Describe labels and submit rules in project owner guide
Change-Id: I3f52692757811858c03b85820f8a718e0815ffce Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -275,10 +275,82 @@ development branches. You likely want to start with
more restrictive policy if you are facing issues with the build and
test stability of the destination branches.
It is also possible to define the submit type dynamically via
link:#prolog-submit-type[Prolog]. This way you can use different submit
types for different branches.
Please note that there are other submit types available; they are
described in the link:project-setup.html#submit_type[Submit Type]
== Labels
The code review process includes that reviewers formally express their
opinion about a change by voting on different link:config-labels.html[
labels]. By default Gerrit comes with the
link:config-labels.html#label_Code-Review[Code-Review] label and many
Gerrit servers have the link:config-labels.html#label_Verified[Verified]
label configured globally. However projects can also define their own
link:config-labels.html#label_custom[custom labels] to formalize
project-specific workflows. For example if a project requires an IP
approval from a special IP-team, it can define an `IP-Review` label
and grant permissions to the IP-team to vote on this label.
The behavior of a label can be controlled by its
link:config-labels.html#label_function[function], e.g. it can be
configured whether a max positive voting on the label is required for
submit or if the voting on the label is optional.
By using a custom link:#submit-rules[submit rule] it can be controlled
per change whether a label is required for submit or not.
A useful feature on labels is the possibility to automatically copy
scores forward to new patch sets if it was a
rebase] or if link:config-labels.html#label_copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange[
there was no code change] (e.g. only the commit message was edited).
== Submit Rules
A link:prolog-cookbook.html#SubmitRule[submit rule] in Gerrit is logic
that defines when a change is submittable. By default, a change is
submittable when it gets at least one highest vote on each label and
has no lowest vote (aka veto vote) on any label.
The submit rules in Gerrit are implemented in link:prolog-cookbook.html[
Prolog] and projects that need more flexibility can define their own
submit rules to decide when a change should be submittable. A good
link:prolog-cookbook.html#NonAuthorCodeReview[example] from the Prolog
cookbook shows how to allow submit only if a change has a
`Code-Review+2` vote from a person that is not the change author. This
way a four-eyes principle for the reviews can be enforced.
A Prolog submit rule has access to link:prolog-change-facts.html[
information] about the change for which it is testing the
submittability. Amongst others the list of the modified files can be
accessed, which allows special logic if certain files are touched. For
example, a common practice is to require a vote on an additional label,
like `Library-Compliance`, if the dependencies of the project are
It is also possible to control the link:prolog-cookbook.html#SubmitType[
submit type] from Prolog. For example this can be used to define a more
restrictive submit type such as `Fast Forward Only` for stable branches
while using a more liberal submit type, e.g. `Merge If Necessary` with
content merge, for development branches. How this can be done can be
seen from an link:prolog-cookbook.html#SubmitTypePerBranch[example] in
the Prolog cookbook.
Submit rules are maintained in the link:prolog-cookbook.html#RulesFile[
||||] file in the `refs/meta/config` branch of the project. How to
write submit rules is explained in the
link:prolog-cookbook.html#HowToWriteSubmitRules[Prolog cookbook]. There
is also good support for link:prolog-cookbook.html#TestingSubmitRules[
testing submit rules] while developing them.
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
= Gerrit Code Review - Prolog Submit Rules Cookbook
== Submit Rule
A 'Submit Rule' in Gerrit is logic that defines when a change is submittable.
By default, a change is submittable when it gets at least one
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ project specific submit rules.
2.2.2 ReleaseNotes] introduces Prolog support in Gerrit.
== Submit Type
A 'Submit Type' is a strategy that is used on submit to integrate the
change into the destination branch. Supported submit types are:
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ Instead of using the link:pgm-prolog-shell.html[prolog-shell] program one can
also use the link:[SWI-Prolog] environment. It
provides a better shell interface and a graphical source-level debugger.
== The file
This section explains how to create and edit project specific submit rules. How
to actually write the submit rules is explained in the next section.
@ -644,6 +647,7 @@ logic. The following pattern illustrates this technique:
In the following examples both styles will be shown.
=== Example 8: Make change submittable only if `Code-Review+2` is given by a non author
In this example we introduce a new label `Non-Author-Code-Review` and make it
satisfied if there is at least one `Code-Review+2` from a non author. All other
@ -977,6 +981,7 @@
=== Example 2: `Fast Forward Only` for all `refs/heads/stable*` branches
For all `refs/heads/stable.*` branches we would like to enforce the `Fast
Forward Only` submit type. A reason for this decision may be a need to never
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