= Gerrit Code Review - Eclipse Setup This document is about configuring Gerrit Code Review into an Eclipse workspace for development and debugging with GWT. Java 6 or later SDK is also required to run GWT's compiler and runtime debugging environment. [[Formatting]] == Code Formatter Settings Import `tools/GoogleFormat.xml` using Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Import... This will define the 'Google Format' profile, which the project settings prefer when formatting source code. == Site Initialization Build once on the command line with link:dev-buck.html#build[Buck] and then follow link:dev-readme.html#init[Site Initialization] in the Developer Setup guide to configure a local site for testing. == Testing === Running the Daemon Duplicate the existing launch configuration: * In Eclipse select Run -> Debug Configurations ... * Java Application -> `gerrit_daemon` * Right click, Duplicate * Modify the name to be unique. * Switch to Arguments tab. * Edit the `-d` program argument flag to match the path used during 'init'. The template launch configuration resolves to `../gerrit_testsite` since that is what the documentation recommends. * Switch to Common tab. * Change Save as to be Local file. * Close the Debug Configurations dialog and save the changes when prompted. === Running GWT Debug Mode The `gerrit_gwt_debug` launch configuration uses GWT's link:http://www.gwtproject.org/articles/superdevmode.html[Super Dev Mode]. * Make a local copy of the `gerrit_gwt_debug` configuration, using the process described for `gerrit_daemon` above. * Launch the local copy of `gerrit_gwt_debug` from the Eclipse debug menu. * If debugging GWT for the first time: ** Open the link:http://localhost:9876/[codeserver URL] and add the `Dev Mode On` and `Dev Mode Off` bookmarklet to your bookmark bar. ** Activate the source maps feature in your browser. Refer to the link:https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/javascript-debugging#source-maps[ Chrome] and link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Debugger#Use_a_source_map[ Firefox] developer documentation. * Load the link:http://localhost:8080[Gerrit page]. * Open the source tab in developer tools. * Click the `Dev Mode On` bookmark to incrementally recompile changed files. * Select the `gerrit_ui` module to compile (the `Compile` button can also be used as a bookmarklet). * In the developer tools source tab, open a file and set a breakpoint. * Navigate to the UI and confirm that the breakpoint is hit. * To end the debugging session, click the `Dev Mode Off` bookmark. .After changing the client side code: * Hitting `F5` in the browser only reloads the last compile output, without recompiling. * To reflect your changes in the debug session, click `Dev Mode On` then `Compile`. GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------