= gerrit set-head == NAME gerrit set-head - Change a project's HEAD. == SYNOPSIS -- 'ssh' -p 'gerrit set-head' --new-head -- == DESCRIPTION Modifies a given project's HEAD reference. The command is argument-safe, that is, if no argument is given the previous settings are kept intact. == ACCESS Caller must be an owner of the given project. == SCRIPTING This command is intended to be used in scripts. == OPTIONS :: Required; name of the project to change the HEAD. If name ends with `.git` the suffix will be automatically removed. --new-head:: Required; name of the ref that should be set as new HEAD. The 'refs/heads/' prefix can be omitted. == EXAMPLES Change HEAD of project `example` to `stable-2.11` branch: ==== $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit set-head example --new-head stable-2.11 ==== GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------