= gerrit show-connections == NAME gerrit show-connections - Display active client SSH connections == SYNOPSIS [verse] -- _ssh_ -p _gerrit show-connections_ [--numeric | -n] -- == DESCRIPTION Presents a table of the active SSH connections, the users who are currently connected to the internal server and performing an activity. == ACCESS Caller must be a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group, or have been granted link:access-control.html#capability_viewConnections[the 'View Connections' global capability]. == SCRIPTING Intended for interactive use only. == OPTIONS --numeric:: -n:: Show client hostnames as IP addresses instead of DNS hostname. --wide:: -w:: Do not format the output to the terminal width (default of 80 columns). == DISPLAY Session:: Unique session identifier on this server. Session identifiers have a period of 2^32-1 and start from a random value. Start:: Time (local to the server) that this connection started. Only shown for MINA backend. Idle:: Time since the last data transfer on this connection. Note that most SSH clients use not only a TCP based connection keep-alive, but also an encrypted keep alive higher up in the SSH protocol stack. That higher keep alive resets the idle timer, about once a minute. Only shown for MINA backend. User:: The username of the account that is authenticated on this connection. If the -n option is used, this column shows the Account Id instead. Remote Host:: Reverse lookup hostname, or if -n option is used, the remote IP address. == EXAMPLES With reverse DNS lookup (default): ---- $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit show-connections Session Start Idle User Remote Host -------------------------------------------------------------- 3abf31e6 20:09:02 00:00:00 jdoe jdoe-desktop.example.com -- ---- Without reverse DNS lookup: ---- $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit show-connections -n Session Start Idle User Remote Host -------------------------------------------------------------- 3abf31e6 20:09:02 00:00:00 a/1001240 -- ---- GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------