# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Rule definitions loaded by default into every BUCK file. include_defs('//tools/gwt-constants.defs') import copy def genantlr( name, srcs, out): tmp = name + '.src.zip' genrule( name = name, srcs = srcs, cmd = '$(exe //lib/antlr:antlr-tool) -o $TMP $SRCS;' + 'cd $TMP;' + 'zip -qr $OUT .', deps = ['//lib/antlr:antlr-tool'], out = out, ) def gwt_module(gwt_xml=None, **kwargs): kw = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) if 'resources' not in kw: kw['resources'] = [] if gwt_xml: kw['resources'] += [gwt_xml] if 'srcs' in kw: kw['resources'] += kw['srcs'] java_library(**kw) def gerrit_extension( name, deps = [], provided_deps = [], srcs = [], resources = [], manifest_file = None, manifest_entries = [], visibility = ['PUBLIC']): gerrit_plugin( name = name, deps = deps, provided_deps = provided_deps, srcs = srcs, resources = resources, manifest_file = manifest_file, manifest_entries = manifest_entries, type = 'extension', visibility = visibility, ) def gerrit_plugin( name, deps = [], provided_deps = [], srcs = [], resources = [], gwt_module = None, manifest_file = None, manifest_entries = [], type = 'plugin', visibility = ['PUBLIC']): from multiprocessing import cpu_count mf_cmd = 'v=$(git describe HEAD);' if manifest_file: mf_src = [manifest_file] mf_cmd += 'sed "s:@VERSION@:$v:g" $SRCS >$OUT' else: mf_src = [] mf_cmd += 'echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" >$OUT;' mf_cmd += 'echo "Gerrit-ApiType: %s" >>$OUT;' % type mf_cmd += 'echo "Implementation-Version: $v" >>$OUT;' mf_cmd += 'echo "Implementation-Vendor: Gerrit Code Review" >>$OUT' for line in manifest_entries: line = line.replace('$', '\$') mf_cmd += ';echo "%s" >> $OUT' % line genrule( name = name + '__manifest', cmd = mf_cmd, srcs = mf_src, out = 'MANIFEST.MF', ) gwt_deps = [] static_jars = [] if gwt_module: gwt_deps = GWT_PLUGIN_DEPS static_jars = [':%s-static-jar' % name] java_library( name = name + '__plugin', srcs = srcs, resources = resources, deps = deps, provided_deps = ['//gerrit-%s-api:lib' % type] + provided_deps + gwt_deps, visibility = ['//tools/eclipse:classpath'], ) if gwt_module: prebuilt_jar( name = '%s-static-jar' % name, binary_jar = genfile('%s-static.zip' % name), deps = [':%s-static' % name], ) genrule( name = '%s-static' % name, cmd = 'mkdir -p $TMP/static' + ';unzip -qd $TMP/static $(location %s)' % ':%s__gwt_application' % name + ';cd $TMP' + ';zip -qr $OUT .', out = '%s-static.zip' % name, deps = [':%s__gwt_application' % name] ) gwt_binary( name = name + '__gwt_application', modules = [gwt_module], deps = gwt_deps, module_deps = [':%s__plugin' % name], local_workers = cpu_count(), strict = True, experimental_args = GWT_COMPILER_ARGS, vm_args = GWT_JVM_ARGS, ) java_binary( name = name, manifest_file = genfile('MANIFEST.MF'), deps = [ ':%s__plugin' % name, ':%s__manifest' % name, ] + static_jars, visibility = visibility, ) def java_sources( name, srcs, visibility = [] ): java_library( name = name, resources = srcs, visibility = visibility, ) def java_doc( name, title, pkg, paths, srcs = [], deps = [], visibility = [], do_it_wrong = False, ): if do_it_wrong: sourcepath = paths else: sourcepath = ['$SRCDIR/' + n for n in paths] genrule( name = name, cmd = ' '.join([ 'while ! test -f .buckconfig; do cd ..; done;', 'javadoc', '-quiet', '-protected', '-encoding UTF-8', '-charset UTF-8', '-notimestamp', '-windowtitle "' + title + '"', '-link http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api', '-subpackages ' + pkg, '-sourcepath ', ':'.join(sourcepath), ' -classpath ', ':'.join(['$(location %s)' % n for n in deps]), '-d $TMP', ]) + ';jar cf $OUT -C $TMP .', srcs = srcs, deps = deps, out = name + '.jar', visibility = visibility, )