= gerrit set-reviewers == NAME gerrit set-reviewers - Add or remove reviewers to a change == SYNOPSIS [verse] -- _ssh_ -p _gerrit set-reviewers_ [--project | -p ] [--add ... | -a ...] [--remove ... | -r ...] [--] {CHANGE-ID}... -- == DESCRIPTION Adds or removes reviewers to the specified change, sending email notifications when changes are made. Changes can be specified in the link:rest-api-changes.html#change-id[same format] supported by the REST API. == OPTIONS --project:: -p:: Name of the project the intended change is contained within. This option must be supplied before Change-Id in order to take effect. --add:: -a:: A user that should be added as reviewer to the change or a group for which all members should be added as reviewers to the change. Multiple users and groups can be added at once as reviewers by using this option multiple times. --remove:: -r:: Remove this user from the reviewer list of the change. Multiple users can be removed at once from the reviewer list by using this option multiple times. --help:: -h:: Display site-specific usage information == ACCESS Any user who has configured an SSH key. == SCRIPTING This command is intended to be used in scripts. == EXAMPLES Add reviewers alice and bob, but remove eve from change Iac6b2ac2. ---- $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit set-reviewers \ -a alice@example.com -a bob@example.com \ -r eve@example.com \ Iac6b2ac2 ---- Add reviewer elvis to old-style change id 1935 specifying that the change is in project "graceland" ---- $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit set-reviewers \ --project graceland \ -a elvis@example.com \ 1935 ---- Add all project owners as reviewers to change Iac6b2ac2. ---- $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit set-reviewers \ -a "'Project Owners'" \ Iac6b2ac2 ---- GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------