#!/usr/bin/python from optparse import OptionParser import re import subprocess import sys """ This script generates a release note from the output of git log between the specified tags. Options: --issues Show output the commits with issues associated with them. --issue-numbers Show outputs issue numbers of the commits with issues associated with them Arguments: since -- tag name until -- tag name Example Input: * <commit subject> + <commit message> Bug: issue 123 Change-Id: <change id> Signed-off-by: <name> Expected Output: * issue 123 <commit subject> + <commit message> """ parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] <since> <until>') parser.add_option('-i', '--issues', action='store_true', dest='issues_only', default=False, help='only output the commits with issues association') parser.add_option('-n', '--issue-numbers', action='store_true', dest='issue_numbers_only', default=False, help='only outputs issue numbers of the commits with \ issues association') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.error("wrong number of arguments") issues_only = options.issues_only issue_numbers_only = options.issue_numbers_only since_until = args[0] + '..' + args[1] proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'log', '--reverse', '--no-merges', since_until, "--format=* %s%n+%n%b"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,) stdout_value = proc.communicate()[0] subject = "" message = [] is_issue = False # regex pattern to match following cases such as Bug: 123, Issue Bug: 123, # Bug: GERRIT-123, Bug: issue 123, Bug issue: 123, issue: 123, issue: bug 123 p = re.compile('bug: GERRIT-|bug(:? issue)?:? |issue(:? bug)?:? ', re.IGNORECASE) if issue_numbers_only: for line in stdout_value.splitlines(True): if p.match(line): sys.stdout.write(p.sub('', line)) else: for line in stdout_value.splitlines(True): # Move issue number to subject line if p.match(line): line = p.sub('issue ', line).replace('\n',' ') subject = subject[:2] + line + subject[2:] is_issue = True elif line.startswith('* '): # Write change log for a commit if subject != "": if (not issues_only or is_issue): # Write subject sys.stdout.write(subject) # Write message lines if message != []: # Clear + from last line in commit message message[-1] = '\n' for m in message: sys.stdout.write(m) # Start new commit block message = [] subject = line is_issue = False # Remove commit footers elif re.match(r'((\w+-)+\w+:)', line): continue # Don't add extra blank line if last one is already blank elif line == '\n' and message and message[-1] != '+\n': message.append('+\n') elif line != '\n': message.append(line)