gerrit show-caches =================== NAME ---- gerrit show-caches - Display current cache statistics SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'ssh' -p 'gerrit show-caches' [--gc] [--show-jvm] DESCRIPTION ----------- Display statistics about the size and hit ratio of in-memory caches. OPTIONS ------- --gc:: Request Java garbage collection before displaying information about the Java memory heap. --show-jvm:: List the name and version of the Java virtual machine, host operating system, and other details about the environment that Gerrit Code Review is running in. ACCESS ------ Caller must be a member of the privileged 'Administrators' group, or have been granted link:access-control.html#capability_viewCaches[the 'View Caches' global capability]. SCRIPTING --------- Intended for interactive use only. EXAMPLES -------- ==== $ ssh -p 29418 gerrit show-caches Gerrit Code Review 2.2.2 now 10:03:34 PDT uptime 1 min 39 sec Name Max |Object Count | AvgGet |Hit Ratio | Age | Disk Mem Cnt| |Disk Mem Agg | -------------------------+--------------------+----------+--------------+ accounts 90d | 1| | 95%| accounts_byemail 90d | | | | accounts_byname 90d | 1| | | adv_bases 10m | | | | D diff 90d | 8 8| | | D diff_intraline 90d | 1 1| | | groups 90d | 19| | 0%| groups_byext 90d | | | | groups_byinclude 90d | 21| | 80%| groups_byname 90d | | | | groups_byuuid 90d | | | | project_list 90d | | | | projects 90d | 1| | 80%| sshkeys 90d | 1| | 90%| D web_sessions 12h | | | | SSH: 1 users, oldest session started 782 ms ago Tasks: 2 total = 1 running + 0 ready + 1 sleeping Mem: 46.13m total = 16.17m used + 29.96m free + 0.00k buffers 246.56m max 0 open files, 6 cpus available, 23 threads ==== SEE ALSO -------- * link:cmd-flush-caches.html[gerrit flush-caches] * link:config-gerrit.html#cache[Cache Configuration] * link:config-gerrit.html#cache_names[Standard Caches] GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]