diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.html
index 0f00e18449..ab6854f0d2 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.html
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 <link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
 <link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-rest-api-interface/gr-rest-api-interface.html">
+<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-storage/gr-storage.html">
 <link rel="import" href="../gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.html">
 <dom-module id="gr-diff-comment-thread">
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ limitations under the License.
     <gr-rest-api-interface id="restAPI"></gr-rest-api-interface>
+    <gr-storage id="storage"></gr-storage>
   <script src="gr-diff-comment-thread.js"></script>
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.js
index 00719b21e5..0a67fb35d1 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread.js
@@ -128,6 +128,15 @@
     _createReplyComment: function(parent, content, opt_isEditing) {
       var reply = this._newReply(parent.id, parent.line, content);
+      // If there is currently a comment in an editing state, add an attribute
+      // so that the gr-diff-comment knows not to populate the draft text.
+      for (var i = 0; i < this.comments.length; i++) {
+        if (this.comments[i].__editing) {
+          reply.__otherEditing = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
       if (opt_isEditing) {
         reply.__editing = true;
@@ -224,6 +233,21 @@
       if (this.comments.length == 0) {
         this.fire('thread-discard', {lastComment: comment});
+      // Check to see if there are any other open comments getting edited and
+      // set the local storage value to its message value.
+      for (var i = 0; i < this.comments.length; i++) {
+        if (this.comments[i].__editing) {
+          var commentLocation = {
+            changeNum: this.changeNum,
+            patchNum: this.patchNum,
+            path: this.comments[i].path,
+            line: this.comments[i].line,
+          };
+          return this.$.storage.setDraftComment(commentLocation,
+              this.comments[i].message);
+        }
+      }
     _handleCommentUpdate: function(e) {
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread_test.html
index 29e63aaf92..9cc395384c 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment-thread/gr-diff-comment-thread_test.html
@@ -288,6 +288,170 @@ limitations under the License.
       draftEl.fire('comment-discard', null, {bubbles: false});
+    test('first editing comment does not add __otherEditing attribute',
+        function(done) {
+      var commentEl = element.$$('gr-diff-comment');
+      element.comments = [{
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        id: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'is this a crossover episode!?',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:33.843000000',
+        __draft: true,
+      }];
+      flushAsynchronousOperations();
+      commentEl.addEventListener('create-reply-comment', function() {
+        var editing = element._orderedComments.filter(function(c) {
+          return c.__editing == true;
+        });
+        assert.equal(editing.length, 1);
+        assert.equal(!!editing[0].__otherEditing, false);
+        done();
+      });
+      commentEl.fire('create-reply-comment', {comment: commentEl.comment},
+          {bubbles: false});
+    });
+    test('two editing comments adds __otherEditing attribute', function(done) {
+      var commentEl = element.$$('gr-diff-comment');
+      element.comments = [{
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        id: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'is this a crossover episode!?',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:33.843000000',
+        __editing: true,
+        __draft: true,
+      }];
+      flushAsynchronousOperations();
+      commentEl.addEventListener('create-reply-comment', function() {
+        var editing = element._orderedComments.filter(function(c) {
+          return c.__editing == true;
+        });
+        assert.equal(editing.length, 2);
+        assert.equal(editing[1].__otherEditing, true);
+        done();
+      });
+      commentEl.fire('create-reply-comment', {comment: commentEl.comment},
+          {bubbles: false});
+    });
+    test('When editing other comments, local storage set after discard',
+        function(done) {
+      element.changeNum = '42';
+      element.patchNum = '1';
+      element.comments = [{
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        id: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        in_reply_to: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'is this a crossover episode!?',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:31.843000000',
+      },
+      {
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        __draftID: '1',
+        in_reply_to: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'yes',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:32.843000000',
+        __draft: true,
+        __editing: true,
+      },
+      {
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        __draftID: '2',
+        in_reply_to: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'no',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:33.843000000',
+        __draft: true,
+        __editing: true,
+      }];
+      var storageStub = sinon.stub(element.$.storage, 'setDraftComment');
+      flushAsynchronousOperations();
+      var draftEl =
+          Polymer.dom(element.root).querySelectorAll('gr-diff-comment')[1];
+      assert.ok(draftEl);
+      draftEl.addEventListener('comment-discard', function() {
+        assert.isTrue(storageStub.called);
+        storageStub.restore();
+        done();
+      });
+      draftEl.fire('comment-discard', null, {bubbles: false});
+    });
+    test('When not editing other comments, local storage not set after discard',
+        function(done) {
+      element.changeNum = '42';
+      element.patchNum = '1';
+      element.comments = [{
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        id: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'is this a crossover episode!?',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:31.843000000',
+      },
+      {
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        __draftID: '1',
+        in_reply_to: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'yes',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:32.843000000',
+        __draft: true,
+        __editing: true,
+      },
+      {
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        __draftID: '2',
+        in_reply_to: 'baf0414d_60047215',
+        line: 5,
+        message: 'no',
+        updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:33.843000000',
+        __draft: true,
+      }];
+      var storageStub = sinon.stub(element.$.storage, 'setDraftComment');
+      flushAsynchronousOperations();
+      var draftEl =
+          Polymer.dom(element.root).querySelectorAll('gr-diff-comment')[1];
+      assert.ok(draftEl);
+      draftEl.addEventListener('comment-discard', function() {
+        assert.isFalse(storageStub.called);
+        storageStub.restore();
+        done();
+      });
+      draftEl.fire('comment-discard', null, {bubbles: false});
+    });
     test('comment-update', function() {
       var commentEl = element.$$('gr-diff-comment');
       var updatedComment = {
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js
index d974fe54a3..b0311ddccf 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js
@@ -281,6 +281,9 @@
     _messageTextChanged: function(newValue, oldValue) {
       if (!this.comment || (this.comment && this.comment.id)) { return; }
+      // Keep comment.message in sync so that gr-diff-comment-thread is aware
+      // of the current message in the case that another comment is deleted.
+      this.comment.message = this._messageText || '';
       this.debounce('store', function() {
         var message = this._messageText;
@@ -356,7 +359,8 @@
     _handleCancel: function(e) {
-      if (this.comment.message == null || this.comment.message.length == 0) {
+      if (this.comment.message === null ||
+          this.comment.message.trim().length === 0) {
@@ -408,7 +412,11 @@
     _loadLocalDraft: function(changeNum, patchNum, comment) {
       // Only apply local drafts to comments that haven't been saved
       // remotely, and haven't been given a default message already.
-      if (!comment || comment.id || comment.message) {
+      //
+      // Don't get local draft if there is another comment that is currently
+      // in an editing state.
+      if (!comment || comment.id || comment.message || comment.__otherEditing) {
+        delete comment.__otherEditing;
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html
index 67931440e9..59e5874d1e 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html
@@ -147,6 +147,49 @@ limitations under the License.
+    test('message is not retrieved from storage when other editing is true',
+        function(done) {
+      var storageStub = sandbox.stub(element.$.storage, 'getDraftComment');
+      var loadSpy = sandbox.spy(element, '_loadLocalDraft');
+      element.changeNum = 1;
+      element.patchNum = 1;
+      element.comment = {
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        line: 5,
+        __otherEditing: true,
+      };
+      flush(function() {
+        assert.isTrue(loadSpy.called);
+        assert.isFalse(storageStub.called);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
+    test('message is retrieved from storage when there is no other editing',
+        function(done) {
+      var storageStub = sandbox.stub(element.$.storage, 'getDraftComment');
+      var loadSpy = sandbox.spy(element, '_loadLocalDraft');
+      element.changeNum = 1;
+      element.patchNum = 1;
+      element.comment = {
+        author: {
+          name: 'Mr. Peanutbutter',
+          email: 'tenn1sballchaser@aol.com',
+        },
+        line: 5,
+      };
+      flush(function() {
+        assert.isTrue(loadSpy.called);
+        assert.isTrue(storageStub.called);
+        done();
+      });
+    });
     test('comment expand and collapse', function() {
       element.collapsed = true;
@@ -436,6 +479,7 @@ limitations under the License.
             __editing: true,
             line: 5,
             path: '/path/to/file',
+            message: 'good news, everyone!',
           patchNum: 1,