= rulec == NAME rulec - Compile project-specific Prolog rules to JARs == SYNOPSIS [verse] -- _java_ -jar gerrit.war _rulec_ -d [--quiet] [--all | ...] -- == DESCRIPTION Looks for a Prolog rule file named `rules.pl` on the repository's `refs/meta/config` branch. If rules.pl exists, creates a JAR file named `rules-'SHA1'.jar` in `'$site_path'/cache/rules`. == OPTIONS -d:: --site-path:: Location of the gerrit.config file, and all other per-site configuration data, supporting libraries and log files. --all:: Compile rules for all projects. --quiet:: Suppress non-error output messages. : Compile rules for the specified project. == CONTEXT This command can only be run on a server which has local access to the managed Git repositories. Caching needs to be enabled. See link:config-gerrit.html#cache.directory[cache.directory]. == EXAMPLES To compile a rule JAR file for test/project: ---- $ java -jar gerrit.war rulec -d site_path test/project ---- GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------