= gerrit ban-commit == NAME gerrit ban-commit - Bans a commit from a project's repository. == SYNOPSIS -- 'ssh' -p 'gerrit ban-commit' [--reason ] ... -- == DESCRIPTION Marks a commit as banned for the specified repository. If a commit is banned Gerrit rejects every push that includes this commit with link:error-contains-banned-commit.html[contains banned commit ...]. [NOTE] This command just marks the commit as banned, but it does not remove the commit from the history of any central branch. This needs to be done manually. == ACCESS Caller must be owner of the project or be a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group. == SCRIPTING This command is intended to be used in scripts. == OPTIONS :: Required; name of the project for which the commit should be banned. :: Required; commit(s) that should be banned. --reason:: Reason for banning the commit. == EXAMPLES Ban commit `421919d015c062fd28901fe144a78a555d0b5984` from project `myproject`: ==== $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit ban-commit myproject \ 421919d015c062fd28901fe144a78a555d0b5984 ==== GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------