Gerrit Code Review - Dashboards =============================== Custom Dashboards ----------------- A custom dashboard is shown in a layout similar to the per-user dashboard, but the sections are entirely configured from the URL. Because of this custom dashboards are stateless on the server side. Users or projects can simply trade URLs using an external system like a project wiki, or site administrators can put the links into the site's `GerritHeader.html` or `GerritFooter.html`. Dashboards are available via URLs like: ---- /#/dashboard/?title=Custom+View& ---- This opens a view showing the title "Custom View" with two sections, "To Review" and "Pending in myproject": ---- Custom View To Review Results of `` Pending In myproject Results of `project:myproject is:open` ---- The dashboard URLs are easy to configure. All keys and values in the URL are encoded as query parameters. Set the page and window title using an optional `title=Text` parameter. Each section's title is defined by the parameter name, the section display order is defined by the order the parameters appear in the URL, and the query results are defined by the parameter value. To limit the number of rows in a query use `limit:N`, otherwise the entire result set will be shown (up to the user's query limit). Parameters may be separated from each other using any of the following characters, as some users may find one more readable than another: `&` or `;` or `,` The special `foreach=...` parameter is designed to facilitate more easily writing similar queries in a dashboard. The value of the foreach parameter will be used in every query in the dashboard by appending it to their ends with a space (ANDing it with the queries). Example custom dashboard using foreach to constrain a dashboard to changes for the current user: ---- /#/dashboard/?title=Mine&foreach=owner:self&My+Pending=is:open&My+Merged=is:merged ---- [[project-dashboards]] Project Dashboards ------------------ It is possible to share custom dashboards at a project level. To do this define the dashboards in a `refs/meta/dashboards/*` branch of the project. For each dashboard create a config file. The file path/name will be used as name (equivalent to a title in a custom dashboard) for the dashboard. Example of a dashboard config file: ---- [dashboard] description = Most recent open and merged changes. [section "Open Changes"] query = status:open project:myProject limit:15 [section "Merged Changes"] query = status:merged project:myProject limit:15 ---- Once defined, project dashboards are accessible using stable URLs by using the project name, refname and pathname of the dashboard via URLs , e.g. create a dashboard config file named `Main` and push it to `refs/meta/dashboards/Site` branch of All-Projects, then access it like: ---- /#/projects/All-Projects,dashboards/Site:Main ---- Project dashboards are inherited from ancestor projects unless overridden by dashboards with the same ref and name. This makes it easy to define common dashboards for every project by simply defining project dashboards on the All-Projects project. Token `${project}` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Project dashboard queries may contain the special `${project}` token which will be replaced with the name of the project to which the dashboard is being applied. This is useful for defining dashboards designed to be inherited. With this token, it is possible to cause a query in a project dashboard to be restricted to only changes for the project in which an inherited dashboard is being applied by simply adding `project:${project}` to the query in the dashboard. The `${project}` token can also be used in the link:#dashboard.title[ dashboard title] and in the link:#dashboard.description[dashboard description]. Section `dashboard` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[dashboard.title]]dashboard.title:: + The title of the dashboard. + If not specified the path of the dashboard config file is used as title. [[dashboard.description]]dashboard.description:: + The description of the dashboard. dashboard.foreach:: + The value of the foreach parameter gets appended to every query in the dashboard. + Example dashboard config section to constrain the entire dashboard to the project to which it is applied: + ---- [dashboard] foreach = project:${project} ---- Section `section` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ section..query:: + The change query that should be used to populate the section with the given name. [[project-default-dashboard]] Project Default Dashboard ------------------------- It is possible to define a default dashboard for a project in the projects `project.config` file in the `refs/meta/config` branch: ---- [dashboard] default = refs/meta/dashboards/main:default ---- The dashboard set as the default dashboard will be inherited as the default dashboard by child projects if they do not define their own default dashboard. The `local-default` entry makes it possible to define a different default dashboard that is only used by this project but not inherited to the child projects. ---- [dashboard] default = refs/meta/dashboards/main:default local-default = refs/meta/dashboards/main:local ---- GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]