= Deploy Gerrit Artifacts [[deploy-configuration-setting-maven-central]] == Deploy Configuration settings for Maven Central Some Gerrit artifacts (e.g. the Gerrit WAR file, the Gerrit Plugin API and the Gerrit Extension API) are published on Maven Central in the `com.google.gerrit` repository. To be able to publish artifacts to Maven Central some preparations must be done: * Create an account on link:https://issues.sonatype.org/secure/Signup!default.jspa[Sonatype's Jira]. + Sonatype is the company that runs Maven Central and you need a Sonatype account to be able to upload artifacts to Maven Central. * Configure your Sonatype user and password in `~/.m2/settings.xml`: + ---- sonatype-nexus-staging USER PASSWORD ---- * Request permissions to upload artifacts to the `com.google.gerrit` repository on Maven Central: + Ask for this permission by adding a comment on the link:https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-7392[OSSRH-7392] Jira ticket at Sonatype. + The request needs to be approved by someone who already has this permission by commenting on the same issue. * Generate and publish a PGP key + Generate and publish a PGP key as described in link:http://central.sonatype.org/pages/working-with-pgp-signatures.html[ Working with PGP Signatures]. + Please be aware that after publishing your public key it may take a while until it is visible to the Sonatype server. + The PGP key is needed to be able to sign the artifacts before the upload to Maven Central. + The PGP passphrase can be put in `~/.m2/settings.xml`: + ---- gpg gpg2 mypassphrase gpg ---- + It can also be included in the key chain on OS X. [[deploy-configuration-settings-xml]] == Deploy Configuration in Maven `settings.xml` Gerrit Subproject Artifacts are stored on link:https://developers.google.com/storage/[Google Cloud Storage]. Via the link:https://console.developers.google.com/project/164060093628[Developers Console] the Gerrit maintainers have access to the `Gerrit Code Review` project. This projects host several buckets for storing Gerrit artifacts: * `gerrit-api`: + Bucket to store the Gerrit Extension API Jar and the Gerrit Plugin API Jar. * `gerrit-maven`: + Bucket to store Gerrit Subproject Artifacts (e.g. `gwtjsonrpc` etc.). To upload artifacts to a bucket the user must authenticate with a username and password. The username and password need to be retrieved from the link:https://console.developers.google.com/project/164060093628[ Google Developers Console]: * In the menu on the left select `Storage` -> `Cloud Storage` > > `Storage access` * Select the `Interoperability` tab * If no keys are listed under `Interoperable storage access keys`, select "Create a new key" * Use the `Access Key` as username, and `Secret` as the password To make the username and password known to Maven, they must be configured in the `~/.m2/settings.xml` file. ---- gerrit-api-repository GOOG..EXAMPLE.....EXAMPLE EXAMPLE..EXAMPLE..EXAMPLE gerrit-maven-repository GOOG..EXAMPLE.....EXAMPLE EXAMPLE..EXAMPLE..EXAMPLE gerrit-plugins-repository GOOG..EXAMPLE.....EXAMPLE EXAMPLE..EXAMPLE..EXAMPLE ---- [[deploy-configuration-subprojects]] === Gerrit Subprojects * You will need to have the following in the `pom.xml` to make it deployable to the `gerrit-maven` storage bucket: ---- gerrit-maven-repository Gerrit Maven Repository gs://gerrit-maven true ---- NOTE: In case of JGit the `pom.xml` already contains a distributionManagement section. Replace the existing distributionManagement section with this snippet in order to deploy the artifacts only in the gerrit-maven repository. * Add these two snippets to the `pom.xml` to enable the wagon provider: ---- google-storage https://console.developers.google.com/storage/browser/gerrit-maven/ ---- ---- com.googlesource.gerrit gs-maven-wagon 3.3 ---- GERRIT ------ Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] SEARCHBOX ---------