Geir Horn 2bf9748509 Correcting the mess caused by Gerrit
Change-Id: If80c41555a93773a76f927036e88c3c6229c031f
2024-05-16 15:16:14 +02:00

435 lines
18 KiB

Metric Updater
This is an actor that gets the metrics and the corresponding AMQ topics where
predictions for the metrics will be published, and subscribes to updates for
these metric predictions. When a new prediction is provided it is initially
just recorded. When the SLO Violation Detector decides that a new application
configuration is necessary to maintain the application within the feasible
region, it will issue a message to indicate that a new solution is necessary.
The Metric Updater will respond to this message by generating a data file
containing the parameters and their values and publish this data file. This
will then be used by the solver to find the optimal configuration for the
the given application execution context defined by the recorded set of metric
value predictions.
The metrics of the application execution context can either be sent as one
JSON message where the attributes are the metric names to be used in the
optimisation data file and the values are the metric topic paths, or as a
sequence of messages, one per metric.
The metric values are sent using messages as defined by the Event Management
System (EMS) [1], and the format of the data file generated for the solver
follows the AMPL data file format [2]. The message from the SLO Violation
Detector is supposed to be a message for Event V since all the predicted
metric values are already collected [3]. In future versions it may be possible
to also use the computed erro bounds for the metric predictions of the other
SLO Violation events calculated.
[1] https://openproject.nebulouscloud.eu/projects/nebulous-collaboration-hub/wiki/monitoringdata-interface
[2] https://ampl.com/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-9-Specifying-Data-AMPL-Book.pdf
[3] https://openproject.nebulouscloud.eu/projects/nebulous-collaboration-hub/wiki/slo-severity-based-violation-detector
Author and Copyright: Geir Horn, University of Oslo
Contact: Geir.Horn@mn.uio.no
License: MPL2.0 (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/)
// Standard headers
#include <string_view> // Constant strings
#include <unordered_map> // To store metric-value maps
// Other packages
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp> // JSON object definition
using JSON = nlohmann::json; // Short form name space
// Theron++ files
#include "Actor.hpp" // Actor base class
#include "Utility/StandardFallbackHandler.hpp" // Exception unhanded messages
#include "Communication/NetworkingActor.hpp" // Actor to receive messages
#include "Communication/PolymorphicMessage.hpp" // The network message type
// AMQ communication files
#include "Communication/AMQ/AMQjson.hpp" // For JSON metric messages
#include "Communication/AMQ/AMQEndpoint.hpp" // AMQ endpoint
#include "Communication/AMQ/AMQSessionLayer.hpp" // For topic subscriptions
// NebulOuS files
#include "Solver.hpp" // The generic solver base
namespace NebulOuS
Metric Updater
// The Metric Updater actor is an Networking Actor supporting the AMQ message
// exchange.
class MetricUpdater
: virtual public Theron::Actor,
virtual public Theron::StandardFallbackHandler,
virtual public Theron::NetworkingActor<
typename Theron::AMQ::Message::PayloadType >
using ProtocolPayload = Theron::PolymorphicMessage<
typename Theron::AMQ::Message::PayloadType >::PayloadType;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metric value registry
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The metric values are stored essentially as a JSON values where the
// attributes are the metric names and the values are JSON values. It is
// assumed that same metric name is used both for the optimisation model
// and for the metric topic.
Solver::MetricValueType MetricValues;
// The metric values should ideally be forecasted for the same future time
// point, but this may not be assured, and as such a zero-order hold is
// assumed for all metric values. This means that the last value received
// for a metric is taken to be valid until the next update. The implication
// is that the whole vector of metric values is valid for the largest time
// point of any of the predictions. Hence, the largest prediction time point
// must be stored for being able to associate a time point of validity to
// the retruned metric vector.
Solver::TimePointType ValidityTime;
// The metric context is not complete before at least one value has been
// received for each metric. It is therefore a counter keeping track of
// metric values that are defined, but has not yet seen their first value
// update. An SLO violation message will only result in the triggering of
// a serch for a solution if all metric values have a value so that a
// proper metric context can be forwarded to the solver.
unsigned int UnsetMetrics;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subscribing to metric prediction values
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initially, the Optimiser Controller will pass a message containing all
// optimiser metric names that are used in the optimisation and therefore
// constitutes the application's execution context. This message is a simple
// JSON map containing an array since the Optimiser Controller is not able
// to send just an array.
class MetricTopic
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONTopicMessage
// The topic used for receiving the message(s) defining the metrics of the
// application execution context as published by the Optimiser Controller
// is the following
static constexpr std::string_view AMQTopic
= "eu.nebulouscloud.optimiser.controller.metric_list";
// The EXN middleware sending the AMQP messages for the other component
// of the NebulOuS project only sends JSON objects, meaning that the list
// of metric names to subscribe is sent as a JSON array, but it must be
// embedded in a map with a single key, see the message format described
// in the Wiki page at
// https://openproject.nebulouscloud.eu/projects/nebulous-collaboration-hub/wiki/1-optimiser-controller#controller-to-metric-updater-and-ems-metric-list
struct Keys
static constexpr std::string_view MetricList = "metrics";
// Constructors
MetricTopic( void )
: JSONTopicMessage( AMQTopic )
MetricTopic( const MetricTopic & Other )
: JSONTopicMessage( Other )
virtual ~MetricTopic() = default;
// The handler for this message will check each attribute value of the
// received JSON struct, and those not already existing in the metric
// value map be added and a subscription made for the published
// prediction values.
void AddMetricSubscription( const MetricTopic & MetricDefinitions,
const Address OptimiserController );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metric values
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The metric value message is defined as a topic message where the message
// identifier is the root of the metric value topic name string. This is
// identical to a wildcard operation matching all topics whose name start
// with this string.
class MetricValueUpdate
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONWildcardMessage
// The metric value messages will be published on different topics and to
// check if an inbound message is from a metric value topic, it is
// necessary to test against the base string for the metric value topics
// according to the Wiki-page describing the Type II message:
// https://openproject.nebulouscloud.eu/projects/nebulous-collaboration-hub/wiki/monitoringdata-interface#type-ii-messages-predicted-monitoring-metrics
static constexpr std::string_view MetricValueRootString
= "eu.nebulouscloud.monitoring.predicted.";
// Only two of the fields in this message will be looked up and stored
// in the current application context map.
struct Keys
static constexpr std::string_view
ValueLabel = "metricValue",
TimePoint = "predictionTime";
MetricValueUpdate( void )
: JSONWildcardMessage( std::string( MetricValueRootString ) )
MetricValueUpdate( const MetricValueUpdate & Other )
: JSONWildcardMessage( Other )
virtual ~MetricValueUpdate() = default;
// The handler function will update the value of the subscribed metric
// based on the given topic name. If there is no such metric known, then the
// message will just be discarded.
void UpdateMetricValue( const MetricValueUpdate & TheMetricValue,
const Address TheMetricTopic );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application lifecycle
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There is a message from the Optimiser Controller when the status of the
// application changes. The state communicated in this message shows the
// current state of the application and decides how the Solver will act to
// SLO Violations detected.
class ApplicationLifecycle
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONTopicMessage
// The topic for the reconfiguration finished messages is defined by the
// optimiser as the sender.
static constexpr std::string_view AMQTopic
= "eu.nebulouscloud.optimiser.controller.app_state";
// The state of the application goes from the the initial creation of
// the cluster to deployments covering reconfigurations. Note that there is
// no state indicating that the application has terminated.
enum class State
New, // Waiting for the utility evaluator
Ready, // The application is ready for deployment
Deploying, // The application is being deployed or redeployed
Running, // The application is running
Failed // The application is in an invalid state
// An arriving lifecycle message indicates a change in state and it is
// therefore a way to set a state variable directly from the message by
// a cast operator
operator State() const;
// Constructors and destructor
ApplicationLifecycle( void )
: JSONTopicMessage( AMQTopic )
ApplicationLifecycle( const ApplicationLifecycle & Other )
: JSONTopicMessage( Other )
virtual ~ApplicationLifecycle() = default;
// After starting a reconfiguration with an SLO Violation, one should not
// initiate another reconfiguration because the state may the possibly be
// inconsistent with the SLO Violation Detector belieivng that the old
// configuration is still in effect while the new configuration is being
// enacted. The application lifecycle state must therefore be marked as
// running before the another SLO Violation will trigger the next
// reconfiguration
ApplicationLifecycle::State ApplicationState;
// The handler for the lifecycle message simply updates this variable by
// setting it to the state received in the lifecycle message.
void LifecycleHandler( const ApplicationLifecycle & TheState,
const Address TheLifecycleTopic );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SLO violations
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The SLO violation detector will publish a message when a reconfiguration is
// deamed necessary for a future time point called "Event type VI" on the wiki
// page: https://openproject.nebulouscloud.eu/projects/nebulous-collaboration-hub/wiki/slo-severity-based-violation-detector#output-event-type-vi
// The event contains a probability for at least one of the SLOs being
// violated at the predicted time point. It is not clear if the assessment
// is being made by the SLO violation detector at every new metric prediction,
// or if this event is only signalled when the probability is above some
// internal threshold of the SLO violation detector.
// The current implementation assumes that the latter is the case, and hence
// just receiving the message indicates that a new application configuration
// should be found given the application execution context as predicted by the
// metric values recorded by the Metric Updater. Should this assumption be
// wrong, the probability must be compared with some user set threshold for
// each message, and to cater for this the probability field will always be
// compared to a threshold, currently set to zero to ensure that every event
// message will trigger a reconfiguration.
class SLOViolation
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONTopicMessage
// The messages from the SLO Violation Detector will be sent on a topic that
// should follow some standard topic convention.
static constexpr std::string_view AMQTopic
= "eu.nebulouscloud.monitoring.slo.severity_value";
// The only information taken from this detction message is the prediction
// time which will be used as the time for the application's execution
// context when this is forwarded to the solvers for processing.
struct Keys
static constexpr std::string_view TimePoint = "predictionTime";
// Constructors
SLOViolation( void )
: JSONTopicMessage( AMQTopic )
SLOViolation( const SLOViolation & Other )
: JSONTopicMessage( Other )
virtual ~SLOViolation() = default;
// The handler for this message will generate an Application Execution
// Context message to the Solution Manager passing the values of all
// the metrics currently kept by the Metric Updater.
void SLOViolationHandler( const SLOViolation & SeverityMessage,
const Address TheSLOTopic );
// The application execution context (message) will be sent to the
// Solution Manager actor that will invoke a solver to find the optimal
// configuration for this configuration. The Metric Updater must therefore
// know the address of the Solver Manager, and this must be passed to
// the constructor and stored for for the duration of the execution
const Address TheSolverManager;
// After the sending of the application's excution context, one should not
// initiate another reconfiguration because the state may the possibly be
// inconsistent with the SLO Violation Detector belieivng that the old
// configuration is still in effect while the new configuration is being
// enacted. It is therefore a flag that will be set by the SLO Violation
// handler indicating that a reconfiguration is ongoing.
bool ReconfigurationInProgress;
// When a reconfiguration has been enacted by the Optimiser Controller and
// a new configuration is confirmed to be running on the new platofrm, it
// will send a message to inform all other components that the
// reconfiguration has happened. The event is just the reception of the
// message and its content will not be processed, so there are no keys for
// the JSON map received.
class ReconfigurationMessage
: public Theron::AMQ::JSONTopicMessage
// The topic for the reconfiguration finished messages is defined by the
// optimiser as the sender.
static constexpr std::string_view AMQTopic
= "eu.nebulouscloud.optimiser.controller.reconfiguration";
// Constructors
ReconfigurationMessage( void )
: JSONTopicMessage( AMQTopic )
ReconfigurationMessage( const ReconfigurationMessage & Other )
: JSONTopicMessage( Other )
virtual ~ReconfigurationMessage() = default;
// The handler for this message will actually not use its contents, but only
// note that the reconfiguration has been completed to reset the
// reconfiguration in progress flag allowing future SLO Violation Events to
// triger new reconfigurations.
void ReconfigurationDone( const ReconfigurationMessage & TheReconfiguraton,
const Address TheReconfigurationTopic );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor and destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The constructor requires the name of the Metric Updater Actor, and the
// actor address of the Solution Manager Actor. It registers the handlers
// for all the message types
MetricUpdater( const std::string UpdaterName,
const Address ManagerOfSolvers );
// The destructor will unsubscribe from the control channels for the
// message defining metrics, and the channel for receiving SLO violation
// events.
virtual ~MetricUpdater();
}; // Class Metric Updater
} // Name space NebulOuS