Put all the logic in jgit.bzl, where a single edit suffices to get
the local flavor.
Given that all sha1 for jgit dependencies are in jgit.bzl, we can
remove the constants and use sha1 values directly.
Change-Id: Icabf651e02f226e5c025457d54588074a11ae283
Now that Bazel build for JGit is fully implemented, we can document
the process of routing the JGit dependency to the development tree
instead of consuming it from Central or ~/.m2 local repository:
1. Activate local jgit repository in WORKSPACE file:
name = "jgit",
path = "/home/<user>/projects/jgit",
2. Uncomment alias to jgit repository in lib/jgit/**/BUILD files.
It shouldn't be needed and is tracked under this issue upstream: [1]:
name = "jgit-alias",
actual = select({
"@//lib:jgit-dev": "@jgit//org.eclipse.jgit:jgit",
"//conditions:default": "@jgit_lib//jar",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
Test plan:
Update local JGit tree, run tests and verify that local JGit tree
modifications are relfected in gerrit build:
$ bazel build --define jgit-dev=1 headless
To consume JGit from Central, do not pass jgit-dev=1:
$ bazel test ...
[1] https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2707
Change-Id: I1b0fee7df802f6cbd54acbb0bc73157e2b8bc7cf
Reformat the Bazel build files with the buildifier tool [1].
The style is different for Bazel files. Most notably, indentation level
is 4 spaces instead of 2, and " is used instead of '.
[1] https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier
Change-Id: I95c0c6f11b6d76572797853b4ebb5cee5ebd3c98
To run the tests:
bazel test //...
To build the Gerrit plugin API, run:
bazel build gerrit-plugin-api:plugin-api_deploy.jar
To build the Gerrit extension API, run:
bazel build gerrit-extension-api:extension-api_deploy.jar
Reduce visibility (all public for now)
Generate HTML Documentation
Core plugins
gerrit_plugin() rule to build plugins in tree and standalone modes
GWT UI (only gwt_module() skylark rule is provided, no gwt_binary())
PolyGerrit UI
Publish artifacts to Maven Central
Ask Bazel team to add Gerrit to their CI on ci.bazel.io
Contributed-By: Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@google.com>
Change-Id: I9a86e670882a44a5c966579cdeb8ed79b1590de3