<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- @license Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"> <title>gr-patch-range-select</title> <script src="../../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> <script src="../../../bower_components/web-component-tester/browser.js"></script> <link rel="import" href="../../../test/common-test-setup.html"/> <script src="../../../bower_components/page/page.js"></script> <link rel="import" href="../../diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api.html"> <link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-rest-api-interface/mock-diff-response_test.html"> <link rel="import" href="../../shared/revision-info/revision-info.html"> <link rel="import" href="gr-patch-range-select.html"> <script>void(0);</script> <dom-module id="comment-api-mock"> <template> <gr-patch-range-select id="patchRange" auto change-comments="[[_changeComments]]"></gr-patch-range-select> <gr-comment-api id="commentAPI"></gr-comment-api> </template> <script src="../../diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api-mock.js"></script> </dom-module> <test-fixture id="basic"> <template> <comment-api-mock></comment-api-mock> </template> </test-fixture> <script> suite('gr-patch-range-select tests', () => { let element; let sandbox; let commentApiWrapper; function getInfo(revisions) { const revisionObj = {}; for (let i = 0; i < revisions.length; i++) { revisionObj[i] = revisions[i]; } return new Gerrit.RevisionInfo({revisions: revisionObj}); } setup(() => { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); stub('gr-rest-api-interface', { getDiffComments() { return Promise.resolve({}); }, getDiffRobotComments() { return Promise.resolve({}); }, getDiffDrafts() { return Promise.resolve({}); }, }); // Element must be wrapped in an element with direct access to the // comment API. commentApiWrapper = fixture('basic'); element = commentApiWrapper.$.patchRange; // Stub methods on the changeComments object after changeComments has // been initalized. return commentApiWrapper.loadComments(); }); teardown(() => sandbox.restore()); test('enabled/disabled options', () => { const patchRange = { basePatchNum: 'PARENT', patchNum: '3', }; const sortedRevisions = [ {_number: 3}, {_number: element.EDIT_NAME, basePatchNum: 2}, {_number: 2}, {_number: 1}, ]; for (const patchNum of ['1', '2', '3']) { assert.isFalse(element._computeRightDisabled(patchRange.basePatchNum, patchNum, sortedRevisions)); } for (const basePatchNum of ['1', '2']) { assert.isFalse(element._computeLeftDisabled(basePatchNum, patchRange.patchNum, sortedRevisions)); } assert.isTrue(element._computeLeftDisabled('3', patchRange.patchNum)); patchRange.basePatchNum = element.EDIT_NAME; assert.isTrue(element._computeLeftDisabled('3', patchRange.patchNum, sortedRevisions)); assert.isTrue(element._computeRightDisabled(patchRange.basePatchNum, '1', sortedRevisions)); assert.isTrue(element._computeRightDisabled(patchRange.basePatchNum, '2', sortedRevisions)); assert.isFalse(element._computeRightDisabled(patchRange.basePatchNum, '3', sortedRevisions)); assert.isTrue(element._computeRightDisabled(patchRange.basePatchNum, element.EDIT_NAME, sortedRevisions)); }); test('_computeBaseDropdownContent', () => { const availablePatches = [ {num: 'edit'}, {num: 3}, {num: 2}, {num: 1}, ]; const revisions = [ { commit: {parents: []}, _number: 2, description: 'description', }, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, ]; element.revisionInfo = getInfo(revisions); const patchNum = 1; const sortedRevisions = [ {_number: 3, created: 'Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT'}, {_number: element.EDIT_NAME, basePatchNum: 2}, {_number: 2, description: 'description'}, {_number: 1}, ]; const expectedResult = [ { disabled: true, triggerText: 'Patchset edit', text: 'Patchset edit', mobileText: 'edit', bottomText: '', value: 'edit', }, { disabled: true, triggerText: 'Patchset 3', text: 'Patchset 3', mobileText: '3', bottomText: '', value: 3, date: 'Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT', }, { disabled: true, triggerText: 'Patchset 2', text: 'Patchset 2', mobileText: '2 description', bottomText: 'description', value: 2, }, { disabled: true, triggerText: 'Patchset 1', text: 'Patchset 1', mobileText: '1', bottomText: '', value: 1, }, { text: 'Base', value: 'PARENT', }, ]; assert.deepEqual(element._computeBaseDropdownContent(availablePatches, patchNum, sortedRevisions, element.changeComments, element.revisionInfo), expectedResult); }); test('_computeBaseDropdownContent called when patchNum updates', () => { element.revisions = [ {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, ]; element.revisionInfo = getInfo(element.revisions); element.availablePatches = [ {num: 1}, {num: 2}, {num: 3}, {num: 'edit'}, ]; element.patchNum = 2; element.basePatchNum = 'PARENT'; flushAsynchronousOperations(); sandbox.stub(element, '_computeBaseDropdownContent'); // Should be recomputed for each available patch element.set('patchNum', 1); assert.equal(element._computeBaseDropdownContent.callCount, 1); }); test('_computeBaseDropdownContent called when changeComments update', done => { element.revisions = [ {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, ]; element.revisionInfo = getInfo(element.revisions); element.availablePatches = [ {num: 'edit'}, {num: 3}, {num: 2}, {num: 1}, ]; element.patchNum = 2; element.basePatchNum = 'PARENT'; flushAsynchronousOperations(); // Should be recomputed for each available patch sandbox.stub(element, '_computeBaseDropdownContent'); assert.equal(element._computeBaseDropdownContent.callCount, 0); commentApiWrapper.loadComments().then().then(() => { assert.equal(element._computeBaseDropdownContent.callCount, 1); done(); }); }); test('_computePatchDropdownContent called when basePatchNum updates', () => { element.revisions = [ {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, ]; element.revisionInfo = getInfo(element.revisions); element.availablePatches = [ {num: 1}, {num: 2}, {num: 3}, {num: 'edit'}, ]; element.patchNum = 2; element.basePatchNum = 'PARENT'; flushAsynchronousOperations(); // Should be recomputed for each available patch sandbox.stub(element, '_computePatchDropdownContent'); element.set('basePatchNum', 1); assert.equal(element._computePatchDropdownContent.callCount, 1); }); test('_computePatchDropdownContent called when comments update', done => { element.revisions = [ {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, {commit: {parents: []}}, ]; element.revisionInfo = getInfo(element.revisions); element.availablePatches = [ {num: 1}, {num: 2}, {num: 3}, {num: 'edit'}, ]; element.patchNum = 2; element.basePatchNum = 'PARENT'; flushAsynchronousOperations(); // Should be recomputed for each available patch sandbox.stub(element, '_computePatchDropdownContent'); assert.equal(element._computePatchDropdownContent.callCount, 0); commentApiWrapper.loadComments().then().then(() => { done(); }); }); test('_computePatchDropdownContent', () => { const availablePatches = [ {num: 'edit'}, {num: 3}, {num: 2}, {num: 1}, ]; const basePatchNum = 1; const sortedRevisions = [ {_number: 3, created: 'Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT'}, {_number: element.EDIT_NAME, basePatchNum: 2}, {_number: 2, description: 'description'}, {_number: 1}, ]; const expectedResult = [ { disabled: false, triggerText: 'edit', text: 'edit', mobileText: 'edit', bottomText: '', value: 'edit', }, { disabled: false, triggerText: 'Patchset 3', text: 'Patchset 3', mobileText: '3', bottomText: '', value: 3, date: 'Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT', }, { disabled: false, triggerText: 'Patchset 2', text: 'Patchset 2', mobileText: '2 description', bottomText: 'description', value: 2, }, { disabled: true, triggerText: 'Patchset 1', text: 'Patchset 1', mobileText: '1', bottomText: '', value: 1, }, ]; assert.deepEqual(element._computePatchDropdownContent(availablePatches, basePatchNum, sortedRevisions, element.changeComments), expectedResult); }); test('filesWeblinks', () => { element.filesWeblinks = { meta_a: [ { name: 'foo', url: 'f.oo', }, ], meta_b: [ { name: 'bar', url: 'ba.r', }, ], }; flushAsynchronousOperations(); const domApi = Polymer.dom(element.root); assert.equal( domApi.querySelector('a[href="f.oo"]').textContent, 'foo'); assert.equal( domApi.querySelector('a[href="ba.r"]').textContent, 'bar'); }); test('_computePatchSetCommentsString', () => { // Test string with unresolved comments. element.changeComments._comments = { foo: [{ id: '27dcee4d_f7b77cfa', message: 'test', patch_set: 1, unresolved: true, updated: '2017-10-11 20:48:40.000000000', }], bar: [{ id: '27dcee4d_f7b77cfa', message: 'test', patch_set: 1, updated: '2017-10-12 20:48:40.000000000', }, { id: '27dcee4d_f7b77cfa', message: 'test', patch_set: 1, updated: '2017-10-13 20:48:40.000000000', }], abc: [], }; assert.equal(element._computePatchSetCommentsString( element.changeComments, 1), ' (3 comments, 1 unresolved)'); // Test string with no unresolved comments. delete element.changeComments._comments['foo']; assert.equal(element._computePatchSetCommentsString( element.changeComments, 1), ' (2 comments)'); // Test string with no comments. delete element.changeComments._comments['bar']; assert.equal(element._computePatchSetCommentsString( element.changeComments, 1), ''); }); test('patch-range-change fires', () => { const handler = sandbox.stub(); element.basePatchNum = 1; element.patchNum = 3; element.addEventListener('patch-range-change', handler); element.$.basePatchDropdown._handleValueChange(2, [{value: 2}]); assert.isTrue(handler.calledOnce); assert.deepEqual(handler.lastCall.args[0].detail, {basePatchNum: 2, patchNum: 3}); // BasePatchNum should not have changed, due to one-way data binding. element.$.patchNumDropdown._handleValueChange('edit', [{value: 'edit'}]); assert.deepEqual(handler.lastCall.args[0].detail, {basePatchNum: 1, patchNum: 'edit'}); }); }); </script>