Release notes for Gerrit 2.10.1 =============================== There are no schema changes from link:ReleaseNotes-2.10.html[2.10]. Download: link:[] Bug Fixes --------- * link:[Issue 2260]: LDAP horrendous login time due to recursive lookup. * link:[Issue 3210]: Null Pointer Exception for query command with --comments switch. * link:[Issue 3211]: Intermittent Null Pointer Exception when showing process queue. LDAP ---- * Several performance improvements when using LDAP, both in the number of LDAP requests and in the amount of data transferred. * Sites using LDAP for authentication but otherwise rely on local Gerrit groups should set the new `ldap.fetchMemberOfEagerly` option to `false`. OAuth ----- * Expose extension point for generic OAuth providers. OpenID ------ * Add support for Launchpad on the login form. * Remove pre-configured Google OpenID 2.0 provider from the login form, that is going to be shut down on 20, April 2015.