#!/usr/bin/env perl # Fake LDAP server for Gerrit # Author: Olivier Croquette <ocroquette@free.fr> # Last change: 2012-11-12 # # Abstract: # ==================================================================== # # Gerrit currently supports several authentication schemes, but # unfortunately not the most basic one, e.g. local accounts with # local passwords. # # As a workaround, this script implements a minimal LDAP server # that can be used to authenticate against Gerrit. The information # required by Gerrit relative to users (user ID, password, display # name, email) is stored in a text file similar to /etc/passwd # # # Usage (see below for the setup) # ==================================================================== # # To create a new file to store the user information: # fake-ldap edituser --datafile /path/datafile --username maxpower \ # --displayname "Max Power" --email max.power@provider.com # # To modify an existing user (for instance the email): # fake-ldap edituser --datafile /path/datafile --username ocroquette \ # --email max.power@provider2.com # # To set a new password for an existing user: # fake-ldap edituser --datafile /path/datafile --username ocroquette \ # --password "" # # To start the server: # fake-ldap start --datafile /path/datafile # # The server reads the user data file on each new connection. It's not # scalable but it should not be a problem for the intended usage # (small teams, testing,...) # # # Setup # =================================================================== # # Install the dependencies # # Install the Perl module dependencies. On Debian and MacPorts, # all modules are available as packages, except Net::LDAP::Server. # # Debian: apt-get install libterm-readkey-perl # # Since Net::LDAP::Server consists only of one file, you can put it # along the script in Net/LDAP/Server.pm # # Create the data file with the first user (see above) # # Start as the script a server ("start" command, see above) # # Configure Gerrit with the following options: # # gerrit.canonicalWebUrl = ... (workaround for a known Gerrit bug) # auth.type = LDAP_BIND # ldap.server = ldap://localhost:10389 # ldap.accountBase = ou=People,dc=nodomain # ldap.groupBase = ou=Group,dc=nodomain # # Start Gerrit # # Log on in the Web interface # # If you want the fake LDAP server to start at boot time, add it to # /etc/inittab, with a line like: # # ld1:6:respawn:su someuser /path/fake-ldap start --datafile /path/datafile # # =================================================================== use strict; # Global var containing the options passed on the command line: my %cmdLineOptions; # Global var containing the user data read from the data file: my %userData; my $defaultport = 10389; package MyServer; use Data::Dumper; use Net::LDAP::Server; use Net::LDAP::Constant qw(LDAP_SUCCESS LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR); use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use Term::ReadKey; use Getopt::Long; use base 'Net::LDAP::Server'; sub bind { my $self = shift; my ($reqData, $fullRequest) = @_; print "bind called\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 1; print Dumper(\@_) if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 2; my $sha1 = undef; my $uid = undef; eval{ $uid = $reqData->{name}; $sha1 = main::encryptpwd($uid, $reqData->{authentication}->{simple}) }; if ($@) { warn $@; return({ 'matchedDN' => '', 'errorMessage' => $@, 'resultCode' => LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR }); } print $sha1 . "\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 2; print Dumper($userData{$uid}) . "\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 2; if ( defined($sha1) && $sha1 && $userData{$uid} && ( $sha1 eq $userData{$uid}->{password} ) ) { print "authentication of $uid succeeded\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 1; return({ 'matchedDN' => "dn=$uid,ou=People,dc=nodomain", 'errorMessage' => '', 'resultCode' => LDAP_SUCCESS }); } else { print "authentication of $uid failed\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 1; return({ 'matchedDN' => '', 'errorMessage' => '', 'resultCode' => LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS }); } } sub search { my $self = shift; my ($reqData, $fullRequest) = @_; print "search called\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 1; print Dumper($reqData) if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 2; my @entries; if ( $reqData->{baseObject} eq 'ou=People,dc=nodomain' ) { my $uid = $reqData->{filter}->{equalityMatch}->{assertionValue}; push @entries, Net::LDAP::Entry->new ( "dn=$uid,ou=People,dc=nodomain", , 'objectName'=>"dn=uid,ou=People,dc=nodomain", 'uid'=>$uid, 'mail'=>$userData{$uid}->{email}, 'displayName'=>$userData{$uid}->{displayName}); } elsif ( $reqData->{baseObject} eq 'ou=Group,dc=nodomain' ) { push @entries, Net::LDAP::Entry->new ( 'dn=Users,ou=Group,dc=nodomain', , 'objectName'=>'dn=Users,ou=Group,dc=nodomain'); } return { 'matchedDN' => '', 'errorMessage' => '', 'resultCode' => LDAP_SUCCESS }, @entries; } package main; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64); sub exitWithError { my $msg = shift; print STDERR $msg . "\n"; exit(1); } sub encryptpwd { my ($uid, $passwd) = @_; # Use the user id to compute the hash, to avoid rainbox table attacks return sha1_hex($uid.$passwd); } my $result = Getopt::Long::GetOptions ( "port=i" => \$cmdLineOptions{port}, "datafile=s" => \$cmdLineOptions{datafile}, "email=s" => \$cmdLineOptions{email}, "displayname=s" => \$cmdLineOptions{displayName}, "username=s" => \$cmdLineOptions{userName}, "password=s" => \$cmdLineOptions{password}, "verbose=i" => \$cmdLineOptions{verbose}, ); exitWithError("Failed to parse command line arguments") if ! $result; exitWithError("Please provide a valid path for the datafile") if ! $cmdLineOptions{datafile}; my @commands = qw(start edituser); if ( @ARGV != 1 || ! grep {$_ eq $ARGV[0]} @commands ) { exitWithError("Please provide a valid command among: " . join(",", @commands)); } my $command = $ARGV[0]; if ( $command eq "start") { startServer(); } elsif ( $command eq "edituser") { editUser(); } sub startServer() { my $port = $cmdLineOptions{port} || $defaultport; print "starting on port $port\n" if $cmdLineOptions{verbose} >= 1; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Listen => 5, Proto => 'tcp', Reuse => 1, LocalAddr => "localhost", # Comment this line if Gerrit doesn't run on this host LocalPort => $port ); my $sel = IO::Select->new($sock); my %Handlers; while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) { foreach my $fh (@ready) { if ($fh == $sock) { # Make sure the data is up to date on new every connection readUserData(); # let's create a new socket my $psock = $sock->accept; $sel->add($psock); $Handlers{*$psock} = MyServer->new($psock); } else { my $result = $Handlers{*$fh}->handle; if ($result) { # we have finished with the socket $sel->remove($fh); $fh->close; delete $Handlers{*$fh}; } } } } } sub readUserData { %userData = (); open (MYFILE, "<$cmdLineOptions{datafile}") || exitWithError("Could not open \"$cmdLineOptions{datafile}\" for reading"); while (<MYFILE>) { chomp; my @fields = split(/:/, $_); $userData{$fields[0]} = { password=>$fields[1], displayName=>$fields[2], email=>$fields[3] }; } close (MYFILE); } sub writeUserData { open (MYFILE, ">$cmdLineOptions{datafile}") || exitWithError("Could not open \"$cmdLineOptions{datafile}\" for writing"); foreach my $userid (sort(keys(%userData))) { my $userInfo = $userData{$userid}; print MYFILE join(":", $userid, $userInfo->{password}, $userInfo->{displayName}, $userInfo->{email} ). "\n"; } close (MYFILE); } sub readPassword { Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho'); my $password = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0); Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('normal'); print "\n"; return $password; } sub readAndConfirmPassword { print "Please enter the password: "; my $pwd = readPassword(); print "Please re-enter the password: "; my $pwdCheck = readPassword(); exitWithError("The passwords are different") if $pwd ne $pwdCheck; return $pwd; } sub editUser { exitWithError("Please provide a valid user name") if ! $cmdLineOptions{userName}; my $userName = $cmdLineOptions{userName}; readUserData() if -r $cmdLineOptions{datafile}; my $encryptedPassword = undef; if ( ! defined($userData{$userName}) ) { # New user exitWithError("Please provide a valid display name") if ! $cmdLineOptions{displayName}; exitWithError("Please provide a valid email") if ! $cmdLineOptions{email}; $userData{$userName} = { }; if ( ! defined($cmdLineOptions{password}) ) { # No password provided on the command line. Force reading from terminal. $cmdLineOptions{password} = ""; } } if ( defined($cmdLineOptions{password}) && ! $cmdLineOptions{password} ) { $cmdLineOptions{password} = readAndConfirmPassword(); exitWithError("Please provide a non empty password") if ! $cmdLineOptions{password}; } if ( $cmdLineOptions{password} ) { $encryptedPassword = encryptpwd($userName, $cmdLineOptions{password}); } $userData{$userName}->{password} = $encryptedPassword if $encryptedPassword; $userData{$userName}->{displayName} = $cmdLineOptions{displayName} if $cmdLineOptions{displayName}; $userData{$userName}->{email} = $cmdLineOptions{email} if $cmdLineOptions{email}; # print Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%userData); print "New user data for $cmdLineOptions{userName}:\n"; foreach ( sort(keys(%{$userData{$userName}}))) { printf " %-15s : %s\n", $_, $userData{$userName}->{$_} } writeUserData(); }