load("//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl", "GERRIT", "MAVEN_LOCAL", "MAVEN_CENTRAL", "maven_jar") _JGIT_VERS = "" _DOC_VERS = _JGIT_VERS # Set to _JGIT_VERS unless using a snapshot JGIT_DOC_URL = "http://download.eclipse.org/jgit/site/" + _DOC_VERS + "/apidocs" _JGIT_REPO = MAVEN_CENTRAL # Leave here even if set to MAVEN_CENTRAL. # set this to use a local version. # "/home/<user>/projects/jgit" LOCAL_JGIT_REPO = "" def jgit_repos(): if LOCAL_JGIT_REPO: native.local_repository( name = "jgit", path = LOCAL_JGIT_REPO, ) else: jgit_maven_repos() def jgit_maven_repos(): maven_jar( name = "jgit_lib", artifact = "org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:" + _JGIT_VERS, repository = _JGIT_REPO, sha1 = "f1a2099e87cb57525233a5e882b4e35b5a2803dc", src_sha1 = "1646655e3ed54c01dfa31881dd6e7fea5ec74dd2", unsign = True, ) maven_jar( name = "jgit_servlet", artifact = "org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.http.server:" + _JGIT_VERS, repository = _JGIT_REPO, sha1 = "4613ff060415639f53fbed0f703f1e81688a9ac5", unsign = True, ) maven_jar( name = "jgit_archive", artifact = "org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.archive:" + _JGIT_VERS, repository = _JGIT_REPO, sha1 = "8fd983244622c9085f74cec4361761119c7093fe", ) maven_jar( name = "jgit_junit", artifact = "org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.junit:" + _JGIT_VERS, repository = _JGIT_REPO, sha1 = "d50f32f886cd4dfe2590dec9631578660c672df5", unsign = True, ) def jgit_dep(name): mapping = { "@jgit_junit//jar": "@jgit//org.eclipse.jgit.junit:junit", "@jgit_lib//jar:src": "@jgit//org.eclipse.jgit:libjgit-src.jar", "@jgit_lib//jar": "@jgit//org.eclipse.jgit:jgit", "@jgit_servlet//jar":"@jgit//org.eclipse.jgit.http.server:jgit-servlet", "@jgit_archive//jar": "@jgit//org.eclipse.jgit.archive:jgit-archive", } if LOCAL_JGIT_REPO: return mapping[name] else: return name