310 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<script src="../../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../../bower_components/web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
<script src="../gr-diff/gr-diff-line.js"></script>
<script src="../gr-diff/gr-diff-group.js"></script>
<script src="gr-diff-builder.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="gr-diff-builder.html">
<test-fixture id="basic">
<table id="diffTable"></table>
suite('gr-diff-builder tests', function() {
var builder;
setup(function() {
var prefs = {
line_length: 10,
show_tabs: true,
tab_size: 4,
builder = new GrDiffBuilder({content: []}, {left: [], right: []}, prefs);
test('context control buttons', function() {
var section = {};
var line = {contextGroup: {lines: []}};
// Create 10 lines.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
line.contextGroup.lines.push('lorem upsum');
// Does not include +10 buttons when there are fewer than 11 lines.
var td = builder._createContextControl(section, line);
var buttons = td.querySelectorAll('gr-button.showContext');
assert.equal(buttons.length, 1);
assert.equal(buttons[0].textContent, 'Show 10 common lines');
// Add another line.
line.contextGroup.lines.push('lorem upsum');
// Includes +10 buttons when there are at least 11 lines.
td = builder._createContextControl(section, line);
buttons = td.querySelectorAll('gr-button.showContext');
assert.equal(buttons.length, 3);
assert.equal(buttons[0].textContent, '+10↑');
assert.equal(buttons[1].textContent, 'Show 11 common lines');
assert.equal(buttons[2].textContent, '+10↓');
test('newlines', function() {
var text = 'abcdef';
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, text), text);
text = 'a'.repeat(20);
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, text),
'a'.repeat(10) +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
text = '<span class="thumbsup">👍</span>';
var html = '&lt;span class=&quot;thumbsup&quot;&gt;👍&lt;&#x2F;span&gt;';
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, html),
'&lt;span clas' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
's=&quot;thumbsu' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
'p&quot;&gt;👍&lt;&#x2F;spa' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
text = '01234\t56789';
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, text),
'01234\t5' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
test('text length with tabs and unicode', function() {
assert.equal(builder._textLength('12345', 4), 5);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('\t\t12', 4), 10);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc💢123', 4), 7);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\t', 8), 8);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\t\t', 10), 20);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('', 10), 0);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('', 10), 0);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\tde', 10), 12);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\tde\t', 10), 20);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('\t\t\t\t\t', 20), 100);
test('tab wrapper insertion', function() {
var html = 'abc\tdef';
var wrapper = builder._getTabWrapper(
builder._prefs.tab_size - 3,
assert.isAbove(wrapper.length, 0);
assert.equal(builder._addTabWrappers(html, builder._prefs.tab_size),
'abc' + wrapper + 'def');
// using \x3c instead of < in string so gjslint can parse
'">\x3cimg src="/" onerror="alert(1);">\x3cspan class="',
test('comments', function() {
var line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = 3;
line.afterNumber = 5;
var comments = {left: [], right: []};
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line), []);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT), []);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT), []);
comments = {
left: [
{id: 'l3', line: 3},
{id: 'l5', line: 5},
right: [
{id: 'r3', line: 3},
{id: 'r5', line: 5},
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line),
[{id: 'l3', line: 3}, {id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT), [{id: 'l3', line: 3}]);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT), [{id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
test('comment thread creation', function() {
builder._comments = {
meta: {
changeNum: '42',
patchRange: {
basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
patchNum: '3',
path: '/path/to/foo',
projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
left: [
{id: 'l3', line: 3},
{id: 'l5', line: 5},
right: [
{id: 'r5', line: 5},
function checkThreadProps(threadEl, patchNum, side, comments) {
assert.equal(threadEl.changeNum, '42');
assert.equal(threadEl.patchNum, patchNum);
assert.equal(threadEl.path, '/path/to/foo');
assert.equal(threadEl.side, side);
assert.deepEqual(threadEl.projectConfig, {foo: 'bar'});
assert.deepEqual(threadEl.comments, comments);
var line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = 5;
line.afterNumber = 5;
var threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'REVISION',
[{id: 'l5', line: 5}, {id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'REVISION', [{id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'PARENT', [{id: 'l5', line: 5}]);
builder._comments.meta.patchRange.basePatchNum = '1';
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'REVISION',
[{id: 'l5', line: 5}, {id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '1', 'REVISION', [{id: 'l5', line: 5}]);
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'REVISION', [{id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
builder._comments.meta.patchRange.basePatchNum = 'PARENT';
line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.REMOVE);
line.beforeNumber = 5;
line.afterNumber = 5;
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'PARENT',
[{id: 'l5', line: 5}, {id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.ADD);
line.beforeNumber = 3;
line.afterNumber = 5;
threadEl = builder._commentThreadForLine(line);
checkThreadProps(threadEl, '3', 'REVISION',
[{id: 'l3', line: 3}, {id: 'r5', line: 5}]);
suite('rendering', function() {
var content;
var outputEl;
setup(function(done) {
var prefs = {
line_length: 10,
show_tabs: true,
tab_size: 4,
context: -1
content = [
a: ['all work and no play make andybons a dull boy'],
b: ['elgoog elgoog elgoog']
ab: [
'Non eram nescius, Brute, cum, quae summis ingeniis ',
'exquisitaque doctrina philosophi Graeco sermone tractavissent',
element = fixture('basic');
outputEl = element.queryEffectiveChildren('#diffTable');
element.addEventListener('render', function() {
sinon.stub(element, '_getDiffBuilder', function() {
var builder = new GrDiffBuilder(
{content: content}, {left: [], right: []}, prefs, outputEl);
builder.buildSectionElement = function(group) {
var section = document.createElement('stub');
section.textContent = group.lines.reduce(function(acc, line) {
return acc + line.text;
}, '');
return section;
return builder;
element.render({ content: content }, {left: [], right: []}, prefs);
test('renderSection', function() {
var section = outputEl.querySelector('stub:nth-of-type(2)');
var prevInnerHTML = section.innerHTML;
section.innerHTML = 'wiped';
section = outputEl.querySelector('stub:nth-of-type(2)');
assert.equal(section.innerHTML, prevInnerHTML);
test('getSectionsByLineRange one line', function() {
var section = outputEl.querySelector('stub:nth-of-type(2)');
var sections = element._builder.getSectionsByLineRange(1, 1, 'left');
assert.equal(sections.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(sections[0], section);
test('getSectionsByLineRange over diff', function() {
var section = [
var sections = element._builder.getSectionsByLineRange(1, 2, 'left');
assert.equal(sections.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(sections[0], section[0]);
assert.strictEqual(sections[1], section[1]);