Andreas Tsagkaropoulos 50394eb255 Readme update
Updates to the README file

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2024-06-05 18:17:45 +03:00
src Miscellaneous bug-fixes 2024-06-05 17:24:08 +03:00
Dockerfile Major code refactoring 2024-01-29 13:36:03 +02:00
pom.xml Code rebasing 2024-04-03 17:06:55 +03:00 Readme update 2024-06-05 18:17:45 +03:00

SLO Severity-based Violation Detector


The SLO Severity-based Violation Detector is a component which receives predicted and actual monitoring metric values, and produces AMQP messages which denote i) the calculated severity ii) the probability that a reconfiguration will be required and iii) the timestamp which we refer to.

The component can run either using a compiled jar file, or be packaged to a Docker container and run in containerized form. At a high level, the component runs through the following operational phases:

Operational phases

  1. Initialization of generic execution parameters
  2. Choice of operational mode (Detector or Director-Detector)
  3. If the operational mode is Director-Detector then the following steps are carried out:
    • Initialization of the subscription to the topics the Director-Detector is responsible for
  4. If the operational mode is Detector then the following steps are carried out:
    • Initialization of the internal structures representing the SLO rules and the monitoring metrics
    • Subscription to metric_list topic and initialization of new subscribers based on initial message
    • Subscription to topic_for_lost_device_announcement
    • Continuous calculation of Severity based on incoming realtime and predicted metrics, and creation of severity output messages when relevant input has been received
    • Continuous monitoring of reconfiguration statistics and adaptation of the behaviour of the component as appropriate


Configuration file

The component comes with a configuration file which can be used to specify the behaviour of the component ( and a configuration file which is used to configure the AMQP communication ( These files are located in the src/main/resources/config directory of the project.

The principal configuration options to be changed before deployment are in the file which is passed as a runtime argument to the component. They are the broker_address(also thebroker_username andbroker_password), the horizon, the number_of_days_to_aggregate_data_from and the number_of_seconds_to_aggregate_on.

Parameter Description Indicative value
metrics_bounds A string value which is a csv list of monitoring metrics, and the respective upper and lower bounds which are known for them beforehand. The list contains triplets which are comma separated, while elements of a triplet are separated with semicolons. Each triplet contains the name of the metric, its lowest bound and its highest bound (or the word unbounded if these are not known. If a monitoring metric is not registered here, it will be assumed that it can be assigned any real value from 0 (the lowest bound) to 100 (the highest bound) avgResponseTime;unbounded;unbounded,custom2;0;3
single_slo_rule_active A boolean value that indicates whether we can have only one slo rule (per application) active or whether multiple rules can be active simultaneously true
assume_slo_rule_is_always_updated A boolean value that indicates whether the default behaviour is to accept any new rule (per application) as the SLO rule that will prevail over older existing rules true
slo_rules_topic A string value indicating the name of the topic which will be used to send messages (to the SLO Violation Detector) containing the SLOs which should be respected by the application. metrics.metric_list
broker_ip_url A string value indicating the url which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker to send and receive messages. tcp://localhost:61616?wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration=0
broker_port An integer value indicating the port which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker to send and receive messages. 5672
broker_username A string value, which is the username to access the AMQP broker User1
broker_password A string value, which is the password to access the AMQP broker userpassword
slo_violation_determination_method A string value, indicating the method which is used to determine the probability of a possible future  SLO violation. A choice is offered between all-metrics and prconf-delta all-metrics
slo_violation_probability_threshold A real numeric value, indicating the least threshold to trigger an SLO violation. 0.1
time_horizon_seconds An integer value indicating the minimum time interval between two successive reconfigurations that the platform can support 900
maximum_acceptable_forward_predictions An integer value indicating the maximum number of forward predictions for which the component will keep data 30

Component input

The triggering input of the SLO Violation Detector is a JSON message which informs the component about the SLOs which should be respected. The format of these SLOs is the following:

<SLO> ← <Metric> <Operator> <Threshold>

Metric: Any monitoring attribute which can be observed using the EMS can be used in the formulation of an SLO

Operator: Either greater than, greater than or equal, less than or less than or equal.

Threshold: We assume that metric values used in the description of SLOs are real numbers, so any real number which can be handled by Java 9 can be used.

Multiple SLOs can be joined using an 'AND' or 'OR'-separated syntax. Examples of AND and OR separated SLO's appear below:

A simple SLO rule

  "name": "_",
  "operator": "OR",
  "version": 1, 
  "constraints": [
      "name": "cpu_usage_too_high",
      "metric": "cpu_usage",
      "operator": ">",
      "threshold": 80

A complex SLO rule

  "name": "application_1",
  "operator": "OR",
  "version": 1,
  "constraints": [
      "name": "cpu_and_memory_or_swap_too_high",
      "operator": "AND",
      "constraints": [
          "name": "cpu_usage_high",
          "metric": "cpu_usage",
          "operator": ">",
          "threshold": 80
          "name": "memory_or_swap_usage_high",
          "operator": "OR",
          "constraints": [
              "name": "memory_usage_high",
              "metric": "ram_usage",
              "operator": ">",
              "threshold": 70
              "name": "disk_usage_high",
              "metric": "swap_usage",
              "operator": ">",
              "threshold": 50

The simple SLO illustrated above states that the “cpu_usage” monitoring metric should stay ideally below 80 (percent), otherwise an SLO violation should be triggered. On the other hand, the complex SLO involves the use of three monitoring metrics, “cpu_usage”, “free_ram” and “swap_usage”, which should be below 70 and 50 (percent) respectively. The format illustrated in the second example has been devised to allow nested AND-based or OR-based SLOs to be defined. The complex SLO rule states that if (cpu_usage>80 AND (ram_usage>70 OR swap_usage> 50)) then an SLO violation should be triggered.

Building & Running the component

The component can be built using Maven (mvn clean install -Dtest=!UnboundedMonitoringAttributeTests). This command should succeed without errors, and verifying that all tests (except for the Unbounded monitoring attribute tests) are successfully executed. Then, any of the produced jar files (either the shaded or non-shaded version) can be run using the following command:

java -jar <jar_name> <role_type> <configuration_file_location>

In the above command, jar_name is the file name of the executable jar of the slo-violation-detector; role_type is a string - either DIRECTOR or DETECTOR; and <configuration_file_location> is another string holding the path to the configuration file.

When the component starts correctly it will not display any error logs, and it may also display that it listens for events on the topic in which SLO rules are to be specified (by default metrics.metric_list).

It is not mandatory to specify the <configuration_file_location> or the <role_type> but the defaults will be assumed (the location of the configuration file will be based on the class and the role will be OperationalMode.DIRECTOR )

When debugging/developing, the component can be started from the Java main method which is located inside the src/runtime/ file.

Testing process

To test the functionality of the component - provided that a working ActiveMQ Broker / Event Management System (EMS) installation is available, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Send a message with the rule to be monitored (In production, the EMS translator is responsible to send this message, as well messages described in step 2. Messages described in step 3 are sent by the Prediction Orchestrator.)

  2. Create a monitoring metrics stream, sending at a monitoring topic some values resembling real monitoring values.

  3. Create a predicted metrics stream, sending at a prediction topic values which resemble real monitoring values. If the predicted values are over the thresholds defined at Step 1, then an SLO event should be created. It is important to create predicted monitoring data for the same monitoring attribute as the one for which realtime monitoring data is generated.

  4. Watch for output on the defined output topic (by default prediction.slo_severity_value). The output will have the JSON format illustrated below:

      "severity": 0.9064,
      "predictionTime": 1626181860,
      "probability": 0.92246521

The structure which is used for realtime and forecasted settings can be changed as required. However, the code is required to be adapted to parse the related topics (see the values of the topic_prefix_realtime_metrics and topic_prefix_final_predicted_metrics in the Constants class)


General Remarks

Starting new threads in the SLO Violation Detection component should only be done using the CharacterizedThread class, as opposed to using plain Threads - to reassure that Threads are being defined in a way which permits their appropriate management (registration/removal).

Internal structure

Execution in the SLO Violation Detector component begins at the Main class, part of the runtime package inside the src/main/java folder. Immediately, following some basic initializations the character of the program is determined - either Director-Detector or simple Detector - and then the relevant subcomponents are initialized. If the component is initialized as a Director-Detector, it will also have some active Spring Boot endpoints using which, it will be able to listen to incoming requests and provide information. The way this information is provided, is detailed in the Director and the Detector RequestMapping classes inside the runtime package.

Generic constants which should be available throughout the program, are included in the Constants class inside the configuration package.

The metric_retrieval package includes the AttributeSubscription class which manages the subscription to all metrics (or attributes) which are included in a particular SLO rule.

The slo_rule_modelling package includes classes which are important to setup the methods in which Severity calculations are described for different kinds of rules. Inside it are the important SLORule and SLOSubRule classes. The heart of the SLO Violation Detector is inside the slo_violation_detector_engine package, which contains the specific subcomponent classes which describe the behaviour of the two subcomponents of the SLOViD: the Director and the Detector. Also, the Runnables class inside it, contains the all runnables and runnable-like classes which do not tightly belong to their surrounding code. Classes are organized in three sub-packages: the director, detector, and generic sub-packages, which include classes specific to the director subcomponent, the detector subcomponent and all subcomponents, respectively.

The utilities subpackage contains miscellaneous utility classes which undertake miscellaneous tasks, including the SLOViolationCalculator class which performs the actual severity calculations. Similarly, the utility_beans package contains classes designed to model individual aspects of the behaviour of the component.

The src/main/resources folder contains files which are either used at runtime to fetch resources necessary for the proper execution of the program, or files which help with the testing of the component. Most notable are the property files under the config folder which directly impact the behaviour of the program, and the file which include parameters which regulate the execution of the Spring Boot part of the component (if a director component is spawned).

The src/test folder contains miscellaneous tests which are useful to verify the correct behaviour of the component.

Docker container build

To run the component in Dockerized form, it is sufficient to build the Dockerfile which is included at the root of the project. When running the docker container, the configuration file which will be used is the src/main/resources/config/ file, relative to the root of the project (this location specified as a variable in the configuration.Constants class). If another configuration file needs to be used, then it should be mounted over the /home/src/main/resources/config/ location.

To start the component, docker run can be used:

docker run <container_name>