
435 lines
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# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import dateutil.parser as dp
import gerritlib.gerrit
import pyelasticsearch
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import orm
from subunit2sql.db import api as db_api
import datetime
import logging
import re
import time
import elastic_recheck.config as er_conf
import elastic_recheck.loader as loader
import elastic_recheck.query_builder as qb
from elastic_recheck import results
def required_files(job):
files = []
if re.match("(tempest|grenade)-dsvm", job):
# we could probably add more neutron files
# but currently only q-svc is used in queries
if re.match("neutron", job):
# make sure that grenade logs exist
if re.match("grenade", job):
return files
def format_timedelta(td):
"""Format a timedelta value on seconds boundary."""
return "%d:%2.2d" % (td.seconds / 60, td.seconds % 60)
class ConsoleNotReady(Exception):
class FilesNotReady(Exception):
class ResultTimedOut(Exception):
class FailJob(object):
"""A single failed job.
A job is a zuul job.
bugs = []
build_short_uuid = None
url = None
name = None
def __init__(self, name, url):
self.name = name
self.url = url
# The last set of characters of the URL are the first 7 digits
# of the build_uuid.
self.build_short_uuid = list(filter(None, url.split('/')))[-1]
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
class FailEvent(object):
"""A FailEvent consists of one or more FailJobs.
An event is a gerrit event.
change = None
rev = None
project = None
url = None
build_short_uuids = []
comment = None
failed_jobs = []
def __init__(self, event, failed_jobs, config=None):
self.change = int(event['change']['number'])
self.rev = int(event['patchSet']['number'])
self.project = event['change']['project']
self.url = event['change']['url']
self.comment = event["comment"]
self.created_on = event["eventCreatedOn"]
# TODO(jogo): make FailEvent generate the jobs
self.failed_jobs = failed_jobs
self.config = config or er_conf.Config()
def is_included_job(self):
return re.search(self.config.jobs_re, self.comment)
def name(self):
return "%d,%d" % (self.change, self.rev)
def bug_urls(self, bugs=None):
if bugs is None:
bugs = self.get_all_bugs()
if not bugs:
return None
urls = ['https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/%s' % x for
x in bugs]
return urls
def bug_list(self):
"""A pretty printed bug list."""
return "- " + "\n- ".join(self.bug_urls_map())
def bug_urls_map(self):
"""Produce sorted list of which jobs failed due to which bugs."""
if not self.get_all_bugs():
return None
bug_map = {}
for job in self.failed_jobs:
if len(job.bugs) is 0:
bug_map[job.name] = None
bug_map[job.name] = ' '.join(self.bug_urls(job.bugs))
bug_list = []
for job in bug_map:
if bug_map[job] is None:
bug_list.append("%s: unrecognized error" % job)
bug_list.append("%s: %s" % (job, bug_map[job]))
return sorted(bug_list)
def is_fully_classified(self):
if self.get_all_bugs() is None:
return True
for job in self.failed_jobs:
if len(job.bugs) is 0:
return False
return True
def queue(self):
# Assume one queue per gerrit event
if len(self.failed_jobs) == 0:
return None
return self.failed_jobs[0].url.split('/')[6]
def build_short_uuids(self):
return [job.build_short_uuid for job in self.failed_jobs]
def failed_job_names(self):
return [job.name for job in self.failed_jobs]
def get_all_bugs(self):
bugs = set([])
for job in self.failed_jobs:
bugs |= set(job.bugs)
if len(bugs) is 0:
return None
return list(bugs)
def __repr__(self):
return ("<FailEvent change:%s, rev:%s, project:%s,"
"url:%s, comment:%s>" %
(self.change, self.rev, self.project, self.url, self.comment))
class Stream(object):
"""Gerrit Stream.
Monitors gerrit stream looking for tempest-devstack failures.
log = logging.getLogger("recheckwatchbot")
def __init__(self, user, host, key, config=None, thread=True):
self.config = config or er_conf.Config()
port = 29418
self.gerrit = gerritlib.gerrit.Gerrit(host, user, port, key)
self.es = results.SearchEngine(self.config.es_url)
if thread:
def parse_jenkins_failure(event, ci_username=er_conf.CI_USERNAME):
"""Is this comment a jenkins failure comment."""
if event.get('type', '') != 'comment-added':
return False
username = event['author'].get('username', '')
if (username not in [ci_username, 'zuul']):
return False
if not ("Build failed" in
return False
failed_tests = []
for line in event['comment'].split("\n"):
# this is needed to know if we care about categorizing
# these items. It's orthoginal to non voting ES searching.
if " (non-voting)" in line:
m = re.search(r"- ([\w-]+)\s*(http://\S+)\s*:\s*FAILURE", line)
if m:
failed_tests.append(FailJob(m.group(1), m.group(2)))
return failed_tests
def _job_console_uploaded(self, change, patch, name, build_short_uuid):
query = qb.result_ready(change, patch, name, build_short_uuid)
r = self.es.search(query, size='10', recent=True)
if len(r) == 0:
msg = ("Console logs not ready for %s %s,%s,%s" %
(name, change, patch, build_short_uuid))
raise ConsoleNotReady(msg)
self.log.debug("Console ready for %s %s,%s,%s" %
(name, change, patch, build_short_uuid))
def _has_required_files(self, change, patch, name, build_short_uuid):
query = qb.files_ready(change, patch, name, build_short_uuid)
r = self.es.search(query, size='80', recent=True)
files = [x['term'] for x in r.terms]
# TODO(dmsimard): Reliably differentiate zuul v2 and v3 jobs
required = required_files(name)
missing_files = [x for x in required if x not in files]
if (len(missing_files) != 0 or
('console.html' not in files and 'job-output.txt' not in files)):
msg = ("%s missing for %s %s,%s,%s" % (
missing_files, name, change, patch, build_short_uuid))
raise FilesNotReady(msg)
def _does_es_have_data(self, event):
"""Wait till ElasticSearch is ready, but return False if timeout."""
# We wait 20 minutes wall time since receiving the event until we
# treat the logs as missing
timeout = 1200
# Wait 40 seconds between queries.
sleep_time = 40
timed_out = False
# This checks that we've got the console log uploaded, need to retry
# in case ES goes bonkers on cold data, which it does some times.
# We check at least once so that we can return success if data is
# there. But then only check again until we reach a timeout since
# the event was received.
while True:
for job in event.failed_jobs:
# TODO(jogo): if there are three failed jobs and only the
# last one isn't ready we don't need to keep rechecking
# the first two
event.change, event.rev, job.name,
event.change, event.rev, job.name,
except ConsoleNotReady as e:
except FilesNotReady as e:
except pyelasticsearch.exceptions.InvalidJsonResponseError:
# If ElasticSearch returns an error code, sleep and retry
# TODO(jogo): if this works pull out search into a helper
# function that does this.
"Elastic Search not responding")
# If we fall through then we had a failure of some sort.
# Wait until timeout is exceeded.
now = time.time()
if now > event.created_on + timeout:
# We've waited too long for this event, move on.
timed_out = True
if timed_out:
elapsed = now - event.created_on
msg = ("Required files not ready after %ss for %s %d,%d,%s" %
(elapsed, job.name, event.change, event.rev,
raise ResultTimedOut(msg)
"Found hits for change_number: %d, patch_number: %d"
% (event.change, event.rev))
"All files present for change_number: %d, patch_number: %d"
% (event.change, event.rev))
return True
def get_failed_tempest(self):
self.log.debug("entering get_failed_tempest")
while True:
event = self.gerrit.getEvent()
failed_jobs = Stream.parse_jenkins_failure(
event, ci_username=self.config.ci_username)
if not failed_jobs:
# nothing to see here, lets try the next event
fevent = FailEvent(event, failed_jobs, self.config)
# bail if the failure is from a project
# that hasn't run any of the included jobs
if not fevent.is_included_job():
self.log.info("Looking for failures in %d,%d on %s" %
(fevent.change, fevent.rev,
", ".join(fevent.failed_job_names())))
if self._does_es_have_data(fevent):
return fevent
def leave_comment(self, event, msgs, debug=False):
parts = []
if event.get_all_bugs():
parts.append(msgs['found_bug'] % {'bugs': event.bug_list()})
if event.is_fully_classified():
msg = '\n'.join(parts)
self.log.debug("Compiled comment for commit %s:\n%s" %
(event.name(), msg))
if not debug:
self.gerrit.review(event.project, event.name(), msg)
def check_failed_test_ids_for_job(build_uuid, test_ids, session):
failing_test_ids = db_api.get_failing_test_ids_from_runs_by_key_value(
'build_short_uuid', build_uuid, session)
for test_id in test_ids:
if test_id in failing_test_ids:
return True
return False
class Classifier(object):
"""Classify failed tempest-devstack jobs based.
Given a change and revision, query logstash with a list of known queries
that are mapped to specific bugs.
log = logging.getLogger("recheckwatchbot")
queries = None
def __init__(self, queries_dir, config=None):
self.config = config or er_conf.Config()
self.es = results.SearchEngine(self.config.es_url)
self.queries_dir = queries_dir
self.queries = loader.load(self.queries_dir)
def hits_by_query(self, query, queue=None, facet=None, size=100, days=0):
if queue:
es_query = qb.single_queue(query, queue, facet=facet)
es_query = qb.generic(query, facet=facet)
return self.es.search(es_query, size=size, days=days)
def most_recent(self):
"""Return the datetime of the most recently indexed event."""
query = qb.most_recent_event()
results = self.es.search(query, size='1')
if len(results) > 0:
last = dp.parse(results[0].timestamp)
return last
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
def classify(self, change_number, patch_number,
build_short_uuid, recent=False):
"""Returns either empty list or list with matched bugs."""
self.log.debug("Entering classify")
# Reload each time
self.queries = loader.load(self.queries_dir)
bug_matches = []
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.config.db_uri)
Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
for x in self.queries:
if x.get('suppress-notification'):
"Looking for bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/%s"
% x['bug'])
query = qb.single_patch(x['query'], change_number, patch_number,
results = self.es.search(query, size='10', recent=recent)
if len(results) > 0:
if x.get('test_ids', None):
test_ids = x['test_ids']
"For bug %s checking subunit2sql for failures on "
"test_ids: %s" % (x['bug'], test_ids))
if check_failed_test_ids_for_job(build_short_uuid,
test_ids, session):
return bug_matches