= Release notes for Gerrit 2.0.8 Gerrit 2.0.8 is now available in the usual location: link:https://www.gerritcodereview.com/download/index.html[https://www.gerritcodereview.com/download/index.html] *WARNING: This version contains a schema change.* Schema upgrade: java -jar gerrit.war --cat sql/upgrade006_007.sql | psql reviewdb This version has some major bug fixes for JGit. I strongly encourage people to upgrade, we had a number of JGit bugs identified last week, all of them should be fixed in this release. == New Features * Allow users to subscribe to submitted change events + Someone asked me on an IRC channel to have Gerrit send emails when changes are actually merged into a project. This is what triggered the schema change; there is a new checkbox on the Watched Projects list under Settings to subscribe to these email notifications. * BCC any user who has starred a change when sending rela... + A nice idea. If the user starred the change, keep them informed on all emails related to that change, even if they aren't otherwise watching that project. * GERRIT-33 Quote the line a comment applies to when sending commen... + A long standing "bug"/feature request. I had a small chunk of time I didn't know what else to do with on Friday... it was too small for most items on the open list, so this got done instead. * Record the remote host name in the reflogs * Record the starting revision expression used when makin... + The reflogs now contain the remote user's IP address when Gerrit makes edits, resulting in slightly more detail than was there before. == Bug Fixes * Make sure only valid ObjectIds can be passed into git d... * GERRIT-92 Upgrade JGit to 0.4.0-262-g3c268c8 + The JGit bug fixes are rather major. I would strongly encourage upgrading. == Other Changes * Start 2.0.8 development * Upgrade MINA SSHD to SVN trunk 755651 * Fix a minor whitespace error in ChangeMail * Refactor patch parsing support to be usable outside of ... * Gerrit 2.0.8