= Gerrit Code Review - Building plugins From build process perspective there are three types of plugins: * Maven driven * Bazel tree driven * Bazel standalone These types can be combined: if both files in plugin's root directory exist: * `BUILD` * `pom.xml` the plugin can be built with both Bazel and Maven. == Maven driven build If plugin contains `pom.xml` file, it can be built with Maven as usually: ---- mvn clean package ---- Exceptions from the rule above: === Exception 1: Plugin's `pom.xml` references snapshot version of plugin API: `2.8-SNAPSHOT`. In this case there are two possibilities: * switch to release API. Change plugin API version in `pom.xml` from `2.8-SNAPSHOT` to `2.8.1` and repeat step 1 above. * build and install `SNAPSHOT` version of plugin API in local Maven repository: ---- ./tools/maven/api.sh install ---- === Exception 2: Plugin's `pom.xml` references other own or foreign (unpublished) libraries or even other Gerrit plugins. These libraries and/or plugins must be built and installed in local Maven repository. Clone the related projects and issue ---- mvn install ---- Repeat step 1. above. == Bazel in tree driven The fact that plugin contains `BUILD` file doesn't mean that building this plugin from the plugin directory works. Bazel in tree driven means it can only be built from within Gerrit tree. Clone or link the plugin into gerrit/plugins directory: ---- cd gerrit bazel build plugins/: ---- The output can be normally found in the following directory: ---- bazel-genfiles/plugins//.jar ---- Some plugins describe their build process in `src/main/resources/Documentation/build.md` file. It may worth checking. === Plugins with external dependencies === If the plugin has external dependencies, then they must be included from Gerrit's own WORKSPACE file. This can be achieved by including them in `external_plugin_deps.bzl`. During the build in Gerrit tree, this file must be copied over the dummy one in `plugins` directory. Example for content of `external_plugin_deps.bzl` file: ---- load("//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl", "maven_jar") def external_plugin_deps(): maven_jar( name = 'org_apache_tika_tika_core', artifact = 'org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.12', sha1 = '5ab95580d22fe1dee79cffbcd98bb509a32da09b', ) ---- === Bundle custom plugin in release.war === To bundle custom plugin(s) in the link:dev-bazel.html#release[release.war] artifact, add them to the CUSTOM_PLUGINS list in `tools/bzl/plugins.bzl`. Example of `tools/bzl/plugins.bzl` with custom plugin `my-plugin`: ---- CORE_PLUGINS = [ "commit-message-length-validator", "download-commands", "hooks", "replication", "reviewnotes", "singleusergroup", ] CUSTOM_PLUGINS = [ "my-plugin", ] CUSTOM_PLUGINS_TEST_DEPS = [ # Add custom core plugins with tests deps here ] ---- If the plugin(s) being bundled in the release have external dependencies, include them in `plugins/external_plugin_deps`. You should alias `external_plugin_deps()` so it can be imported for multiple plugins. For example: ---- load(":my-plugin/external_plugin_deps.bzl", my_plugin="external_plugin_deps") load(":my-other-plugin/external_plugin_deps.bzl", my_other_plugin="external_plugin_deps") def external_plugin_deps(): my_plugin() my_other_plugin() ---- [NOTE] Since `tools/bzl/plugins.bzl` and `plugins/external_plugin_deps.bzl` are part of Gerrit's source code and the version of the war is based on the state of the git repository that is built; you should commit this change before building, otherwise the version will be marked as 'dirty'. == Bazel standalone driven Only few plugins support that mode for now: ---- cd reviewers bazel build reviewers ---- GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------