= Gerrit Code Review - /access/ REST API This page describes the access rights related REST endpoints. Please also take note of the general information on the link:rest-api.html[REST API]. [[access-endpoints]] == Access Rights Endpoints [[list-access]] === List Access Rights -- 'GET /access/?project=link:rest-api-projects.html#project-name[\{project-name\}]' -- Lists the access rights for projects. The projects for which the access rights should be returned must be specified as `project` options. The `project` can be specified multiple times. As result a map is returned that maps the project name to link:#project-access-info[ProjectAccessInfo] entities. The entries in the map are sorted by project name. .Request ---- GET /access/?project=MyProject&project=All-Projects HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "All-Projects": { "revision": "edd453d18e08640e67a8c9a150cec998ed0ac9aa", "local": { "GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES": { "permissions": { "priority": { "rules": { "15bfcd8a6de1a69c50b30cedcdcc951c15703152": { "action": "BATCH" } } }, "streamEvents": { "rules": { "15bfcd8a6de1a69c50b30cedcdcc951c15703152": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "administrateServer": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" } } } } }, "refs/meta/config": { "permissions": { "submit": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "label-Code-Review": { "label": "Code-Review", "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW", "min": -2, "max": 2 }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW", "min": -2, "max": 2 } } }, "read": { "exclusive": true, "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "push": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } } } }, "refs/for/refs/*": { "permissions": { "pushMerge": { "rules": { "global:Registered-Users": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "push": { "rules": { "global:Registered-Users": { "action": "ALLOW" } } } } }, "refs/tags/*": { "permissions": { "pushSignedTag": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "pushTag": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } } } }, "refs/heads/*": { "permissions": { "forgeCommitter": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "forgeAuthor": { "rules": { "global:Registered-Users": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "submit": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "editTopicName": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW", "force": true }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW", "force": true } } }, "label-Code-Review": { "label": "Code-Review", "rules": { "global:Registered-Users": { "action": "ALLOW", "min": -1, "max": 1 }, "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW", "min": -2, "max": 2 }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW", "min": -2, "max": 2 } } }, "create": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } }, "push": { "rules": { "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "global:Project-Owners": { "action": "ALLOW" } } } } }, "refs/*": { "permissions": { "read": { "rules": { "global:Anonymous-Users": { "action": "ALLOW" }, "53a4f647a89ea57992571187d8025f830625192a": { "action": "ALLOW" } } } } } }, "is_owner": true, "owner_of": [ "GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES", "refs/meta/config", "refs/for/refs/*", "refs/tags/*", "refs/heads/*", "refs/*" ], "can_upload": true, "can_add": true, "config_visible": true }, "MyProject": { "revision": "61157ed63e14d261b6dca40650472a9b0bd88474", "inherits_from": { "id": "All-Projects", "name": "All-Projects", "description": "Access inherited by all other projects." }, "local": {}, "is_owner": true, "owner_of": [ "refs/*" ], "can_upload": true, "can_add": true, "config_visible": true } } ---- [[access-section-info]] === AccessSectionInfo The `AccessSectionInfo` describes the access rights that are assigned on a ref. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |================================== |Field Name ||Description |`permissions` || The permissions assigned on the ref of this access section as a map that maps the permission names to link:#permission-info[PermissionInfo] entities. |================================== [[permission-info]] === PermissionInfo The `PermissionInfo` entity contains information about an assigned permission. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |================================== |Field Name ||Description |`label` |optional| The name of the label. Not set if it's not a label permission. |`exclusive` |not set if `false`| Whether this permission is assigned exclusively. |`rules` || The rules assigned for this permission as a map that maps the UUIDs of the groups for which the permission are assigned to link:#permission-info[PermissionRuleInfo] entities. |================================== [[permission-rule-info]] === PermissionRuleInfo The `PermissionRuleInfo` entity contains information about a permission rule that is assigned to group. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |================================== |Field Name ||Description |`action` || The action of this rule. For normal permissions this can be `ALLOW`, `DENY` or `BLOCK`. Special values for global capabilities are `INTERACTIVE` and `BATCH`. |`force` |not set if `false`| Whether the force flag is set. |`min` | not set if range if empty (from `0` to `0`) or not set| The min value of the permission range. |`max` | not set if range if empty (from `0` to `0`) or not set| The max value of the permission range. |================================== [[project-access-info]] === ProjectAccessInfo The `ProjectAccessInfo` entity contains information about the access rights for a project. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |================================== |Field Name ||Description |`revision` || The revision of the `refs/meta/config` branch from which the access rights were loaded. |`inherits_from` |not set for the `All-Project` project| The parent project from which permissions are inherited as a link:rest-api-projects.html#project-info[ProjectInfo] entity. |`local` || The local access rights of the project as a map that maps the refs to link:#access-section-info[AccessSectionInfo] entities. |`is_owner` |not set if `false`| Whether the calling user owns this project. |`owner_of` ||The list of refs owned by the calling user. |`can_upload` |not set if `false`| Whether the calling user can upload to any ref. |`can_add` |not set if `false`| Whether the calling user can add any ref. |`config_visible` |not set if `false`| Whether the calling user can see the `refs/meta/config` branch of the project. |================================== GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------