Gear: Asynchronous Event-Driven Gearman Interface ================================================= .. module:: gear :synopsis: Asynchronous Event-Driven Gearman Interface This module implements an asynchronous event-driven interface to Gearman. It provides interfaces to build a client or worker, and access to the administrative protocol. The design approach is to keep it simple, with a relatively thin abstration of the Gearman protocol itself. It should be easy to use to build a client or worker that operates either synchronously or asynchronously. The module also provides a simple Gearman server for use as a convenience in unit tests. The server is not designed for production use under load. Client Example -------------- To use the client interface, instantiate a :py:class:`Client`, and submit a :py:class:`Job`. For example:: import gear client = gear.Client() client.addServer('') client.waitForServer() # Wait for at least one server to be connected job = gear.Job("reverse", "test string") client.submitJob(job) The waitForServer() call is only necessary when running in a synchronous context. When running asynchronously, it is probably more desirable to omit that call and instead handle the :py:class:`NoConnectedServersError` exception that submitJob may raise if no servers are connected at the time. When Gearman returns data to the client, the :py:class:`Job` object is updated immediately. Event handlers are called on the :py:class:`Client` object so that subclasses have ample facilities for reacting to events synchronously. Worker Example -------------- To use the worker interface, create a :py:class:`Worker`, register at least one function that the worker supports, and then wait for a Job to be dispatched to the worker. An example of a Gearman worker:: import gear worker = gear.Worker('reverser') worker.addServer('') worker.registerFunction("reverse") while True: job = worker.getJob() job.sendWorkComplete(job.arguments[::-1]) SSL Connections --------------- For versions of Gearman supporting SSL connections, specify the files containing the SSL private key, public certificate, and CA certificate in the addServer() call. For example:: ssl_key = '/path/to/key.pem' ssl_cert = '/path/to/cert.pem' ssl_ca = '/path/to/ca.pem' client.addServer('', 4730, ssl_key, ssl_cert, ssl_ca) All three files must be specified for SSL to be used. API Reference ============= The following sections document the module's public API. It is divided into sections focusing on implementing a client, a worker, using the administrative protocol, and then the classes that are common to all usages of the module. Client Usage ------------ The classes in this section should be all that are needed in order to implement a Gearman client. Client Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.Client :members: :inherited-members: Job Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.Job :members: :inherited-members: Worker Usage ------------ The classes in this section should be all that are needed in order to implement a Gearman worker. Worker Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.Worker :members: :inherited-members: FunctionRecord Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.FunctionRecord :members: :inherited-members: WorkerJob Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.WorkerJob :members: :inherited-members: Administrative Protocol ----------------------- Gearman provides an administrative protocol that is multiplexed on the same connection as the normal binary protocol for jobs. The classes in this section are useful for working with that protocol. They need to be used with an existing :py:class:`Connection` object; either one obtained via a :py:class:`Client` or :py:class:`Worker`, or via direct instantiation of :py:class:`Connection` to a Gearman server. AdminRequest Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.AdminRequest :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: gear.StatusAdminRequest :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: gear.ShowJobsAdminRequest :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: gear.ShowUniqueJobsAdminRequest :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: gear.CancelJobAdminRequest :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: gear.VersionAdminRequest :inherited-members: Server Usage ------------ .. program-output:: geard --help Server Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.Server :members: :inherited-members: Common ------ These classes do not normally need to be directly instatiated to use the gear API, but they may be returned or otherwise be accessible from other classes in this module. They generally operate at a lower level, but still form part of the public API. Connection Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.Connection :members: :inherited-members: Packet Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gear.Packet :members: :inherited-members: Exceptions ^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoexception:: gear.ConnectionError .. autoexception:: gear.InvalidDataError .. autoexception:: gear.ConfigurationError .. autoexception:: gear.NoConnectedServersError .. autoexception:: gear.UnknownJobError .. autoexception:: gear.InterruptedError Constants --------- These constants are used by public API classes. .. py:data:: PRECEDENCE_NORMAL Normal job precedence. .. py:data:: PRECEDENCE_LOW Low job precedence. .. py:data:: PRECEDENCE_HIGH High job precedence. .. automodule:: gear.constants :members: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`