, key=lambda x: x['title'])
items_dict_list = insert_level_1_children(level_1_items_dict_list, level_2_items_dict_list)
# return level_2_items_dict_list
return items_dict_list
# def insert_level_1_children(level_1_items_dict_list, level_2_items_dict_list):
# for level_1_item in level_1_items_dict_list:
# level_1_children_list = []
# # print("level_1_item = " + level_1_item["name"])
# for level_2_item in level_2_items_dict_list:
# # print("level_2_item = " + level_2_item["name"])
# if level_2_item["parent"] == level_1_item["name"]:
# # print("Children of " + level_1_item["name"] + " is " + level_2_item["name"])
# level_1_children_list.append(level_2_item)
# # here to append the list at the correct position of level_1_items_dict_list
# level_1_item["children"] = level_1_children_list
# return level_1_items_dict_list
def insert_level_1_children(level_1_items_dict_list, level_2_items_dict_list):
for level_1_item in level_1_items_dict_list:
level_1_children_list = []
for level_2_item in level_2_items_dict_list:
if level_2_item["parent"] == level_1_item["name"]:
# Sort the children by their title
level_1_item["children"] = sorted(level_1_children_list, key=lambda x: x['title'])
# Now sort the level 1 items themselves
sorted_level_1_items_dict_list = sorted(level_1_items_dict_list, key=lambda x: x['title'])
return sorted_level_1_items_dict_list
def get_subject_data(item_subject):
subject_data = {
"title": "",
"description": ""
for subject, predicate, object in g:
if str(subject) == item_subject:
# print("checking data for " + item_subject + " and subject is " + subject)
if str(predicate) == terms_description and not str(object) == " ":
subject_data["description"] = str(object)
elif str(predicate) == terms_description:
subject_data["description"] = "No description available"
if str(predicate) == terms_title and not str(object) == " ":
subject_data["title"] = str(object)
elif str(predicate) == terms_title:
attr_subject = str(item_subject)
attr_subject = attr_subject.replace(SMI_prefix, '')
subject_data["title"] = attr_subject
return subject_data