Submit a log processing job to the logstash workers. This role examines all of the files in the log subdirectory of the job work dir and any matching filenames are submitted to the gearman queue for the logstash log processor, along with any tags configured for those filenames. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: logstash_gearman_server :default: The gearman server to use. .. zuul:rolevar:: logstash_processor_config :type: dict The default file configuration for the logstash parser. This is a dictionary that contains a single entry: .. zuul:rolevar:: files :type: list A list of files to search for in the ``work/logs/`` directory on the executor. Each file will be compared to the entries in this list, and if it matches, a processing job will be submitted to the logstash processing queue, along with the tags for the matching entry. Order is important: the first matcing is used. This field is list of dictionaries, as follows: .. zuul:rolevar:: name The name of the file to process. This is treated as an unanchored regular expression. To match the full path (underneath ``work/logs``) start and end the string with ``^`` and ``$`` respectively. .. zuul:rolevar:: tags :type: list A list of strings indicating the logstash processing tags associated with this file. These may be used to indicate the file format to the parser.