2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'gr-diff-comment-thread',
* Fired when the height of the thread changes.
* @event height-change
* Fired when the thread should be discarded.
* @event discard
properties: {
changeNum: String,
comments: {
type: Array,
value: function() { return []; },
patchNum: String,
path: String,
projectConfig: Object,
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
side: {
type: String,
value: 'REVISION',
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
2016-03-20 14:14:20 -04:00
_showActions: Boolean,
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
_boundWindowResizeHandler: {
type: Function,
value: function() { return this._handleWindowResize.bind(this); }
_lastHeight: Number,
_orderedComments: Array,
get naturalHeight() {
return this.$.container.offsetHeight;
observers: [
attached: function() {
2016-03-20 14:14:20 -04:00
this._getLoggedIn().then(function(loggedIn) {
this._showActions = loggedIn;
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
window.addEventListener('resize', this._boundWindowResizeHandler);
detached: function() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this._boundWindowResizeHandler);
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
addDraft: function(lineNum) {
var lastComment = this.comments[this.comments.length - 1];
if (lastComment && lastComment.__draft) {
var commentEl = this._commentElWithDraftID(
lastComment.id || lastComment.__draftID);
commentEl.editing = true;
this.push('comments', this._newDraft(lineNum));
2016-03-20 14:14:20 -04:00
_getLoggedIn: function() {
return this.$.restAPI.getLoggedIn();
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
_handleWindowResize: function(e) {
_commentsChanged: function(changeRecord) {
this._orderedComments = this._sortedComments(this.comments);
_sortedComments: function(comments) {
comments.sort(function(c1, c2) {
var c1Date = c1.__date || util.parseDate(c1.updated);
var c2Date = c2.__date || util.parseDate(c2.updated);
return c1Date - c2Date;
var commentIDToReplies = {};
var topLevelComments = [];
for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
var c = comments[i];
if (c.in_reply_to) {
if (commentIDToReplies[c.in_reply_to] == null) {
commentIDToReplies[c.in_reply_to] = [];
} else {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < topLevelComments.length; i++) {
this._visitComment(topLevelComments[i], commentIDToReplies, results);
return results;
_visitComment: function(parent, commentIDToReplies, results) {
var replies = commentIDToReplies[parent.id];
if (!replies) { return; }
for (var i = 0; i < replies.length; i++) {
this._visitComment(replies[i], commentIDToReplies, results);
_handleCommentHeightChange: function(e) {
_handleCommentReply: function(e) {
var comment = e.detail.comment;
var quoteStr;
if (e.detail.quote) {
var msg = comment.message;
var quoteStr = msg.split('\n').map(
function(line) { return ' > ' + line; }).join('\n') + '\n\n';
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
var reply = this._newReply(comment.id, comment.line, quoteStr);
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
this.push('comments', reply);
// Allow the reply to render in the dom-repeat.
this.async(function() {
var commentEl = this._commentElWithDraftID(reply.__draftID);
commentEl.editing = true;
this.async(this._heightChanged.bind(this), 1);
}.bind(this), 1);
_handleCommentDone: function(e) {
var comment = e.detail.comment;
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
var reply = this._newReply(comment.id, comment.line, 'Done');
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
this.push('comments', reply);
// Allow the reply to render in the dom-repeat.
this.async(function() {
var commentEl = this._commentElWithDraftID(reply.__draftID);
this.async(this._heightChanged.bind(this), 1);
}.bind(this), 1);
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
_commentElWithDraftID: function(id) {
var els = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelectorAll('gr-diff-comment');
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
if (els[i].comment.id === id || els[i].comment.__draftID === id) {
return els[i];
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
return null;
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
_newReply: function(inReplyTo, lineNum, opt_message) {
var d = this._newDraft(lineNum);
d.in_reply_to = inReplyTo;
if (opt_message != null) {
d.message = opt_message;
return d;
_newDraft: function(lineNum) {
return {
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
__draft: true,
__draftID: Math.random().toString(36),
__date: new Date(),
2016-03-22 19:14:12 -04:00
line: lineNum,
path: this.path,
side: this.side,
2016-03-04 17:48:22 -05:00
_handleCommentDiscard: function(e) {
// TODO(andybons): In Shadow DOM, the event bubbles up, while in Shady
// DOM, it respects the bubbles property.
// https://github.com/Polymer/polymer/issues/3226
var diffCommentEl = Polymer.dom(e).rootTarget;
var idx = this._indexOf(diffCommentEl.comment, this.comments);
if (idx == -1) {
throw Error('Cannot find comment ' +
this.splice('comments', idx, 1);
if (this.comments.length == 0) {
this.fire('discard', null, {bubbles: false});
this.async(this._heightChanged.bind(this), 1);
_heightChanged: function() {
var height = this.$.container.offsetHeight;
if (height == this._lastHeight) { return; }
this.fire('height-change', {height: height}, {bubbles: false});
this._lastHeight = height;
_indexOf: function(comment, arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var c = arr[i];
if ((c.__draftID != null && c.__draftID == comment.__draftID) ||
(c.id != null && c.id == comment.id)) {
return i;
return -1;