8 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Shawn Pearce
4e1a8bc63d Update Buck
Buck changed export_deps from a boolean to be exported_deps, a list of
dependencies that are to be added to deps and also exported.  This
allows libraries to have dependencies for implementation use only, but
not expose them to callers for linkage.

exported_deps aren't transparently transitive anymore.  This mostly
impacts the plugin-api:lib rule.

This is the first time Gerrit is using upstream Buck with no patches.

- Java memory settings for Buck can now be supplied in a project
  specific file using `.buckjavaargs` in the root directory.  The file
  replaces the `.buckrc` previously supported by Gerrit's fork.

- Temporary directories for java_application() invoked from genrule()
  is now supplied as part of the arguments using $TMP.  This removes
  one of the patches Gerrit had for Buck.

- Unit tests use the system temporary directory during testing.  This
  can be faster if the temporary directory is a tmpfs.  Unfortunately
  not all passing tests clean up after themselves, making it possible
  to exhaust system memory and swap with useless tmpfs contents.
  Using the system temporary directory for tests removes another patch
  Gerrit had on top of Buck.

Change-Id: I3a9fe4aab0a33a8673df727e618122027a742638
2013-11-29 10:50:59 -08:00
Shawn Pearce
39371d57b3 Simplify buck based prolog compiler
The JARs are no longer passed into the prolog to java stage.
$DEPS is not necessary on the command line and .jar handling
inside of the translater is not required.

Change-Id: I1d12ab95376bd5878609bc8635955734e599e3cf
2013-08-06 18:37:45 -07:00
Shawn Pearce
980b51f64e Fix path used in generated prolog class names
Force relative paths by passing the Prolog compiler only a relative
name from within $SRCDIR.  This avoids picking up the user's $HOME
path as part of the generated class file names, and prevents build
failures on filesystems where individual path components are limited
to 256 bytes.

Change-Id: I43f2a93daf857413401f4e1aeb24b9b2a8c741fe
2013-08-06 17:32:43 -07:00
Shawn Pearce
5047911dba Rename DEFS files to *.defs
The build system used mixed names for essentially the same things.
Rename all DEFS files to *.defs matching the handful of other files
that are already using this convention.

Change-Id: I3269bd5db5d8d83f5e192ea910f19431c2a4a1cf
2013-07-30 17:18:33 +00:00
Shawn Pearce
11d27c8ee8 Update Buck
Latest version of buck is faster than the prior version used by
Gerrit.  No-op updates when loading a debug version of the UI now take
only 1.804s on my laptop (previously 7s) and a draft UI compile is
only 24.659s (previously 39s).

The slow acceptance tests must now be excluded with `--exclude slow`.
Buck changed the meaning of the -e option to be --emulator, which is
unfortunately useful only for Android application developers.

genrule() now needs to use $(exe) to reference the binary to run,
offers $(location) to make it easier to find files in the build tree.

The empty srcs array is no longer required for genrule().  Buck has
determined it is sufficiently powerful with $(location) and deps that
requiring srcs is unnecessary.

Supporting .src.zip files in the srcs array of java_library() means
Gerrit no longer needs to run a separate genrule() to extract files
produced by ANTLR, or call javac inside of the BuckPrologCompiler
support glue.

Change-Id: Ib03042921a081b867a7aad0423bd45523e42917a
2013-07-26 18:11:51 -07:00
Shawn Pearce
daa1977489 Fix BuckPrologCompiler to create Java 6 class files
Gerrit targets Java 6, not Java 7. If Buck is run under JDK 7
the javac compiler by default will assume -source 7 -target 7
and write incompatible class files.

Ensure the compiler builds for Java 6 language features and
Java 6 class format by passing the correct flags.

Change-Id: Ib2c013a6d1955d94b75cfd5d967d2f45ef4d5486
2013-05-16 15:35:31 -07:00
Shawn Pearce
82e66ee4e5 Move Eclipse related stuff into tools/eclipse
Try to reduce the size of the top-level BUCK file by moving
anything that has to do with Eclipse project generation and
classpath management into tools/eclipse.

Change-Id: Id779eaff4fe732908b28a8e3441004e364b59e21
2013-05-10 12:42:54 -07:00
Shawn Pearce
fd6bb9f6a5 Build with Buck
Implement a new build system using Buck[1], Facebook's
open source clone of Google's internal build system.

  - Concise build language
  - Test and build output is concise
  - Test failures and stack traces show on terminal
  - Reliable incrementals; clean is unnecessary
  - Extensible with simple blocks of Python
  - Fast
      buck: clean: 0.452s, full 1m21.083s [*], no-op:  7.145s,
      mvn:  clean: 4.596s, full 2m53.776s,     no-op: 59.108s,

      [*] full build includes downloading all dependencies,
          time can vary due to remote server performance.

  - No Windows support
  - No native Maven Central support (added by macros)
  - No native GWT, Prolog, or WAR support (added by macros)
  - Bootstrap of buck requires Ant

Getting started:

  git clone https://gerrit.googlesource.com/buck
  cd buck

  Mac OS X:


Importing into Eclipse:

  $ time buck build :eclipse

  Import existing project from `pwd`
  Import 'gerrit' (do not import other Maven based projects)
  Expand 'gerrit'
  Right click 'buck-out' > Properties
  Under Attributes check 'Derived'

  If the code doesn't currently compile but an updated classpath
  is needed, refresh the configs and obtain missing JARs:

  $ buck build :eclipse_project :download

Running JUnit tests:

  $ time buck test --all -e slow  # skip slow tests

  $ time buck test --all          # includes acceptance tests

Building WAR:

  $ buck build :gerrit
  $ java -jar buck-out/gen/gerrit.war

Building release:

  $ buck test --all && buck build :api :release
  $ java -jar buck-out/gen/release.war
  $ ls -lh buck-out/gen/{extension,plugin}-api.jar

Downloading dependencies:

  Dependencies are normally downloaded automatically, but Buck can
  inspect its graph and download missing dependencies so future
  compiles can run without the network:

  $ buck build :download

[1] http://facebook.github.io/buck/

Change-Id: I40853b108bd8e153cefa0896a5280a9a5ff81655
2013-05-09 13:40:36 +00:00