Gerrit Code Review - /accounts/ REST API ======================================== This page describes the account related REST endpoints. Please also take note of the general information on the link:rest-api.html[REST API]. [[account-endpoints]] Account Endpoints ----------------- [[get-account]] Get Account ~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]' Returns an account as an link:#account-info[AccountInfo] entity. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "_account_id": 1000096, "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "username": "john" } ---- [[create-account]] Create Account ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#username[\{username\}]' Creates a new account. In the request body additional data for the account can be provided as link:#account-input[AccountInput]. .Request ---- PUT /accounts/john HTTP/1.0 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "ssh_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw==", "http_password": "19D9aIn7zePb", "groups": [ "MyProject-Owners" ] } ---- As response a detailed link:#account-info[AccountInfo] entity is returned that describes the created account. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "_account_id": 1000195, "name": "John Doe", "email": "" } ---- [[get-account-name]] Get Account Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/name' Retrieves the full name of an account. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/name HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' "John Doe" ---- If the account does not have a name an empty string is returned. [[set-account-name]] Set Account Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/name' Sets the full name of an account. The new account name must be provided in the request body inside a link:#account-name-input[AccountNameInput] entity. .Request ---- PUT /accounts/self/name HTTP/1.0 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "name": "John F. Doe" } ---- As response the new account name is returned. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' "John F. Doe" ---- If the name was deleted the response is "`204 No Content`". Some realms may not allow to modify the account name. In this case the request is rejected with "`405 Method Not Allowed`". [[delete-account-name]] Delete Account Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'DELETE /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/name' Deletes the name of an account. .Request ---- DELETE /accounts/self/name HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content ---- [[get-username]] Get Username ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/username' Retrieves the username of an account. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/username HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' "john.doe" ---- If the account does not have a username the response is `404 Not Found`. [[get-active]] Get Active ~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/active' Checks if an account is active. .Request ---- GET /accounts/ HTTP/1.0 ---- As response `200 OK` is returned for an active account and `404 Not Found` is returned for an inactive account. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK ---- [[set-active]] Set Active ~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/active' Sets the account state to active. .Request ---- PUT /accounts/ HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 201 Created ---- If the account was already active the response is `200 OK`. [[delete-active]] Delete Active ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'DELETE /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/active' Sets the account state to inactive. .Request ---- DELETE /accounts/ HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content ---- If the account was already inactive the response is `404 Not Found`. [[get-http-password]] Get HTTP Password ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/password.http' Retrieves the HTTP password of an account. .Request ---- GET /accounts/ HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' "ETxgpih8xrNs" ---- If the account does not have an HTTP password the response is `404 Not Found`. [[set-http-password]] Set/Generate HTTP Password ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/password.http' Sets/Generates the HTTP password of an account. The options for setting/generating the HTTP password must be provided in the request body inside a link:#http-password-input[ HttpPasswordInput] entity. .Request ---- PUT /accounts/self/password.http HTTP/1.0 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "generate": true } ---- As response the new HTTP password is returned. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' "ETxgpih8xrNs" ---- If the HTTP password was deleted the response is "`204 No Content`". [[delete-http-password]] Delete HTTP Password ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'DELETE /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/password.http' Deletes the HTTP password of an account. .Request ---- DELETE /accounts/self/password.http HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content ---- [[list-account-emails]] List Account Emails ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/emails' Returns the email addresses that are configured for the specified user. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/emails HTTP/1.0 ---- As response the email addresses of the user are returned as a list of link:#email-info[EmailInfo] entities. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' [ { "email": "", "preferred": true }, { "email": "" } ] ---- [[get-account-email]] Get Account Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/emails/link:#email-id[\{email-id\}]' Retrieves an email address of a user. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/emails/ HTTP/1.0 ---- As response an link:#email-info[EmailInfo] entity is returned that describes the email address. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "email": "", "preferred": true } ---- [[create-account-email]] Create Account Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/emails/link:#email-id[\{email-id\}]' Registers a new email address for the user. A verification email is sent with a link that needs to be visited to confirm the email address, unless `DEVELOPMENT_BECOME_ANY_ACCOUNT` is used as authentication type. For the development mode email addresses are directly added without confirmation. A Gerrit administrator may add an email address without confirmation by setting `no_confirmation` in the link:#email-input[EmailInput]. In the request body additional data for the email address can be provided as link:#email-input[EmailInput]. .Request ---- PUT /accounts/self/emails/ HTTP/1.0 ---- As response the new email address is returned as link:#email-info[EmailInfo] entity. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "email": "", "pending_confirmation": true } ---- [[delete-account-email]] Delete Account Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'DELETE /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/emails/link:#email-id[\{email-id\}]' Deletes an email address of an account. .Request ---- DELETE /accounts/self/emails/ HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content ---- [[set-preferred-email]] Set Preferred Email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/emails/link:#email-id[\{email-id\}]/preferred' Sets an email address as preferred email address for an account. .Request ---- PUT /accounts/self/emails/ HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 201 Created ---- If the email address was already the preferred email address of the account the response is "`200 OK`". [[list-ssh-keys]] List SSH Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/sshkeys' Returns the SSH keys of an account. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/sshkeys HTTP/1.0 ---- As response the SSH keys of the account are returned as a list of link:#ssh-key-info[SshKeyInfo] entities. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' [ { "seq": 1, "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d", "encoded_key": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d", "algorithm": "ssh-rsa", "comment": "", "valid": true } ] ---- [[get-ssh-key]] Get SSH Key ~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/sshkeys/link:#ssh-key-id[\{ssh-key-id\}]' Retrieves an SSH key of a user. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/sshkeys/1 HTTP/1.0 ---- As response an link:#ssh-key-info[SshKeyInfo] entity is returned that describes the SSH key. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "seq": 1, "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d", "encoded_key": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d", "algorithm": "ssh-rsa", "comment": "", "valid": true } ---- [[add-ssh-key]] Add SSH Key ~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'POST /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/sshkeys' Adds an SSH key for a user. The SSH public key must be provided as raw content in the request body. .Request ---- POST /accounts/self/sshkeys HTTP/1.0 Content-Type: plain/text AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d ---- As response an link:#ssh-key-info[SshKeyInfo] entity is returned that describes the new SSH key. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "seq": 2, "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d", "encoded_key": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0T...YImydZAw\u003d\u003d", "algorithm": "ssh-rsa", "comment": "", "valid": true } ---- [[delete-ssh-key]] Delete SSH Key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'DELETE /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/sshkeys/link:#ssh-key-id[\{ssh-key-id\}]' Deletes an SSH key of a user. .Request ---- DELETE /accounts/self/sshkeys/2 HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content ---- [[list-account-capabilities]] List Account Capabilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/capabilities' Returns the global capabilities that are enabled for the specified user. If the global capabilities for the calling user should be listed, `self` can be used as account-id. This can be used by UI tools to discover if administrative features are available to the caller, so they can hide (or show) relevant UI actions. .Request ---- GET /accounts/self/capabilities HTTP/1.0 ---- As response the global capabilities of the user are returned as a link:#capability-info[CapabilityInfo] entity. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "queryLimit": { "min": 0, "max": 500 }, "emailReviewers": true } ---- Administrator that has authenticated with digest authentication: .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/capabilities HTTP/1.0 Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Gerrit Code Review", nonce="... ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "administrateServer": true, "queryLimit": { "min": 0, "max": 500 }, "createAccount": true, "createGroup": true, "createProject": true, "emailReviewers": true, "killTask": true, "viewCaches": true, "flushCaches": true, "viewConnections": true, "viewQueue": true, "runGC": true } ---- .Get your own capabilities **** get::/accounts/self/capabilities **** To filter the set of global capabilities the `q` parameter can be used. Filtering may decrease the response time by avoiding looking at every possible alternative for the caller. .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/capabilities?q=createAccount&q=createGroup HTTP/1.0 Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Gerrit Code Review", nonce="... ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "createAccount": true, "createGroup": true } ---- .Check if you can create groups **** get::/accounts/self/capabilities?q=createGroup **** [[check-account-capability]] Check Account Capability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/capabilities/link:#capability-id[\{capability-id\}]' Checks if a user has a certain global capability. .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/capabilities/createGroup HTTP/1.0 ---- If the user has the global capability the string `ok` is returned. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK ok ---- If the user doesn't have the global capability the response is `404 Not Found`. .Check if you can create groups **** get::/accounts/self/capabilities/createGroup **** [[list-groups]] List Groups ~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/groups/' Lists all groups that contain the specified user as a member. .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/groups/ HTTP/1.0 ---- As result a list of link:rest-api-groups.html#group-info[GroupInfo] entries is returned. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' [ { "kind": "gerritcodereview#group", "id": "global%3AAnonymous-Users", "url": "#/admin/groups/uuid-global%3AAnonymous-Users", "options": { }, "description": "Any user, signed-in or not", "group_id": 2, "owner_id": "6a1e70e1a88782771a91808c8af9bbb7a9871389" }, { "kind": "gerritcodereview#group", "id": "834ec36dd5e0ed21a2ff5d7e2255da082d63bbd7", "url": "#/admin/groups/uuid-834ec36dd5e0ed21a2ff5d7e2255da082d63bbd7", "options": { "visible_to_all": true, }, "group_id": 6, "owner_id": "834ec36dd5e0ed21a2ff5d7e2255da082d63bbd7" }, { "kind": "gerritcodereview#group", "id": "global%3ARegistered-Users", "url": "#/admin/groups/uuid-global%3ARegistered-Users", "options": { }, "description": "Any signed-in user", "group_id": 3, "owner_id": "6a1e70e1a88782771a91808c8af9bbb7a9871389" } ] ---- .List all groups that contain you as a member **** get::/accounts/self/groups/ **** [[get-avatar]] Get Avatar ~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/avatar' Retrieves the avatar image of the user. With the `size` option (alias `s`) you can specify the preferred size in pixels (height and width). .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/ HTTP/1.0 ---- The response redirects to the URL of the avatar image. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location: https://profiles/avatar/john_doe.jpeg?s=20x20 ---- [[get-avatar-change-url]] Get Avatar Change URL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/avatar.change.url' Retrieves the URL where the user can change the avatar image. .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/avatar.change.url HTTP/1.0 ---- .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8 https://profiles/pictures/john.doe ---- [[get-diff-preferences]] Get Diff Preferences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'GET /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/preferences.diff' Retrieves the diff preferences of a user. .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/preferences.diff HTTP/1.0 ---- As result the diff preferences of the user are returned as a link:#diff-preferences-info[DiffPreferencesInfo] entity. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "context": 10, "ignore_whitespace": "IGNORE_ALL_SPACE", "intraline_difference": true, "line_length": 100, "show_tabs": true, "show_whitespace_errors": true, "syntax_highlighting": true, "tab_size": 8 } ---- [[set-diff-preferences]] Set Diff Preferences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [verse] 'PUT /accounts/link:#account-id[\{account-id\}]/preferences.diff' Sets the diff preferences of a user. The new diff preferences must be provided in the request body as a link:#diff-preferences-input[DiffPreferencesInput] entity. .Request ---- GET /a/accounts/self/preferences.diff HTTP/1.0 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "context": 10, "ignore_whitespace": "IGNORE_ALL_SPACE", "intraline_difference": true, "line_length": 100, "show_line_endings": true, "show_tabs": true, "show_whitespace_errors": true, "syntax_highlighting": true, "tab_size": 8 } ---- As result the new diff preferences of the user are returned as a link:#diff-preferences-info[DiffPreferencesInfo] entity. .Response ---- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 )]}' { "context": 10, "ignore_whitespace": "IGNORE_ALL_SPACE", "intraline_difference": true, "line_length": 100, "show_line_endings": true, "show_tabs": true, "show_whitespace_errors": true, "syntax_highlighting": true, "tab_size": 8 } ---- [[ids]] IDs --- [[account-id]] \{account-id\} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Identifier that uniquely identifies one account. This can be: * a string of the format "Full Name " * just the email address ("email@example") * a full name if it is unique ("Full Name") * an account ID ("18419") * a user name ("username") * `self` for the calling user [[capability-id]] \{capability-id\} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Identifier of a global capability. Valid values are all field names of the link:#capability-info[CapabilityInfo] entity. [[email-id]] \{email-id\} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ An email address, or `preferred` for the preferred email address of the user. [[username]] \{username\} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user name. [[ssh-key-id]] \{ssh-key-id\} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sequence number of the SSH key. [[json-entities]] JSON Entities ------------- [[account-info]] AccountInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~ The `AccountInfo` entity contains information about an account. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |=========================== |Field Name ||Description |`_account_id` ||The numeric ID of the account. |`name` |optional|The full name of the user. + Only set if link:rest-api-changes.html#detailed-accounts[detailed account information] is requested. |`email` |optional| The email address the user prefers to be contacted through. + Only set if link:rest-api-changes.html#detailed-accounts[detailed account information] is requested. |`username` |optional|The username of the user. + Only set if link:rest-api-changes.html#detailed-accounts[detailed account information] is requested. |=========================== [[account-input]] AccountInput ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `AccountInput` entity contains information for the creation of a new account. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^2,4"] |============================ |Field Name ||Description |`username` |optional| The user name. If provided, must match the user name from the URL. |`name` |optional|The full name of the user. |`email` |optional|The email address of the user. |`ssh_key` |optional|The public SSH key of the user. |`http_password`|optional|The HTTP password of the user. |`groups` |optional| A list of link:rest-api-groups.html#group-id[group IDs] that identify the groups to which the user should be added. |============================ [[account-name-input]] AccountNameInput ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `AccountNameInput` entity contains information for setting a name for an account. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^2,4"] |============================= |Field Name ||Description |`name` |optional|The new full name of the account. + If not set or if set to an empty string, the account name is deleted. |============================= [[capability-info]] CapabilityInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `CapabilityInfo` entity contains information about the global capabilities of a user. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |================================= |Field Name ||Description |`administrateServer`|not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_administrateServer[Administrate Server] capability. |`queryLimit`||The link:access-control.html#capability_queryLimit[Query Limit] of the user as link:#query-limit-info[QueryLimitInfo]. |`createAccount` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_createAccount[Create Account] capability. |`createGroup` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_createGroup[Create Group] capability. |`createProject` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_createProject[Create Project] capability. |`emailReviewers` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_emailReviewers[Email Reviewers] capability. |`killTask` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_kill[Kill Task] capability. |`viewCaches` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_viewCaches[View Caches] capability. |`flushCaches` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_flushCaches[Flush Caches] capability. |`viewConnections` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_viewConnections[View Connections] capability. |`viewQueue` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_viewQueue[View Queue] capability. |`runGC` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the link:access-control.html#capability_runGC[Run Garbage Collection] capability. |================================= [[diff-preferences-info]] DiffPreferencesInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `DiffPreferencesInfo` entity contains information about the diff preferences of a user. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |===================================== |Field Name ||Description |`context` || The number of lines of context when viewing a patch. |`expand_all_comments` |not set if `false`| Whether all inline comments should be automatically expanded. |`ignore_whitespace` || Whether whitespace changes should be ignored and if yes, which whitespace changes should be ignored. + Allowed values are `IGNORE_NONE`, `IGNORE_SPACE_AT_EOL`, `IGNORE_SPACE_CHANGE`, `IGNORE_ALL_SPACE`. |`intraline_difference` |not set if `false`| Whether intraline differences should be highlighted. |`line_length` || Number of characters that should be displayed in one line. |`manual_review` |not set if `false`| Whether the 'Reviewed' flag should not be set automatically on a patch when it is viewed. |`retain_header` |not set if `false`| Whether the header that is displayed above the patch (that either shows the commit message, the diff preferences, the patch sets or the files) should be retained on file switch. |`show_line_endings` |not set if `false`| Whether Windows EOL/Cr-Lf should be displayed as '\r' in a dotted-line box. |`show_tabs` |not set if `false`| Whether tabs should be shown. |`show_whitespace_errors`|not set if `false`| Whether whitespace errors should be shown. |`skip_deleted` |not set if `false`| Whether deleted files should be skipped on file switch. |`skip_uncommented` |not set if `false`| Whether uncommented files should be skipped on file switch. |`syntax_highlighting` |not set if `false`| Whether syntax highlighting should be enabled. |`tab_size` || Number of spaces that should be used to display one tab. |===================================== [[diff-preferences-input]] DiffPreferencesInput ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `DiffPreferencesInput` entity contains information for setting the diff preferences of a user. Fields which are not set will not be updated. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |===================================== |Field Name ||Description |`context` |optional| The number of lines of context when viewing a patch. |`expand_all_comments` |optional| Whether all inline comments should be automatically expanded. |`ignore_whitespace` |optional| Whether whitespace changes should be ignored and if yes, which whitespace changes should be ignored. + Allowed values are `IGNORE_NONE`, `IGNORE_SPACE_AT_EOL`, `IGNORE_SPACE_CHANGE`, `IGNORE_ALL_SPACE`. |`intraline_difference` |optional| Whether intraline differences should be highlighted. |`line_length` |optional| Number of characters that should be displayed in one line. |`manual_review` |optional| Whether the 'Reviewed' flag should not be set automatically on a patch when it is viewed. |`retain_header` |optional| Whether the header that is displayed above the patch (that either shows the commit message, the diff preferences, the patch sets or the files) should be retained on file switch. |`show_line_endings` |optional| Whether Windows EOL/Cr-Lf should be displayed as '\r' in a dotted-line box. |`show_tabs` |optional| Whether tabs should be shown. |`show_whitespace_errors`|optional| Whether whitespace errors should be shown. |`skip_deleted` |optional| Whether deleted files should be skipped on file switch. |`skip_uncommented` |optional| Whether uncommented files should be skipped on file switch. |`syntax_highlighting` |optional| Whether syntax highlighting should be enabled. |`tab_size` |optional| Number of spaces that should be used to display one tab. |===================================== [[email-info]] EmailInfo ~~~~~~~~~ The `EmailInfo` entity contains information about an email address of a user. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |======================== |Field Name ||Description |`email` ||The email address. |`preferred`|not set if `false`| Whether this is the preferred email address of the user. |`pending_confirmation`|not set if `false`| Set true if the user must confirm control of the email address by following a verification link before Gerrit will permit use of this address. |======================== [[email-input]] EmailInput ~~~~~~~~~~ The `EmailInput` entity contains information for registering a new email address. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |============================== |Field Name ||Description |`email` || The email address. If provided, must match the email address from the URL. |`preferred` |`false` if not set| Whether the new email address should become the preferred email address of the user (only supported if `no_confirmation` is set or if the authentication type is `DEVELOPMENT_BECOME_ANY_ACCOUNT`). |`no_confirmation`|`false` if not set| Whether the email address should be added without confirmation. In this case no verification email is sent to the user. + Only Gerrit administrators are allowed to add email addresses without confirmation. |============================== [[http-password-input]] HttpPasswordInput ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `HttpPasswordInput` entity contains information for setting/generating an HTTP password. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |============================ |Field Name ||Description |`generate` |`false` if not set| Whether a new HTTP password should be generated |`http_password`|optional| The new HTTP password. Only Gerrit administrators may set the HTTP password directly. + If empty or not set and `generate` is false or not set, the HTTP password is deleted. |============================ [[query-limit-info]] QueryLimitInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `QueryLimitInfo` entity contains information about the link:access-control.html#capability_queryLimit[Query Limit] of a user. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,6"] |================================ |Field Name |Description |`min` |Lower limit. |`max` |Upper limit. |================================ [[ssh-key-info]] SshKeyInfo ~~~~~~~~~~ The `SshKeyInfo` entity contains information about an SSH key of a user. [options="header",width="50%",cols="1,^1,5"] |============================= |Field Name ||Description |`seq` ||The sequence number of the SSH key. |`ssh_public_key`||The complete public SSH key. |`encoded_key` ||The encoded key. |`algorithm` ||The algorithm of the SSH key. |`comment` |optional|The comment of the SSH key. |`valid` ||Whether the SSH key is valid. |============================= GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]